Mid-Atlantic Fall Plant Swap

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Great idea, Happy! And I'm not just saying that in case I host in spring... LOL

Point us to a bed where things need weeding AND dividing. ;-6

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I was thinking of that same thing---while we are all there.....funnny!

Of course--this year--most of us will be also making stepping stones...
-having asst. shovels sharpened...and eating---and socializing...
and swapping---and talking plants....


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Perhaps there are some good areas for learning & practicing that weeding technique with our newly sharpened shovels...

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, I'd be happy to be Paul's plant fairy.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much!!! Gita

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'd be happy to weed also!

While we weed we can discuss whether Jeff has good buns.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

If I weeded--my buns would be up in the air--bent over old lady style.
That is how I do all my gardening....can't kneel--so there is no other option.

So--I am not going to subject myself to having my buns judged.
I will just sit and admire all yours.....

Anyway--car is slowly getting packed. Just waiting for the sun to go down
so the plants won't sit in a hot car. I think everything will fit in just the back.
No need to lower any of the seats. My food contribution will be sitting
on one of them--Tammy on the other. Speedie navigating--me driving.

Holly or Ric--

Can you give me a rough idea how far up on I-83 the Susquahana Speedway is?
Minutes or miles....Is there an Exit #? Or is it just past an Exit with a number?
OR--Is there a main Rd. turn-off just before the Speedway? Sally drove last time.

It is hard driving somewhere and not knowing when you are getting close.
This would help a lot.

Thanks, Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, You will be taking Newberrytown Exit, turn left towards Lewisberry when you get off the exit. Turn right at Old York Rd that will be a mile or two from the exit ramp.
Newberrytown Exit is well north of York. Just put both your and my addresses in Mapquest and it will print out directions with miles and exit # for you.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

All that--and it wasn't even in your directions!

I will do the mapquest, Thanks, Ric.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

That was too funny, Sally!!!

I'd be happy to weed too. I'll toss some gardening gloves and knee pads in the car.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Gita, the directions we first posted were for when you get closer just to give you all and idea of where you are going. I figured everyone would mapquest or use GPS if they have it to get them close. It's really easy from you place.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL! Sally. Discussion about buns alone will be enough reason for joining the weeding ;-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

There is no doubt that it will be raining all day.
We can post pone till tomorrow when the rain will be cleared out or set up till next week.
We would like to hear from you what you prefer to do.
I am thinking that tomorrow might be best since many of you have already made food.
Or we can just dance in the rain today.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I can't do tomorrow--I work on Sundays...car is all packed...food is in the oven.

Also--Speedie has taken off today and is, probably, on her way already.
She has 1 1/2hr. travel just to my place. It is not easy for her to get off....

Tammy also asked to have today off a month ago. She is a head cashier-
and getting off is not easy.

Postponing this late seems complicated. Can we manage with the gazebos?
Lots of umbrellas? We could postpone the stepping stones project. Was that in
the works for outside?


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Stepping Stones are under tent, food will be inside and we have maybe 5 pop ups for the yard. They are not calling for heavy rain but I expect it to rain most of the day. So Gita, Speedie and Tammy are saying Dance in the Rain.
Gita, Ric says we should just dance in the Rain, too.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just heard the forecast for today for here.

50% chance of rain--OFF AND ON. some of it light.

If you group all the pop-ups--we will have a tent-City.
Might be something to tell stories about later on.

Set up some TV trays or small tables and we will all have a good tie.

Ps--i am still curling my hair to look fabulous.


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

We cannot make it tomorrow either.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

What a great bunch of adventurous friends. So far everyone says DANCE IN THE RAIN.
Swap will go on as planed. Bring rain coats and umbrellas.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

When you have good buns you can dance in the rain,
Muddy1 will be able to get muddy, so you know she'll be happy!
No wait, happy is Devon.

So Who's on First?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Dance in the rain works for me! Happy just called... we're both running a little late, but I don't think it'll take us as too long to sort out the bulbs... if need be, we'll take the rest of the bulbs & labels with us so we're not late for chow!

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I don't dance (like most men) but I'd like to play in the rain. It looks like it will be intermittent at best so no biggie. Plus I have a wedding to go to tomorrow.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

And, rain or shine, Happy Birthday to you Catmint! Happy dance for you on your special day.

See you soon. Judy

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Judy! :-) DD and I are about ready to get into the car for the drive up.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I left my blue beach chair at the swap! I guess I'll pick it up from you at our next gathering?

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I thought you did. I was sitting in it and thought you left.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly and Ric, thank you for your wonderful hospitality. Had a really great time, and your idea of plant distribution was a real winner. Usually I spend much of my time worrying about connecting people and plants and get in very little visiting. Sorry Ric was not feeling his best and needed to keep a pretty low profile. Get well quickly, Ric! Thanks again to you both.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ditto to all the kudos for our fabulous host and hostess -- and their terrific family! Thanks for all your hard work and hospitality, doubly so coming in as we did on the tail end of all those reno projects!

The drop-off stations were a great innovation that we'll use for future swaps, I'm sure. We use that arrangement of little "gift bags" for dropping off pre-swapped seeds; I'm not sure why it took this long to do something similar at plant swaps... but extra hugs to whomever had the brain flash!

As always, it was wonderful to see everybody! Big THANK YOU to Happy for her help divvying up the bulbs this morning and to SSG-Terri for helping sort out the bags at the other end.

Good night, and Sweet Garden Dreams!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly and Ric, Thanks again, and again, for having us all over! We had a great time.

Catmint, I am SO sorry I didn't get your two items into your pile! I will pot them and have nice plants for you next time I see you. I got sidelined in the distribution process and also did not get my ' free take' stuff to the table till later.

Ric, feel better! I could not tell you didn't feel up to par.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Yeah, much thanks Holly and Ric for hosting!! All your plants looked so wonderful and I don't know what you were saying about weeds as I didn't really see any :) I had a great time with everyone and it was great to see you all. I too think the drop off areas were a great idea as well, good job to whomever thought it up.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

A big thank you from me too! Your house is so beautiful inside and out. I didn't see any weeds either; all I saw were lots of healthy, happy plants nestled in and around very creative hardscaping and "yard art" (for lack of better words I can't think of right now). I think the bathtub is my favorite!
Ric, I'm glad you rallied enough to give me a tour of the gardens, greenhouse and chicken coop.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Sending my thanks to Holly and Ric for the fabulous party! We had a wonderful time! The garden was beautiful and there was so much to see (and take cuttings of, teehee)!

It was great seeing everybody. Thank you all for the plants.

Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville
Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

The stepping stone project was fun for us, and mess for Holly and Ric ;-)

This message was edited Sep 14, 2014 6:38 AM

Thumbnail by donnerville
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Speedie here, LIVE! from Gita's house! :) Ric and Holly, thank you again, so very much, I had such a wonderful time yesterday!! Ric, I hope you get feeling better soon. Thank you Gita, for being such a wonderful hostess (with the Mostest!) :)

Hitting the road soon, so will sign off. See you's later. :)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Speedie, So great to have you at the swap. So glad you could come.
Your right Gita, is a real gem.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Holly and Ric, for your generosity in hosting! Loved your gardens, and I agree that method of plant-sorting was genius! Thanks also for picking up the pro-mix, Ric. Hope you feel better soon!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

My thanks, too and ditto to all above. Nice to complete a thought and have an actual conversation. Also wanted to comment on the transformations and growth around yard and indoors from what I remember from my first swap at your place, Wow.

And I too appreciate the little side tours with Ric and his obvious pride and pleasure with what grows and is becoming around him.

And a special shout out to Donner for bringing more dumplings this time round.

I know I talked mainly about Monarch butterflies but I hope each of you will be heartened by their presence and promise and enjoy watching them emerge and fly away , good examples of how many hands and hearts make this journey we are all on so much richer than going it alone.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

yes, and thanks Greenthumb for bringing the butterfly habitats!

Sally: hopefully there will be another opportunity for the peach iris and the maypops.

Speedie: so glad you could make it! It was great to meet you!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Catmint! Was that Maypop supposed to be yours? I snagged it off the freeferall table, probably after you left. You can pick it up later this fall, if you want it!

I'm just awed by the transformations at Ric & Holly's place, both inside and out. I'd like to have seen Holly's face when she walked into her new "surprise!" bathroom.

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