Fairy Garden Swap: Interest and Chat Part 2

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

My dragons arrived today.... have to give them a good scrubbing.... they have been sitting on a shelve for years...and it shows.... lol......
Kathy - i sent you a DMail

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Got your email, and answered it.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

answered yours back, your majesty.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Thank you, my loyal servent

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

bows again.... now I'm stuck... .....

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

ya need some wd40

DOC just called. My tests came back. They showed that I have absolutely NO blockages in my heart, not bulges in the aorta, and my veins and arteries have no build up or problems!! So in other words my ticker and stuff is just fine!! Now to get though the rest of my tests and see how it goes. She has no explanation for the pains I keep having in my chest as there is simply nothing that would be wrong. Except maybe I do to much lifting and have managed to strain the muscles and / or ligaments to my chest. The only thing the test did show is that I have a good amount of Arthritis around my spine. So that is the cause of the back pain.

I go for my liver scan and mammogram next week. I expect the mammogram to be fine,, not sure about the liver test. I expect that one to be just bad, bad, bad. And so does the DOC. Of course she expected my heart and veins to look bad too. Fooled her,, HA!!!!!

I will continue with the water therapy for the Arthritis and hope that also helps with the pains in my chest. 3 days a week for this and I am actually enjoying this.

This message was edited Jul 18, 2014 5:54 PM

Let's see if I can upload a picture from my garden??

Mini plants for fairy garden,, chocolate arugala? And dwarf monkey grass.

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My rocks.. well a couple of them...lol

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Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Elfie is that Chocolate Chip Ajuga?

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, please for me, too. I'd lice at least one for postage!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Hey sissy, what ya doing?

Atlantic Beach, VA

OoOo..can I join this swap?



sorry but i bout peed meself about the wd40...BAHAHAHAH!!!

ELFIES your be cut off till you get yur hiny into healthielfie mode

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Bad at, do you need depends?

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Just hangin ;o)

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

that depends ... right bad cat....


nopes but ima thinkin i might sighn ya up fer some life alerts after madame la guillotine be showin up on yur queenie thread :D

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

madame la guillotine!..... ROTFLMAO

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

You thinks I need life alerts? I ain't killed anyone yet. Do you prefer the dungeon, or scrubbing floors?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Don't make me behead you to.

Ocean Springs, MS

I bought my little fairy plants, which included the spikemoss, on Ebay. Plants are small but very full and beautiful! Just got them yesterday. Here is the link:

I couldn't have bought this variety anywhere else for this price with free shipping! I also sent a message requesting spikemoss and rabbit foot fern, and he honored my request nicely!

Elfie, not trying to make a diagnosis here, but anxiety causes chest pains! Trust me, I know!

Finally got my sunroom done except for the bench under the bay window! Hot tub is in and supplied with power. Going to local pool/spa store for supplies and getting it up and running tomorrow! YES!

I have little chicks. Went out to feed my hens and she had one running behind her. I've been so busy with the building that I didn't realize all 4 of my hens were setting! Just got rid of all those dang roosters, now I might have more! LOL

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the link Julie. Have fun with the chicks

Ocean Springs, MS

I will as long as I don't get too close to the hens! One just about took my pinkie off earlier when I went out to feed and water them. I was trying to see how many chicks and Moma Hen came at me fast!


LOL both please ma'am ;) you want any teeny baby strawberries for your fairy garden? taste like crap but theyre cute

Aww Julie post a pic of your babies! lol funny how that works sometimes. :) Think of all of us pulling weeds n slaving away while your in the tub relaxin! haha

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Boy are you a gluten for punishment. Maybe twenty lashes with a wet noodle will straighten bad at out? It's a good thing I loves ya


I loves ya too n you can beat me. you want any of my crappy tastin itty bitty strawberries!?!?

Ocean Springs, MS

I actually bought the tub for water therapy and exercise for my arthritis! Can't lift weights and go to gym like I used to. So, I decided to buy a hot tub for my sunroom! Gonna love it and I don't even have to leave the house!

I'll try to take pics of the little chicks as long as I don't lose any fingers in the process! LOL

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

I love chicks..... had many when I was a child... brings back many fund memories..thanks Julie.....
and please post pics....

The fairy plants are nice...,,,they'll look great in your fairy garden planter when you set it up...
post photos when you can...

Atlantic Beach, VA

I hope that this isn't a silly question, but I haven't made anything like this before. Are we constructing a 'container' style fairy garden in a pot of sorts? Are there special ways that it would be shipped to avoid pieces and parts from falling out of place? Will we have information regarding interests, or preferences (or colors, plant types, etc) of the person we're assigned to? Sorry again for silly questions..this is a new one for me. :)

Nanny,, yes.. Thanks for the correct spelling. I have a lot of that one. I want to use it to replace a lot of my un-mowable yard areas.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Jayme! welcome to our swap....
Froggie has posted some information above on how the swap works...
Many of us are gathering items for their potential secret buddys and for ourselves.
I am making fairy garden stone house fronts - actually pebble fairy/gnome house fronts.
We're posting photos of fairy gardens and many ideas on accessories including plants.
Plus we're having fun and getting to know each other better at the same time.....

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Badcat. My kids went to Plainwell for high school. Are you from this area??? Funny. Small world.


Small world for sure lol, I graduated from Otsego. All my family is from Plainwell/Martin :)

Dont lose any fingers Julie!

Got my cement molds finished and ready to be decorated, hopefully can start in the next few days. Ill take pics :)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

What molds?

Atlantic Beach, VA

OoO..so many pics! I love the rock and crystal idea too..and my son became all excited when I showed him the rock/crystal pics. He's got his own little rock collection (my mother actually brought a rock back from Australia just for him when she visited.)

After thinking about ideas and pics, I'm thinking about putting together a fairy herb garden. I have access to fabulous variety here (lavendar, tarragon, patchouli, chives, different basil & oregano, thyme, chamomile, catmint rosemary, cilantro, parsley, etc) and the upkeep to keep them contained would yeild some wonderful smelling results. :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

How about a miniature zen garden?

Thumbnail by taters55
Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Welcome Jayme! The swap is for items that would be used to construct , or to decorate A Fairy Garden. Although it would be nice to receive one already finished, no one expects that, I'm sure. The possibilities are endless for items that could be made or purchased. I did some research online and found some wonderful ideas. Many of the participants on this thread have great ideas too.
Just have fun with it! Don't let it intimidate you.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Badcat ~post pics ....what molds do you have?
I only have one large cement mold ~ for a stepping stone....
Yesterday I decided to make another so I poured mortar inside with chicken wire for support.
Its drying now

Thumbnail by SPGardens
Atlantic Beach, VA

Nanny - thanks muchly for the clarification. I was definitely scratching my head at how I could accomplish shipping something put together. :p

Badcat & SP - I love the molds. I made stepping stones last summer with some beautiful ones that I ordered specially to match the 4 elements. They were expensive, so I was only able to order two at the time:

Air - Cranes
Water - Fish

Thumbnail by Moonjala Thumbnail by Moonjala

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