Winter time for the Brugs

Hamilton, OH

that's Beautiful, Gotta Love it, mine is trying to Bloom also, it's always nice when they Bloom


Hamilton, OH

Good Morning
here are some Basement Blooms, they still have a Fragrance, the first & second one is Super Spot
the 3rd one hasn't yet colored up all the way, the 4th one is my Thanksgiving cacti, it should be in full Bloom soon, the last one a Brug that has to also color up

Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Long Beach, CA

Elizabeth ~ I just can not believe how beautiful those blooms grow inside.

Great colour on the Super Spot Elizabeth !

Lovely pictures. I suppose inside ... they don't have wind, rain or sun worries, so perfection !
You can easily pollinate them now. ^_^


Hamilton, OH

Good morning Raps, Thank you
Good Morning Chrissy
I have thought about that, I might try that, Super Spot always makes me Happy, I have a couple more that should be open in a couple days, so I'll try that then, Well Girl we got our first Snow, last
night, I have to dress warm now, Have a Great day, or Night


Mesilla Park, NM

Good morning guys... It sure is cold today. Elizabeth, you got snow... Wow, it does sound like winter just got its start. Here too. The winds are about 50mph and less.. We are all cold as you can see here with one of my goldens, she gets more cold than the make.. The baby is my daughters new puppy being held by my granddaughter. The dog is sooo small it just slides into the boot. He is so cute

Love all your blooms.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Hamilton, OH

How Sweet, I was next door Yesterday, getting the Leaves raked up, I dropped my Glove, the big white baby, brought it to me, I just Love those Guys, Gotta Love them Pets, yours Looks so well cared for, that's a Pretty Girl there, Have a Great Evening Girl


Long Beach, CA

Antoinette ~ just love that second picture. Puppy in the boot. Way cute!!


Mesilla Park, NM

This little guy is supposed to be a golden retriever pup, but he is toooooo small to be one, it's like he got stunted, the vet can't figure it out either. He is not growing at all, but, he is healthy and maybe gained a couple of ounces. They can't figure out how old he us either. We think the lady that sold him was not exactly telling the truth about this cute little angel. He's cold all the time too.. My daughter just lost her golden of 13 yeses and she was devastated. My son in law got thus one fir her and she was soooo mad, didn't want another one. But this one us a male, and she has been taking card of it for two weeks abc she is coming around, I think she loved thus little guy too, he really needs her, so the bond is there now. He us too cute, whatever he is.

Hamilton, OH

How's the work on your House going? is it still a work in Progress? the Last couple of days I have been going through all my how to Books, Gardening books, craft books, I gave my oldest DD about 30 of them, anyway the reason for getting rid of the Books, I have a neat little area, that would be a Great Pantry, then I could convert the current Pantry into a Nice Size Grow area.
it has shelves so I could do a couple grow light's it would be perfect for new plants, also the clippings would root better there under Lights
Have a Great Evening

Mesilla Park, NM

Elizabeth, I'm about to pull my hair out. The frig is now here, the stove is now back ordered for dec 31st.. Which means delivery after the new year. The cabinets are still nit in, they ordered the wrong doors, so he jus placed the order. Tonight we are going yo sears and they promised to lend us one till they get the other one. It's been really long and a big headache . The cabinets that did come in were installed wrong, the dtrawers hit door frames, the frig was stuck in the hole, etc.. Since the cabinets aren't in the counter tops can't be put in, thus, the backsplash can't be put in.

It's turning into a long bad dream. Lol .. It's a good thing I'm used to thus type of thing happening.

Mesilla Park, NM

Elizabeth, this us the Sun Kachina mosaic I made and it is being installed here.. I love that my stuff will be incorporated throughout the yard.. There are a couple of dancing ladies that will also go in other areas. This is the first one. I gave the Snow Kachina to the contractor working here so he can install it at his business. The stucco will go around thus and then the paint.

Sun Kachina

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Hamilton, OH

you're so Crafty. I love the way it's part of your stucco wall so Beautiful, the contractor is very Lucky
to have it.
it Looks like I will have to wait till Next Spring to do stucco on my foundation, I just looked up what it takes to make stucco, so I will do it myself, no one wants to do it because it's a small section. it wouldn't be worth their time.
well I guess if you want it done right do it yourself, How's your plants holding up?


Mesilla Park, NM

All of the rooted plants that I brought indoors are doing great, the cuttings not so good. I must have gotten at least 50 cuttings from everyone, I have about 2dozen left and I'm so worried that the cold will get them. I have lights on them. I must have put too much perlite for drainage because they dry real quick . I hate to over water them. I lost a lot , the skins on the stems just got loose like send never did root. But, the rooted knees a couple of you sent me are doing great. I'm like a mother hen with them. I'll take photos of those later, I can't get through that area right now. These are in the living room where I live during the day.. Lol

Thumbnail by Gourd
Hamilton, OH

what you have in the Pic Looks Great, don't you just Love all that Green in the House, I sure do


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Did mine die, Antoinette? I absolutely love the Kachina....
We did get our freeze. Bahhh!!! See what it did???? also had to toss in a longear photo.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

Good Pic's as Always Charleen
they do look Sad, I do hope they're all right, here's what's Blooming in the Basement right now
Hope you had a Good Saturday, I always watch Victory Garden, P. Allen Smith & Garden Smart
they show some of the Neatest Things about Gardening & cooking, I Love it, when I am Busy I Tape it then watch it later.


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wow, After reading here, I am so impressed with everyone's craftiness, and growing abilities. I love it. Great ideas and great peeps here..

Hamilton, OH

Glad you got to see my Blooming Plants, Yes Great peeps here, I have started working on my Garage, it's amazing what you collect that you don't really need, that's what I have done, now it's time to clean it up, almost done with the attic also
it will be so Nice for the Holidays, when everything is done, I can't believe it will be here soon, My How time fly's


Long Beach, CA

Quote from joeswife :
wow, After reading here, I am so impressed with everyone's craftiness, and growing abilities. I love it. Great ideas and great peeps here..

Oh yah! One can always learn something new or a different technician here. I sure do. Many helpful people willing to help out with their knowledge when needed.


Hamilton, OH

I posted on here, I am so Glad to see you, I don't know where the post went, anyway, it's good to have you here, I was watching T.V. earlier, then this siren went off, we checked the weather pattern, they had spotted a possible tornado, it was heading straight for my friends house so I got on the phone told them to take cover if it got near them, that sure is scary.
Hi Raps
Yes people are always willing to help, I was raking my Brain, to find my hair cutting scissors so I could trim my GS's hair I finally just found my new one's, He sat so still while I trimmed his Hair.
That's what I use to do for a Living, I have been a managing Hair Dresser since 1982, could you imagine the cost of 3 DD's a DH & 8 Grands, if I had not Learned the Trade.
Oh Yes my DH was so helpful, telling me where did you put them after you trimmed my hair, Very helpful, Have a nice night

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Husband's are like that. "helpful" :)

Hamilton, OH

they sure are, Since the Holidays are coming up, I searched around found my Lotus Seedpods
I am going to let my GD, help me paint them in Green Red & Gold to put them outside on my Cedar for Christmas Decorations, there's a Funny Story with these we have a Great Big Lake within an hours Drive from here, the Lotus Grow there, My DD,SIL & myself, went to gather the Seedpods
well at first the Muck they grow was hard enough to walk on, we were just gathering away.
then I lost my shoe, found it, then I lost my other one, found it, here I was in sock feet, holding the Seedpods my shoe's, that's when I lost my socks, found them, Lucky for us it was warm weather
to make a Story short, the same thing happened to them also, so we drove back home barefoot with Lots of Seedpods
Have a Great Afternoon

Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Nice collection, You could make a wreath. They sure are nice ones....

Hamilton, OH

if we have another nice Day DD & I will collect more, I love to go over there, also I like fallen Cedar Tree, for the Root ball, they make Great drift wood, for the Garden, I always carry my fold up Saw, when we go there, my DD enjoys going there when it's just her & I, it's hard to think she's 41


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I love times with my DD's and my DS when we are outside .. I am glad you have good times with your DD, Elizabeth. Family matters the most to me right now..

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, it sounds like great fun. i know you laugh and giggle. My sister and i used to go fishing and rock gathering. I remember. she may be gone but her memory is still with me. so she is still near as is rest of my Heaven -sent family. so we have to love each other while we have them.
Love and hugs
from the big red mule and

Hamilton, OH

Yes the Family is so Important, I had to make time to Give my youngest GS his haircut, after that he wanted to cling to me I love it, Grandpa on the other hand is Jealous

most of my Family is already gone, I have 1 sister left out of 8 siblings, they are gone but not forgotten everyday I Thank God for my DD's & 8 Grands.
Next week will be the feast, DH made out the menu, just the basic dinner, I will be doing the Desserts, I have 2 GD's helping me


Mesilla Park, NM

Hi guys, good yo see you Deborah. Oh I know , I feel the same way. I spent hours yesterday with my grandson just talking and also about how important family is.

Here is my cypress gardens with three dozen buds, I'm hoping they open for thanksgiving ..

I put a few lights on it and plan to put some more butterflies. Our Christmas tree thus year if we aren't done.

Charlene, my philo cutting got a new leaf and it us variegated, I'm so excited about it. Can you post a pic of the momma plant so I can see it. I love these. I got a really red stemmed on that has huge leaves, and it us just a baby plant Kongo Red I think is the name. I have at least one of peach Brugs that you sent me, your cuttings are the ones that rooted the best. I lost most of the ones from rapsody and several from Elizabeth. It is my fault so I have to start rooting them in spring. I have a great selection though, so I'm really happy. One that was doing really well just wilted last night, I don't know why, that is what us yapping to the cuttings. If I knit keep nod or two doubles alive, I'm one happy camper.. Lol. Thank you guys for everything.


Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

I just saw Chrissy's post with the BGI calendar , it looks great. . I want one, did Ny of you guys buy one? Can BGI sell on the classified ads here on DG? I wish they would. Or are these for BGI member s only? They look gorgeous.

Hamilton, OH

Hi Debra
it's always good to See you, don't be a Stranger
I think you have to be a member to buy the calender, you should become a member. I have been a member since 2008.
your Brugs look Great I like the lights, I am Thinking of done one of mine like that
Have a Great afternoon

Mesilla Park, NM

I wanted to put green lights, I may get the little green lights tonight. I have clear and lots of blue, but I think green ones would make it look really green like a tree. Then add fillers.

Thank you..

I used to be a member at BGI in maybe 2002 or later, I don't know if I still am. I just don't have the time to post at many sites. So I stay here and this fills most of my needs, my friends and family are here too.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I joined this year. so I really should visit it more often.
Those are really going to be fantastic when they open, then in afternoon they will perfume your house.
I have some of my plants in water and some in soil. the ones I have in soil is sending out tiny leaves.One of them is the butternut Hazelnut i got from Elizabeth. I'm getting water roots on your plants Gourd.
I love watching them all grow roots and starting to show life....

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

me too..

Mesilla Park, NM

Me too, the hazelnut buttercup is growing leaves too and the one I cut off the cypress gardens are growing water roots in just two weeks. I can hardly wait to be able to smell them again. I got some great Brugs from you guys thus year, all the serendipity cuttings are huge and Lots of leaves. The peanut cross from Elizabeth and other ones from her are huge too. I'm thrilled here.

Hamilton, OH

Good Afternoon
it anything can go wrong it usually does, no Hot water for me, that water heater isn't even 3 yrs. yet
oh well have someone coming to fix the thermal coupler.
on the Bright I have a plant blooming hybiscus sp, I almost left out in the weather, now I am glad I brought it in. it's really Pretty, Pink but Pretty
hope everyone has a Great afternoon


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

that's gorgeous.

Hamilton, OH

Hi Debra
Thank you. to Think I almost left it out, I am so Glad I didn't have a Great afternoon, I have to take DH
to the Eye Specialist, @ 10:30 this morning, he might have to have Surgery
He is driving my crazy, he doesn't like to be a Passenger, Be back on Later


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, I don't think any husband likes to ride in a car with their wives. Mine is same way...
Cloudy here but otherwise not a bad day at all...

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Freezing, windy, and 24 here with freezing rain, windchill 9 ugh. Work Late today, maybe it will be closer to the predicted high if 34. I worked on the basement re-arranging and stuff till 2 last night. It felt good.

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