Winter time for the Brugs

Long Beach, CA

Quote from Gourd :
Thank you guys,

I took some more photos just now, they are better now that it's dark out and the lights on inside.

What a cool idea... Christmas Brug Tree!

Hamilton, OH

Good Morning Everyone
Here are 2 of my Christmas Trees, now I only have 2 more to Decorate, then to do some Decorating
outside, the next couple Days it will be a lot warmer here Yippee, This Evening I will take a Pic of the others, they are on my enclosed back porch


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Mesilla Park, NM

Thanks raps, I need to put more lights on my brug tree.. Lol

Elizabeth, I love your trees,.. I can't believe how fast the months are going by. Christmas is just around the corner. I've got to either buy a tree or find ours in the attic when this is all over. How tall are your trees? We don't have room for maybe only one but I still plan to have the brug with lights.

Well, I've got to mop the floors, I may need a steam cleaner. The grout got so yucky I don't know what to clean it with. Anyone have any ideas on how to do this. I did buy some grease lighting and Murphy's soap (Murphy's for the plants) but thought it might work on the floors too.

You guys have a great day..


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Everything is just Beautiful, Gourd. Love it all.
Nothing new going on here. It is a wee bit warmer and I love that.
Hope everyone is well.

Hamilton, OH

those Trees are 5 ft tall, I have to run out to take a Pic of the new Fur Baby next door, my neighbor ask me if I would go let it out, I am expecting, another one as big as the 2 of them, when this little fur ball, starting to come out the door, it is so adorable, I just have to get a Pic of it, you'll all fall in Love with it, Still have to do my other Trees, they'll be there when I am ready to decorate them.
I did get outside to clean up so more leaves, I thought I was all done with that.
it's 63 degrees here, I wish it would stay that way for a little while. but after a couple days, it'll be back Cold again
I hope all is well with you also

Hamilton, OH

here are the Pic's of the Sweet little Fur Baby, don't know it's name yet, the Second Pic shows how small she is


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awww gee christmas tres and kittens.. what a wonderful way to start the day.. thank you.

Hamilton, OH

Sweety, it's a Great Pryraneeze SP Puppy, it so wants to make Friends with me, so Today after bill paying I will just have to pick her up to pet her, she's so adorable, it's hard to imagine that she gets to be such a Big dog.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I can look outside and there stands my longears. Charley is covered in mud. We had a rain last night, I guess he had a roll in the mud this morning. When it dries and I give him a kiss, I forget about the dirt and end up with dirt in my teeth. I give a good kiss....donkeys are colored in such a way , it is hard to see their dirt, but Charley is really covered....
We are o.k. just making it thru the winter so we can grow again...
Hugs and love to all....

Mesilla Park, NM

How cute, I've always wanted one of those breeds. They grow up to be huge and even more beautiful .

I kiss my guys too, they are really bad too especially whe they roll in the manure. But last night I got the cat tired out, I was cleaning and sorting through the cutting and plants indoors. Folding clothes and he followed me everywhere, finally he got thus look like when are you stopping? And got into his box facing the wall and fell asleep.

I can only imagine Charlie's personality ..

Hamilton, OH

Well Ladies
I got to pet the little one, I had a Broken dog bone that I gave her, it was small enough for her, the Big male started to take it away from her, she brought it over by the fence where I was so she got to eat it
I had already gave the 2 big ones a bone already, her name is Sissy
that's so fitting.
I can also imagine Charley being a Big Pet, makes me wish I could move to my 42 acres, I would have to have a House built to live there, next month I have to pay Taxes on the Property, I am always amazed how much they are Since there isn't a House there, it keeps going up Every Year.
Every 3 yrs I make the Trip to make sure Everyone knows it's my Property
Oh well.
I did get most of the Tree's other Trees Decorated, soon I'll be Done until the Week after New Years


Mesilla Park, NM

Here are my cuttings from Elizabeth, Charlene and deejay. Some of the three footers are cypress gardens cuttings .. The two footers are from deejay, Charlene and were the most successful. I have quite a few here and I had the best luck with the woody cuttings. I lost all the greener cuttings. I think the time of year rooting these is a big issue for me. Next time I'll only trade in spring or summer. I lose too many, but am happy with the ones you all sent me.. THANK you very much.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I can't he;p but notice how long your cuttings are. I think they do better if
you keep them shorter--like only 2" or so sticking above the soil.

The cuttings I take are usually 5"-6" at the most. Then I shove them all the way
to the bottom of the pot to root.

And--you are correct--the green cuttings seldom make it. The wooded ones
do so well--and they all root. I have even rooted the main stem of a Brug--just as easily.
I gave it to a young man--a new DHG'er and it rooted and grew like a real champ.


Mesilla Park, NM

Hi Gita, the bigger and longer cuttings did the best rooting. The three and four footers rooted in water in two weeks time about a month ago, then I potted them up. They have leaves on them already. These will be standards come spring time. I just hope I can keep the smaller ones alive since they also have new roots.

Do you guys use bottom heat or just heat the whole room for the newly rooted cuttings? I try to heat the room a little with just the lighting, but I think they still get cool and that is why they rot and I'm losing those small ones. Either way, I have more than I will need so if I can keep just a couple of doubles alive , I'm good fir next year. I still have all the ones I dug up that are four footers too, they are in bags and I put the bags into pots like Elizabeth. I got the idea from her. These guys will go back into the ground next year and I'm hoping to get even taller trees at the end of the season. I will probably have to bring them inside each year.. I should only try to keep about four or five and they will depend on how difficult it will be to keep them alive now.

I guess it's true, only the strong survive.

Hamilton, OH

Please LMK which one's didn't make it, I can replace those in the Spring, I also have lost a Bunch of small Cuttings, they're Best in the Spring, you can put them Directly in the Ground.
about Keeping Just a Few did work for me, from 2007 till 2008, I got my Computer in 2007, then I could see what was available, that's when the additions Happened.
I know I counted at Least 37 Huge Brugs, that's not counting all the Seedlings I now have. when it gets warm, I'll be keeping a Bunch in pots, to sell the First Yard Sale of the year here


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

A, I am glad you have some doubles, I have yet to have one here, the ones I could have had I gave away in desperation to see them grow by someone. ( since I couldn't get them going)
Bonnies bloomed, Danas bloomed, so I guess it is just me..It is COLD here, off to work. bleah.

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh, me too.. I just have to try and keep them alive.. I don't like winter here. I have not had any luck with doubles or sanguinas that I gave purchased, so I'm going to try some seeds. Not even the cuttings have done well here in NM. In California I rooted hundreds to trade and here it is not so easy as in the tropical states.

Elizabeth, thank you for the offer and let's see what I have left come April. Lol. I still have quite a few. I lost a couple of good ones from you, but, I still have several from all of you. ProbAbly more than I need if they all live.

My babies one under Cypress Gardens and the other near the seeds I started.. They love Brugs too, I think.. My cat too, he walks around all the cuttings. I'll try to get him in action..

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I like the longer starts, if part of them turn bad you can cut off the bottom and try again.... But each person has their own favorite way to start things...
blooms are georgeous....
Hugs to all.

Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon
I am watching the weather, so if it's starts to rain really hard, I have to go let them Babies in, it did rain earlier, but just for a short while. I did get one of my Flower beds dirt, turned over, then put out Decorations, I should be all Done before the Week end. I also made a Turkey Pot pie
now all the Turkey is Done, some of it I ground to make Dog Treats with, I split it with my DD & the next door neighbor.
Later on I have to Post a Pic of Super Spot Blooming, I brought it up from the Basement, I am Glad I did there was a Slug, all comfortable in the soil, it went for a Swim,
it's really warm out right now, to bad it won't stay that way, Today is our Last warm day for awhile


Hamilton, OH

Got a chance to take Pic's so here they, 1st Turkey pot pie, Yum, then Super Spot, another Shot of Super Spot really Looking Red, SS with a Black Back ground, then hybiscus


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Yummy and Pretty..Elizabeth
Love your pet shots , A.
Hi Char, hugs to you and Charley.
So cold here today, it was only 29 and that is the highest of the upcoming 7 days.. geez!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

dog gone, it is warm here but they are calling for colder weather this weekend. We are getting rain. Hope it goes into my little handdug well, for sure....
Hey Debra. Charley and I send much hugs and nuzzles.
I've been making Mules and donkeys. Wanna see????Several are sold and on their way to their new homes.....
I guess I need to do some with blooms, HUH???
Loved your blooms Elizabeth... I know the pie was yummy too!
Hugs and nuzzles to all....
Charleen and Charley

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Mesilla Park, NM

Oh how cute they are... Charlene, I have a concrete burro planter outside but it us so darned cold, and it looks like frozen rain is falling right now. I'll take photos soon. Where do you sell these cuties?

Deborah, thank's getting cold here, the winds picked up and I'm not liking winter too much. Lol, I'm still stuck in my living room fir just a few more days and then I can unpack dishes etc.. And deep cleaning.

Elizabeth, what a beauty that dark pink one is. What a winner.. It's a nice single and one of the darkest I've seen. Not that I'm that up on all the pinks. But my opinion..

You guys have a great day. Can you guys tell me how to get to the bottom or top of thus thread without scrolling up or down. It takes me forever to go either way.

Thank you..


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Morning A, go to the top and it says : Skip to new

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

You can also use the "elevator" to move up and down on the page.
Just put your cursor on it and slide it.up or down.
The "elevator" is ALL the way to the right--in the margin. It has little arrows
at both ends. One is "up"--the other one is "down".
The little "box" there is what you move up or down.

Also--if you look just above where i am now typing--or, just below my post after i send it,
where it says "Dave's garden" in blue--there are 4 options.
One of them says "Back to the top of this thread". That will get you there
in a jiffy as well.


Mesilla Park, NM

Well I'll be darned! Thank you both very much Deborah and Gita. I can't tell you how embarrassed I am. Always in such a hurry that I don't read everything on the page. I must have seen these a thousand times every time I visited all these threads. I'm so happy to know that I can come here quickly and not have to scroll down each time. I now wonder what else I have missed?

Every day I learn something new, now, it was two

Mesilla Park, NM

Where's everybody?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

My company of 4 days just left.....
I should be back in the groove now--just need to catch up with
housey chores---wash all the bedding--etc.

Rearrange the bathrooms the way I am used to it--etc...etc....


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am working wayyyy overtime since before Christmas.. wearing 8 hats a day it seems.. going to start some seeds tomorrow and some winter sow jugs for outside..

Mesilla Park, NM

I totally understand. I sprained the other ankle two days before Christmas and was on crutches for a bit. Good thing I didn't get rid of them.. Lol.. My granddaughter left a week ago back to Kentucky for high school I'm getting back to normal a little bit at a time too.

Long Beach, CA

I am still waiting for "winter" in Long Beach. We have had rain 2 days and weather in the 80's. I know it sounds foreign to most but some rain would be nice!

Mesilla Park, NM

Lucky you.. It's cold here.. Not as bad as the folks further up.

Where is Elizabeth? Is she okay, I worry that she hasn't posted. Anyone hear from her?

I've been working on some pots for my brug cuttings this spring. These are 15 gallon pots and I just started working on them . They were all gray, today I finished putting the tikes on and second coat of yellow, it needs a third coat ten I'll putt some blue stripes or something. These pots don't look large but they are, I had to stand kind of far yo take photos.

Where's Elizabeth ?

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

PS... Excuse the mess in my studio.. It is always a mess.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


They are VERY impressive!!!
What kind of paint are you using? Acrylic?

Will you give them a final sealer-coat with something?

Mesilla Park, NM

Thank you, I used a high gloss enamel for the yellow, then I used some black paint for grills on the design, and for the inside I used that cooling and heating vent sealer. Works great for inside the pots so they won't freeze and defrost and crack.

Gita, my Dear Gita, do you remember sending this to me almost 7 years ago? The first picture. I have the baby and I lost the momma. I always think of you when I see it. The onion volbulbis. You can see it I the second photo too sharing a pot with another plant.

I took a photo of the paints I used. I plan to go get some red and blue primary colors ,,,bright bright.. For flowers etc. in high gloss enamel .. It works really well but does need three coats to make it stick. I did sand this pots a little. I think I got the pots at Home Depot ..

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OH, my goodness, Gourd!!! So nice of you to remember that....

I still have the Pregnant Onion and it still makes a lot of babies.
I need to re-pot it--it has been 3 years,,,,,

Right now--it is sitting by the small window in my Laundry Room.
It pretty much lives there in a dormant state. Once in a while--I water it.

I used to have a Climbing Onion too--but I think I over watered it--and the bulb rotted out.
No wonder--when i was tossing it and cleaning out the pot--it had NO drainage hole!
Sorry to have lost that--it is almost mor interesting than the pregnant Onion.
This one makes bright green, soft/succulent, fern-like growths. They look just
like Asparagus Fern--but are soft. Hmmmm---Is that what YOU have?
I am seeing that long, skinny growth coming out of the "onion"...

A pregnant Onion would not have that--it has fairly stiff leaves.

Look in PF--I am sure you can find it....
Thabjs for the memories....Gita

found a picture--from April, 2010. A real beauty...

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Mesilla Park, NM

Yes, that's the one you sent me, but it was 10. years ago. I just sent you the denial where we traded back then. I lost all my pregnant onions three years ago. I'm glad you still have them. If you ever trade some, please keep me in mind.

Nice memories and great plants. Mine has a little fern growing now, it is hard to see with this other dwarf sansivera

Great memories.

This message was edited Jan 29, 2014 8:00 PM

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Good to see you gals. You have been really busy A, and I like your mess.. it looks like mine..

Gita, I have not forgotten about sending you seeds.. I have been working a lot and still cleaning and bagging seeds. I will be sending out parcels of seeds in about a month. You are on the list.

A, I am so happy you sent me that stripey cane grass. It is now moved to the back by the fence so it wont strut out over Joes precious lawn. He has been trim painting the inside of the house he has done two ceilings and will be doing the rest of the main house ceilings the next week or so, then on to the walls. He is staying busy, so glad since he is a lucky man to be retired .
I am keeping things going here , but this cold is really making me lazy after work.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Mesilla Park, NM

Hello Deborah, i love that grass too. Peppermint striped Arundo. You know mine grew like a monster and the more water you give it the more it multiplies in full sun. We had to dig it all up and I must gave filled 10 of the big 15gallon pots, gAve thse away then I still have my five pots left. I love it but it scares me a little. I have it growing in certain areas nice. I still love it..

Good to see you too. I'm getting my pots ready for spring, I got about 10 more huge ones to paint and make pretty.. Lol

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I forgot what seeds I asked you for.......
I don't often ask for any seeds--as I have so many of them.

I could send you a couple babies of the Pregnant Onion.
They would be smaller that marbles....would take about 3 years before
they grew to anything resembling a pregnant onion.
How patient are you?

I'll check your D-mail....Gita

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