Mid-Atlantic Fall Plant Swap

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh, that's fine Terry; crossposted

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

SS--Thanks! It's nice to have some people living close-by to each other.

Maybe you can pick up the plant Paul has for Sally and bring it to the swap too?


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I sent out a Group Blast D-mail for our Addy, a few directions for when you get close and phone #'s if you need to call. If you didn't get a D-mail from me please let me know. Thanks.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, the R hirta has opened. It is a large cultivar--must be about 2 feet high. It has big blossoms with orange-yellow rays and a huge brown center. Hopefully, there will be some mature seedheads to bring you in 2 weeks.

You can see for size comparison the regular R. fulgida in the background.

This message was edited Sep 2, 2014 8:43 AM

Thumbnail by CatMint20906
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I've just been googling around among R. hirta cultivars, and I'm wondering if this is 'Indian Summer'? I know we've been sharing Indian Summer seeds around among ourselves, and it seems to match the description!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint: It is really lovely, whatever it is. I've always had a weakness for Rudbeckia hirta! Such luscious blooms.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Happy! :-)

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

If there is any interest in Irises, I have an unknown Iris I received from LazySS. It was suppose to be an Iris Cristata, which I wanted because of the height. I'd love to rehome it.

Attached is an image of the iris taken last year. It is much larger this year and I could get quite a few divisions out of it.

Thumbnail by UMD_Terp
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd love your orphan iris, Jeff. I'm going to replace the row of ditch lilies at the front of my awful front hill -- it'll probably take me a year -- but iris is one of the plants on my list for that project -- they can withstand road salt, and the deer don't eat them, and they are long-lived.....

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Jeff!?! :(

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sorry Paul -- I wasn't paying attention -- for some reason, I thought it was sequoia posting. Clearly I'm not 100% here -- I should be working instead of playing around -- I'd love YOUR iris, UMD_Terp, if available.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy if I have extra seedsof the r hirta I'll bring some for you!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd love that, catmint; thanks! For a few years I was growing it and then it disappeared. Gita gave me some seedlings, but sadly they died....

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

OK got you down Happy!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am sure your Hirta id "Indian Summer" from Karen. She could verify it.

I will still take some seeds, though. I grew a couple of her I.Summer, but
everything that grew 3X their size in my Kitchen side bed choked them out--
I think. I remember them coming up--but now they are under piles and piles
of other plants. Don't think they made it.

1--here is my Hirta.

2--Here is the bed I planted Karen's WS "Indian Summer" Hirta in.
Wayyy in the back. Nothing much can survive there this summer......

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

It's possible although the R hirta is growing in the place where I planted your seeds.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Does anyone have Nepeta Blue Hills Giant, Nepeta Joanna Reed, or Nepeta Snowflake? If you do, I would dearly like some fresh cuttings that I can root.

This message was edited Sep 5, 2014 11:18 AM

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm adding Saponaria (Soapwort) to my haves list because I had to dig it up to make room for a Spice Bush. At least, I'm pretty sure it's Soapwort, and probably Rock Soapwort because it is more spreading than upright. I collected seeds from the garden of a house my daughter was renting.

The flowers are pink even though they look white in the photos. I have three 7" pots and could pot up a fourth. I took these photos 3 weeks ago; the plants are blooming a bit more now.

This message was edited Sep 6, 2014 6:43 PM

Thumbnail by Muddy1 Thumbnail by Muddy1 Thumbnail by Muddy1
Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

I have also added plants to my HAVE list. If there are further requests, I will just dig up the plants on Saturday. They should live.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

If anyone wants their shovel sharpened for weeding, remember to bring them on. If you want to learn how we'll show and tell. :-}

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ric: That's wonderful -- I'd love a demonstration!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Ric--Are you talking about a hand-trowel--or a real shovel with a handle?

I also have a question for all of you----

Would it be appropriate for me to post here and let people know what they owe me is correct?
I am losing my mind...Some have sent checks--others have not, Been trying to keep track--
but am no longer sure.
Some have sent a check--and then have added something to their wants.
Some paid ahead of receiving some plants...

Several people wanted the bamboo stakes---need to know if they got them with
the delivery that SS came to p/u plants and faeried them to 3 different people.
I think Sally, Robin and Jill still have not gotten theirs. Happy--did you get yours?
I don't think I recall sending any along with your Big Root geraniums.
But--it says on my records that you want two packages...

Paul and SS got theirs. That is the only two people I know for sure..

I really do not want to send a D-mail to 6 different people if I could just post it here??.

Your opinion, please.......Don't want to get in trouble with the Administration.

Thanks, Gita

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita: I didn't get the bamboo stakes from ssg. Should I have picked them up from ssg? Anyway, let me know how many bundles you have for me ( I think it was one or two) and I'll send you a check @ $2.50 each. Did I owe you for anything else?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, I kept 2 packages of bamboo sticks for myself and Paul picked up 2. I didn't have any bamboo sticks for Happy.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy---I know now that you did not.
You will get your stakes at the swap. Please pay me then.
Too late to be mailing a check out. OK?

SS--I was clear on you and Pal and who got stakes. Thanks--
You paid me--Paul still owes me.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

****Tammy wanted me to tell you all she will be bringing some Pulmonaria cuttings.
Don't know how many. If you want one--pleas see her at the swap.

She has not posted anything--as she does not belong to DG...yet...


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita: Will do. Can you let me know how many bundles of bamboo you have for me? That was I can set aside money for you in advance of the swap craziness.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly and Ric, my 12 year old will be coming up with me. It's my birthday and she wants to spend time with me on my birthday (I need to enjoy this while I can--LOL). :-) We'll probably arrive between 12 and 1, and leave around 3.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Sweet Cat, are you going to be 29 again? Lol

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

You asked for two bundles. You can have more if you want.
$2.50 each--tax incl.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, yes you can do your settling up on this thread. Ric is talking about digging spades and flat shovels.
Catmint your daughter will be very welcome, in fact all children are welcome and we have a pool so have her bring her bathing suit if it's warm enough.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Gita!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Seq, I'm going to be 56, and I have earned every gray hair I have. :-)

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh wow, I didn't think I'd get the actual number! Some women never tell the real number. At my last job a lady told me she was 35. I thought she looked older than 35 but didn't question it. Several months later I found out she was actually 45...LOL

Does anyone have a plant called Actaea pachypoda aka white baneberry?? I'm interested in some and I didn't know if anyone had and could bring to the swap.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Quote from CatMint20906 :
Seq, I'm going to be 56, and I have earned every gray hair I have. :-)

I always say that I have earned every gray hair I color. If you test a sample of my hair, you wont' find my DNA. You will only find out which brand of hair color I use. Haha!

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Lol...funny Donner!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

donner, haha- I never would have guessed you color your hair.

both of you ladies have fresh young faces that don't seem to call for grey hair!

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Not to make anyone feel bad but my Mom is turning 58 on Thursday ;-P

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Quote from Sequoiadendron4 :
Not to make anyone feel bad but my Mom is turning 58 on Thursday ;-P

Okay now I do feel old! ;-)

Thanks Sally! :-)

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

You're not old, I'm just a young punk ;)

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