(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

You are being an awesome Queen!

Ocean Springs, MS

Thank you, Linda Kay! Loved seeing that picture of you with your Dad! :)

It is cold here! Burrrrrr.. i am all stocked up too! I am building a solar heater this week. Crystal and I got dozens of cans from the recycle place today. i found a tutorial to make one. Will first try it out on my DB RV. If it works for him,, well then my livingroom addition will have it built in! Also will add a couple for the sun room. My goal is to have a very tiny electrical bill by the time Ralph retires.

Stepped on the scale today 197!!!! That makes 28 pounds so far!! I am a happy girl. Did some work on clay last night. Here Are pictures. Did nothing tonight,, lol fell asleep!!

Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by
Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

WOW Elfie!

Hey Queenie, have you gotten any tributes yet? I think I read you did, but I've misplaced my memory. You are a delightful Queen, by the way.

Hope everybody is warm and snug!

Ocean Springs, MS

Elfie, your clay pieces are amazing! Just beautiful... You certainly have a creative talent to make such gorgeous pieces! :)

Turtles, yes I have been treated well with tributes from Susie and Betty! The tote Betty sent me is full of quilting material and patterns. And Susie's gifts have been lovingly placed in my sun room.

Need to get more coffee and start Liam's elf slippers. Should finish them by noon. I'll be nicely interrupted when the boys wake up and I fix sausage balls for breakfast! Hard to call them boys anymore... they are bigger than I am! LOL

Here's a pic of my 3 youngest on their first day of high school together!

Thumbnail by froggies_girl
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Morning, Queen. Warmer today , but looking for much needed rain Monday and colder still after rain. Keep Warm , Your Majesty! Wish someone in the Plains states would shut the windows. It is too early for this cold here in Alabama.

The Tecomaria appears to only be bitten on the tallest leaves and flowers now, but I know it will not last. I hope it will put out from the root as some reading I did suggested it might. I do have some cuttings but often cuttings of tropicals do not root that well this late in the year, even if they are on a heat mat. Well, whatever. i have plenty of plants anyway. But always on the out for the new, unusual, and especially beautiful.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Nice family Julie, how many Grand-kids do you have and how old are they? Bet they are growing quickly?

You will have another package soon, I have mine just about packed and it will go out Monday.

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good morning our Queen.
I hope you having a great weekend. Great picture of your family. I am getting your box together ,and will let you know when I ship it out. I am busy doing house cleaning, and getting ready to watch some football. I hope you all have a great weekend. Take care.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm queeny Almost Noon & This cold weather made me Hungry for some soup so I made a Corn chowder soup the other day & Warmed it up MMMMMM Good warms the sole to the Bone :) well I Need to get back to My Christmas Box so I Can get it sent out this week Ya all be well :)

As usual,, this servant will be mailing at the last moment,, sigh. I really need to get it together!

I keep changing my mind as what to send.

And thanks for the compliments on my work,, it does encourage me to strive on!

This message was edited Nov 16, 2014 4:18 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Beautiful pieces Elf..

Best I start thinking about our December Queen, wouldnt want to short change our queen just because Christmas balls being held in the palace..

Ocean Springs, MS

Crystal, I'm with you about closing the windows! LOL I like to start exotic seeds in the winter. Last year, I started clivia seeds. This year, I'm trying spiral aloe! Starting them is easy... it's waiting 3-5 years for them to bloom that drives me crazy!

Linda Kay, I have 5 kids (31, 27, 17, 16, 14) and 3 grandchildren (6, 10 months, 8 months) and twins on the way! I'll be looking towards getting your box.

Patti, I watched the Saints play today, and they lost again! They just can't get it together this year! Said I wasn't going to watch, but I did. Just a true black-and-gold fan!

Susie, you always make me hungry when I read what you're cooking! MMMM!

Elfie, take your time. I'll be here! LOL

Hey, Betty! I already have my box packed for our December Queen. Like you, I did not want to be late! Just have to put a label on it and mail.

Everyone have a good night! ♥

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That sure is a houseful Julie! I bet you look forward to Christmas?

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Your Princess looks very like you, Your Majesty. Is she the mother-to-be? I can't believe how much you accomplish on >and< in your Palace, with it so full of living beings that don't stay where you put them! I bow to you.

Having fun packing your box. :~)

Ocean Springs, MS

Christmas this year will be a little lonely at first. The kids are staying with their dad this year, and Liam will be with his mom. All of the kids should be here by evening, and then I'll have a full house!

Turtles, the picture above shows my youngest 3 children, Trais (14 my football player), Chase (16 my musician), and Journee (17 and my creative one going to cosmetology school). Since they are teenagers, they do their own thing most of the time. Here is a picture of my daughter (31 on her wedding day) that has the 8-month old (Elani last picture) and is having twins. The next picture shows my oldest son Colt (27 Army) and his family. I am very blessed!

Well, I'm getting up to do some things around the house, then back to Christmas crafts and gifts. Y'all have a good day. ♥

Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl
Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

I have been asked to let everyone know that Badcat (Amanda) has had a severe allergic reaction to her antibiotics and is still not feeling well at all. She will be back as soon as she is up to it. But if you don't see her posting, you'll know why. She hasn't abandoned us or anything.

Ocean Springs, MS

Praying for Amanda! ♥

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear Amanda is not doing well. Sending prayers for her.

Victoria Harbour, ON

These reactions can be so painful, hope today is a better day for her

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

good morning all Hope amanda gets well soon & will have good cheer coming her way soon . staying under the blankets this morning it is sooo cold out & 2-3 inches of new snow more falling for the next 3-4 days wish i could go south somewhere warm :) just heard south is cold also guess i will stay put :)
guess it is going to be a white thanksgiving:) well i need more coffee BBL

Ocean Springs, MS

Good morning, my ladies! Keeping Amanda in my prayers. ♥

Angele (Colt's wife) posted a picture of Liam playing in the snow yesterday. Liam was so excited when he woke up that he woke up Angele and said, "It's Winter!" There were just patches of snow, but sweet, innocent Liam thought it was the best! Oh, to have the innocence again to say, "It's Winter!" :)

Stay warm! I've got one more pair of elf sllippers to make and today is the day! LOL

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

We have about 1 inch of snow so the ground isn't completely covered, but it is COLD. 14 degrees this morning. BRRRRRRRR!!!! The 5 degree wind chill is what gets you! Makes me want to stay in....but I have to go to work. Too bad we can't get off for "Wind Chill" . That load of vehicles that was supposed to come yesterday didn't show up and will most likely be here today. Time to dig out the hat,gloves, scarf, insulated undies and boots. Everybody have a good day! Stay warm!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Blizzard happening here

Great day to finish off some projects

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

same here very very cold chicken are even staying in their barn
where it is much warmer :) I'm going to get off here & go warm up the house with some baking :)))) Nice soup comes to mind :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

It is cool here today, 41 right now, with the high of 55.

Cold, so cold! Still in bed! It is 29 here, I turned off all my water and drained the pipes! I am not spending the whole winter repairing pipes!! Have 60 gallons of bottled water, lots of blankets, and all the insulation we put in last year is helping so much. I was up til 3 am working on clay and was supprized when I got to HOT! Ralph and I prepped lots of meals Sunday, so all I have to do is pop stuff in the oven or microwave. He is off today so it will be a snuggle day!

Everyone stay warm and safe!

Ocean Springs, MS

I'm in my warm bed sewing and crocheting! Took a break to do some housework. Now I'm back under the blankets! :)

Ralph is watching him Monday night raw that I recorded for him, i am surfing pinterest for more ideas that I cannot possibly get all done before I die,,, lol

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

pineapple walnut cookies are ready. & My body is saying stop for the day :) ya all have a great day

Ocean Springs, MS

Oh, those cookies sound good! Are you saving some for the Queen? :)

Cookie? Susie you need to try to find some low carb cookies for me...

Victoria Harbour, ON

oh Lordy, sorry you all are cold

friends were over today painting floormats, good day for it..they usually leave mid afternoon but they stayed until 4pm as they only had a bit to finish..hubbies all calling worried about their wives

all enjoyed their day, even made potato soup for them, now what do I do with the other 10 bowls (grin)
I accomplished much as well, I've only about an hour left to finish a quilt then I can bind it and a scrappy quilt I did with snowman on it , love hand sewing
don't know how you do sewing in bed Julie, but then when you are a queen you can do anything right???

tired so these projects will have to wait until tomorrow

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Ocean Springs, MS

Oh, this Queen can do anything! LOL

It's hand sewing, so I can do it in bed. Crochet in bed! Go to sunroom to work on pottery, painting, and machine sewing!

Love you, girls. Stay warm!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Made a cookie with 1c Pumpkin,2 Bananas, 1/4 cFlax seed ,1/2 walnuts,1/2 Pecans, 1/2 raisins,1/2 Honey, 1/2 applesauce, 1c Br Sugar,21/2 c Flour &1 t BP 2 eggs
they are MMMMMM Good these were what I had that needed to be used up so just made them as I go no recipe.
gn all off to the covers ,

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

More cookies? My goodness, lot of baking going on there.

Ocean Springs, MS

Susie, your Queen is sending her address. If you mail the cookies tomorrow, I should get them by Saturday! LOL :)

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes, and they should still be warm, if Susie's quick about it! The way she, and you, and Betty, and Elfie and....., tear around getting things done, she probably could do it. :~D

My Queen, your tribute is ready but I will not be able to get to the Royal Post for awhile. Be not afeared, though, it will arrive.

Ocean Springs, MS

Turtles, thank you! I do slow down in the evenings to watch TV, But when I'm awake, I usually have to be doing something... especially this time of year when I'm making Christmas gifts! :)

Victoria Harbour, ON

I'm starting to get to the end of my Christmas gifts, homemade and bought

2more to quilt once these pieces have binding on project for today dear Queen

wish you lived closer

should be out shovelling..where are all your ladies in waiting, maybe they could help?

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Oh Betty! I love, love, love, the Snowman quilt! Did I mention I collect snowmen? ;)
Both quilts are really lovely.

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