What's coming for winter?

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Much cooler. Still only 69° at this hour. Low humidity. Feels more and more like fall in the air. :)

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

63 degrees , 68 later , 40 for tonight ,
Quick cool , feels like a fridge after 90's
Cloudy , 42%humidity , strong 11 mph wind makes it cooler still ,
AS above a Fall type day .

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Feels like Fall here, too... Glad to have a quilt to sleep under!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

45º overnight. Now 65º.
Sunny. Lovely fall day!

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

They're calling for a high of 97F today. We have pretty boring weather reports much of the year.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

It's now 90F here, not so cool after all. With the humidity factored in, that's probably 95 to 100. The A/C kicked on about 10min or so after my last post and has been on pretty much ever since.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Currently 74 and will get down to low 50s tonight.

Was nice and cool this morning!! I had to wear jeans and a hoodie to stay warm and somewhat dry while I was watering at work. lol. I get wet in this weather, I'll get cold fast!!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

High today 88F / 31C with a feels like of 93/34.

A day so hot
the goldfish bubbled
in the bowl and offered
up fish and chips.

It is also speeding along the ripening of our crops for which all are eternally grateful!

I will be so glad when all is off and I can hope for fall rains.....the air here is so dry and our skin is crying in pain.

Today has been a very nice day outside.Not to hot!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Currently 76. Didn't get much warmer than that today. Felt great!!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Finally started raining. Been very dry here.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

72ºF was our high

We are being spoiled rotten this year...Europe and the U.K. are colder than us! :D

I asked them if they wanted to take on our winter as well.....

still waiting for a reply.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Sunny and cool, cool, cool. Humidity very low. Stupendous weather. The first totally fall-like day. I love it. :)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

It's still hot as Hades here, but we have managed to get our overnight low down into the 70's. I went out around 2AM (dog emergency) and the air outside felt wonderful. That's a good sign, I think. Now if we could just get the afternoon high down to 80ish, I would be happy.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

It might just come since @ 3:30 am we were at 1ºC / 33.8ºF

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Rain gauge showed 1". We really needed it.
Now overcast & 56º.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

At the risk of boring you - they are calling for a high of 100F today.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

we were at 43 this morning
57 now 70's today .

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

LilyPon: Way to go. Keep up the good work up there. Momma needs to see some 80's (F)! Or 70's even.

Kelli: Looks like you could just report your weather with a set of ditto marks.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOL...well we don't want to make you too happy just yet DreamsofSpring.

Currently 14C

my farmer had this to say about last night (I had warned him about us possibly getting more rain than is currently forecasted).

got your email on the combine last night doing Sec** by G***s. Durum going well. We have done about 200 acres and have just under 10,000 bu.
Hopefully Wednesday isn’t too bad.
PS – seems like there was a slight slight frost last night – wouldn’t do any damage though.

God and Mother Nature willing our durum will be off prior to the rains coming.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Currently 83 and spotty showers. Got 3 hydrangas planted just before the rains hit this morning. Perfect timing!!!

Mountain View, HI

Still no weather. Same as before. (see Sept 2nd) Drier than anticipated. Too hot. Having to water outside pots. The whole neighborhood has their grass cutting up to date.
Forecast is the same for the next week.

We have not got a good rain in months here.Who ever is hogging the rain send it here.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

No rain here, of course, which is normal for this time of the year. They are calling for a high of 97F.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

61 degrees and cloudy now
50 this morning
70/44 The forecast
it rained last night. off and on about four hours worth .
Cool windy day 11 to 15 mph . Makes it feel almost cold ..
It's Fall here .

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

We had a couple of cool nights that had me turn on the heat in the house... although it's slightly warmer now, still running the heat at night. Outside it's about 70º now but overcast and feels cooler.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Currently 61 and our high was supposed to be around 70 today. I don't know if we reached it or not. It has been chilly all day and wet. Had some rain overnight and this morning along with some strong winds.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

81F feels like 86 was our high today

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Warming up into the 80s again after a cool spell. One last gasp for summer. :(

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It was 59F at 7AM. They are calling for a high of 91F.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

at 9:36 am

70F feels like 73

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Cogratulations Kelli!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

We've been having some comments on a Coffee thread about how early field mice are coming indoors this year. Generally it indicates a long, cold winter. Fortunately we all have cats, or dogs that will hunt them down.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Nice comfy 70's here , '
partly cloudy
8 mph wind
72 now
40's , 50's are cool nights and mornings
Still better than 80 degree nights even if a little cool.

Thumbnail by juhur7
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

About the same as Ju here. We reached mid 70s today with rain all morning and into afternoon.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Except you got the Rain!!! lol

For today high mid 90's and for tonight Mid 70's.Another hot and dry day and night.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

It is only 77F right now! Yay!
Also noted yesterday that the late afternoon early evening time slot is now very nice, cool, 70ish.
The rains have also slowed down now so that for the past week they haven't been daily, and the sun has been showing up again some days. The low pressure system that was causing the daily rains is still around but appears to have dropped down a bit so that it is no longer directly over us.

As to any issues with mice or rats, I had a problem outside some years back as a result of all of the sunflower seeds I was putting out daily to feed the birds back then. I live adjacent to the forest, so the critters heard the dinner bell and came running. One day I looked outside to see a rat sitting on the bird feeder happily gobbling up food. Eeek! As much as I hated it, I stopped feeding the birds. In my area, I suspect they can find ample, natural food anyhow.

Some 3-4yrs ago I took in a semi-feral cat and her very feral kitten (now grown). They are mostly outdoor coming in only briefly to eat except during bad weather when they may stay a little longer. Having survived on her own for years, the female is an excellent & accomplished huntress, a skill she taught to her then young son. They quickly ate every rat that dared come anywhere near my yard or even my neighbors' yards, & I've no doubt they would be thrilled if any field mice decide to make a run for the house this fall.

They also dug up and killed every ground mole in the yard, leaving as many as 3 per day at my front door. Haven't seen any sign of mice, rats, or ground moles in years. (When I 1st 'adopted' her, the female actually even caught a squirrel and dragged it to my door for a thank-you gift. She is one fierce predator, so mice/rats don't stand a chance here anymore.)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I wish my cat would get outside more and take care of the underground rodents that eat my root veggies, but she's afraid of my sister's dog who always chases her. She used to love being outside during the daytime in good weather, before the DOG came!

WHY do our cats always bring us trophies?

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

A friend in animal control told me my then newly acquired, semi-feral cat was bringing me food (no doubt after she was full) to show me that she would be good to have around. Since she had previously lived on her own for years, that made a lot of sense to me. It was like she was saying, "We could make a good team, you and I." My guess is that 'normal' cats bring their catch home to show us in much the same vane as fishermen & hunters who post pictures of their kills; being well fed most pet cats are not that hungry anyhow and probably only catch critters for their amusement anyhow.

My 2 cats are not 'normal' pets. It has taken me years to establish any kind of relationship with them and they are still terrified of everyone else. Having survived in the wild, they don't scare easily. The female will actually growl at raccoons that come in our yard - and most of the raccoons are actually scared of her. She sits on the patio in the evenings to keep the raccoons away. The raccoons do come around but only after the cat comes indoors to eat, and when she sees them out there she demands to go out again so she can chase them away. I have also watched her chase snakes out off the yard. She is something else, that one.

If she is any example, I think feral cats might be good to have around, especially for those who have large plots of land. Problem is, I'm not sure where one gets a feral cat. Mine just happened to show up at my door one night, 1/2 grown kitten at her side, looking a bit thin, and having the chutzpah to hiss at me when I stepped outside. I cage trapped the 2 of them to get them spayed/neutered and vet checked (shots, etc), all of which had to be done under anesthesia as neither could be handled. Then I returned them to my yard and started feeding them daily.

(Sorry, darius. Did not mean to change thread subject. Will now resume weather discussions promptly.)

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