Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening your majesty

Hope queen's back isn't hurting too bad after her rock moving

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

wishing you all a happy day :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Happy Easter everybody, hope your day is filled with family and friends.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Happy Easter everyone!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy Easter
Sunshine here in Florida
Going out for easter eats, love the not cooking

Ocean Springs, MS

Hope you all had a Happy Easter! ♥ Spent a wonderful day with Colt and his family. Loved being with my boys! Two more days here in TN, and I plan on making the best of them. :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Enjoy your vacation!

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Enjoy your time with family Julie.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Glad you had a nice Easter. Hope everybody celebrating it did also.

It's raining here, I'm thinking about taking out the weed dragon and compostifying some sod where I want to put a large pot.

I hope everybody is warm and well.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm to all cool morning & they are calling for rain the next few days , this Lsy head cold has me so gloomy I've not been very active except for bending my elbow to Blow my Nose & It is so sore on my 4 th & Last box of klenex :(
gotta see if jim will pick me up some today so forgive me that I Have not felt up to being on the computer I check my mail & that is about it . beside here . so you all I hope will stay well &
I will check back soon .

Victoria Harbour, ON

Good morning Queen Turtle,
What a sunshine day in my neighborhood, sending some to your neck of the woods for you to enjoy!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear your still sick Susie! get well soon!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Geez Louise Susie!! I think it's about your turn to be feeling good.

Thank you for the sunshine wishes Betty. Apparently you did chase the rain away, even if it's not quite shiny out there. Good enough for checking on my peas and cukes though. Just kidding; no cukes. I just couldn't resist saying it. But lettuce there is.

I also need to finish my three rose trellises before my big soil load can be ordered, so that I won't need to walk on the fluffy stuff. The poor volunteer rose is on an island of dirt in a sea of hole lined with cardboard.

Have a good day ev1!

Been sick, been busy, been depressed,, I am not fun to be around lately. Sorry for not posting more often

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Get some rest Kris. Go to the Dr. if you need to.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

And know that you are prayed for. I'm so sorry Kris; I struggled for many years with major depression. And it does come back to visit. Try to remember that >everything< changes and you >will< feel good again. I try to know that even if I can't believe it in the moment. Does that make any sense? Thank you for checking in. I know we all worry when somebody goes off-stage for awhile.

I've decided I should start a garden blue g just so I can call it Minding My Peas and Cukes. Although, somebody has surely done that already. I actually don't know how to follow a blog, much less create one.

I hope everybody has had as pleasant an evening as possible. Sweet dreams.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

What are you going to put in your garden?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Hugs Kris, time to come out and see you've accomplished this past year,amazing, come look

Another garden, love the saying, now had you mentioned that before would have painted you a sign saying such vs the tote bag

I keep saying out comes one of the ponds this year, said so all winter, now that snow is all but gone I'm thinking 'hey, I'm well enough to look after all the gardens and ponds" we will have to see

Another near 90 day,,off to the beach,mill send you all sunshine and beach sand!

Enjoy your day Queen Turtles

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning Your Majesty! Have a wonderful day!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well we are getting some much needed rain Nothing heavy just misty & So I need to pop into town & Pick up something to open my sinus so i can Breath . I feel so bad that I Cannot even finish off turtles box right now , u all have a nice day. BB When I Can .


Morning Queenie! drowning in storms here! Hope your staying dry!!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Yoikers everybody! Good morning! No drowning allowed, that's a Royal Command!

We keep being told we're going to have thunderstorms and rain, but no precip yet. Have to go water my lettuce.

Thanks Betty. Even if the iPad doesn't yet recognize 'blog' as a word. "Blue g" indeed, sheesh.

LK, my front garden will be a mix of ornamental eats and purely ornamentals. I haven't decided on what kind of fruit tree, I really want a pawpaw/custard apple, there will be raspberries - both as a fence line and to share with the neighbors, I figure I'll be able to grow enough parsley to actually make tabbouleh this year! or next, we'll see, and runner beans, but I don't know how to choose those, perhaps some of my hot peppers that I grow to make chili peppers for >others< in my family. Hmm. Hopefully poppies, got some dianthus started from seed for the first time.....oh how I love color!

Going to go put a heater on in the little canning studio out back, in hopes of killing off the mildew. My flower seed flats are supposed to go in there after they pop, so I can use the hotboxes for germinating MORE plants, lol. Anybody want any starts or seeds? I have gobs of Tithonia seeds from last year's flowers.

Everybody stay safe and warm and look after yourselves please. If you're missing any hugs I have plenty to share.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like it will be a beautiful garden.

Ocean Springs, MS

Checking in, Queenie! Last day of my trip and I am heartbroken. I want to stay so much longer! :(

Sounds like you have a great plan for your garden. Looks like my days will be filled with helping Destiny with the babies. My mom just called me and gave me a long lecture about leaving to go visit Colt for a week! She says I shouldn't have left Destiny, etc. I am hurt and angry because I wanted to see my son before he deployed and I wanted to see my other grandchildren. Things are going to change when I get home! I'm tired of everyone putting everything on me!

I hope you are all enjoying your time gardening or getting things started. Spring is definitely here! 86 degrees today! Very humid, too. Have a good night and I'll check in after I get home and get things settled! ♥

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all,

What do you have planned.for the day Queen Turtle? Your gardens with all this work will be spectacular, don't overdo or you'll not enjoy its beauty.

Julie, you aren't the one making decisions to habpve children,yes it's wonderful to have the little ones andbe with the but it's time you enjoy your life, be free to come and go..years are ticking buy, you've put in your time, time to say'hey Julie, what would you like to do today'

Your mom needs not reprimand you, stay as long as you like and enjoy!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm rain here today may get some bad weather later this afternoon possible hail but will see :)
So Turtles sounds as you Might live out of town & On a few acres if your thinking about fruit trees we Have 4 apple trees & 2 pear trees . one of our members sent me a fig tree last spring & I hope that it made it three the winter. I put lotsa wood chips around it. so hope it made it .

Rainy here today so damp & cold & so I will be staying in again u all have a great day . I don't like to be on the computer if it is stormy so not sure when i will get back on .

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Good evening everybody! I just cameon from the garden, mostly putting lilies in the ground, but also some Veronica, Dianthus, Digitalis, columbine and perrenial geranium. The hardest part was writing labels! I can only hope you all had some part of the fun I did today, inside or out.

Betty are you back home or do you get an extended sun drench this time? Are you feeling livelier? Maybe that's not possible for you, lol, or you'd be a tornado. Me-- a tornado I am not! I am so slow that I very seldom get to the point of being able to overdo it. But I appreciate the reminder. ☺️

How are you Annette?

Actually Susie, I live in town, I was thinking TWO fruit trees! Lol. I covet your seven! I wonder why people have so little confidence in pears and apples here, if you're growing them in 5a. Maybe it's me they don't have confidence in!

I hope everybody we haven't heard from is okay. Or even better than okay.

Sweet dreams all. 💜

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Has anyone heard from rose318/Patti I Know she switched Jobs hope all is ok & we will hear from her.
Very windy & Cool this Morning might hit 50* later today .
will i been taken a sinus & congestion over the counter & still No Help My Nose is so sore lips are so chapped , I know allot of this is from being cooped up here in the house with dust bunnies :(I need to get some dusting done Love to get these plants outside tomorrow & sunday in the high 50's -60's so hope i can put them out for awhile :)

AManda I Hope all those storms Missed you Last eve.
well I need more Tea U all have a great day .

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Greetings Queen Turtles! I am honored that Your Majesty Is so thoughtful as to ask about my well being. I am trying to finish up taxes and getting my planting done (that is a bit of a joke, since I am never really DONE. lol) Spring brings lots of new tasks to do inside and out. This weekend is supposed to be sunny and warm enough to work outside. Lots to do in the flower beds and the yard. So if you need me , check in the garden.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening your majesty, here in Buffalo, another 4 hrs and I will be home but I'm comfy in hotel room so will finish last of it tmr

Wicked travelling between heavy rains, high winds and head cold, head pounding,every bone aching, sooo want to be home and in bed, hard driving in those conditions

Darlene asked if I wanted to sleep in then go to Joanns before crossing into canada, nope, want to go home

I will pick up my car about 80 miles from home then she will go her way

Something I do every year, almost thinking I'm too old for this!

Glad you enjoyed playing in your garden!


Morning Queenie! Get any rain yet?? Stopped for a few days here and Iv been busting my hump outside lol! More starting tomorrow.

Susie I had a PM from patti last week

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Hope you got home safe Betty it was cold & rainy here the last few days also But the sun is out & they say in the 50's today . I hope to get some fresh air today :)

Queeny I hope you have a great weekend planned , Just took my sinus med so i hope I can play outside .

well off to play u all stay well .

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Last day to sign up for the frog swap!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Home safe, already outside taking inventory of all that needs done, you know what I found, not sick enough to go outside and do a bit of work, managed to get the rider going, hooked up trailer so am ready to pick up branches for a bit

Can always rest later

Ocean Springs, MS

Busy with babies around here. Raining so I can't do anything outside. Got most of my sunroom plants watered. Waiting on my name! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

played outside for awhile today so my arms hurt from cutting branches & trimming off all the dead stuff. Looking better already. & so much more to do .
I don't & cannot go as fast as I once did but just happy to do what I can do :)
wishing u all a good night

Victoria Harbour, ON

Good morning Queen Turtles, dropping in with a high and some sunshine should you need some.Do hope you've the best day ever!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well Just got home had to get my blood draw & Hair cut this morning & pick up a few things for the house . Its raining today so I'm just Just going to play inside .
Queen I have a few things out side that I think you might like in your garden so I will try to get your box out By Friday:)

zoey wants to bake some Peanut butter cookies so you all have a great day .

Victoria Harbour, ON

I'm amazed
April is almost half over then it's on to Queen Susie and the last of the 'Queen of the Month' swap
seems as though we started yesterday!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Where did the time go?

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