CLOSED: 2013 Fall Round Robin - On the Wing (Round 1)

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

10 - 4.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Good afternoon good people.

I don't know the status of the bird as neither LazLo nor Meadowyk have sent me the confirmation number from the Post Office shipping receipt.

Lest we forget there are almost 20 people to consider as we continue to disrespect each other.

I am a busy grown up as you all must be.

I'm afraid if we each fail to abide by simple guidelines, aka RULZ, posted above, we will find ourselves headless for the next Robin.

LazLo you are also in violation of RULZ 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, et seq.

I want confirmation numbers and shipping information sent to me by dmail today.

Thank you.


Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Lazlo said above

Nevertheless, I can promise this:

Departure time approx. 4 p.m., Monday, Dec. 2nd

so it should be landing in AZ Sometime today & sueg works days so may not be able to post till later today .

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


You were sent a pm with this information when I sent the box out and you must not have read the pm as you replied back to after I had sent the information. If you had rather I could have posted the tracking information to this thread???

I would appreciate you correcting your message that you have not received the requested information from me as this is not true, you did!

This message was edited Dec 3, 2013 4:44 PM

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Amanda & All Round Robin Folk,

I was unable finish sorting through the box and to get it mailed forward on Monday, and I shall not be able to do it today. A family emergency came up Monday morning and everything was dropped to deal with it. I was involved with that until about an hour ago so it will be tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday, that the box will be shipped.

Yeah, I know that I promised to get it in the wind by 4 pm on Monday, but as Allen Saunders wrote: Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.

I hope the effigy is a good likeness when you hang it, Amanda.

~ £az£o (the £ate)

This message was edited Dec 3, 2013 4:24 PM

Thumbnail by LazLo
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by LazLo
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Don. I hope your family situation resolves well. I know mine is always topsy turvy. About the effigy - we had a rain delay so I'll hold off. Was just put off by the declaration of shipment.

And apologies to Jan who indeed send a confirmation by dmail after I requested it.

I have to say I tell it like it is. I have a very busy schedule and lots to do after I log off here. I didn't expect to be this busy when I agreed to host the Robin, but I am taking this responsibility as seriously as I do any other. I am observing the RULZ we all agreed to when we started. If you find me abrasive I can't say I didn't warn everyone in advance.

Sue G (CheerMom) says she's "ready!" to receive. If the Robin was a big fat goose by the time LazLo received it, it's bound to morph even more after he puts in all his goodies. LazLo - you've always been a very generous trader, and I have more than two or three neat plants in my garden that come from your seed stock.

I am so distracted I realized this week that I have all but missed my window for cold moist stratifying some perennial seeds I hope to grow this spring. And I just wondered today why I had been purging the house of milk jugs when I need them for winter sowing. I guess when things are hectic it's easier to get things gone than to keep shifting them from place to place and working around them.

I hope I can spare some time this weekend to start my seeds in the fridge. I wonder if Pam and Kathy have started theirs already - but that's a big "duh!" as they likely already have seedlings/small plants growing. Got any photos?

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

The fat goose is at last on the wing.

The box is new and larger; weighs just over 5 lbs. - - And it is still stuffed to the gills!

This message was edited Dec 4, 2013 3:48 PM

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm guessing this is a large box - is it flat rate or regional? I don't know anything about the regional rates, except once when I was sending something to Lanakila the post man recommended the regional rate box.

There is a large priority rate box but it is not flat rate, and it is not shaped to hold the heap we're shipping. I wonder if there are other boxes that are simply "priority" boxes which are shipped based on weight and whether that would cost less.

I'm going to do some looking. The shipping cost of this thing gets pretty intimidating sometimes, but I'm always convinced that what comes out of the box is well worth the cost of postage.

Thanks for the update.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

we probably should use UPS

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I had to ship something by UPS within the past year and found it very inconvenient. I suppose I should have called for them to make a pick up, something about me using someone else's vendor/account number (I was shipping a return to a business) and I had to travel way out of the way to get to the main UPS store even though they have little nook and cranny locations all over town.

Foreign territory for me. But I will look into it as an alternative just to make comparisons about shipping costs. Thanks for the thought.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

About the only choice is the standard ""Shipping Box "" ask the PO will tell you .
I have a few seed trades that arrived postage due ,
So I presume the rates have risen again for those using last years scales (if any) I paid the postage . Still more economical even with only a few seeds ..

There is this thing with me though ,,, I have an affinity for $1.00 type seeds , You would think after years of this I would develope more expensive taste.. lol

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

So the box is on it's way to CheerMom right? I'm thinking I'm going to see it sometime next week then? Getting all my work done this week so I'll have several free evenings to dig in the box.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Yep Dee you'll be next . .. five+ pounds of seed! Good grief.

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I would like to make a suggestion about leftovers when this Robin has made its very last flight.

There are mucho lots , however not nearly half of the seed cargo, that is from past swaps. I suggest that when the box first returns to you, Amanda, whatever remains of them be removed & set aside while the ''legal'' seeds make further rounds and side swaps are completed.

Then, when our bird has worn out its wings and the current swap is done, add the remaining seeds to those taken off at the end of the 1st round. There is a DG member who sends ''welcome baskets'' to DG newbies -- let's donate the overage to that cause and get that load off the back of the next Robin.

Comments, please.



(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sounds like a good plan Laz:)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Glad to do it.

I sorted the seed that Susie sent from the last Robin and culled out anything that did not meet labeling requirements. That collection was almost as big as that part of the stash I included - mostly just to "take up space".

I'll let Robin (arejay) know.

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Laszlo, I like your suggestion about the "leftovers."

My local "Mailboxes" small biz offers shipment with a regional delivery service, quicker and cheaper than USPS. As long as it is trackable, I will use that option.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

so where is the robin

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

It's in flight from me to CheerMom

Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I got the robin yesterday afternoon and should be able to get it back in flight on Monday!

Sue G

Athens, PA

Lazlo - what is the second picture? Looks like something that the hummingbirds would love.

They are all beautiful photos.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Wow - yes it does Carolyn. Some kind of lily?

Anybody else having trouble with DG today? Some weird stuff flashing here, logged on earlier and saw no posts at all. Logged in within the same hour and now list of posts and dmail as well. Weird.

Have a goat to feed. Then I'll tell you about my firefighting pack test this morning. Gaaahhh.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hope everyone had a good weekend. We've got some oookie weather overhead so I'm hunkered down for the day.

Sue - the Robin will be heading for Dee in CA! Let us know what you decide about packaging.


From yesterday:

We had a training day yesterday morning, weather was much like today, cold rain - though not quite as cold. I thought I was up for the task, but after driving an hour and a half hunched over the steering wheel to get there, I suppose most of my adrenaline stores and energy were already gone. I was doing just fine (such as it is, carrying a 45 pound pack on my back) on my 8th lap with 4 to go (3 miles on this .25 mile track) and had plenty of time to finish (must do 3 miles in 45 minutes carrying a 45 lb pack) when one of the instructors with his long grasshopper legs fell in next to me - I suppose he was thinking he could pace me - get me to walk faster - but why - when I was already on track to finish in time?! O well.

For a pile of reasons - I was using a different pack than the one I have been training with for three months - trying to catch up to the gwasshoppah - I felt like I was getting light headed - and being an old lady and all (surrounded by 19 year olds) I didn't want to pass out on the track. I stopped on my 9th lap, then had a breathing spaz where I couldn't catch my breath. Weird - have never had that experience.

It was a good practice run but it was raining - cold and wet, nose running, breath puffing ahead of me. Have another field day this coming weekend. Sure it will be just as exciting. I did have a bright spot yesterday as when I got home one of the instructors sent a job description for which I will qualify when I finish my certification. Crazy, but fun.

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

That's so cool Amanda...I wish you the best of luck, sounds like great fun!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks. :)

Here's a question - seeing the article on the home page, it is time for my amaryllis to come up from the basement?

Athens, PA

Quote from AmandaEsq :
Thanks. :)

Here's a question - seeing the article on the home page, it is time for my amaryllis to come up from the basement?

I have been thinking about this myself. I have anemic looking leaves coming from mine sitting on the potting bench in the basement.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Dee or Amanda, can you please send me Dee's address so I can forward the Robin?


Sue G

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Sending by dmail. Thanks. :)

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Yes , Lazlo, what is
A T B T Y ! ~ £az£o ???

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

A ll
T he
B est
T o
Y ou

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I'll be looking for the robin to land Thursday. That will put it with me over the weekend, oh goody goody!

Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)


As per our conversation yesterday. Let me know if ya have room on the back end of this swap to hop in. I know I'm waaaaayyyy late, but I've got a few things to contribute. I'll look over the haves and wants list to see if I can accomodate anyone and if so I'll dmail them and send them what I have off their list directly to them. Thanks to everyone making these swaps a great and beneficial time for everyone!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Mike -

Folks,since we've had a couple of people drop out I figured Mike could get in on the tail end. He'll receive after Lanakila (if we can find her!).

I heard the bird was heading to CA today. Hope the weather is better there than here, although I've done my best to make sure the birds are not hungry on days like today.

Have a good one.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Today is the first day in a week it will reach 32*, 6 nights with below zero temps....... I want spring!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

After our first cold snap, I have been reconsidering the whole Montana thing, Kathy. :P

Has anyone heard from Kantzklan? She posted on the interest thread but I haven't heard from her since. She's subscribed thru next year but I see she hasn't posted since October. Will keep trying to reach her.

Stay warm and dry - it's my own goal for today.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Welcome aboard Mike, there might be a second round -- a few participants that have received the first declined a second for themselves. They still might be interested in a few select seeds from you though. Have fun!

Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

Quote from Mipii :
Welcome aboard Mike, there might be a second round -- a few participants that have received the first declined a second for themselves. They still might be interested in a few select seeds from you though. Have fun!

When I get home this evening I'll take a look at what I have and get it posted in the have/want list so if there is anything I have that someone wants who has already had the box come their way let me know and I can ship direct to them.


Athens, PA

Welcome to the pack, Mike! These seed robins area always so much fun!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Everybody, please help yourself generously to any bulk seeds I placed in this fat Robin . . .
'cause I'm fixin' to need space back for the rest of the seeds I have to share. If I listed it in my Haves for this RR and it was not in the box first time around, it most likely will be in it when the box leaves here in the second go . . .

And be damned sure to get your flu vaccine real soon. The weather's too crappy to gamble.

You've been warned.

Thumbnail by LazLo

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