Plant Propagation: The Basics Summer 2016

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

That was pretty wild for today Ju. So, your mulcher is finished and works good? It looks like it works good.

Yay...yippee...with a happy dance about the Pink Poodle. The flower will gradually darken in color and it will double. It will, I said. I love's still blooming, wow.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin thank you about the Hyperion If you want when their done blooming , seeds or a plant of Hyperion ,I will be delighted to let you have ,,
The Shredder worked good today I still have the silver aluminized cardboard door behind the spout so I can fine grind with earth for soils , or lift it out and let the heavier come through the spout , it's Not bad for mostly paper and glue .lol
I sure hope the pink poodle will double , first bloom got knocked off , still has three good stalks and a fourth smaller with more blooms coming , Thank you ,
I will get some food and mulch to that shortly .
That wild photo , is wormwood , white Echinacea ,Agastache Rugosa , purple Echinacea Milkweed , and possibly a Lovage ,, and there is a purple phlox blooming in there next to some Fleabane , But I will be a wizard if I can see hardly any of them in that photo , lol

Thumbnail by juhur7
Oxdrift, Canada

OMG Ju, what a contraption! Nice flowers though especially orange zinnia.

Top and bottom of the water falls.

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Oxdrift, Canada

1. Climbing lily
2. Meant to verify name of this perennial before I posted. I believe it is variegated heliopsis. If not I will correct. Sorry
3, Finally finished painting front door. Took 5 coats!
4. Bidens campfire Fireburst just starting to bloom in planter box atop 40 foot lattice wall

This message was edited Jul 10, 2016 1:43 AM

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Oxdrift, Canada

Just to verify name of perennial above and OMG this thing changed the order of my photos. #2 is Bidens, and #3 is variegated heliopsis.
What a mess! Have to stop posting at near 2:00 AM !

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes one loses focus in the A.M Keith Nice painting work , You have such very wonderful settings with your plants ,
Makes the seasons seem so much nicer all the variety ,

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Keith I suspect that "DYC" is:
Heliopsis 'Helhan' aka 'Loraine Sunshine'
I tried it a few times, could not get it to stay but this may have been due to neglect on my part. I really like it and may try again-yours is nice!

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

As usual Keith...very, very nice. I love your front entrance and the color of the door, it looks really good. Five coats? Did you use primer? I'm going to have my eye open for variegated Heliopsis, it has beautiful patterned foliage. Your Gloriosa Lily looks good too.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Ju, I'd love some Hyperion if you'll take something of mine in return.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I been chopping , trimming shrubs cut the front yard , watered the little kale .
Watched the third Monarch butterfly of the season I have seen here ,
it is warm out ,, I will get that to you Robin when their ready ,
Shredded half a garbage bag three buckets to the compost pile ,,lol

Oxdrift, Canada

Robin, yes I had to use primer because I was changing from an oil base to a latex. It was already that colour. Was painted 2 years ago with an oil base and the bottom half looked like h--- already. Faded and really streaky in almost run lines. Didn't want to use same paint again after that fiasco so in changing from oil to latex had to prime with an oil base primer then safe to paint with latex. Used a really high tech latex that only comes in a gallon at $75 so better be good. If it fails again guess I will have to resort to a lighter colour much to my chagrin. As you can tell I like colours that POP

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi guys, what a quick weekend. Love those fluffy chicken/roosters. I so wish I had some.
Some things do well from seed and some things get planted and surprise me two years later with a show. I am excited to have another cross on my four o clock show up, but have to take a pic. I can only tell you rudbeckia hirta is what that one is, Keith.
I have another one that has spots around the wheel, will try to get a pic. Love the Texas red, I have planted a white from you, Robin, still waiting.
It will prolly surprise me next year. love the zinnia Ju.
I really love the st johns wort with the feverfew. Great combo.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wow I am really lost, all the new postings suddenly appeared. Looks like a real nice place there, Keith. Good Job on the front door. Love your gloriosa lily's, too.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

here is a phlox in the fleabane and an incarnata that is really tall this year
Hi Debra mine updating does that also

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

I am watching the flowers dance by- i love all of them. I like the door colors Keith. My only problem is wading thru 13 pages to get to the new posts. My new exercise for the time off was pulling those blasted sensitive weeds that have grown since I left...watering my basils that are apparently feeding wild bees, they are here when the blooms begin. Honeybees love basils, bumbles love sages and salvias. If I were here longer I would thin bloom stalks by a third so they will double again. Only managed to clean the basils, the oregano is cleared, but the zinnias are still covered.

Oxdrift, Canada

OK. We are going a little random again.. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little better. We have lilies. Should photograph some of those tomorrow.
We had some cute little guests out front while we were cooking dinner. We saw a doe with a single fawn about a week ago but weren't able to get any pics. These 2 played for quite a while but are harder to photograph than flowers.

Then, this is what happens when you are stupid enough to wear shorts when you go rock collecting!!!! We are starting another project, and since the weatherman forecasted rain all day we chose to collect rocks. Forecaster was wrong but we have rocks. First trip went good. Second not as well. The rock that caused all this better look real good in the unveiling because the pain it caused me was a little uncalled for. I will send before and after pics of the project when complete but will probably be a few days as grass needs cutting tomorrow then it's off to Kenora to see the other grandkids on Wed. and Thurs.

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Fort Worth, TX

Rock collecting is rough work Beautiful flowers everyone

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Ouch Keith, I'm sure the project results will be well worth the effort and the pain. After visiting your Grandkids you'll be well on the road to recovery and the pain will be a distant memory. Have fun in Kenora. Heck, just sighting the fawns should have made you feel better, they made me feel better.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

, Yes Keith ,, bad scar Rocks are some meanies ,, Feel better and enjoy your visits

My arm tonight after sister scared the cat and it ran over me tumbling afraid late last week Scar night I guess , lol

Thumbnail by juhur7
Oxdrift, Canada

Robin, yes seeing the fawns was a pickerupper, however I haven't taken a walk around yet to see where they may have had lunch yet, that could be a mood changer!
OMG Ju, you just made me feel like a whining baby, no wonder you were in a bad mood the other day. That cat made my rock burn look like a baby rash. Brings back memories of one of our now dead cats. She came to us as a stray, pregnant with probably her first litter of kittens. Several years later my son in law made the mistake of leaving his window open while parked in our yard. When he left he returned in just a few minutes after the cat woke up from sunning itself in the back window and went bazerk when it realized it was trapped in the vehicle. Poor Steve was bleeding profusely. Funny, those 2 never were very close. And no, that is not why the cat is now dead. It lived it's full 9 lives and died at a ripe old age.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Keith burn scratches ache worse like paper cuts these were deep and only burned a few minutes ,, in the small photo it looks like a squid tentacle suction cup bite on my arm
I guess we are two examples tonight of when a mistake is made it hurts .

Not our fault really ,and certainly the cats are not responsible for being scared ,,
I have cut myself on rocks more than a few times

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Two tough ol birds, chuckl, keep em clean guys. Good time of year for infections. Been seeing quite a few fawns, so I figure the does are kicking them out on their own. I see the deer, but I see ticks, and damages. The floods here in the south pushed our deer north, so everyone is keeping an eye open.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Browsing deer damage is a mood changer. Any kind of damage is a mood changer, especially personal body injuries. That cat sure got some traction on your arm Ju. Good advice from Kitt as always.

How often do you get flooding Kitt?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin I take it like a sprout ,, Turn - up the Greens he , he ,

A humid day here , sunny

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Nice Turnip sprouts Ju.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Sprouted overnight in the sprouter , poof ,, Their all planted now . Hot with bursts of wind , humid and the mosquitoes attack in full sun in the calm ,
However I will be back out there for tan ,, lol
I do not seem to be accomplishing much from being to finicky , lol

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Lol :)

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin , life can be a Boxfull of KITTENS !!! These would be going to the Humaneinsane asylum but we don't have one of those here anymore ..

Allright ,, 22 days old .. Just about time to send then to the Army ,, he , he , 22 cat-i-ber
Really hadn't planned on propagating these , native naturalized , running wild

Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

On a different not , my white budded Hemerocalis is Yellow , white stripe ,middle of petals , and the petals are sticky , they reflect glitter a little ,, I think it tried to thorn .

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Oxdrift, Canada

Nice Ju.
I promised lilies today so here they are plus a couple bonuses. Complete shot of the pot the climbing lilies are in and the vegetable garden. The orange /black lily is Forever Susan and the one on the right looks the same but is taller and is called Early Samba. The yellow lily is very old and I don't know the name

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

All looks beautiful Keith , !!!

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Keith your lilies are beautiful. I have notice that when the lilies in my garden are finish flowering ,those in Canada are just be begining to bloom. I have observe that by my visits to Ottawa with my hubby.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Aw, kitten and lily love, that's sweetness overdose material right there. One of those kittens should be named 22, short for 22Catiber.

Fort Worth, TX

Ju those are some nasty scratches

The cat that died last week, Sylvester, was very frightened of strangers, as when he was a kitten/young cat in 2005 all 3 of my daughters were mad at me and no one visited. in 2006 a helper walked in the office while Sylvester was on a window sill. In his flight my teacup poured into the keyboard on my computer. It was a memorable moment. He never became a people cat but he did get more graceful in his disappearances. I picked up a keyboard that day, no biggie

This message was edited Jul 13, 2016 10:51 AM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

animals and pets come and go Memories are not so sensitive as we age (at least with me ) Help or make them feel better as we can as to either.
I am weeding it is hot , I am starting a few perennials ,

Here a better look at a wild radish ,
2 a Purple Scabiosa .. etc Knapweed

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Fort Worth, TX

I left a soaker hose on my sweetpotato and wildflower bed last night by accident. Grassy weeds pulled right out. Anyone seen purple potatoes I found a box of them to plant at the grocery store last night

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Yes, Ive seen and eaten purple potatoes, they're used a lot for chips...yum. Nice you let the water do the weeding for you, I often weed after a rain or water for the dual purpose of giving my plants a drink and making it easier to weed.

Fort Worth, TX

well I think the excess water went to the back side of my garden, I did not intend to let hose run 24 hours. Going to build a cloth planter for the purple potatoes. I sit midway down a broad slope and underground crops had better be in sand (not productive) or they rot, so the sweet potatoes go in raised beds in bags, or the one on the lot has a 2x12 front.
tThese will get a fabric raised bed

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Gypsi sounds interesting , I have seen purple potatoes , Rain and wind chased me inside ,
Wind knocked over a full size waste can and left a few empty pail pot things sitting where they were ,, does strange things those winds
I planted a few things just before rain start ,,

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

The wind and the rain just hit here Ju, of course we needed it, I think it's only the third good rain we've had. I was chased in too while hunting those defoliating, root eating Japanese Beetles.

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