(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sure hope you can get plowed out soon Susie!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

plowed out went to town got stocked up for the next snow fall.
my feet are so cold off to get these wet shoes off back in the morn GN all

Good afternoon!
I am at my daughters house. Washing clothes,, Ralph has a meeting. Then we are going to Fresh maeket to stock up on Hamberger. They have it for $2.99 a pound on Tuesdays!!

Then back home to watch a couple of movies and be lazy.

Tomorrow is back to work on Clay again! I have several classes to start. We will be working on the bathroom Thursday! Hope to finish the walls, put in tub, and new flooring and new toilet! I am excited!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

You are one busy lady. Sounds like your home is coming together?

The house will be finished this year or else heads will roll!!!


Night everyone,, I am tired,,,,

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm sorry I'm Mia so much but doc says I should not be sitting at the computer desk so much , my legs need to be up allot more or I will end up with another clot so zoey & I have been exercising together here at the house with the roads being so bad I do not want to go out on them . they say it is a dizzling freezing rain this morning . so i will again stay in :) & crochet & exercise :)
well I hope the rest of you are haven Better weather . as for right now I have to go feed & water ya all be well.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susie, if your legs need to be elevated, should you be exercising?

Cold and ugly at the kingdom today,,, think I want to stay in bed,,, lazy Queen!

Susie please take care of yourself!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sent my package out today..hope things get 'happier' in your Kingdom Queen Elfie

Thanks Betty,, and with that my day just got so much better!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Love your New avatar Kris hope your day gets better .
Lk Zoey & I Walk around the table 100 times then we streach & touch our toe's 30 times I cannot do crunches or lunges . & we do sit ups together ,I'm trying to get her to work out with me as much as I Can for she is 7yrs old & 30+lbs over weight ,& as long as she wants to make a game of it I Will play along she is in school today she is home schooled but she has some classes in a classroom .
I won't tell ya how over weight I 'am :( but it is more then I want to be :) .
Walking & exercises are good its the sitting with Knees bent that can cause clots . on anyone.
Snow is moving in Light right now News just said the heaver snow in about 30 mins away .
going to work on my blanket so u all have a great day .

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Good Evening Your Queenliness! I like your new avatar, too. It sounds like you have indeed been cracking the whip ;) A monarch to be respected!

Ocean Springs, MS

Elfie, hope you get the house finished soon. I know I drove myself crazy last year keeping the construction workers on their toes (well, I drove them crazy, too!). LOL

Feeling a little better today from my fall. Doing some easy tasks and chores.

My daughter went to the doctor yesterday. The twins are both weighing about 3 pounds 10 ounces each. Doctor says about 5 more weeks! That's the week of Elani's first birthday! Wow!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

morning all very very cold this morning my 2 doors are frozen shut , so i have to have zoey go feed & water for me :(.
they will thaw by Mid Morning . & then I Need to take Peanut to the vet .yr check & rabbie shot.
I need Just 2 more rows of My variegated yarn to finish the blanket & I ran out of yarn so have to go out to wal-mart & buy another skien for just 2 rows thats the pits.

Jim is here to try to get the doors opened from the outside so ya all be well
Queen Hope your day is Much Better today :) waiting to see more of your creations :) .

Good morning my loyal subject!!

My king is off today so we shall be getting things done here. We have someone coming to buy our not one but 3 junk riding lawn mowers!! This will add to the funds for building the living room walls!! So excited here! Now to sell off Ralph busted truck, haul all the scrap metal I have been slowly digging up all over my land, ( I swear they used this property for a dump!!!) i am hauling it all to the recycle place and the pennies I get from that will add to the roofing funds! We may have a buyer for Ralph truck, we are asking $600.00 will take $500.00. I have learned the fine art of haggling!! Lol

I am enjoying my new little upright freezer, it only holds 9 cubit feet,, but with just the 2 of us that is perfect! Now This summer I will go to the U-Pick places and freeze fresh fruits and vergies.

Today we will finish my bathroom or most of it. I hope my king will runn the plumbing so I can soak in my HUGE tub! Once it is hooked up my water bill is going to SOAR,

I did not do much work yesterday. I just sorted all my scrap clay and then started combining them for making blends for new canes! I hope to get back to work on Monday with my clay.

Gryphon is coming tomorrow and we will be working all weekend! We are planing on completely re organizing my bedroom. I need it cleaned up!! Lol

Well off to get started!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Goodness, that is a lot of work, don't over do it!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

afternoon all felt so good to finely get out today . kris I hope you get your plumbing in . I'm off to play then get sup :)
GN all .

Ocean Springs, MS

Queen Elfie, you are so very busy right now! So glad some things are working out for you! :)

Susie, glad you had a chance to get out today! Bet it did feel good!

I'm feeling a little cabin fever here because of my back. I have pottery class tomorrow and I'm going. Won't be able to throw, but I can do some molding. Just be happy to get out of the house!

Have a royal night in your kingdom, my Queen!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good evening Queen Elfie.
I hope you got your plumbing completed, so you can relax in your big tub. Our Queen should be pampered. I need to go shopping this weekend. I hope we have great weather. I can't wait until spring. I am already doing spring cleaning in order to psych myself out of this depressing weather. I feel better getting rid of a lot junk. I also planning to have a big yard sale in the spring, and what I don't sell I will donate. We are planning a cruise in October. I need all the money I can to have fun.
Well ladies I hope you all have a good evening.

Well darn,, no plumbing got done! Maybe on Tuesday? We did get other things done and the boys will be here tomorrow and they have a very long list of things to do for me!!! I am tired so a couple of games and then bed for me!!


Queenie I hope the boys take care of ya this weekend! I hope you have a fantastic day! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

going off to meet the girls here soon & then come home & try to finish my Blanket wishing you all have a queenly Day.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris, you need to sit back with your list, and just keep telling them what do do!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Morning, Queen Elfie!
Just talked on the phone. We are going to have a round tomorrow, salvation Army and IHop.
Been a busy week for me. Hope next week is not quite so busy, but it is time to start seed,etc. I drug out my 2 vegetable bins full of seed and just sorting thru and looking up things on the internet that i am not familiar with.

On my way to my maid in waiting Crystal!! Even have coffee and feeling pretty good!!

Ralph came home last night took one look at the bedroom and gave me h@ll!! I really did over do it. But am extremely happy with the results! Got to go!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sometimes we just have to take things in our own hands if we want to get it done :) done it many times :)
Just stay well . Don't over do it .
well I finished my blanket & when it gets light enough to take a picture I will do . Now I Need to figure out what the next one will be maybe a Navaho . will wait see.

I Might just change the house around today Not suregotta wait see what mood strikes me :) but you all have a great day.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Have a safe trip Kris! You two stay out of trouble!

Anyone up for a little squash or pumpkin growing contest?


You ladies have fun!!!! *giggles*

Ohh ty LK!!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Enjoy your day, you'll be tired tonight dear queen!


I just hope the cop they meet is young and good lookin lol

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

heehee. No cops. They kept their distance from us. had fun. Now Kris and grandson and friend are on the way home to do some construction.
Sun shining and I am washing clothes. Planning a nap and some plant work.

Ocean Springs, MS

Hello, my Queen. Glad you had a good day. Making a list for my boys. They are helping me with yard cleaning during the Mardi Gras holidays Feb. 16-18. Thank God that I have them and they are willing to help!

Amanda, what's all the giggling about? LOL

Have to check out the contest, Linda Kay. Is there a prize for the smallest? :)


I swear there will be a cop involved if they get together Julie hehehe, but Crystal says they were good today ... lol

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Your Majesty, I do apologize for being MIA. I see you have been busy. I am so glad you are feeling better. But don't overdo it and make yourself sick. All things in moderation. ; )

Yup.. I am tired! We did a very little shopping,, or Rather I picked out stuff to buy and Crystal did not let me pay gor it!!

I have 2 new towels for my bathroom, 8 shirts, a pair of shorts, and a frame for a picture I got in a swap 2 years ago! I just love the $5.00 bag day at the Salvation Army! They give you all the clothes they can pack in a bag for only $5.00 it is usually on the first Saturday of each month. I will take pictures tomorrow!

The boys built the dog house then played some kind of game in the woods shooting each other with pellets that are biodegradeable and have seeds in them. So i may have weird things growing here soon,,,lol

Thats all for me hope everyone has a good night!! I am going to bed,, long day tomorrow!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gee Kris that sounds as I Need one of those gun to shoot around in my woods :) never heard of such pellets.

as for the contest I May do some type of Zucchinni ,Acorn,
& other summer Squash for i do like Squash but I don't have room for Pumpkins less i put them up in the woods.
& Squash is easy to can or Freeze . & I Might do a few ornamental Gourds. Might just be fun .to do Not sure I will Join the contest but just to add info to the files . if they turn out.

Sure Hope you all have a great day off to feed & water Late this morning :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

forgot to show ya New throw & thinking of doing a Pillow case also when i get more yarn

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That is very pretty Susie. Amazing how fast you can get them made.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Love the throw, blues and yellow are spectacular put together.pillow would certainly top it off

Hope you are having a sunshine day Kris

Ocean Springs, MS

Good morning, my Queen! Hope you have a chance to enjoy the nice weather we are having. Supposed to be 70 here today!

Susie, the throw is gorgeous! I'm entering the contest. Had a hard time finding some of the seed, but got them ordered yesterday. A couple I got can be grown on a trellis, so that helps me with space! I am trying pumpkins again. I'd love for the grandkids to be able to pick their pumpkins in Nannie's pumpkin patch!

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