Plant Propagation: The Basics Summer 2016

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Keith wonderfully designed Garden !!! Beautiful ,, !!!

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Lol Keith, you're just trying to prove you're not perfect...I know better. Gorgeous gardens!

Jen I'm so got to see baby hummers...oh my gosh!!!

Debra, you got me...I'm not good at naming pets but plant parts all sounded good to me...hahaha.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

They are cute Robin, but don't stay that small very long. By end of summer you won't know the difference.

Debra are you shaking your tomato blossoms? I was sticking my finger in every blossom one after the other until I found out I didn't need to do that. The tomato blossoms all are self pollinating. Every flower has both a male and female sex organ. So, all you have to do is shaking them. No bees. What is the temperature down there? I don't know what temp they need to set. They can tell you on the tomato forum. They are a lot of help on there. Love questions. Try them. Jen

Oxdrift, Canada

Thanks again Ju and Robin. By the way I have one very special pot that I am keeping in hiding and grooming just in case there might be a contest again. In other categories you may see entries that I have already shown but containers are my specialty and I want that one to be a surprise.
Jen, I hope that doesn't mean that if I shake up my grandkids I will get more. JUST KIDDING! it's 1:00 AM, sick sense of humour!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Shaking grandkids is usually left to Dairy Queen. Shaking tomatos makes them set blooms overnite, I have shared pollen among the heirloom varieties during blooming- not a lot to say about it.

Oxdrift, Canada

Hey Debra! I like the new image on your posts! Was that inspired by our conversation about budding artists this week? Wow I can definitely see the talent that you mentioned in your family.
And Robin, when we are on this topic I have always been curious about whether yours is a self sketch or now I'm wondering since you guys all seem to do so much trading of plant material, did Debra do it for you?

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Debra, I meant to comment on your Avatar too, very nice! I agree with your advice to Keith. My Avatar was a photography program pencil rendering.

I too am artistic and creative, I've thoroughly enjoyed that part of myself all of my life.Those traits were also passed down to my kids and nurtured.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Rain and blooming weeds here .
I would probably even miss dandelions

Wild Chicory Italian dandelion ,,

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Oxdrift, Canada

That wild chicory has quite a nice flower Ju.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I agree, it's a beautiful flower, good picture Ju.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you Both I enjoy them when their allowed to mature , We do not get to see many mature wild plants here ,
Still raining ,strong and steady ,,
Fennel ,Flax , Cabbage , Kale , Red Mustard all planted the past few days should enjoy this as should the replanting of the turnip greens and Garden Mustard

The Giant White Lillium is Blooming as is a Blue Bellflower The white one failed to return ,Flowers there are
No pictures do to rain

Oxdrift, Canada

Took advantage of a few clouds to dash out and snap these 6 just for you Robin. First is pot in Japanese Garden with white calla, Vancouver Centennial Geranium and Fuschia Gartenmeister. 2nd is Golden Eclipse Lilac now in bloom. Third is hanging basket in J. Garden with bonfire begonia, 2 different coleus and Lysamachia Goldie. Lime coleus on left side may be hard to see

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Oxdrift, Canada

2 more cutting type Thunbergia, Zinnia Zahara sunburst with orange coleus,(forgot name). Last is pot on front entrance steps with same orange coleus, purple millet , sanvitalia, and the black leaf dahlia that still refuses to flower.
PS. Now it's your turn

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Still raining ,, Day before yesterday the Chinese Cabbage seeds that were planted are up and growing ,
Cool weather a few days should help with green type plants ,
My kale seeds collected myself have not sprouted (I still do not know if they are good or not )
I missed getting a few planted
Things like cutting the Peony back and very soon the fulva
Basil plants are not growing well either.
Keith I cannot get near that ,nice sets ,,

Oxdrift, Canada

Ju these are for you. They are not really wildflowers but a farmers hay crop that is kind of pretty viewed in a mass. Don't know if you would be familiar with it in your area. This area is on our property and butts right up on our lawn. This was our horse pasture when the kids were growing up. I was standing on the edge of the lawn when I took these. It self seeds like wildfire and I am dreading it getting into my lawn. So far I have seen a few starts in the grass but hasn't flowered there yet. Would be far worse than dandelions if they get established in the grass. It is called birds foot trefoil because the seed pods are shaped like a birds foot. Otherwise the plant looks somewhat like clover but very fine stemmed. I believe it is a legume.

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Of course they are all perfectly bellissimo Keith but I find the Vancouver Centennial Geranium particularly stunning, I sure want to find me some of that.

This is exciting, I got this first one from Debra. It's blooming and it smells divine! Jasmine!
Clematis Vitalba
Echinacea Pink Poodle

Thumbnail by Mipii Thumbnail by Mipii Thumbnail by Mipii Thumbnail by Mipii
Oxdrift, Canada

Those are all real cool Robin. Love the white Clematis. I tried growing Jasmin from seed one time. Season wasn't long enough to get blooms here but it had a nice waxy leaf.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Keith Bird's foot trefoil does grow here occasionally It has a relative that is a water plant ,, and in fact ,, the trefoil is a Lotus it also grows in white and pink blooming

Robin , Those are so Pretty and scented too !!! ,

It quit raining a half hour ago ,for the first time today ,, Just in time for all the night time fireworks to start ,

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

We still need rain and had to water our crop of corn 3 times now. I'm glad you got dry weather just in time for the fireworks!

Thanks for the complements, I love scented blooms. This ones a winner too; Heliotrope Marine.

Thumbnail by Mipii
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin That has a wonderful colorform and the plant looks really nice .
I took the rain day to finish a few features to my grinder ,
I went outside while it was sprinkling lightly , looked at a few plants , I going to have to cut a few I don't want to ,
I was noticing I am back to a bunch of young plants , and as you all know 3 to five year old plants look much better usually as far as flowers go ,
as a few I will try again ,
I enjoy the blooms ,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

heliotrope used to be my all time favorite for fragrance. until i got my jasmine. Mine is huge now. and My grandiflora double is about to bloom. Wow Keith, you should have been a plant set designer.
Ju, love that chicory, and Also I used to have birds foot trefoil, came from a ditch out west of town it was awesome to see in a huge patch, but only grew spindly in a container.
Robin, my youngest daughter took this photo of me that her Dad took while we were dating and then painted an abstract from it for an art project. that photo is a few years old LOL So glad your jasmine is blooming, I hope it gets as huge as mine, they can be like a nice size shrub if kept long enough.
This is Buffalo,Ny in September.. nice huh? Then there is Kansas in September same year..2011

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra that is really nice!!!
A coneflower a couple milkweeds a few Fulva and two chicory plants are the only mature plants I have now .
I have a couple blue oat grass plants nearing mature
I see it as amazing how much nicer a mature plant can be , Too many goofs , too much happening, and surprising how few plants will mature in my own garden area , I am going to try to fill some space with more aster ,blue , pink , flat topped ,
I have a wild four o clock I am trying ,
The snapdragon always look beat to death by the weather ,
I decided if I want a garden that blooms like I like ,,I will have to go and stay with the weed types , field plants ,,
The Campanula might look good growing up through a bunch of weed beaten alfalfa ,, Always something to try .

Oxdrift, Canada

Now we are getting the rain Ju. It should bring the leaves back quickly now that the worms are done their thing. Supposed to be some rain every day this week and very warm with it. Should bring things on quite nicely. I have less than 3 weeks til I host the garden tour and most of the in ground annuals have a long way to go. I used to grow that heliotrope every year til I changed my colour pallet. I don't have much of a sniffer so couldn't comment on the scent much.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Stopped thru the house to leave stuff in fridge, was greeted by the two dogs and escorted to house. Looks rough- the boardwalk sections aren't safe exactly to walk- our floods a month ago- the flowers are neglected tho the zinnia are happy in the weeds. Bees are happy too. Those crinums were submerged. These others were above the water, but dry now and neglected. African Blue basil is happy as the bees too

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Kitt Pretty little garden square ,Most of the Basil does look Happy !!!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Anything happy with dry feet and full sun, chuckl, is doing well

Fort Worth, TX

Looks pretty good Kitt. Keith your garden is fit for a show. Going out to tackle the East bed in a few minutes

Oxdrift, Canada

I'd say someone pretty close to here got something pretty ugly, but so far we have escaped it. We have been in a WARNING zone

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Oxdrift, Canada

I'd say someone pretty close to here got something pretty ugly, but so far we have escaped it. We have been in a WARNING zone

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Oxdrift, Canada

Goats beard and looking back to the house from edge of horse pasture where I photographed the birdsfoot trefoil patch yesterday&

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Your landscaping looks great Keith. Those are some pretty angry skies, I'm glad you missed the worst of it.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I agree real nice set there !!!

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Keith, do you do all your landscaping? You do a wonderful job with your garden , Are you retired because you have so much time to do so much work on the property, Wow, I enjoy looking at your pictures.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Daylily South Seas

Thumbnail by Mipii
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

It's been said by several, Terribly angry skies. Gosh, don't see how you could be missed on those. Wow!! Do they come with lightning? Sure would here. And for a long time.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin Super !!!

Oxdrift, Canada

Love the colour of that day lily Robin!
Cytf, yes and yes. I am retired but I had almost as much before. However my retirement has really freed my dear wife from having to weed my hobby. For many years now she has had a job with the summers off and before I retired she had a lot of honey-do lists from me. Poor woman! It's a passion to me, not so much for her. Now by the time she gets off I have things caught up to the point that it's not a 12 hour a day every day job and she doesn't have to touch a thing other than to help me cover everything when we get cold weather. Now we get a lot more time to do the things she enjoys like picking wild mushrooms and blueberries and ATV excursions. A little bit of camping fits in with those too but we have to come home quite frequently to water. She just started that break on Friday and will be off til around mid September.

Oxdrift, Canada

Sorry Jen, I wasn't trying to ignore you. You snuck in while I was laboriously one finger typing the above. Yes that came with a lot of lightning, heavy rain and brief high winds shortly after I posted those. I spent quite a while trying to catch a lightning strike but by the time it got really active I was pushed inside by torrential rain. Will see in the morning but I don't think there was any damage. My ferns are still upright hopefully all my budding lilies are as well. At least there was no hail.

Oxdrift, Canada

Did a walk around and no casualties in last nights storm. Here's a couple better shots of Golden Eclipse Lilac in bloom. Sometimes get a little over anxious to snap pictures. Will be more on goats beard too in a day or two

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks for providing another shot of your Golden Eclipse Lilac, I love the foliage!

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