(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

What all are you planting Susie? Veggies, flowers? Where are you keeping all the planters till you get warm weather?

Ocean Springs, MS

Yes, Badcat has a notorious reputation! :)

I want to plant outside but weather is not cooperating. As you all should know! LOL
Planted some seeds... and some milkweed that Annette sent me. Does anyone have Queen Anne's lace seeds? Want to plant some for butterfly host plant.

My daughter's baby shower is next weekend, plus I have 2 appointments this week. Monday, I'm taking a camellia grafting class. I'll post pics when I'm finished! Very excited about it! Going to be a very busy week!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Julie, I'm pretty sure I have seeds. I'll check tomorrow.


I dont Julie, Sorry :( Dill makes a good host plant if you cant find any.

I was hoping the rain would get rid of the snow yesterday lol Still have snow, just a big sloppy mess now. I need to dig something up lol.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I have a lot of filler flower seeds, perfect for butterflies etc..if you would like I can include in Jammie box

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Julie, Contact AmandaEsq if you can't find any, there was Queen Anne's lace in the Robin this time around and I was the last one to recieve so there should still be some in there . I had some seed but have misplaced it, somewhere.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

julie i have some to share will send it out this week.

LK here are my seed trays so far I have planted so far
Columbine's, Foxglove, white anemone <(ms), candy lilies,
african Daisies, I also have many seeds germinating in paper towel,
I took my cloth rack put oven rack on bottom Used light weight egg cartons very little seedling soil paid $1. for the rack this last summer I Knew I would use it one day . I have my infra red Heater in the back of it so it is heating the Soil or it feels warm ,& I Have many more seeds to plant Squash, cuke, sunflowers so that zoey can help . but i need to go get more soil . I will be using water bottles , TP rolls, egg cartons, all that can go into the ground not the water bottles they are just to hold the TP rolls so i can water from bottom:)
will keep you up dated if anything grows some of the seeds are older.
well i just Put a roast in the crockpot loaded with onion it is smelling so good I poured a Bit of my canadian Mist wiskey in it to tenderize :)
but plan to add some of Badcats BBQ Sauce making a pulled beef :) well I'm going to go into wal-mart & get more soil I have the bug , can ya tell :)
Have a great day.

This message was edited Feb 22, 2015 10:07 AM

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That is a nice set up Susie.

Ocean Springs, MS

Betty, I'd love the seeds. And thank you, Susie, I'd love them. I try to plant lots of plants for butterflies, especially host plants. Drought got most of them last year before they had time to set seed.

Amanda, you are going to dig in the snow?

Victoria Harbour, ON

I sent Mary in Baton Rouge the yellow ones and it took a bit but now she has them growing in masses, so much so that she cuts them for the ice cream parlor tables

Ocean Springs, MS

Thanks, Betty. I do appreciate it! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm all I feel so bad for all the Dger's in tn & ky who are in the ice storm they are haven the ice storm we had last yr it is no fun to be without power we was out for over a week the 1st time then we got a generator but was limited as to what we use for the gas was higher then. Nanny I hope the storm missed you.

well today I'm going to get out of the house an Go meet the girls @ the Buffet @ the cassino it is 1/2 off Monday all u can eat :)
hate that part , anyway the sun is shining it is -1* hope it warms up a little more. my front door is frozen shut but the sun will melt the ice on it soon :)

going to be a great day & I hope the rest of u also have a great day. be well & stay warm.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Enjoy your outing Susie!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Sounds like fun, and I can hear the cheer in your sentences, Susie!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Fun day with the girl after Lunch I went out on the floor put $20. in a 5 cent machine figure it should last awhile well it lasted Less then 5 mins & 5-6 spins GONE & so was I out the door.
but it was fun chatting with the girls :)
Just no big win :(
well I need to go feed & water u all have a great eve.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Easy come, easy go...

Maybe next time!

Ocean Springs, MS

Glad you had a good day, Susie. My grafting class got rained out. Rescheduled for March 16.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Greetings Elfin Queen! I will mail your gift tomorrow. My plan was to find something 'beachy' to send with it, but ice and flooding has kept me immobilized for a while so I will go ahead and send so as not to be late. When the world starts spinning again I will be on the lookout for a beachy addition to send later.
Regards, Alana

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

alana are you in the icy area ? sure hope your staying warm & don't lose power . we.ve missed you .

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

I'm glad to hear you all taking care of yourselves in the horrible weather you're having. I'm having a hard time coming to this thread because it makes me sad that Kris is not here, and so I can't think of anything cheery to write. But I'm here and working on Queen Elfie's box.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Perhaps she will miss you lol nd return!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I've not had a chance to contact her i know she was going to her old house but then that got cancled & she was going to go today i think .
off for a coffee refill . bunle up my friends .

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Bundle up indeed! This cold is brutal and relentless. So you all take care and stay warm! I am working on getting Queen Elfie's tribute sent out to her. I was hoping to find some the things on her list. "Beachy" stuff is typically Summer Mdse. and hard to find this time of year, so I am a little frustrated, but I will come up with something to add to what I have.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris asked me to post these here. This is a clock she has been working on.

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
Victoria Harbour, ON


(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Wow, beautiful. She tried to explain this to me, but a picture explains much better.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes I understand better now too. It was hard to give feedback when I felt clueless. I hope our Queen is well and warm.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I sure hope that kris did not get caught in the big snow & ice traffic thought she was going to there other House to pet a load of glass. looks bad down that way.
we have a light snow nothing to worry over for i don't have to go any where:)
u all have a great day I Have to bundle up & go feed & water .


Oh how cool :)

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

No snow or ice down my way. Kris lives a bit North of me, but I doubt she got any of the slicky stuff

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

How do you pet Glass ?? :( No I had not had my coffee when I wrote (typed ) that :) anyway I Have a question for you all .

What Flower do we wake up with & go to bed with :) On our Body .?


two lips lol

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

cat u are to good WINNER:)


lol I have a dirty joke that goes with that hahah... now that my mind is in the gutter Im going grocery shopping heheh

Ocean Springs, MS

Our future Queen Amanda is giving us a little dose of what is to come during her reign! Please, please do not send her any catnip! LOL


No, No catnip!!! lol Been an odd stressful day of waiting around, trying to make plans but cant, and telling a Judge I dont need his lip. LOL

Getting queenies box out tomorrow!!!! Was wanting to do it today, but like I said its been odd

Your Queen is back. Someone paid my subscription, so I guess you guys are stuck with me for another year....sigh....

Got a couple of home depot gift cards today!! From Poisondartfrog!!! I will be spending that tomorrow along with the other gift card from Kittyjo . I already know what I am getting!! A new compressor as mine died and I really really need one. I will be picking up Bettys gift tomorrow too! !

We hope to start putting up the living room walls soon. Just need to find the $50000.00 to pay for all the materials. I am buying approximately $400.00 to $500.00 a month in HD gift cards. When I hit the magic amount I get a living room. I will be going back to Smiths Station tomorrow, I have someone who wants to buy most of my big sheets of stained glass. So far I have sold about 200 pounds on FB. And have more people asking!! I am hoping that I sell enough to get the living room done by the end of May.

It just occurred to me that most of you do not know why I buy the gift cards. Well here is why,, FREE GAS!!!!!!
I buy the cards at my local Winn Dixie food store, for every $50.00 in gift cards I buy I get $2.00 in fuel rewards. So I just about never pay for gas anymore. I average about 4 free tanks of gas a month. I get gift cards for Joanns for my clay, gift cards for Christmas presents for my family. I buy those all year and then I donot have to shop for them later! So if you do the math, I get one tank of gas a week at about 20 gallons a tank. Times say $2.00 a gallon comes to$2080.00 a year I save for using the gift cards instead of cash or credit. Plus my debit card gives me 1% back on every purchase. So it adds up. Slow but steady.

Anyway I bet no one wanted to know all that....lol

I have to say I missed you all.. but now I need to get back to work...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to see you back with us Kris.

That is a great deal. Wish we had a program like that here.


bout damn time

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

We missed you royal presence Your Highness, glad to see you back in time to get the rest of your Queenly gifts. I must beg the Queen's pardon for being a little late sending your gifts out. I say we extend your reign a few days since you have been shorted by the calendar and because your term was interrupted. Either way I will be sending your box out by the middle of the week, please don't behead me. Between the weather and everything else that has been going on around here I am little behind. Not a very good excuse but it's the only one I have.

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