December Weather Start of winter or -

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Another Blah day.
5º overcast, dreary looking.
Colder tonight & tomorrow.
-10º Tuesday morning.
Weather liars are predicting everyone will freeze to death.
If it goes above 10º we will all melt according to them.
What a bunch of jerks!
Never happy about the weather.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

40F this morning. They are calling for a high of 70F. Sunny. No rain in the forecast yet again.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 5:51 AM PST on December 22, 2013
42 °F
Humidity: 85%
Dew Point: 38 °F
Wind: Calm
Pressure: 30.14 in (Rising)
Visibility: 5.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16
Pollen: 5.00 out of 12

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

A lot colder here than what was originally predicted (though the week's forecast still looks good...for now).

Feels like -34.6F

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Brrrr, Lilypon

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

It truly is Kelli...winds coming from the wrong direction and we surely can feel it in the house. We can be in the -40's and the house can be toasty but with the wind (and it is light today) blowin' the wrong way....

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Will still gladly take this cold though over the freezing rain that Pepper and those in the East are getting (Ontario is getting hammered too).

It is 54 now.
Humidity 87%
Winds NW 9
Tonight 30°

Thats when they need to have people out salting the roads,during the freezing ice.

Mountain View, HI

Clear Blue skies, light winds, showers staying off shore. Should get up to near 80f this afternoon. Not much change forecast until next weekend.
Happy Xmas everyone
(Will try and post pic of Hawaiian coastline taken on Friday)

Thumbnail by microb Thumbnail by microb Thumbnail by microb
Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Clear blue skies, 85*. Wildwood, Florida. Tourists thick as thieves, swimsuits and white hair EVERYWHERE! Makes me want to plant things...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Currently around 19 degrees and icy out. We got about a half inch of ice with a thick dusting of snow on top. The snow helps alot with traction so we don't slip alot.

Main interstates are clear and some of the main local highways are clear. But majority still messy. Slow driving everywhere around here.

A cold night tonight.Upper 20's for the low.One of those night to let the water drip so the pipes don't bust.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Not surprised it's getting that cold all the way down to where Southgal lives......

Current Weather in Moose Jaw, SK
Updated on Sun Dec 22 9:25 PM Next Update in 06:57 mins

Feels like -42

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

32 degrees and quiet outside (weather)
Could be 10 degrees in the morning ,
My hand was hanging over the bed near the floor , cat woke me up playing with my hand ,
feed the cat , see the weather , go back to the warm covers , it works ...

Since was temps are going to drop all day , going for that 10 degrees .. Daytime temperatures below freezing should be outlawed also .. !!! Only as many things .. we all know what the "Rules" and Regulations" could do with that ..good morning ^_^ lol

This message was edited Dec 23, 2013 6:18 AM

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

35° and still breezy. Only going to 38° during the day and then down to 17° tonight.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

-11º partly cloudy

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

47F and sunny. They are calling for a high of 74F. Still no rain in the forecast :-(

I don't look forward to warm days like this because a neighbor blasts his stereo outside or with the windows open and I can hear it in my house. :-(

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

It is now -7º with a good strong NW wind.
No open windows here!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No open windows here either!! Our high was 12 degrees with wind chills below zero all day.

Tonight will be below zero and wind chills supposedly around -20. Brrrrr!!!

Hi Lilypon,yes it gets pretty cold here too.Its 35 now.Tonights low is 27.So another night for the water to drip.

Tomorrows high is in the 50's and 27 for the low tomorrow night again.

I know that kind of weather sounds like warm weather to y'all,but in Louisiana its very cold to us.

Wow pepper that is freezing their.Their is know way i could handle that kind of weather.I would have to have clothes over more clothes on during the day.Plus have about 4 blanket on my bed at night.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have several shirts on because I am always in and out. But you do get used to it. lol.

Pepper,thats great that you bundle up.I don't think i could get use to that kind of cold.I would be a walking ICE CUBE.Lol!!!!


Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Layers is the way to go. Shirt, then sweater or sweatshirt, then coat. Cold day go to heavier coat.
Good warm gloves & a hat.
-9º at the moment. Warmer tomorrow.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Bernie, what gloves do you recommend? I have a heck of a time finding good, warm gloves. My fingers freeze quickly even in thick ski type gloves.

Yes,that would be the best way to dress in that weather.Get y'all some thermal tops and bottoms.They help alot too.

Stay warm everyone!!!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

My wife got me some for Christmas last year. They are leather with a thinsulate lining.
Just plain warm all the time. I hope they don't wear out.
Said she got them from Swiss Colony out of Wisconsin. A mail order place.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I've heard of them. My grandma sends us gifts from there. I'll check it out. Thanks!!

Pepper if you work out in the cold,then i hope you bundle up real good.With some very good gloves.I can't believe your hands still get cold with the ski gloves.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

It is 20 to 30 degrees here 10 again tonight , Wearing the cover -alls . Thermal enough you sweat at say 35 degrees , comfy , sort of ..
Sounds like every one is doing the keep warm routines .. Mother Nature being , well ,, I just say cold -hearted and leave it at that ..
From me also , you all stay warm ..

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yep!! Finger tips especially. Then it will spread from there. When I go back inside and take them off my hands are beet red. Have to warm em up to get them to quit hurting.

Juhur,when it gets real cold here.You can bet i will have my thermals on under my pants.I will be toasty all day long.

Ouch Pepper!!!Sorry to hear that.Maybe try to double up on the gloves until you can get some good ones.

Goodnight everyone!!!

Stay Warm tonight and tomorrow!!!

Happy Holidays to all!!!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Kelli I just saw this pop up at a weather forum....

I remember hearing/reading about California's drought in the mid 70's...the above article states the one you are currently going through it worse (no surprise to you I'm sure).

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

9 degrees *-8 wind chill .
Light snow
Who in the world gets up on Christmas eve morning , just to know that !!! lol

and Yes , Now it's Really COLD !!!

This message was edited Dec 24, 2013 7:45 AM

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

In a word, C-O-L-D.


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL!!! C_ville , It must be contagious !!!
A Very Merry Christmas to you and all here also ...

Youngsters went to show and the game the other night , yesterday and today they have the Flu.
Oh well , you all stay well . I couldn't convince the one to get the shot ,, The last of the teenagers , ( I tease she might be ,sometime ) Only I was not fond of shots then or now either really myself ,,
Better than the Flu though ... !!!

6 DEGREES !!! now and still dropping , -11 below chill ,, feels like , however ,, Geeez !!!
HEY CG !!! Take back your weather !!! it does not belong here!!! lol ???

This message was edited Dec 24, 2013 9:22 AM

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the article, Lilypon. It's not news to me but I'm glad someone else is noting it.

Pretty warm this morning, 54F. They are calling for a high of 77F.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Thumbnail by Kelli

34 now,wind chill of 28.
Sunny with a high of 52.
BRRRR and more BRRRR!!!!

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