What's happening in your neck of the woods - 2015

Victoria Harbour, ON

Know you were looking forward to a positive outcome Susan, sorry to hear another applicant was sussesssful


well, as I've said before when I've been the successful candidate - "I wonder how the other person is dealing with not getting chosen." Their situation could be worse than mine, so perhaps the Good Lord is helping them as needed.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Susan - I'm sorry that you didn't get the job. I know it was looking positive for you.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Happy Saturday (laundry day) :-)

Good news and bad news from my wee corner of Canada ..

GOOD >>> Gordon and I saw the oncologist on Wednesday and, his bone marrow biopsy is NEGATIVE, he does, however have an 'odd' protein in his blood that will need to be monitored at our local Cancer Clinic .. and, quite closely .. HEY .. we'll take that :-)

BAD/sad >>> My cousins son, Jesse Tait, was the Canadian Military Sniper who took his own life .. here in Thunder Bay .. he was stationed in Brandon, born and raised in Sudbury where his funeral will take place today.
He leaves behind a wife and 2 adorable young boys, his Mom (Jocelyn) and sister Meredith, as well as a huge extended family here in Thunder Bay.
He had PTS, had asked for help after his last deployment to Afghanistan, and, was refused .. shall we say my cousin Jocelyn will NOT be letting this circumstance be swept under the rug !!

I know Susan and Betty have had their ups and downs lately, but, those are their stories to tell.

I hope all of you are doing better than well.



This message was edited Jan 31, 2015 10:04 AM


Karen, dear blessed Karen - here's hoping you're doing better. I know the Lord has you in his hands...... thank goodness you caught it so quickly!

Yes, ups & downs........ job is least of it - in God's in hands

1. transferred to another church - emotional
2. Friend, Wilma, passed away on Monday (her daughter, also a friend, was the one who gave me the loom) - I didn't find out until Wed.
3. Friend, Anne, whom I helped move from her condo into an Assisted Living apartment, died Thursday - just tired out, I guess......
4. My sister, Alice, who has lung & liver cancer is having to go on stronger chemo because the version she's on is not working as well as they hoped - liver tumour is growing more than the lung tumour, but they're both growing. AND, her husband has just been diagnosed with some sort of cancer - just waiting to see which. They found a tumour in his rectal area. Two seniors, both with cancer, and now neither can drive - just don't have the strength......
5 Got given 2 tickets to Elvis impersonator concert for tonight, by same friend who helped me get to see my mom last Jan/2014
6. My knee is much better, although I may have overdone it a bit going for a 9 block walk to the local store & back. I'm out of shape, for sure........

Get me off this rollercoaster, please, Lord.........

This message was edited Jan 31, 2015 10:41 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Hard day for both of you, know you are in my thoughts

Trying to nap but every time I doze a call comes in but that is ok
Off to try one more time


Thank you, Betty
Get some rest - turn the phone's sound down..........


ok, confession time - my knees are both wracked up, and I know why - weight. I'm 125lbs heavier than when Bob first met me, and I could stand to lose 100 lbs.......... take the weight off my knees, poor things......... When my fallen-on knee got hurt on Jan 7th, I figured (when they felt better on Jan 14th) that I would get back into an exercise regime and do what I really enjoy - walking. I tried on the 21st, and overdid it - now my right knee is hurting.
Being so depressed and out of work for over a year did me in - I sat at my computer all day & did next to nothing. Not only did I feel rotten, I couldn't get out of the house, etc.
Well, can't go on an exercise regime at the moment (Bob had to take me around WalMart in a wheelchair for pete's sake........ I'm in THAT much pain) I am going to eat a lot less, and I have a diet drink I'm taking that's worked for me in the past.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Did take a nap Susan, likely be up all night now! But I needed it.

Since January with being ill, then the flood the Noah and the stabbing I have had to force myself to eat and not being hungry no fast food, lots of soups, didn't even eat much junk food, down to 1140 and that's a lot for a 5' person

Will try to eat healthier and get more weight down

I must be serious because I bought a weight scale yesterday.

Noah was taken out of icu yesterday, big sigh of relief

Greg says he is grumpy so that's a good sign

Be nice having him home recooping so travel to downtown Toronto can end

They are exhausted

Thank you for prayers, sure brought on a miracle



I had a 2 1/2 hour nap. Betty - I'm 236 lbs.... and THAT's a lot for a 5' person.......
I refuse to get a scale lol if I truly want to know my weight, I'll go to the Dr's. I'll know when I look thinner, and feel better, when I've lost weight. When I can, I'll be walking again.

Hallelujah - Noah's on the mend! getting out of icu is a blessing. Grumpy lol must be a terrible patient. Wonderful when Greg & Mel can take a breather from going to downtown TO
Happy to provide prayers, m'lady!

Victoria Harbour, ON

I so wish you luck Susan with weight loss, not an easy feat but am sure now that your depression has lifted somewhat you will do it.prayers coming your way.

Greg called, wouldn't you know, major blizzard in the city and everythng closed down and he had to go to the city to pick up Noah and Melanie.

will indeed be nice being home again for all of them even though Noah is unsure about being home, something they will all have to work on.
Told them to call me as soon as they get home, need to know they are safe
Tonight I'll take a run over for a few minutes, still sick to my stomach at the what could have beens


Thank you Betty - there are so many delicious Healthy choices out there, that I really enjoy. All the cr** that Bob eats, is the issue........ he likes pastry, cookies, etc, and will buy them if they're not in the house.
I took 2 T3's last night, and they knocked me OUT. A church friend said I should take them before they run out of my system, so I don't get in pain again like I was. So, I took one this morning and I guess the other Really wasn't out of my system, cuz it knocked me out again. Woke up awhile ago after going back to sleep for 1 1/2 hours lol
Now, back to the RR

Victoria Harbour, ON

they are strong, I often take one at bed time to take the edge off hip/knee pain but really doesn't do a lot for me, not about to take 2


I'm ....... not sure what to think. I heard about Anne's passing on Friday (day after she did, on Thursday) because Mary called me to tell me. She knew how I helped Anne to move, etc. We both agreed that I should wait a few days before phoning her son (I only knew him because he called us to take away a chair that Anne would have no room for in her Assisted Living apt).
Today I called to give my condolences, he muttered something and hung up on me........?!?!?!
I don't know why......
I tried to reach Mary, but she's not at home.

Victoria Harbour, ON

some people don't do well with condolensces, don't take it personally

Roger's cousin was 17, he and his girlfriend were afixiagted while at a drive in, when I gave my condolences I guess it was one too many. He asked if my giving condolences was going to bring him back, how dare I...took many years and even to this day I find it difficult giving them.

Thinking about Noah's trip home today. Surprised they would discharge him with the roads so bad and a long trip. Kids sure do seem to heal fast, all drainage tubes gone, etc. Please let us now they got home safely.

Betty, you deserved an apology from that relative, later when their emotions were under better control. I guess they never realised what a sting those words had or were under such a fog that they didn't remember saying them.


perhaps it was one too many condolences, one of the reasons I waited until now, because I try to be sensitive to how very overwhelming it is to lose a family member (in this case, the last parent........).

Brenda - you may be right, they may have been in such a fog that they didn't remember what they said to Betty.
It's certainly a tough time, and I have very little memory of what happened within the 3 weeks following my own dad's passing, when I was in my early 30's

Victoria Harbour, ON

Brenda thanks, dropped in to see Noah but he was sleeping, an exhausting day

Tomorrow another hard one, police come to take his statement, sure reliving some of will be difficult


poor Noah - yeah, reliving the incident would not be pleasant............ I'll bet he's exhausted......

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hope all goes well with Noah Betty .. has to be a strain on Mel and Greg, and Kyle as well .. and, of course, you.

Cold here, what else is new .. I dare say we have NOT had much snow this winter, that said, last year we got a great wallop of it in March/April ..

Take care all


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi All
I'm lurking and listening.

In regard to condolences I think the most memorable ones from my Dad's passing this Oct were the from the folks who took the time to write a short or long note about my Dad and what he meant to them. It was all I could do at time to choke out thanks to phone calls but in reading the notes, cards and emails I was able to see another man that they knew and admired and would miss too.
I know my Mom was on auto pilot. She took much pleasure in reading over and over the kind words folks had written and just recently was sending thank you notes back.
These notes have been tucked into a spot that when I need them I can find them and once again find comfort.

I too bet that son won't have a clue as to what he said to who.

Betty I'm sorry that you didn't get an apology.

Good to hear that Noah is home.
Nice to see Echoes back here!

Alberta Ann

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Belated HAPPY VALENTINES DAY everyone ..
The cold has been horrifically bad .. I have been on the computer, but, mostly just on the General Discussion Forum, The, What I Learned Today thread ..
Quite busy in there .. but, I usually always post here as well, or, try to ..

As I said, POLAR VORTEX time here in Northern Ontario, but, today, we have snow, and, I have 3 very happy dogs as they were able to stay out with me as I shovelled, and, they loved it :-)

Hope all of you are doing well .. stay warm, and, safe ..


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

We are going to escape Ontario cold and go to Vancouver for a few days on Monday. DD out there had a brand new house - moved in 3 weeks ago yesterday. Have to go and see it and get warm too. http://www.wallmark.ca/gallery/heritage-inspired-vancouver-custom-built-home/


Wow - what a Beautiful house! Big and bright in the basement too, with all that window space!
I"m sure you'll enjoy getting warm, too - just don't leave Vancouver until home warms up - and according to Betty, that's 36 days from now lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Enjoy your time in the West Ann .. a beautiful home :-)

Dogs have me up .. doubt I'll be back to sleep anytime soon ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Beautiful home indeed..
Yes, imagine you are getting the weather we all are experiencing here.
Just took a peak outside, not snowing
Could spring be right around the corner?

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I didn't mention that the basement has a two-bedroom rental suite. And yes it seems nice and bright. I DO imagine that when we arrive, 3 1/2 weeks after they moved in with 2 small kids, that the house will have lost some of its "house beautiful" look and will have acquired a bit of a "lived-in" feel. Unfortunately we'll only be there until next Saturday before returning to the deep freeze.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ahhhh would you like to relocate, they have the suite available?

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Ann the home looks lovely! Enjoy the scenery and the grand kids. I would bet that Vancouver will be having something flowering at the moment.
Alberta Ann

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

The suite will be rented as of early March. My daughter says they poached the lady who was living in the unit beneath them in their temporary residence. Evidently they all got along very well and she wanted to move... Daughter also said they had a LOT of interest in the suite while the house was being built. We have no plans to move into the suite at any time. But I suppose that could change.

Victoria Harbour, ON

What a wonderful arrangement Ann, can't help but benefit both.


Good morning -only 4:30, and here I am awake.
Oh well, time to knit

I agree, Ann - what a wonderful arrangement that would be!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Nice that they have someone they know to rent the suite ..
I agree, BC is a nice place to be come winter !!
I, for one, am fed up with this 'polar vortex' business ..
Gord and I were going to go to south Texas this Jan/Feb (South Padre Island), friends have a condo and asked us to come down, but, he's still unwell .. maybe next year ..

Off to get the OK for Lorna to have work done to her prosthesis .. she has to go in front of a Board every single time .. just so much bureaucratic foo foo .. mind boggling ..




Good grief!! Why does she have to go in front of a Board each time - is this for gov't financing it?
Sorry to hear you weren't able to go to warmer climes, Marilyn - would have done Gord a world of good, I'm sure........

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Just the way 'the system' works Susan , and, inefficiency is the only NICE adjective to describe the 'team'.
Demoralizing and, bureaucratic .. but, a necessary step in getting adjustments made to a prosthetic limb ..




it's wrong, she needs it, and it's not for a new one but an adjustment only? Good grief................

btw - anyone know who, on DG, likes coke memorabilia?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sharing this for a smile :-)

Susan . Gordon USED to collect CocaCola memorabilia .. not anymore though ..

Ontario POEM

It's winter in Ontario

And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
At twenty-five below.
Oh, how I love Ontario When the snow's up to your butt
You take a breath of winter
And your nose gets frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around
I could never leave Ontario

'Cause I'm frozen to the ground


it was a woman on this thread, in the States, that did - can't remember who.
It was someone in the Santa Warren Christmas Exchange..........

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

SO many to choose from .. hope you find her.
Do you have some items?
One thing DH does NOT need is MORE 'items' LoL



yeah, I have a couple of tiny coke glasses and a couple of full-sized glasses.
I got them because someone was a Coke lover because I Am Not......... I'm a Pepsi girl (not as much anymore - even the "diet" drinks aren't good for a diet, which I'm on.........)

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