Fairy Garden Swap: The Land(ing) of Fairies Revealed

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

These prizes are available for the winner to choose from tomorrow as well:
1. Green Barista set
2. Blue Barista Set
3. 4 Yellow/orange/gold mini Mushrooms
4. 4 Mixed spotted mini Mushrooms
5. 4 Gold/clear mini Mushrooms

Thumbnail by SPGardens Thumbnail by SPGardens Thumbnail by SPGardens Thumbnail by SPGardens Thumbnail by SPGardens
South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)


4 Light Orange Starburst mini Mushrooms

Thumbnail by SPGardens
Ocean Springs, MS

Ok, You've all been waiting for the winner's name. The winner is...............

Ocean Springs, MS

NANNY23!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUCKY GIRL- PICK YOUR PRIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

YEAH Nanny! Congrats!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Good job Nanny


yay nanny!!!

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

congrats Nanny!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Alright . . . I wonder what she'll pick. It's a hard choice.

Babette,, What did you use to color the mushroom. it is beautiful. Also are those glass jewelry beads on the Mixed spotted mini Mushrooms? I really like the work you are doing.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Acrylic outdoor paint....
Wide European beads (used for bracelets + necklaces - they have large holes)
and glass flat mosaic gemstones......
I make simple things.... lol....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

They are all so Nice would be hard to choose well maybe not I do like # ?
well it is Movie day for me I got up early got my wash done my Neighbors wash done went into town to walk around Summer fest I Bought Gifts for My Fairy swap Partner, a Gift for The Queen of the Month swap , & Some Gifts for Up coming Thanksgiving, Xmas oh boy what fun it was . Just got home a bit ago & good thing it is getting hotter & Very Muggy out so I'm going to stay in & rest till its time to get super :) ya all have a great day . BBL

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks! I have to choose my prize!?! I never win ANYTHING, so I am a little surprised! But happily so.
Sorry I was at work and my internet there has issues at the moment. Let me review the prizes and I will get back to you! How does this work?

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Ok after much deliberation and changing my mind several times. I finally had to toss a coin to make my final decision. Although I love everything that is being offered for prizes( I would love to have one of each) I am going to take Box #1 from Badcat. It was really hard to choose! So now we can proceed with the festivities! Thank you!

Ocean Springs, MS

Nice to hear from you, nanny! So glad you won! You may keep playing the game, but you will not be eligible for another prize. :( But we have to give someone else a chance! :)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

That's OK, I will still play. I would have played anyway even without the prizes. ;) It has been fun so far. And I am well pleased that I won anything at all. So I wish good luck to everyone else that can still win!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Quote from happgarden :
I will have to see how the dogs do with my stuff. It is out of the way so should be ok, but you never know. I really don't think they will bother it, they don't seem a bit interested and they can't run over it without running into the tree...rofl.

Been reading back through trying to update myself :) Joyce I'm sure the Dogs can keep things watered for you :) hehe

it is very hot & Muggy in here tonight so going to Lay back & Badcat If you call YES I MIGHT Be Naked :) there is no one home tonight they have all gone to the summer fest shows in town .

so you all have a great eve off to watch a Movie :)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)


Check this fairy house out! I want one like this. Pretty much dog-proof. lol

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Nnanny that is the bomb

Ocean Springs, MS

Oh, that is awesome! I could do something like that around the one tree I have! I've planted creeping fig and ivy around the tree and they are starting to climb up the tree! Yes, that really gives me some inspiration!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Anyone in California, please check in and let us know your OK, from the earthquake that hit this morning?

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh huh! Hadn't heard that yet, LK! Hope our girls are ok.

That was a really cool fairy place! Wonder how they made those steps?

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Nan - love that fairy house and stairs wrapped around the tree.
Love all of the close-up photos.... such detail..... and those steps are awesome...
now I am thinking about next years creations.......
Its been getting down to freezing temps here during the night..... which is normal, but very early in the season for us.. plants are stunned but recoop when the sun warms the ground and air.
Getting out all of my fleece clothing and wool socks. Brrr....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Babette, did the earthquake affect you guys?

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

We did not feel it - although we have friends and Ric has family near Napa. Getting emails this morning on how they were shaken up and of damage in the area.... still learning on all of the injuries and more damage to structures......

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear your OK. It is all over the news channels, and there is a lot of damage!

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Ric's sister and nephew (and family) live 2 minutes from to the center of the quake.... Still trying to get a hold of his nephew + wife.... electricity just came back on...

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I'm 200 miles south of the quake, and didn't feel it either. Not too many serious injuries, that's good. I was in the area for the last big San Francisco quake, the one where the freeway collapsed. It was years before I stopped thinking about it when I'd park "under" something cement. It's terrifying.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Can't even imagine....

Hope all loved ones are safe.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Glad to hear you CA friends are OK. Keeping the friends and families affected in my prayers. It must be terrifying not knowing if your loved ones are safe or not.

Ocean Springs, MS

Praying for all those affected by the quake. Nanny, when Katina hit, my oldest son was in boot camp. He was allowed to call me on Sunday before we evacuated. The only thing he knew was that it was worse than Camille, and his drill sargent was from our area and she let him call us. But after Katrina, it was 3 days before he could reach us. Cell towers down and even if we got a signal, it was even harder trying to get a call either way. He was so worried about us, but even though we lost everything, we were all ok physically!

Ok,ANSWER TO LAST QUESTION: In his book, he said when the first baby laughed for the first time, his laugh broke into a million pieces, and they all went skipping about. That was the beginning of fairies." The Disney Fairies are based on a similar idea: every time a newborn baby laughs for the first time, that laugh travels out into the world, and those that make their way to Never Land turn into a fairy.

NEW QUESTION: ACCORDING TO FAIRY LORE, WHAT IS A "PINKIE"? (And no, the answer is not your little finger! LOL)

Choosing another winner on Tuesday! Have fun searching! ♥

By the way, one of my boxes is flying to Fairyland tomorrow! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

a Babies Passifier

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

rofl...deejay...that is a binky not a pinky...rofl....

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)


Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I thought a "pinky" was something you fed your pet snake.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

oh my...lol

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well fairy's could have called it Pinky :))))
Home made Toast & Coffee is ready :) Oh & with Home made AppleButter come on over I'll be back soon off to get my Blood draw :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Oooooh, that looks good, DJ.

Ocean Springs, MS

Oh, my, you all were silly little sprites with that question! LOL

Deejay, just not fair! I would love to know how to make homemade bread! I've tried and tried, but no luck! My sister-in-law came to my house one day to show me, but she did it all herself. Just think she was so used to doing it that she forgot to let me put my hands in it!

So, how is everyone doing with their boxes? I have created a few things that I hope my buddies will like! Yes, I have multiple buddies because I forgot to "check my list" twice. Shame on me! Shame! But I'm making it up to them with lots of goodies!

Haven't heard from some members since I sent out names. Please check in and join the chat and the games!

I'm off to Fairyland again! Be back this evening!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm working on a few but Nothing really right just yet.

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9

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