Winter time for the Brugs

Hamilton, OH

another Brug Blooming in the Basement, also a Bud on another one


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

Good Morning
This morning, I got the GH cleaned out, except the for the plants that go in the Ground either now or This Spring, Have to Draw out my Plan's to where to put them.
Tonight, I will be handing out Candy with my Neighbor's, they have decorated so much it Looks Great


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Flame is blooming in house but you can't smell til in afternoon. So pretty. this is Painted Lady, then Angel's Moonlight

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule

Love that Flame Charleen. Great pics everyone !

I have some Flame crosses ...hope one or two will look similar to the parent !

Have fun tonight everyone, it's November here ^_^

pic is BGI Calender ...lovely !


This message was edited Nov 1, 2013 8:18 AM

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Hamilton, OH

Good Morning
Great looking Brugs, Charleen, Even in The house, I am so Glad Halloween is Over, it was raining & Cold, Got to see some cute Kids

it's a Great Looking Pic, I have a Small Clipping Blooming, it has a Faint Brug Smell in the Basement. Here are the Free Slate tiles, I am putting down after I Clean them, they have the old Grout on them, they match the sink down there


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Mesilla Park, NM

Good morning ladies,
Beautiful blooms. Been moving plants around, some came indoors and most are still outside,. Spread bags of mulch and also added bags of mulch into the turtle pens.

Love that slate, is it going on the floor or walls? I think the colors on it are so pretty.


Hamilton, OH

Thank you, the slate is going on the floor, I have a Bunch more in the Garage, that I have to bring in
sounds like you have been Busy, I took a couple Plants up to the Attic, I am going to take a few more up there Today.
I think the Plant rearranging goes on all winter, I have another one with 4 Big Buds,as soon as it Blooms I'll post it


Mesilla Park, NM

This weekend I'm getting paint to paint those large styrofoam pots. I will wash them later todo day she it warms up outside. You have been busy too. I love being outdoors ths time of year. Lots of moving around like you said.

That slate is going to look fantastic.please post some pics

Here is my kitchen this am.

It has been gutted out and they put some texture over the spine that was there and today they put a complete primer on everything. The electrician put in all the plugs for all my crock pots that I use for the holidays.

TIP... I use the largest crock pot to keep the hot chocolate hot for the kids.. Sometimes it will have apple cider, or cold eggnog with ship cres flirting on top with sprinkled cinnamon . I'm getting hungry nice,. Lol

Just to let you guys know, we got a new Post a Office Box that is higher, we had one that was on the very bottom, hard to bend down lately. So if you need my new address, dmail me or look on the addy exchange for the new number.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2013 9:06 AM

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Hamilton, OH

your House is going to be Stunning, Thank you for the Tour, That's a Good idea, about using the Crock Pot, the sun is Shinning, it's warm, I am bringing those slate tiles from the Garage to the Basement, they're Heavy, so I am only getting a Few at a time.
from the Garage, there's 4 Steps up to the sidewalk, then there's one more to the sidewalk by the back door, so I can't use a wheel barrow, so I grab a few then set them down on my outdoor Bench
then down the steps to the Basement, the Fur babies are keeping me Company.
I think Both of us stay Busy, I sure hope they get done with your House for the Holidays


Hamilton, OH

I went down to finish the Laundry, Look what I found Blooming, it's small but oh so cute


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Long Beach, CA

Elizabeth ~ They must love you to give you such wonderful blooms even inside!

Mesilla Park, NM

Elizabeth, thank you...

Your pink flowers looks so cute..

I have a makeshift idea here, it probably won't work for too much longer when it gets colder. I just took cuttings of cypress gardens and mulched heavily on the stem that was left. The rest are in this circle. I don't have room indoors yet to bring these guys indoors. I think in a couple of days I'll have to move them into the garage or studio. These blankets will only do so much.

Don't laugh. Lol.. Here it is,

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Here are some cacti and other succulent types that are here for some protection. Most od these usually stay outside through thanksgiving .

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Hamilton, OH

there's nothing wrong with that, I like the protection you have there, I hope they do fine for you.
here's another, Brug Blooming, for you I really like it


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

I love your cat planter's they are so cute where on earth did you get those?


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Those are cute cats...

Mesilla Park, NM

Good morning guys,

The terra outta cats were at this pottery place off the highway, they sell firewood, fountains, ceramic pots, doors, tables, crosses, pillars., statues, concrete items. They get some nest stuff. Ii love going there on my birthday each year, sometime we go just to see all the nest stuff he has. There are several places here that have the nearest pots too. I sealed those costs and sealed the inside with that black seeker so they don't crack if they freeze. I also have a baby cat terra cotta that us in the raised bed area. One belongs to my daughter that she forgot to load in her car on her lAst trip.

I'm going to dig out of the pots the five Brugs outside and try tutting the root balls in either gunny sacks and then put those inside the plastic bags, then put the plastic bagged footballs into the tubs. If I can get three to a tub , I might be able to get them all inside today and have room for all of them. I inky have room fir a couple of pots in the living room,.. I'm getting
Anxious for them to finish now.

This are the little tubs for kids from Walmart that I plan to use. They are still large enough but not too big. Then, that is one of the types of statues the guy gas this one is saint Francis,
patron saint of animals and gardens.

The other are the styrofoam pots I I started to paint and touch up for next year, only completed the middle one and my grandson, his girlfriend came over , then my son drove up with his girlfriend so we had a nice visit.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Oops, I forgot the stature ..hens and chicks, I love these little guys.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Hamilton, OH

Good Morning Ladies
I just got done Cleaning the house, putting out Recycle & Garbage, they only pick recycle every 2 weeks, I have the huge Bin, it's always full, so I have to put some of my stuff, in the neighbor's Bin
they don't mind because I sit both ours out.
Charleen, it's good to see & hear from you
so adorable, you have the neatest things, I really like your Hens & chicks


Mesilla Park, NM

I'm a hoarder that's why! Lol, did you read any of the clutter posts I started a few years ago .. I also throw out ten things a day, donate or recycle. Sometimes I get carried awry and donate up to 50 things, so once you get started with the ten items, you realize just how easy it is to keep on going to 15 items, then the number gets higher as you go. And you see results. It motivates you even more. Now, I need to declutter my studio.

We actually rented a dipsy dumpster the huge largest one they had to clear out and trim our summer pines out front, and prun other threes. Well I took advantage of it being here and cleaned out a whole bunch of stuff .. Gave a lot of it away . It isn't really cluttered anymore , just with the concstruction going on, it all feels dirty..

Mesilla Park, NM

There's a site called the fly lady, I don't know if it still exists, but, she gives you one thing a day to do in your home to get started. One was to fill your kitchen sinks with bleach bad water, leave it all day to get the stains out. And kept that sink shiny and clean, then you sork out wards cleaning the counter tops, etc.. I don't want to leave anything out in my kitchen as far as appliances. So I sm hoping there will be enough storage in these new cabinets. I can get a good start once they install those.

I hoard towels and sheets. I love blankets too. Lol, fabric, I could go on, and on.


Hamilton, OH

I just did clean the kitchen cabinets, I paint them white a couple years ago, now I just clean them with Bleach water, I also cleaned my Oven, boy did it need it, I also washed the walls in the Room we watch TV in, I don't like a TV in the Living room. anyway, with my sectional couch that takes up most of the room
you're right once you start giving away, donating, cleaning out it does become so much easier Plus it makes you thing about not buy things that you don't need, saves you money.
I do hope the cabinets help, I just got rid of a Bunch of Blankets, now the Fabric is another matter, I have had French toile, fabric, wall paper to match, I am a fan of using Black & white, in my bedroom


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I still need to clean up my craft room. Did good on back bedroom.
Did get rid of some stuff got a chair filled with a bag that has to go somewhere...There is always something....

Hamilton, OH

Dealing with my MIL's things after she passed away, really got me to thinking about my Own DD's
would I want to just let them deal with my clutter, or should I do it while I have time, Because you never know, anyway that's why I am doing that now, thinning out all of the things I know they wouldn't want, also I have told them if it's something that you want Speak up.
my oldest DD wanted one of my fold up tables, I keep for Yard sales, so I told her take it, I think 5 tables are a bit much anyway, so it worked out for both of us, more things out of the way, also I gave her a fold up clothes rack I had bought when Elder Beerman was going out of business down town
well Girl Break time is over back to work I go


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

got laundry to toss into dryer. I want to go in and see what or where I should start in craft room. I got some things I am going to donate to a lady who rescues kitties, to sell to get supplies for them...
It is amazing how much junk collects along with the "good stuff."
I have got to go get some more cutting for some folks too.
there is always something....

Hamilton, OH

Goof afternoon, I just dug up my Last Elephant Ears, I am really surprized the Frost didn't even bother it, anyway the Leaves will go good in the Compost, I did take a couple Pic's you might like
it is Always Something, my Babies Next door had a Good time, I went over to collect the neighbors Leaves that I always collect, they wanted a Hug, then I threw a stick for them. they Loved it me over there playing with me, Girl the sun came out it was really starting to warm up, so I got to take my coat off. well here are the Pics, the Mum's I cut back, Red Castor Beans, & a Brug Bud


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

forgot I had loaded my pictures and they went to Nov. That versa peach is amazing, I guess the cold has made it striped...
Flame, Painted lady, Jap. Maple...
these are really looking pretty...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

Very Pretty, it's always Good to see Bloom in November, it's to Bad we can't see Blooms all Year, but the we wouldn't get a Rest, so it's all Good.
are those the one's you Leave in the Ground all year? I really like you J. maple it's Beautiful


Long Beach, CA

Looking good you guys! I live that maple tree, So very red!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Rhapsody, the tree is in a container. We have several trees in containers. I love them....Japanese Maple tree.
Elizabeth your pictures are great.
Girls, we do love our plants, don't we..????

Hamilton, OH

Good Morning
well slow & Steady wins the race, almost all the leaves are done for the season, so maybe I have to rake a couple more times. then it's done, Good thing , the weather will be changing, The weather man even mentioned Snow.
by then I will be all done with everything outside, then I can take care of the plants I have in the Basement.
as soon as the Bank opens, I have to pay a couple Bills, do a little shopping, then I'll be back on later
to post the open Buds, on the Brugs.
have a Great Morning

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

took these this morning. Scraddly looking Autumn glow and Monster, but still blooming.
Pink Perfection
Painted Lady
and finally my Ginko Tree. Now I see it is side ways.
got to tip our head...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

Still Pretty Blooms, Love the Tree, showing it's pretty yellow Leaves, it's really hard for me to think it's November already, it was really nice out today, got a lot done, washed some of my windows, I use Joy liquid in water, to wash windows, it's in expensive leaves no streaks, I use it on my car windows also, I'll have to take a Pic of my tulip tree all the leaves are turning, I'll do the in the morning
Take care

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh those are so cute Charlene, the white flowers remind me of little ghosts on the trees, those they use as decorations for Halloween. I'm surprised at all your out door blooms, that is fantastic.

Elizabeth you sure have been busy. I bet it feels good to get your house in order. I'm hoping I can start putting things away on Saturday and mop floors while everyone is gone for the weekend. I'm tired all the time lately, sorry I have not been posting. When all thus is done, I'm never going to have anymore remodeling done. The new roof starts being put on dec 2nd and that should be the end of any major work. We got our first frost last night and several plants got leaf burn. I had all the Brugs indoors. Even those large ones, two have a few buds each, maybe I'll have a dozen open for thanksgiving on cypress gardens. What a bloomer that one is.

I love all your basement blooms Elizabeth ..

Hamilton, OH

Good Morning all
here are some Pic's I took in between, everything else, I know I am up early, when you wake up, you wake up, Have a Great Morning


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful pictures, Elizabeth.
I love the blooms on them all. Gourd, I love my Monster, it is one tough brug.....
Sometimes my best flower shots are in the morning with the sun shing thru.

Hamilton, OH

it is really cold out, so I ran out to take this Pic it's my Tulip Tree, in all it's Glory, I also Love the Fall colors


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful. I love spring and fall.
My favorite times of the year.

Hamilton, OH

Today the Sun is out it's Beautiful, so I am bagging more Leaves, my Favorite Times of the Year also
Well Girl have a Great afternoon


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We got some of the pinestraw raked up and I put it onto some of the brugs. We still have a ways to get the rest raked up. Robert helped, so that was great...
My Christmas cacti is blooming after being outside all summer long. Salmon blooms and white mixed in same container. I love it...
Hugs to all

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