Central Fl. RU

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Sorry to hear you can't make it Sandy or Mary.

MerryMary my grandson's birthday is the following weekend, so I just slid under the fence on this one. ☺

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie, what time do you want people to start coming to the RU?

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


I will make my way up there, all 205 miles using my GPS. At what point do I stop listening to Brenda telling me to turn left where there is no left turn and rely on your instructions? Also, could I get written directions from the point where the GPS goes to pot to your place? Is there a prize for participant who travels the most distance? My Montreal friend will have traveled 1800+ miles. Could I bring anything foodwise? We never travel without a cooler full of water, ice and soft drinks, so spoilage is not really an issue. We have 2 coolers. Oy, so many questions.


Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I suspect it will be a pot luck type of lunch like we had last year.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I can SO do pot luck, you have no idea. I'll figure something to bring, if nobody has any suggestions. A Caesar salad travels well. So do garlic bread, cold chicken and something baked of some sort or another. No worries.


Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

We try to start around 10AM. Yes it's pot luck.
Sylvain your ideas sound great and any kind of food is fine. I will furnish drinks if you don't want to be bothered.
Can you do map quest before you leave. I know its old fashioned but GPS isn't too reliable all the time.
Tell me how you usually come up this way and I'll try to guide you from a given point. I love telling men where to go. I'm grinning.

M Mary, considering you haven't made it to any yet I think you should have the next one. I had 1 in Oct. one year and weather was beautiful. You are central Fl. too so not much difference.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

I'm still going to try and sneak in if it starts and 10:00. I may only be able to stay for an hour, but at least I get to meet everyone finally!

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

I did post RU on Fl. gardening thread on the 22 at ATP.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Trying hard to get a head count as one of our guests is making a gift for everyone.

My door prizes must remain secret. More fun.

Of course there are always last min. decisions on coming but anyone got any fairly close idea?


I will be there with my Aunt.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

There could be 4 of us at best: my 2 Montreal friends, my dad and I,
there could be 3: one of my Montreal friends, dad and I,
could be only 2: dad and I
Worst case: I could come alone.

Sorry, I can't be more helpful than that.


Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Just me more than likely, husband might come but looks like he will be working. No gift for him is needed anyway.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

No sweat we will be prepared. Got soooo many projects on the fire right now I can't sweat the small things but I just like all aspects right. So far it looks like at least 25 and that's a good number. Some can't commit until last minute and that's understandable.

Sylvain, I am counting on you making this one. I really think you would enjoy it. You sound like a people person. Remember if there is any gardening subject you would like to give a talk on your more than welcome to do so. That's how we learn so much from each other.

Sherri, I'm picking on you cause I think your the closest. If you could come a little early it would be very appreciated. If not that's fine too.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

No Problem Bonnie, I'll come early and help out. Just let me know what time...the traffic should be a breeze early on the weekend.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Sherrie, about 9AM if possible. Will try to get everything I can done Fri. night. There is always a few things that can't be done until last minute.
Thank you much.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

OK, I'll try to be there as close to 9 as I can.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Yesterday put 2nd, paint coat on pool and today first coat on deck and I'm running out of stain for deck so it will just get 2 coats where we use the most. I'll be so happy to go out and work in the garden beds and clean the ponds which is much easier than what I have been doing.

Seeds I started are doing very well and will try and pot up more stuff before April 12. If not clippers will be available and everyone can take cuttings of what they want.

Sherrie, don't fret the time. Personally I'm too tired right now to worry about much of anything.
Tomorrow I hope to get all that patio furniture put back in out by pool. I already pressure washed it but oak blooms have fallen on so I'll just blow them off.

Take care all and look forward to seeing everyone.

Thumbnail by BonnieGardens Thumbnail by BonnieGardens Thumbnail by BonnieGardens Thumbnail by BonnieGardens
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Terese a really good book to see if your local library has or can get on a loan is Florida Gardening The newcomer's survival manual by Monica Moran Brandies. Another DG FL gardener put me on to this. Very good.

Ok how I missed this thread I have no idea, so back to read all the threads instead of skimming them...LOL

Looking forward to meeting everyone.


Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Bonnie, your pool looks awesome!!!! You did a wonderful job!!!

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Oh my gosh Bonnie, you've worked so hard! You must be exhausted! It looks wonderful!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


I am beginning to suffer from Round Up fever. I have drawn up a list of what I need to load in the car on RU day. Water and ice, pot-luck lunch, chairs, my camera, my video camera, a hat and my pruners, among other things.

I plan to take the Turnpike northwards. Where do I exit the Turnpike and what road do I take? Mapquest tells me to leave the Turnpike where it intersects FL-50, exit 272. Is that anywhere near where you are? I have a GPS. Could you D-mail your address and directions to find you once I leave the Turnpike?

I have plenty of plants that can very easily be propagated by sticking fresh cuttings into the ground. I don't have any rooted cuttings ready. So, I'll make a round of my plants with pruning shears the night before, armed with a load of gallon-size Zip-Lock bags. A squirt of water in there and we have plants for everyone. They'll root rapidly, providing they are stuck in the ground quickly and they're kept watered well for a few days. Most of what I grow here was started that way. I also have a few pretty little bushes (6 feet) popping out all over the garden. Those will be dug out and shared with anyone who wants them. They're one of Gail's favorites.

I have adenium seedlings galore for anyone who wants them. Does anyone want some blue agaves? I have many babies to give away. They're great as a home security plant when planted under windows because their thorns will rip away any would-be burglar's legs to shreds. And they're easy to grow.

Does anyone have any passionflower cuttings or other climber cuttings they can spare? I have got to cover that bare trellis soon.

Take care, everyone.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Sylvain, I am planning on bringing lots of clippings for my Dutchman's Pipe vine. I got it a couple of years ago and it was kind of slow to grow the first year, but after that...it has been growing like crazy and has completely over-taken the tree I planted it up against. It is a favorite food of the Swallowtails and I get tons of caterpillars on it every year.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

OOOOHHHH! Aristolochia, drooling. I'm looking forward to getting my mitts on some of those.

Dreaming already.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Hopefully I will get it cut back on the Friday before the RU and you will have PLENTY for you to get your mitts on. LOL :-)

Guys,, I have a dilimma. My doctor told me yesterday that It is not a good idea for me to drive so far from home by myself. The problem seems to be I keep getting so out of breath and she is really wanting to put me in the hospital for a few tests. I have vetoed the hospital and am trying to get everything done out patient. That means a scheduling nightmare, and no ways to get it all done by the time of the RU.

I can take a bus down to my aunts and then we can drive her car down to the RU. But that means I can bring no plants. So it feels unfair to come and get plants for my aunt and have nothing to trade for them.

My other option is to wait and come next time. I really really want to come so I am trying to figure out the best way to do this.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Elfie, you do whatever is best for you. Don't worry about the plants. I have plenty to share and can give your aunt some no big deal. We all will fully understand. Just travel is a safe manner and keep in touch with me by cell so I'll know your OK.

Sylvain, I have a ton of blue sky vine which will cover a trellis or house roof in no time. You can cut off all you want. It dies back during the winter but spring time goes nuts. Also have a ton of creeping fig. It is covering my house so you could also have a ton of that too. Your directions are correct. My address is 9935 Pine Island Rd. Clermont, Fl. 34711. I will send you explicit directions one evening when I have time to think straight. I will have signs at major intersections once you get into Clermont.

Right now I'm going to feed my fish, shower and call it a day as I'm exhausted.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh, please stop teasing me with those vines. I'm drooling on my T-shirt already.

WHAT??????, come to a RU empty-handed? I am apalled! No, I am not.

When I just arrived in Florida, I had no plant to share. I had a silk orchid stem in a pot of gravel on my window shelf at the condo, and that was it. I had nothing to share, but wonderful people supplied me with more cuttings than I can use in a few minutes. I still have some of those cuttings growing here, 8 years later. However, there was my boyish good looks, my enchanting personnality, my delightful smile, the outrageous stories I told, that crazy sense of humor of mine, the exotism of having a French speaker and so much more.

The way I look at it, plants are a by-product of RUs. I believe we attend one of those events to meet people and have a great time. Those are the 2 main goals, I think. So, Mud_Elf, I say Come On Down and have fun.

Of course, there are shameless people like me that say out front what they'd like to trade. If you see anything of mine you like, go ahead: take as many as you like. I won't keep score and grumble at that what's-her-name woman who took all my best cuttings and brought nothing: not my style. So, although it is not my place to say, come and have a ball. The rest will take care of itself.

I am finishing my cigar while I type this post. I have just reached an executive decision: tonight's dinner is Chinese takeaway. My back is killing me, so it will be Mu Shu Pork, Tylenol and good night, Irene.

Take care,all.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow Bonnie the pool looks so good...I like your little shadow in the one photo...too cute.

Mud Elf, I hope you can make it but you need to take care of you first, and there will always be another round up.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Didn't even notice it Sherri, wish I was really as small as that looks. LOL

After reading Sylvain's post I'm sure Elfie won't want to miss the free entertainment. Sounds like a man after my own heart. Sylvain can we channel all those attributes into your giving a 10 MINUTE talk on hibiscus. I keep thinking you are the one that had all those ruffled beauties growing in pots around your pool??? Of course we would expect cuttings and I have loads of pots and compost if anyone wanted to take them home all potted. If I'm picking on the wrong person just forget it. Unless your willing to do some research and practice in front of a mirror with a timer. Gotcha!!!

Seriously Elfie, I hope you can get through those tests and feel better. Been there done that so I fully understand.


I will be able to come. Will take a bus to my Aunts and drive down in her car. We will find something to bring for trades...

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Called you earlier and left a message. Glad you are coming and keep in touch with me once you leave Ormond.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

My talk on hibiscus:
a) get a hibiscus, somehow.
b) plant the hibiscus whichever way you like. Mine get 1/2 day sun, some MiracleGro when I think of it and water when it rains.
c) watch the hibiscus grow into an 8-foot bush, 8 feet wide.
d) enjoy the blooms all winter and thumb your nose at the neighbors because theirs is a pitiful single pink that never did well.
e) prune back the hibiscus 4 feet off the ground when it is done blooming; make cuttings and root them for the next RU,
f) make sure the recovering bush gets benign neglect until next winter.

Now you know as much as I do. Mine are double ruffled orange. Completely carefree; never get any aphids, or anything else munching on them. I'll have cuttings for the RU, but they won't be rooted cuttings. They root easily and I have been known to use rooting hormone to make sure they do. The end justifies the means.

Take care, everyone.




Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Now I'm drooling over dbl. ruffled hibiscus. BTW I'm not quite old enough to be drooling on myself. Almost though. LOL

Me to Bonnie,, just called you and left a message. We be playing phone tag here.
Cold here today,, and rainy to boot.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Glad you can make it Mud Elf. ☺☺☺

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Got your message and glad you can make it.

I am drooling over the hibiscus too.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I'll make sure I take an ample supply. That doesn't count as pruning, but the bush is almost done blooming anyway. A friend of mine told me Clermont was delightful, with gently rolling ground, orange groves everywhere. It reminded her of Tuscany. I've never been to Clermont, but Tuscany is very nice. I can't wait.

Take care.

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This is my creek today. It was in a gully 12 ft deep. It has overflowed to heck and back. So glad I am even higher up than this. It would have to get 15 ft higher to reach my almost done house.

the last two pictures are of some of the native plants I have all over my 3 acres here. I literly have a fern gully!!

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