Plant Propagation: The Basics Summer 2016

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Amazingly pretty flowers Robin ,!!! I see your efforts doing really well ,

A couple of mine Today

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Oxdrift, Canada

WOW! You guys all seem to be in the peak of lily season. That's a ways ahead here yet. We have been away again since early yesterday morning. Have to get out and do some spraying to keep the deer away since I think it has stopped raining for the next few days. Just did a quick circle check and saw a couple cauliflower and broccoli leaves munched on so have to show them who is boss here

This message was edited Jun 27, 2016 7:09 PM

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Yours are pretty fantastic too Ju, I'm still waiting for the famous Electric Orange to bloom...gosh I hope it's this year!

Keith these are all the early bloomers, it's not quite peak season yet. Good luck with the Deer not browsing your vegetables and flowers. That would be disastrous in my small garden.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Me too Robin, sure want to see yours bloom. When JU posted the blossom it was absolutely gorgeous. Jen


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi Robin, beautiful day lillies! My north garden bed is lined with railroad ties that somehow Joe and Charlie unloaded and laid out, I can't believe they did that but it was about 5 years ago I guess when they were both a lot younger.. no way could either of them unload a rail road tie now. They are huge and heavy.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Debra, that edging sure looks tidy, did they sink it into the ground or is the bed raised? They are huge and heavy but look so good!

I could have guessed you would be on board with seeing the EE blooms Jen, you can bet I'm going to post them right away. I've got it caged winter and summer so the cats don't mess with it. I can't take the chance of anything harming it until I'm sure I have enough to give back to Ju.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin With me I am hoping it lives , I have a bunch of leaves on a plant in the back that could be a re- start , but no blooms , Huge bloom , small plant , takes longer for them to develop ,
Railroad ties , do look nice , I have carried a few , not anymore either though , lol

as to the better side of things there is , about another five or so (Daylily) building their buds to bloom during the next few weeks ,
I have appt's this afternoon , Try a photo of a few later , there is a Bee Balm , Monarda , from Debra , Blooming , Looks like a prarrie Pasque Flower .. got knocked over in the storms , Has lots of new runners ,, Thank you Debra ,, Another flower that will grow here ,, that Looks Nice Also !!!

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I'll be looking forward to your pics Ju. I hope your re-start is your Electric Orange...we will see sooner or later.Do you remember if it's a Diploid or a Tetraploid? I have no way of knowing otherwise, I'm not that good yet.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin I believe it is a Tetraploid most of the newer and manipulated attempts are ,

Both from before are also a Tetraploid ,

Fulva and Yellow are a very old Diploid ,
Nicer here and trying a few things , My muscles get strained to easy , More cooler days to build them up , Anybody have those ,? Being flexible is Desired and really cool (as slang goes lol ...

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

I remember flexible, only applies to the mind now. Got my toes in muddy water this afternoon, my delivery guy split before I showed up, so here I sit til he shows up tomorro, brr, my a/c has no in tween temps, either bake or freeze in a gale force wind. Alleghany River in New Kensington (Pittsburgh) turnpike way off there, boat dox, and geese floating and honking, afternoon sun. I enjoyed water without gators, or flooded septic washes from the floods on my toes.q

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Kitt Nice feeling that water and comfy foot soaking , Good for the feet too the No Alligators part , lol

Here are some buds yet to bloom , Daylily , Any that bloom through and after July are later types here Only one in the Back is a real late blooming type ,
4 todays Red Volunteer
5 Monarda looking like a Pasque Flower

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

whoa, strong language here LOL Tetraploid? Diploid? uhmmmm.. :P
time to learn some more I guess..
Kitt, so glad you had a nice day at the water's edge. looks yummy.
hot and no rain again.. spent the night watering, I hate to water at night..
mixed up food and gave everything a meal after and then sprayed a little stuff on a brug that is covered in mites, poor thing.
Those monardas will spread Ju, so watch out.. ( it is a good thing , tho) stargazers are a week early! They usually open on the 4th?? but, so do the monardas.. they are really early..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra Pretty , pretty , Pretty ,, yes great when flowers grow strong !!! Most of the time ,
Wait until we get to terrabipedalaploids or GalaciousETaploids ,, Earthy or spacey,it gets that way ,lol

The Great spangled Fritillary looks happy !!!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

The Monarda is just in front of a guara , full plant being slow to do much . adapting it seems to be , I will get , the Campanula , Feverfew , and a couple obedient plants in there , The obedient plant will have to go in behind them do to tree shade ,as it grows sun or shade here . Might try a coneflower or two in there also
Should keep a few blooming all the time , Annuals about to start for now though

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Nice pics all and wish I could soak my feet in some body of water...other than the tub.
The butterfly and the Monardas are beautiful, you've been doing a great job keeping them watered. We had a bit cooler weather and no rain for quite some time too. My Stargazers haven't bloomed yet so Kansas is ahead of Michigan.

I tried crossing my Fulva with a diploid a few times and it wouldn't take, if I had a Tet in bloom other than Aunt Wimp, I'd try that. The colors are too close for that cross. I've heard that some Ditch Lilies have been turned into Tets, I'm wondering if that's what I have. Oh well, I'll just keep trying. Thanks for the info Ju.

Debra, Diploids in Daylilies have two sets of chromosomes and Tetraploids have four sets of chromosomes.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin if I had any small test tubes handy , I would send you some Red Volunteer pollen to try that with , it's a Tet
I am not sure of what the Hyperion is ,

aha , edited
Hyperion 1924

This message was edited Jun 29, 2016 12:57 AM

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

All of the flowers are gorgeous, but have not seen any of those red Monardas that Debra posted. Beautiful. Everything is so pretty. Especially in this heat. Don't know how they stay so fresh looking.

Good luck with the Electric Orange Robin. it is so beautiful. Can hardly wait to see it. 'nite you all, Jen

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Wow, that was awfully sweet for you to think of me know, it really is the thought that counts. I was thinking that a less aggressive Ditch lily would be the cat's meow. I just may have another Tet bloom before the Fulva finishes blooming, it just takes one! I have lots of new ones but they may not bloom this year.

Jen I bet you don't have to do much in the garden with your irrigation installed. If I installed irrigation here, we'd get rain all summer, lol. I guess that's what I should've done. It's time consuming to give everything a good soak every couple of days. I planted some new Viola and lost a bunch, I couldn't keep up with watering the poor things twice a day. Only the established ones are doing good. I hope to have at least a few seeds from the new ones in the soil so they can restart next year...or maybe even in the fall. We shall see.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

A cheerful face for the morning. That explains why I've been thinking the ditch lilies look different- muted

Thumbnail by kittriana
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh my, I love that dahlia...

Oxdrift, Canada

That dahlia is to die for with the near black foliage and striking tone of yellow. I got 3 new ones this year that should be very similar except blooms are two tone. Very slow, I have buds but they are just sitting there. Probably needs more heat. It was 4C here again yesterday morning. We get one or two days that feel like summer then back into the freezer. On the bright side I don't have to do much watering.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I agree with Debra and Keith, that's an exemplary Dahlia, the coloration is extraordinary!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes that is a Great Dahlia !!!
Cannot seem to keep any here

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Ju, God is good. I woke up this morning to find a Tet in bloom, it's in the same color family as the Fulva and Aunt Wimp but has a little more interest and is called Hemstitched. Sometimes the first flower to bloom on a Daylily isn't the prettiest, well this one was 'butt ugly' (I don't know where that expression came from) but it still had a stamen!!!

Keith, that's pretty cool weather you're having for 'the earth's warmest year on record'...

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Here are the Hyperion ( below ) My oldest Daylily , kind of been replaced by Stella d oro for the yellow bloom lovers ,
Robin When My orange we are talking about first bloomed it was not that nice either , nothing near a next season ,

Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I really like the 'old school' trumpet shapes for some reason, there's probably not too many people that do. Very pretty Ju!

Here's the ugly Hemstiched...

Thumbnail by Mipii
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin I think the temperature and rain causes that , Could be many different things .
(a few here
1 a milkshake , 2 a white Swan , 3 Fleabane 4 A red Volunteer 5 Tomatoes .

I ate a Tomato today , and ( I can believe I ate the whole Thing , lol

Did I forget to say ,,, it is a Mosquito Nightmare Here !!!

This message was edited Jun 29, 2016 4:44 PM

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

No rain here Ju. Not many mosquitoes either. Those whites sure are pretty! Congrats on the consumption of the first seasons Tomato, yum.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

The Pink poodle was going to bloom about now also , first branch got knocked down and shriveled away , Two more on the pink poodle Then blooms in while , About the same time as a red I have , I do not know what it is like last season
I am rather happy though The purple is 51/2ft tall blooming like crazy , I have three White swan Plants all will bloom , And the milkshake has a runner off to one side ,
The milkshake never stayed double though so a seedling of that strain it likely is

Obedient plants and Catnip are growing in shade here where not many plants grow So with lots of Obedient plants running around , I have an idea for one or two those , lol There starting to "pop up all over the yard ,

Oxdrift, Canada

Having issues posting again so going to try one picture at a time. This one is only clematis I have been able to keep overwinter. I have had this one for years . For the last 2 I have supported it with a tomato cage and what a difference. Before it got lost in the jungle and now it is a real star.

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Oxdrift, Canada

I believe this is the first full view I have posted of the pond. It is right outside our front window. The waterfall soothes you to sleep if you have the bedroom window open

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yes Robin, that is what you should have done. When we first moved here we lost the power for a week on Thanksgiving. We went out and bought a wood burning cook stove. The power has not gone out for more than an hour or so ever since. 20 years ago. Now I just spent $4,000 for a new pump in my well, and you watch, it will be one of the wettest years yet. Can't remember what law that is. I am sure jU knows tho. LOL, But, tell you what Robin, since, as you said, it's the thought that counts, you give me the Electric Orange and JU and I will both think the world of you. LOL How is that. It truly is gorgeous. And that is JU's Daylily that he hybridized himself. He also gave me one and the next day I was admitted to the hospital and lost it. Just made me sick. er. jen

Oxdrift, Canada

That would be Murphy's Law Jen

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

I noticed a few threads I read did not update, so we have site issues playing with us...

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I'm sure one of us can get you some Electric Orange Jen, I'm also going to try to do a stem propagation from one of the scapes. That's how Ju got this one for me and I got it as a leaf start. That hospital stay was bad timing for the DL but could have been good timing for you. I'd have to say you are more important, and we're blessed to have you.

Your Clematis is a star Keith, it looks spectacular...does it have a name? Your pond is beautiful too, picture perfect!

I'm going to sit here patiently waiting to see what Ju has up his sleeve for those popping Obedient plants. They don't sound too obedient to me, unless you told them to 'go forth and populate the yard'!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

LOL Robin.... Obedient plants are the least obedient things I have ever grown, besides the showy pink primrose..
Beautiful pond, Kieth.
I had to cut the stems back on the giant lilium so, I stuck those end pieces in a cutting pot, here is hoping ( my experiment)
Jen, I agree with Robin, you are more important than any ole plant!
No rain here, and yes, this site is having a few "bugs" but if you all want some skeeters, I'll send them your way. So here are a few more lilys, don't know if they are triploids or diploids or droids.. LOL Also, it seems like all first blooms on everything are weird here, but that makes things interesting.
I am trying to root a couple rose stems, we will see how that goes.. picked three more maters and a handful of black berries tonight.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Oxdrift, Canada

Like that double orange lily Debra! Sorry Robin, I don't remember name of clematis. It could be Bluebird but seems to me Bluebird is a climber and this one is not. I've probably had it 20 years or more

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

I love clematis, love all these blooms! The cool weather is strange, but it seems to powerhouse the heat at us the day before it disappears into cool weather. Seems like the maters I collect from the fruitstands at the truckstops are really wet- rainy season maters.

Oxdrift, Canada

Bit of a flash storm last evening created a pretty cool sunset over the pond. Look where Mrs. Robin decided to build her nest. I guess we won't be using the back door off the deck for the next month

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Nice pond shot Keith and I bet Mrs Robin has an engineer in the family, lol, I love the nest.

Michigan won't have the 'wet' problem with maters, so grab some if you're driving through Kitt.

Debra, beautiful DL's, are the first three really tall? I've got some of those yellow Primrose, I haven't regretted it yet. I'm sure I will next year, I've heard the pink Oenothera are better behaved than the yellow. Right now I've got a nice little drift.

Thumbnail by Mipii Thumbnail by Mipii

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