Winter time for the Brugs

Hamilton, OH

you're Right but he is getting better, he did really well, He has to have the Surgery, so now we have to wait for that
it's not Bad here Yet, that's in the Morning here, I have to that very thing, tonight


Hamilton, OH

are you going to post Pic's of your Basement, it bet it Looks Lovely, you know How much we Love
Pic's, it might give me a better idea, How to make my Basement Look better

Mesilla Park, NM

Hi Elizabeth, I think maybe you mean Deborah's basement.. She has her nest plants down there, in would kill for a basement though or a greenhouse.

Deborah , yes please post some photos we would love to see them .

It gas been the mist horrible winds here too, yesterday they were 50?mph here, the winds are so bad here in the southwest and last for days at a time, last week they felt likev50 mph, but yesterday they really were and in some areas even more. Cold too.

You guys have a great weekend, we are doing some last minute shopping for the supplies to finish the remodel this coming sweet, I hope, at least the inside.


Hamilton, OH

Please Post Pic's when you have the time, I would Love to see how Nice you have made your Plants area.


Sorry abut that, I don't know what I was Thinking, A Basement is Nice, but you would be Surprized
How Quickly you can fill it Up

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have a question---

My Dr. Seuss Brugs are all riites and growing like crazy---too crazy!
The stems, from the cutting, are going in 3 directions and getting a bit too tall
for my liking so early in the rooting process...

My questions are---
--could I cut the stems back?
--Would this ruin the growing pattern of the brug?
--Would it send out new shoots above where I have cut it?

I would think "yes"--just need a bit of support here....

Look here--I am NOT liking this! YES! They get enough light where they are.

Thanks for any input--Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

They look really good to me, Gita..

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Yes--to some extent--they ARE growing well, but, usually, the new stems
do not grow out in such a "V" pattern. I am just thinking ahead--when those
little stems will become a sprawling monstrosity--as the "DR" is prone to do.

I don't want to lose these--as I have now given away the big Dr. Seuss.
I will be starting all over again from a cutting. Been there--done that.

SO? Do you have an opinion on pinching it back, like we do with all kinds of plants?
Maybe half way--above an INWARD facing nubb?


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I will have to ler Elizabeth answer that, I never pinch brugs, I do trim woody stems that are going everywhich way, but I have never "pinched" a brug? I pinch basil, my tomatoes, and coleus, but read somewhere that you shouldn't pinch brugs, so I don't. Not saying you can't, mind you.. wish I could remember where I saw that statement at, tho..
I gave away a few brugs to some master gardeners, one in particular I had grown from seed purchased from seedsprout ( brenda) and when I asked them at end of the year how it bloomed, they told me it never did so they trashed it, I asked them how they cared for it, and they said like any other shrub, pinching and pruning to make the blooms come .. I wish now I had half of the brugs I gave away.. most of the ones I gave away were hybrids I grew out from seeds. *sigh* I LOVE growing things from seed..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

To press on.....

Pinching a full grown Brug is different, IMHO, than cutting back the new
stems I have growing out from my cutting.
Maybe I could just cut back one of them but keep the second one as is?
I only plan to grow out one of them--as that is all I have room for.
All the others will be given away.

Debra--is that your garage full of plants? Wow!! Mine all share
my LR, DR, kitchen, and there are some in my BR's as well.

I am used to a "jungle all through the winter....Tjhis will give you an idea...


Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Hamilton, OH

Good Morning Debra & Gita
Debra Thank you for the vote of confidence, I am Glad to see you posts Always, Great Looking Space for your Brugs, Girl you sure are organized.
I would let that Brug get some Growth on it before I did anything, that Brug does get Big, the one I use to have Grew like gang busters, it also depends on what shape you want your Brug, to be
do you want a Standard, or Bush form?
I am growing mine out to be a Standard, so I keep clipping off the side branches as soon as they Form, for Storage, it's better to have the Standard, BTW, they way you have all your Plants is amazing, I'll be back on later


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Gita, your plants look wonderful in the house, I wish I could do that ,I have so much window area around here, but I keep my 1900 sq ft basement a jungle all winter and sometimes early summer thru the year, it gets so hot here I bring stuff in just to stay healthy and not see them suffer. My basement has t5's and all kinds of other lights up just for the plants. Hubby is waiting for me to put a sign out front " Deb's Plant Nursery" HAHA
Every year a new design tho and re-arranging is what keeps me busy during football on tv and also keeps my spirit up as I miss my sister so much right now.
My sons old bedroom holds a lot of stuff but for now it is holding vegetable plants, vines and hydroponics. here is That room 2 years ago.. I have two more growing areas, but this room is the easiest to get the vines going in..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Also, what do you do to keep gnats out of the living areas? just curious, I might be the only one who fights these things evrywinter..
Same room 2012

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Brownstown, IN

Hi Every one`s growing area`s and pictures look great!

Debra, your not the only one that has trouble with gnats in the winter time, I get the hanging
fly ribbons and hang them where I see them, it works pretty good.


Hamilton, OH

Everything Looks Great, the Blooming Plants are Beautiful

so Glad you could Visit with Us, I have to get some of those sticky fly traps, I have a Huge tub filled with water, from draining the hot water heater, anyway there are a lot of Gnats dead in the water
your plant room is amazing also


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Wow, Debra! Your "jungle" realy looks like a Jungle!!!
However--everything looks healthy .
What is the plant with the 2 pink blooms in pic. #4 in your 1st set?

Yes! Keeping up with all these plants is a chore---but I do it piecemeal.

Didn't show you where my African Violet set-up is. I have 55 of them! All sizes...
The problem is that NONE of them have bloomed in almost 3 years.
I think the thing is that they are just too cold on the shelves that run all along
the nase of thet BIG LR window, as well as on those little hanging shelves by my DR window.
The AV's are just a couple inches away from the glass.. The light there is also so-so--
as the patio roof just outside shades the window somewhat.

SO! I decided to put them all on a card table in the DR corner. Bought a hanging light
and now I keep it on all day. I also re-potted every single AV--big or small--in
some amazing potting mix.

Now I am just hoping to see some blooms. I would be ecstatic!


Thumbnail by Gitagal
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

they look really nice, Gita.. I don't grow AV's, I just kil them, but my great aunt effie should had hers blooming year round, they sat on the ledge around the inside of her mobile home under the windows and were so pretty. My sis in law Paula has the LAST one of hers, it was given to her by my dear little sister, when she came here one last time. Paula has really enjoyed it and it is huge.

I am into morning glorys and brugs, but love propagating anything just to see if I can do it.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have to STOP propagating all kinds of plants!!!!
They all root--and they all grow--and then I have too many of this and that,
but i don't give anything away--well, maybe some to fellow DG'er and some
people at work.

I have so many AV/s--because I am always growing new ones from a single leaf.
Gotta stop it!!!!


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

haha that is what my Joe says.. " you don't give your plants away" but he has no clue how many I have sent away, cuz of all the new ones I made to replace them.
mainroom last year

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Hamilton, OH

Good Morning
we have the Balmy weather of 33 degrees Today, DH has an appointment with the Eye Dr Again
he has to have Surgery on his Eye's
I Sure do hope it's works so he can get back to Driving, you know how those backseat Drivers are, well in his case passenger seat Driver.
I'll be back later, have a Great morning
Good to see Everyone, Love the Pic's

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Our temps are dropping and I can't stand it. Going to be a long cold winter, I'm afraid. Still have brugs to get potted when sign is right. Can't send out anything now, it is too cold but i can put them in to little soda bottles to root and put the names of folks on them plus their label too. Been making Clay ornaments and starting to get some Mule lovers as customers. You all know I love that. did some little dogs....and cats too.
Your flowers are all so beautiful.
Love and nuzzles
Charleen and Charley

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

i adore the charley ornament you made me Char, it still hangs on my brug Kaitlyn.. and the duke dog ornaments are in my curio. I got t5's since that last year so this year everything is much happier...
sure hope all goes well with your hubby, Elizabeth. I know it is hard for him, not seeing where he is going ..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Mesilla Park, NM

We had a little snow, hail, rain and lots of wind here a couple of days in a row..

Goodness is, my cypress gardens is starting to open up and it has three dozen flower buds, I'm hoping they open more for thanksgiving...

Great plants Gita, I agree with Elizabeth , let them get some more growth and shape/prune them early spring.. I have some like yours too, that is plan to trim then.

Hamilton, OH

Good Morning Everyone
I Want to Wish Everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving, with Lots of Food, Family & Friends
Great looking Plants, it looks so warm & inviting
I hope you have a Great time today
Girls if I don't strangle This Man, DH, it will be a miracle, he had his physical yesterday, then we went to the closing, Yippee, it will soon be done, I am so Thankful for that, he has his Surgery on the 11th of Dec. I am so hoping he can drive shortly after that, so we can have a much more Merry Christmas.
I'll be back on this evening after the clean up

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, I had a wonderful Thanksgiving, my nephew came to see me and we spent some good time together, go thru all trunks and I gave him some things I wanted him to have. To me he is still that little boy who was my very bestest friend. We talked and had a good time. God is good, getting him back to me.
Everything is Beautiful Deb.
Men are like that, Elizabeth. When we don't feel like giving them a hug, we feel like strangling them... :)
You all have a great day.

Hamilton, OH

in spit of him acting like that We did have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner all 3 DD's were here
5 of the Grands were here, the other's are out of State, all the Food was Great, my middle & youngest DD took a Bunch home with them, their Favorite Dessert was the German Chocolate Cake, that I made from scratch,
I am so Glad that your Nephew, got to came to visit you it's Great being with Family, we just got back from our Black Friday Shopping, youngest GD, stayed the night, so we got her some much need jeans, she is out growing all of her clothes, so now I know to get her School Clothes, at the after Christmas Sales, that's my Favorite Time to shop.
I always Love the time GD spends with us, I get her every other weekend.
I'll check back later on

Hamilton, OH

I took a couple pic's of some of the Feast, dinner some of it before it was cooked then some of it after we ate, I hope everyone had as much as we did, for that we were so Great full, for the Family, as much as for the Food, after the clean up, I did make turkey & Dumplings, Everyone liked the From scratch Germany Chocolate Cake, that's what's in the Pretty Cake Stand, also I made Squash
Pie rather than make Pumpkin, Karen Thank you so much for the Butternut Squash, it made the pie so much better, being home grown


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Looks wonderful! I have a sweet tooth--and all those pictures just kill me!

I went to my daughter's and her DH--who always grills a turkey. So good!
It was just the tree of us. My DD made the potatoes, Green beans and desert.
I made stuffing and the gravy--and, for the first time, "Corn Pudding".
The recipe came from "hart" a DG member of long ago. It was passed down
to her from her Mom or G-Mom. It was delicious!

Now to chill and try to eat a bit leaner--before the X-Mas gluttony hits.


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

mmmmmm looks so good.. we also had a lovely time.

Hamilton, OH

Ladies Good morning
Thank you, I did something this year, after my DD's took home some of the Food, there were still a Bunch of leftovers, so I de boned the Turkey, then boiled the bones, added some turkey meat, then I made Dumplings, Fresh Biscuits, also made Ham Salad, so no one at my House needs to go Hungry.
Debra so Glad you did, I bet it was a Fantastic
Gita, that Corn Pudding sounds really Good
Christmas, will be at my youngest DD's House, she had a double over that makes it Nice, she also had a Huge Dinning room table, my middle GD, ask me if she could have her own Green Cake, since her sister, get a whole Lemon Pie for Thanksgiving, so I'll be making 2 Watergate Cakes, as well as a Red Velvet cake.
Today I am getting out my Christmas Tree's, I think Christmas is my Favorite, I love to decorate for that Esp for the Youngest GK's, Yes I will post Pic's

Mesilla Park, NM

Well, we also had a great Thanksgiving, the contractor got the kitchen appliances anfd sink put in so we could move in the table on thanksgiving day. I couldn't find dishes or pots yet. So we had crockpots full of foods. Traditional hominy, tamales, red chili sauce , biscicitos sugar cookies, pork roast.. One brug almost opened all up, it is in the bay window and here it is.

And a couple of photos of the kitchen and dining room areas almost done. You can smell the brug as you enter the kitchen .

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Those photos are so dark, the second one is not today's photo .. I'll they again when the sun comes out. I'm glad everyone's thanksgiving was great..


Hamilton, OH

I just knew your House would be Amazing, Love your Kitchen, your Brugs are Amazing also, I am so Glad you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving, I'll be so Glad for you when the work is all done, I have 1 Christmas Tree up & Decorated, I'll Post Pic's when I get the others Done.
My DD can't believe how many I Decorate, but it's one of my Favorite Holidays


Brownstown, IN

Gourd, love, love, love your bay window! Sooo pretty!

So glad to hear everyone had a super Thanksgiving!

Yummy looking food Elizabeth!

Hamilton, OH

I just know there was more than that, at you Home, you're Such a Good Cook. I just know Everyone was Stuffed


Mesilla Park, NM

Thank you guys,

I took some more photos just now, they are better now that it's dark out and the lights on inside.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

beautiful A, I really love how you have it done up. I am a lil jealous of your beautiful new kitchen, but so happy for you. I love it.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


That bay window is such a perfect place for your Brug...

Mine sit in my shop in a dormant state aall winter..they DO grow a few leaves...
I dribble a bit of water on them maybe 3x during the winter...


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have been bugging Joe about new windows, and one of them being a bay windwo, A's bay window is perfect. I would put mine in the south bedroom, and turn it into a sun room if I could.

Mesilla Park, NM

Thanks Deborah and Gita.. It's been a long two months here remodeling. A few more projects in 2013 and I hope this Is done with. It is so tiring but it is coming along.

I would love a basement but the homes here do not have them.. Thank you all..for the nice compliments on the Bay window, I have to move that brug out of the way tonight, they still need two more coats of paint on the would trim and some more touch ups on the stain on the doors. I don't want for them to damage it. They knocked about 8 buds off on Wednesday ..

Lots of great Brugs on this forum and boy have they come a long way in these past 10 years. I am in love with them all over again. I just got a new wire stand yesterday and DH put it together last night. Lights go on today and maybe I can star a few seeds tomorrow. It will give me something to do while these guys do some of the remaining work outside. I want my house back.. Lol. Just one more thing, the new roof was delayed till Dec 16, that's too close to Christmas and I am going crazy here as it is.

I hope I have a different color brug blooming for thanksgiving next year! Hopefully a double or from the seeds from Alan in the UK.


Hamilton, OH

good Morning Ladies
That window is so Perfect, I Love the way it looks with you plants in it, I wish I could have one in my Home, Keep posting those Beauty's
it's Good to See you, you also have a Beautiful Space for your PLant's, I wish I was that organized
I wish I coupe Thin my Brugs out, that's the Plant for Next Spring, I am going to Leave a lot more in Pots, so when they Bloom they might Sell. just Keeping my Best one's & a Few Seedlings so I will be Down to 30
I'll check back in Later Today

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