Mid-Atlantic Fall Plant Swap

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Looks like we'll be unable to get there on the 13th. Lots of family stuff to take care of. Sorry that I'll be missing the fun.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK--This is a c/p from my "haves" list.

Please let me know <_>HERE if anything is askew:

Packs of bamboo stakes @$2.50 each (tax incl.)

--David------2...$5 (tax incl.)---PAID.

--Jill----------4...$10 (tax incl.)-- B&D Trimmer ($26.50)--Mini Hosta; You owe me--$36.50

--Sally-------2..--Did you want 2 packs??? .If yes--you owe me $5 (tax incl.)

--Carbird ---1pk...$2.50 (tax incl.); 6 Astilbes--b>Total you owe me---$ 21.58 (tax inc.)

--Happy----2 pkgs. of stakes- 6 nice CC's --different colors-repoted in 4" pots.
Mini Hosta; You owe me $5.

--SS---3 Asilbes--$9.54--2 pkg. stakes--$5--PAID

--Bring Big Root geranium pots (6) to Happy---DONE! 2 pks of stakes--You owe me $5.

--Jeff--Brazilian Plume flower--(1)-- Dig up a Monkshood. DONE

---Paul 3 Hellebores for "Park"...plus two packages of bamboo stakes-big pot
of Campanula Elizabeth. You owe me a total of $14.60

--David and Pat--2 rooted divisions of Pulmonaria.; 4 "Holly Ferns" (PAID for)
Mini Hosta for David...:o) ;

--Terri--Rooted Braz. Plume ...14 Astilbes-- Two Pulmonarias. ; PAID FOR

--donner--rooted Pulmonaria division. 1; Pack of Olga's columbine seeds.

--Holly--One Holly Fern...You owe me $3.20

Is anything not correct? Did I miss anything you asked for?

****Please try to have exact change or round it off to the next dollar.
Or--a check.

Thank you so much, Gita

This message was edited Sep 9, 2014 2:44 PM

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Roses, you will be missed!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

So sorry not to see you there Roses!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

awwwwww roses, you and me both...

Seq, just call me mom! I feel like I've earned every gray too lol. I want to go gray in the worst way, but it is almost impossible to do in the workplace. Most women just don't do it. I'm getting more daring though and going for longer periods with no color (drives my hairdresser crazy). Guys - lucky you - you don't have this issue!

sorry to miss seeing you all this weekend. have a fun time ^_^ Hope to maybe see some of you next year sometime.

pic #1 is a new planter for us that I just got from a friend who is selling her house and getting rid of all her garden 'stuff'.

and this is our latest feral cat visitor, "Sammy". I'm going to have him neutered if he isn't already and scanned for a microchip around Thanksgiving if he is still around.

Thumbnail by wind Thumbnail by wind
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Roses you sure will be missed.
Will Gardadore be coming I figured she was riding with you?

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I think that she might be traveling again because I've not heard from her lately. They cruise at least half of every year!!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita and Happy,

The R. hirta I have from Gita's seeds is still in first flush of bloom, so I don't yet have withered blossoms/seeds to share. I would expect to have some seeds for you later in the season and will be happy to share them with you at that time.


Thumbnail by CatMint20906
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Logic would dictate hat--IF you have something blooming from seeds I gave you--
then I, surely, should have more of those seeds myself. Right?

However--in case mine are all mixed up-I will, gladly take a few seeds.


BIG question---Cat...

Since you and Karen (Typ) both moved on to ATP--and you and Karen are both
co-Administrators there on the MAF--can you tell us if karen has totally
given up on DG?

YOU are posting again--daily--she is not. What's up?

I really miss Karen! Gita

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

This message was edited Sep 10, 2014 7:21 PM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

This message was edited Sep 10, 2014 7:23 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

WHOA!!! Judy!!! What brought all his on????

I have nothing "further to say"--on what??? I do not understand your anger...

I am not at war with anyone--so what is it I should "hold my peace" on???

What brought all this on? All I did was ask a question....

If there is something going on that i am not aware of re Karen or Cat--or ATP--
please explain--on any Thread you choose. All is well with me!

I am shocked at your attitude--it is totally undeserved. WOW.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, you had asked for the R hirta seeds quite some time ago, and I said I would save you some, so I have not forgotten about my commitment to do that. It is entirely up to you, of course.

I believe that Typ is very busy. I'm sure she wouldn't mind your dropping her a note and asking her how she is.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Cat---I did a while ago--and did not get an answer...
I know she is busy.... .Will give her a call--or drop by.
I have some bugs for Autumn. he'll love them.

I will gladly take some seeds, cat. Thanks. Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Parking and Prearranged Swaps.
There is a large circle in front of our house with parking on both sides. You can drive back the lane next to our yard to drop off plants and such in the backyard then turn around and park out front. There will be overflow parking in the back.
When you drive back the lane there will be marked blue Pepsi flats spread out on the left side going back. This is the prearranged swap area. You can drop off your swaps in that area. If there is anyone that does not need a prearranged spot please let me know. I will be putting up a spot for each attendee.

This message was edited Sep 11, 2014 2:35 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly, that's brilliant. I'll drop bulbs off at people's spots also... and I'll put a marked box or something at my spot for checks. (If you're paying in cash, please find me.)

I'm in Pittsburgh this morning and finally back online, but I won't be home until this afternoon. I'm hoping all is well with the ADR bulbs (non-amaryllises)... Jim reports 7 BIG boxes in the front hall. :-)

I'll probably not bring much other than the bulbs, but I'll do a little digging tomorrow. Ones that transplant easily (mints, vinca) will just go into bags. My apologies for that, but it's been a busy summer. I want to do some propagating for myself also this spring, so I should have extras to share at the next swap.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have NOT asked for any plants from anyone--so I do not need a Pepsi box.
If someone brings me anything--they can just give it to me.

Tammy is bringing about 6 cuttings from her Plumeria. No one has asked for them,
but she wanted to bring something.
She will have them with her--wherever we will sit. OK?

Thanks, Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sounds good Gita.

I am putting out a disclaimer so I don't keep repeating myself the day of the swap. The gardens aren't quite what they should be. Got a terrible late start this year because of health issues many plants weren't planted before the end of July beginning of Aug so you will find many plants not fully grown in. Also just about the time I was almost getting the weeding under control the home improvements started so instead of weeding and maintenance I have been working inside for the last month. Ric says everything looks fine but I know better. I also know that none of you care and will all overlook the rough conditions of the garden this year.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly, your gardens are a treat regardless -- Ric knows this! Just coast, now... no weeding before the swap! Just seeing the two of you and getting to visit with everybody is the real treat.

I've updated my "haves" post to include LOVELY LEFTOVERS from the ADR group buy. Not to worry about my "needing" to get rid of them -- they aren't really "leftovers" but rather bulbs that I can easily spare, cutting down on the number to plant this fall. With my lack of plants to bring, I figured I'd offer "dibs" on wholesale-priced bulbs instead.

See if there's anything you want and Dmail me! http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/p.php?pid=9908473

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

No probably no weeding. The whole living area is covered in concrete dust, I spent all of yesterday removing the vinyl tile from the concrete pad in the living room. Turned into a much harder job than either Ric or I thought. Those first tiles came up so easy had to use the heat gun on the rest. The tile guys are here right now laying the ceramic tile and they will come back tomorrow to grout it. Then I can clean, or not. LOL

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

You guys should have waited until the winter. I try to push off all inside projects until the winter so as not to detract from the garden any precious time.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Ditto to what Jill said: seeing you is treat enough!

Holly, do you still want Sea Oats for the wedding decor? If I cut them green they will just dry nicely on their own?

Jeff, I like doing 'inside' projects when I can live a majority of the time to completion outside. Find my garden is a great distraction from todo list er, I mean break! But then most of my projects are things that must be done rather than things I'd like to do.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Double ditto to what critter said! Just seeing you is treat enough

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jeff you are so right and that is usually what we do. Inside projects are definitely a winter thing. But this Spring I spent so much time just reclining in the living room due to that back issue that I had way too much time to look around and once the ball started rolling it didn't stop till the whole great room was completely done. I don't think I realized how much work I would have. Just having Josh come and lay the wood flooring turned into me painting the room, emptying everything out of the china cabinet, the kitchen cabinet and the desk so that they could be moved. Might as well clean it all while you have it all out.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Geez....if you give a mouse a cookie...LOL

Judy, are you saying you like to camp outside your house in the yard when you are doing inside projects? Lol...did I misunderstand you?

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Holly, it looks like there's a decent chance of rain for Saturday. Do you have a contingency plan if we all need to be inside?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm fairly respectful of the tough job meteorologists face, but as I sit now at my kitchen table watching a downpour outside, when the chance of rain at this hour on weather.com is literally zero, maybe it is a good sign that rain is predicted for Saturday -- maybe that portends great weather. Just saying.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly, thanks so much for the hospitality in the face of renovations. We went to a huge party once where half the inside was taped drywall. It's about the people.

Well, and the food. And plants.

I'm bringing some sea oats. I have a huge bunch fro last year, I will see if they are too brittle to transport.

Gita tell Tammy I may not take a Plumeria cutting but will look forward to hearing about hers.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally and Coleup don't bother with the Sea Oats. Josh and Courtney don't think they will need more than we have.
No I don't have a rain contingency. Last I heard the chance of rain was down to scattered showers. We have several Pop-ups to set up but if we have serious rain we will all be getting to know each other in a much more personal manner. LOL
Do check your D-mail in the morning before you come in case there is some reason we need to reschedule. I am not expecting to have to do that but you never know.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

If each one of us brings a really big umbrella (are beach umbrellas water-repellent?), it probably won't rain.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Good point. And I'll try to remember not to wash my car (that'll be easy).

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

We have one of those pop-up shelters too if you would like us to bring it. Just let me know.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ecnalg, Yes do bring it if it isn't too much trouble.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Will do.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll throw one of mine in the car too just in case.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Bright and beautiful today, maybe it won't be an issue.

Many of the things I'm bringing are unpotted, and roots wrapped with dirt in newspaper, then plastic,. Sure saving space and weight. I guess it's partly a factor of being fall, few seedlings or tender young plants.

Since iris roots are dormant and in paper lunch bags, I had to get them covered in case of rain last night. So I packed a lot of things in a plastic tub, loosely covered, and without pots they are light enough to lay on each other.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

If it wasn't for all the things I am bringing to other people--I would have a pretty empty car.
i DO have 2 big things dug up. Stinking iris clump for David and a big pot with
a big clump of Capanula Elizabeth in it for Paul.
Hmmmmm. May need SS to take this to him.

Then all the Holly ferns (5 pots), Jills trimmer---lots of packs of stakes, etc...
As there will be 3 of us in my small car--things may get tight.

All will work out--I know it!! Gita

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly: Your gardens are always lovely and I personally don't notice weeds (if I did, I'd have to pack it in with my yard). But that being said, I'd be delighted to spend 10 minutes weeding a bed of your choice. I bet other attendees would as well. With all of us on hand, you could have a bed or two spruced up in no time! Just point us to where you want us to work and give us a bag for the weeds. It make make a nice tradition at swaps for each of us to contribute 10 minutes or so to a project that is underway....

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, I got the buns last night from Costco. I hope they're up to your bun standards ;-P

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