CLOSED: 2013 Fall Round Robin - On the Wing (Round 1)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Robin is on it's way to Dee's.

I would be interested in a second round.

Sue G

Elk Horn, KY

i would be interested in the second round too.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I'm still interested in round two...just after the bell rings.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Six pounds, wow.
Maybe I can take a little weight off that robin, LOL.
Since I put in at the beginning I won't be adding a lot back in. Oh I'll put in more of my garden seed that is no longer in there, but this bird is getting downright fat. I'll post when it arrives!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

LazLo .. would you happen to have ; ?
A blue smile face , with ear muffs , a scarf , and snow on it's scalp that reads ;
I am not really smiling , I froze this way !!!

A BIG ; LOL TO ' Bacons Revenge !!!^_^

I guess whoever did that could not use Porky's Revenge , title patent ..
Besides it is more humor as is ..

This message was edited Dec 11, 2013 6:23 AM

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! The robin is only three stops from me. It may arrive while I have the WHOLE HOUSE TO MYSELF. In which case I will clear the dining room table, crank up some Sharon Jones, and bust out the Templeton Rye for the seed orgy.

I will lighten that baby up! I don't have a lot to contribute, and what I have are mostly tiny/fluffy little boogers.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I only took a 1/2 tsp out of some of the bulk bags - didn't figure Amanda wanted us to take the whole bag or I could have really lightened it LOL! I put in more than I took but the packets really didn't make a difference in the weight.

Sue G

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

The robin has arrived!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Not exactly, Jim.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL !!! LOL!!! ^_^

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

If there's giant bag o seed I guess you would take what you need or as much as you could reasonably expect to use. That's always my own criteria.

Looks like Evelyns Next on the list! Will send you dmail, Dee. :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Greetings Spring Bird Watchers.

I learned yesterday that the Robin is in flight and heading farther afield in California to Evelyn. Post says the bird is due to arrive tomorrow, Thursday.

Keep us posted, Ev! :)

Thanks, Dee. Hope you found some goodies in the box. I haven't heard anybody talking about the "YAHOOOOO" moment when they found something they've been longing for. I wish I could add things that prompted that reaction, but most of my stuff is weed stuff/native plants. When I worked in the plant records department as a member of the horticulture staff in a natives only botanic garden, we discussed using common names on engraved plant tags that did not include the word "weed" so as to elevate the plants' status in visitors' minds. With the Milkweeds, of course that can be more challenging.

But I love my weeds!

Hope to hear of the Robin and her cargo soon.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I found mass milkweed seeds. I'll admit it, I took more than a spoonful! I promise to post a picture of my pasture full of milkweeds and butterflies!
I stopped at our local Farm Supply today on a whim. They have a huge nursery and I wanted to see what had weathered our uncommonly cold weather the last few weeks. SCORE . . . they had several agastaches and peonies that took frost damage and were on a sale table for $2. a gallon!
These will come back no problemo! So I'm all excited, my flower garden is going to be spectacular this year as is the butterfly garden.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Sorry Been Mia Just wanted to ask Has anyone any HENS-N-Chicks Poppies all I Have are the RED- Pink-& Purple DBL Poppies & Would Like to fine some of the Large Orange type & The H-N-C"s .

The Robin is Moving right along Have a Safe day everyone weather turning bad for many .

Elk Horn, KY

deejay did you ever find some seeds for double yellow datura? i have a few to share with you if you send me your address in dmail... think it was you that was looking for them.?

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b) that the yellow one that gets tall? (4+ft?) would love some of the tall varieties that are fragrant, I know I would have to over winter indoors but they are on my w.ish list.... A few for the front porch. MMMMM< I can already smell them!! LOL. (If you have any extra seed, of course)

OOOOOO, I'm next after California!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

CZ you have mail
also anyone any of these

WHITE QUEEN CLEOME (Spider Flower) Cleome

Elk Horn, KY

kathy i don't know how tall it gets. received seed in trade so guess we'll find out this coming year! i can spare a few more seeds if you send me your address kathy i'll get them in tomorrows mail..

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

The robin has landed in California!! WOW!! What a huge seed stash!
It might take me a while to inhale all that fragrance of many flowers to come...

This will be the time to look over my seed list to see if you want anything...or even update your wishlist, and I will read it. Please LMK if you have anything that you are wanting...I may not have posted everything in my seedbox....

I will be including seeds for Deejay9 (Susie), Pfg (Pam), Mipii (Robin).
Please be sure that they are still in the robin so they can get their seeds!!!

Evelyn ^_^

Thank you very much! I will post online as soon as I send out the package. The package is HUGE, so it will take me a while to dive in...

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Kathy ~ Was there anything that I am supposed to send to you? I have it in the back of my mind that there is, but for the life of me, I do not know what. (Maybe just nothing, so that is why I do not remember it!!) LOL!! ^_^ (My brain seems to have a lot of missing and misplaced ideas)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the update Ev. :)

I will have to check your lists... although...
I think I have mentioned on other threads that I'm not sure how much longer we will be I this house after I finish my program. We talked about Montana as there are some awesome prairie restoration programs in the Great Plains, but then winter hit and I remembered how much I (don't) like the cold.

Talked about having a huge native plant sale to fund the move. Not sure I'd make a lot of $$$ selling weeds. :D

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh my goodness - Evelyn told me that the bird will take off again heading east on Monday!!!

How exciting - Kathy - you are next on the route and will get to host the bird for Christmas. Whether it's a robin or a goose, please don't eat the bird.

Hope to have a full report later in the week. Just want to say thanks everybody for keeping her moving, but with the holiday crush I know everybody has pressing obligations. Don't make yourself crazy if you can't get her back in the air overnight - remember everybody has at least 4 days with the bird before I start making phone calls. ;)

Be of good cheer.


p.s. I got this offer to watch the movie "Elf" tonight for FREE and I just watched it on YouTube. Wonder if the link will work for any of you?

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Yeah...the robin is about to make it to my house for Christmas.....Hope Santa was nice to

Czim...let me see what's in the box and will let you know if you need to

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Ho, ho, ho Kathy...Merry Christmas!

BTW, that's the best picture I've seen of LasLo yet, thanks for posting it.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

kathy are you iced in yet we are & just running on our generator looks as if we may be without power for a few days .I got to go search our news channel for more info .
so i ca shut this down just wanted to let you all know we are fine just no water but we do have gas & Lights .

be safe everyone stay warm

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Susie ~ Glad you are safe! Take care and stay warm. I suppose you have some drinking water stored for the occasion...we usually get several times where we use the generator, but it does not cover all the circuits. I think DH got the generator after I nagged him for a while, but the real reason for him was the TV. Of course the refrigerator and freezer...I liked it when we had no TV as we played cards and listened to the radio.

We had no generator for years. We just got our kerosene and propane lanterns ready and boiled water on our (propane) stove top for washing. Sometimes that way for days.

Take care! ^_^

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes i have bottle water for drinking but melting snow for my dishes & Flushing its been awhile since i used this laptop & it has many updates to do so ya all have a great day
over 155,000 without power in west michigan so maybe after xmas when we get power back.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I used to do that...melting snow...I figured that out way before my husband got our generator hooked up.

When I first moved here from southern CA, I did not have any tools. It was down to 5 degrees in my nursery. I faced one of the coldest storms in a while, and I was not prepared with an adequate supply of firewood. I lived in a rental I went outside and stomped on branches in the snow with my boots and then gathered them up to put them into the wood stove.

I never once wanted to return to southern CA, not even once. Well, maybe just to visit...which I did later.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Aw geez - I hope you don't mind roughing it a bit Susie. I feel a little guilty with this warm weather here, but at least it's rain and not snow.

Hope everybody's ready for Christmas, or whatever you celebrate at the end of the year - we celebrated a bit for the solstice -days are getting longer already! Might just feel that way 'cause i got up waaay too early.


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Amanda ~ Do you know if the newbie seed project is still in existence? Is Arejay and someone else collecting old seed to grow out in Florida? I do have a good amount of old seeds and I know that I will probably never try to germinate them all.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Evelyn you can find the newbie seed info here:

This message was edited Dec 23, 2013 10:58 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

still very dark here so forgive mistakes typing by halagen light I Just have my fig freezer tv & laptop pluged into the generator news is saying our power maybe out till friday ouch I don't mind 3-4 days but 7-8 but we will deal the best we can.some of our neighbors have it much worse but they are going to families that have power . if i had the room i would let them stay here but this is only a 24x24 home :)
hope you all don't mind me copy & paste my update for the forums thinking of you all
have a great day ,will try to check back when i can .

OH EVELYN what type of older seeds do you have ?have you a list you can send me ?

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


I hate hearing of your power outage, I sure hope they will keep working so everyone up your way can have power for at least Christmas day. Prayer for return of you power ASAP!

Stay warm and Merry Christmas

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Been thinking of you Susie, hope you get a Christmas blessing in the next couple of hours!

Merry Christmas to you all!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from deejay9 :

OH EVELYN what type of older seeds do you have ?have you a list you can send me ?

Too many to list, actually. I need to go over to the room above the garage and sort them out. Tell me what you are looking for and I will let you know if I have it. I probably know them in my head, but sure not all of them to make a list. Perennials, annuals and vegetables...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

chris SEEDS arrived today for all who i owe seeds to will try to get them out after the holidays .
thank you

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

The robin is still not here yet...maybe later today...will call the post office after 10am.... And a second part of the package wasn't mailed til Monday. So not sure if the package will get back out til Monday now...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!!!!! Kathy

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Hope it makes it so you can fatten up over the holidays for his next flight :)
We had hope to get power back today but news said Not till maybe Fri-sat & i checked on the consumer site & says the same for our area .

Sun is out so that will help with our Moods anyway :) I Have a custard pie & coconut Pie all made just waiting for the kids to get back from town with a few things so i can get my Pumpkin pie made , jim's maken the rest tomorrow & I will fix the ham & Desserts.

Thanks to my chickens we won;t be haven apple pies this xmas I Have over 3dz egges to get used up I get about a dz ever 2 days ,so going to bring the deviled eggs to the table this yr ;) you can sure tell the pies were made with fresh eggs , really yellow yokes :)

well guess i better get busy lunch is over have a great day oh & the snow missed us :) so far anyway .

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

I think that Kathy got the Robin today. The only problem was a misunderstanding between me and my husband. (Now you say, what on earth could she mean??)

OK ~ Here goes...I was so pleased with myself that I was able to get the robin packed up to go in one day as I know there are so many people anxiously waiting for her to arrive at their doors...

So I pack it up and give him the money for the postage, and off he went to the PO. Well.....then I realize that I left a small stack of seeds that I was going to take miniscule amounts out of each envelope, and also some that I was going to put in...but did not do this yet...YIKES!!! WAIT!!! Oh darn...he is already out of the driveway and down the road.....

So then, Monday comes around and he comes back from the PO and I forget to ask him for the confirmation number....well, it is dinnertime and I go to put down the plates and what do I see? YES! NO! It is the second PACKAGE!!! (Says he, "Oh, I must have forgotten to take this to the PO....) GRRRR...........(Says he, "Oh, I will just take it tomorrow...")

Well it has been to the PO and I DID get the confirmation number, today, Tueday, Christmas Eve. So, I suppose you can blame me for not checking that my husband has the package in his hand before he gets his keys....SO SORRY!!! :- (


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all . may all your friends & Families fill your day with happyness.

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