Ocean Springs, MS

Elfie, we cross posted. You can also sell on Pinterest! No fees! And I will make sure to share your store with all my friends. If you have Facebook, you can create a page to sell your items, too! Look me up on facebook under Julieanne Ladnier and send me a friend request. all of you are welcome to "friend" me!

I am wearing my Elf Slippers LK sent me for my Birthday!! i love them!

Ocean Springs, MS

Ah, hope they keep you cozy and elfish! :)

I just sent the request. I will have to figure out how to sell on Pinterest. Any iseas?

Ocean Springs, MS

Create an account. Post pictures and give description and cost. That easy! And we'z gonna be friends! :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I sent a friend request too Julie!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Good morning beautiful Queen Julie.


Lol Badcat is scoopin poop in the rain, I think making you giggle sounds MUCH better!!! ;) As long as you dont mind me cutting the felt into obsene objects hehe

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Good morning Your Highness!

OMG. Badcat!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

hope you share the link with me also ...
sniffles here also u all have a great eve been a long busy day .

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Love the babies Elfie! They are so adorable! I think everybody has some sort of sniffles, or something. Sorry to hear Your Majesty has them.

Ocean Springs, MS

Good evening, all my ladies! Badcat, you are so lucky I don't have a dungeon. And with hardly any rain since Spring, my moat is dry, so I can't throw you in there, either! LOL

I don't get on Facebook a lot, so if there is something specific you want me to see, tag me or share it on my page.

Got Elani's elf slippers finished. Starting on Liam's. Got the basecoat and smooshing done on my mat. Finished the 3-D snowflakes. Have to let the pottery piece dry a little more before I put the handle on it. Making one more platter tomorrow. Kids have eye appts, so tomorrow is very busy for me! Getting a few things at Walmart to start the felt projects and more yarn to do Colt and Angele' s slippers! Whew! Got to get painter's tape, too, for my mat!

Nanny, not feeling bad, just sniffling. Hope it doesn't progess to a cold.

Good night and sweet dreams to all. ♥

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all Can't stay on this morning I Have 3 ducks to find a Good Home for , I Knew when I went over & Built the Cage for them at My Nieces that She would not Keep them & she has Dogs that Like to play with them Like a rag doll.
So I Brought them Home Now I need to find them a good home I just cannot take on any more critters :)))) .
Ya all have a great day .

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good luck finding them a home Susie!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning your Majesty

Seems all your ladies in waiting are busy,busy..
Love the elf booties

Julie, hope you post how you've done on your floormat..I'm anxious to see

Hooe it's a sunshine day for all

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Julie, A beautiful tote Betty sent you. Great job Betty !

Good morning your Highness, I am going to do some claying today and maybe will think of you whilst I am doing so. Lol

Have a great day!!!!


Morning Queenie, Sorry been MIA. Had an incident last night or this morning, idk, been busy with it. I hope you have a right royal kickin day. xx

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Ducks are in a great Home they will fit right in with the 100's of other Chickens,Geese, Ducks, Rabbits, Ginnies, Goats, & much more :) Huge Pond Huge Play Grounds for all :))) Run By A Young Guy by the Name of Dale come to find out he got 2 of my Male Silkies this last spring so I got to see them & They are Beautiful :) I Know what My $100. Christmas Donation is going to be this yr :) Here is his refuge & he can use it :) for all his hard work :) well off to bingo ya all have a great eve .

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Froggie, just any ol' peony will not grow as far south as you are. Better check around and see if anyone there has peonies and what kind they are. They need colder winters to do their best.
I do know that where it is warmer, they need to be planted much more shallow than is typically recommended.
Here's a site I found about growing Peonies in warmer climes:

Ocean Springs, MS

Good evening, all my ladies! Very busy today... plus the kids had eye appts! Copay was $75.00 each and that was with insurance! UGH!

Badcat, hope your incident is over! Hope you are OK!

DJ, glad you found a good home for the ducks!

Hey, Elfie, LK, and Patti! Glad you're thinking of me, Elfie! :)

Crystal, I just want to try to grow one. Someone told me you could plant them in a pot and water with ice cubes? Don't know? Maybe?

Betty, I have posted pics!

Relaxing day at home tomorrow. YES! Have a great night! ♥

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning your Majesty,

hope your relaxing day stays relaxing today!!!

yes, did see your projects, you are certainly an glad my tutorials are working for you

if you are resting you just might want to paint a snowman or two lol

enjoy the day, may it be filled with sunshine

Ocean Springs, MS

Oh, I'm up early this morning. As the holidays draw closer, I wake up between 3-4 every morning. Been this way for 10 years since Daddy passed away. I used to get upset about it, but now, i just tell myself that it's time I'm spending with Daddy! :)

My ladies, look at these beautiful pictures! I am so blessed! The first is Liam and Caden, then Colt's family, and the last is my little "leprechaun" Elani! Love them so much!

Yes, Betty, got my coffee and will be painting some snowmen! :)

Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful royal family.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

You certainly have a great looking group of heirs to the throne, Your Majesty! Beautiful pictures!


Awwww theyre cuties :)

Ocean Springs, MS

Thank you! Liam is my heart, but I do love Caden and Elani just as much! I kept Liam almost a full year in 2011, when Colt was deployed. Almost like Liam is my own son because we are so close.

Morning your Magesty!!

Poor Elfie broke her most needed tool last night. I was told to call the company and they would replace, however I need it NOW!!

Anyway sure hope you have a wonderful day!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM wishing you al a Queenly day I'm going to go to the neighbors drop off the Bread I Baked this Morning for her & then on into town to Just go see if I can find a few more things to add to my Xmas Buddies Box :)

so Have a great day ev1

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry you broke your tool Kris, I hope you get it replaced quickly.

Ocean Springs, MS

Good morning! Elfie, hope you get what you need quickly.

Hey, LK and Susie! I've been up since almost 4 this morning. Just have too much on my mind!
Gonna try to take a nap. BBL

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Time for you to slow down, and take care of yourself! Getting sick is not allowed!

Me too!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Napping is good!

Napping is very good!!

Ocean Springs, MS

Thanks, LK. I am so tired because I've been waking up early. Took a nap, so it is time to hit the crafts again. Painted snowmen faces on the floormat, finished a piece of pottery, spray painted some clay pots, and pressed quilt pieces.
Back to the floormat and sewing some quilt pieces next.
Thanks for "taking care" of your Queen! :)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Good queen and how do they look?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Now off to bed with you:) Gee you made me all tired out with all you have done :) I went to town got my Groceries so now I can Bake more cookies tomorrow My Neighbor carolyn loves
Pumpkin cookies & I baked some for her today & used up all my flour so had to go get more , I love to bake for her she is so
funny & is like a child with a new toy :)
here comes zoey BB in the morning .

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Sound like our queen is a busy little bee.

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