Fairy Garden Swap: The Land(ing) of Fairies Revealed

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Snakes are always very exciting.
I used some recycled metal sheeting on mine too. Sorry yours didn't work, it's no fun working with sheet metal. Here's a pic of my backyard (from a very strange angle). The front of the bench creates a backdrop for my little pond.

Thumbnail by Domehomedee Thumbnail by Domehomedee
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

WOW! I love your back yard! Wish I had a pond!

My Sis just called and said Dad has been moved back to the nursing home! He still has the catheter in place, and will keep it there till he see's the urologist in 2 weeks. Thanks so much for all your thoughts and prayers!


great news darlin!!!!

Dee love your back yard!!!!

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

Wow! Very nice. I love the arbor on it. That would be very handy for several things. Your pond is very nice too. Looks like an awesome back yard all the way around! Is that a stock tank you made the pond with?

Ocean Springs, MS

Well, you all have been so busy chatting while I've been making things for the swap!

Flogro, that potting bench is awesome! You did a great job!

Can't even remember everything I've read, but I love your garden, Dee!

JKJ, thanks for helping Flogro with her picture!

Linda Kay, will be sending your box out Thursday morning, priority mail.

the only critters that bother me are roaches and houseflies! YUCK!

Badcat, I know what you mean... I was ready to pack a box and decided to make 1 more thing that turned into 4! LOL

ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S QUESTION: Leprechaun. Traditions change, and the appearance of the leprechaun is one of those traditional elements that has been altered in modern times. In older stories, he always wears a red coat and a cocked hat, whereas in most modern images his coat is green and he has red hair. The pot of gold is also a modern invention.


Have fun and I will draw another name Thursday morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

Glad to hear about your dad LK.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Oh I should have guessed that one, I was born on St. Patrick's Day.
The pond is a 8' wide, 2' deep stock tank. We sunk it in 1' and left 1' above ground as it discourages predators from fishing. There are koi in there, we only see them at feeding time.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Nice potting bench I know u r really enjoying it love ur yard . I put a sink in mine but I like watering with the fish water so I just get a pitcher of it more times than not.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Thanks for all the compliments on my yard. I use a lot of pots . . . we have gophers big time. And the deer just wander in and eat so I have to use deer resistant plants or put wire around them. It's been a challenge, but I do love the wildlife. We saw a roadrunner today, came right up the driveway, it's only the second one I've seen here in 20+ years.
Fish water, I need to remember that one. I don't have a sink in my bench, but I do have a hose right there. I just make a muddy mess when I'm potting, LOL.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Pond water and natural fertilizer...lol everything you need. Yeah if it rains or I get carried away with the hose I would end up with a mess right in front of potting bench so I dug it out and put rubber mulch and it has worked so well! Soft to stand on water goes right thru it and my feet stay dry and not a giant muddy mess which is what I had.

Ocean Springs, MS

Very good idea with the mulch, Joyce. I had a potting bench in my greenhouse, but when they moved it to my place now, it didn't survive the move. Plus they put the greenhouse about 200 feet from the house! Too far to run hoses and electricity for heaters, so we made it a shed. :(
But if I need to, I'll bring things into my sunroom now and pot them up! works very well because my bathroom is just a few feet from the sunroom!
I had a 8 x 10' pond with loi when Katrina hit. When the water receded, it sucked the pond dry! I guess the loi learned to survive in the bayou!
I'll be back later. love, julie

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have a solar room and it is chocked full of plants during the winter. But I am so lazy I hate dragging water in there and I can't make a big mess like I do the garden room or a greenhouse (if I had one...lol) ;( Good thing about my solar room I don't have to go out in the cold rain snow and wind to play.

first pic is of my potting bench right after I finished it, so clean and nice...rofl.
second pic of how the potting bench normally looks...rofl, you can see where I started digging out the area for the mulch. I would suggest it for anyone so far it has worked great cause I am messy!

Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden
(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

I agree with the fish water too. It's stinky but the plants love it. We have a pump mounted on the boat dock with a pvc pipe that sucks up water from near the bottom of the lake. Lots of poo down there!

I considered using the rubber mulch but I needed to cover a 10' x 30' area and cost became a factor. I ended up using cypress instead. Maybe someday.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I've never seen rubber mulch is it like wood chips only rubber?
Joyce - I love your bench, so attractive.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

It is stupid that cut up old tire (rubber mulch) can be so expensive. What I have been watching home depot and lowes and they will alot of the times sell the bags of rubber mulch that are broken for 1/2 price, helps make it alot more reasonable. Mine is not full yet...lol due to the fact it is so expensive. I just buy a little at a time. Sides I was only doing right in front of the potting bench.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

We just got another estimate for taking down 3 dead pine trees in our front yard. We'd just let them fall but they are threatening an outbuilding. We have had two estimates for $3,000. Am I crazy or does that just seem outrageous. Anyway I will probably have enough pine mulch to cover an acre.
Talk about expensive mulch.


It is crazy since they usually keep the wood!!!! :(

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

We had all these pine trees and then they started dying, we have been taking them down, we had a guy just drive up and give us a estimate, would of scared me to death, they need to have insurance or you would be held liable if they got hurt. DH has been taking them down but they aren't close to anything. dh got thrown against the tractor but not while taking the trees down but while sawing one up, somehow the big branch flipped and tossed him up against the tractor, luckily he wasn't hurt as bad as he could of been, but it took him about 6 months to get back to normal. He couldn't even shift our car with his right arm.

Our trees are diseased so they would NOT be good for mulch because they need to be destroyed so they don't infect any other trees. Not that ours would make any difference because we have an abandoned Christmas tree farm to the south of us and they are all infected! Looks like 100's of them.

Wow dh is laughing at me and this project...I sure hope it arrives safely, otherwise my partner will have a giant jig saw puzzle to put back together. lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That sounds quite expensive to remove trees!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I am DONE! with my Buddies fairy project....hallelujah! Now I just need to leave it alone, and stop tinkering, before I tinker one too many times...rofl.
Not going to mail until Tuesday tho.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Joyce, you sound like me! I tend to over-tinker sometimes, too!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yeap tinkering too much is a bad habit of mine....you know just add this, just move this...and then OMG what have I done!! lol

Ocean Springs, MS

In South MS, some will remove the trees and pay us for the wood, but I think the trees must be healthy and they don't remove stumps or mulch.

Happ, too much can be a bad thing sometimes! :)

Leaving tomorrow for TN to see Colt and his family. Can't wait to see my Liam! ♥

ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S QUESTION: Fairy Hillocks are little knolls of grass, like mole-hills, said in the “good old times” to be the homes of fairies. There were multiple answers for this question, so I gave you credit if you had a different answer.

TODAY'S QUESTION: Faeries love musical instruments. NAME ONE OF THEIR FAVORITES!

Have a good evening. I need to finish packing!


Well poop lol just answered the last one!! LOL

Pack it up!!!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Julie,

I wanted to thank you for first for being so concern . I am doing better. I have a great husband to lean on.
I received your wonderful box today. You sent me a box full of great items and ideas. I can't wait to build my fairy and gnome gardens. I think this weekend will be a great time for me to relax and have fun. I want to share all the beautiful items Julie shared with me.
A beautiful cottage ,with a purple fairy, and pond two different type of fence star and picket. A cute little gnome climbing a latter. Another fairy with her little friend. Two glass globes, and little odds ends to be super creative. Just what I needed and wanted to get my mind off things right now. I am so grateful Julie. Thank you.

This message was edited Aug 27, 2014 7:21 PM

Thumbnail by rose318
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Patti, that is a great box of fairy goodies!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

You have a whole fairy garden there!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all Very Nice box Patti , I'm still haven Problems trying to find time to work on mine its on day 3 Getting my floor painted for i have had to paint at Night so I can be off the floors& my furniture is all piled up at the other end of my house .
floor Has dried very nice so now just waiting for jim to get back her to put the trim boards back on then i can move things back :) then off to get my hair cut so busy day you all have a great day.

Ocean Springs, MS

Patti, you are so very welcome! Take care of yourself and I hope you have time this weekend to make some pretty things for your garden!

DJ, hope you get your floor finished today!

I'm off to pottery class, then to Tennessee this evening!

Oh, the next winner is.................Domehomedee! Congrats! Pick your prize!
SPgardens is offering a fairy house, 2 barista sets, and various mushroom sets

Badcat is offering another prize

Be back later!


Woot! Grats Dee!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow Patti that is a great box of fairy toys to play with. Looks like you have everything you need to make a great garden!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Congrats Dee! Very nice box Patti. You have some great stuff there!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Congrats Dee!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I like the spotted mushrooms, so that's what I pick.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

who here said they liked the pheonix bird?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

What phoenix bird?

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

I believe that was Moonjala jkj

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

thanks nanny

Has anyone ever seen something as cute as this!!

Thumbnail by
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

AWE! That is so cute!

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