What's happening in your neck of the woods August/13 !!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Wham BAm Boom, we had a hecuva thinder storm this morning at 6am !! NOW, well, sun is out and the heat and humidity is on the rise, it will doubtless hit 100F no problem :-(

Whoa, now I'd like to try a batch of apple jelly .. so many apples on the property, BUT, peach sounds so decadent ^_^
We've been buying peaches by the 3L basket .. and.. YES, they ripen SO quickly!!
Will check out the link .. thing is, i ruined high bush cranberry jelly last year, turned out watery, didn't thicken, so disappointing ..

HEY SUSAN .. how are you doing?
AbAnn too .. busy with her daughter and getting her back to school .. so much to do.

Lorna's parents arrive in mid Sept .. I feel I'll be way able to handle the visit, AND, i do believe Lorna and i will head east in mid October to visit them .. Lorna hasn't been 'home' in 9 years!
Better she goes down UNrushed, as opposed to in a hurry !!

Have a super day everyone, off to check that link


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

AWESOME Ann .. will run it by Gordon when he gets in ^_^
Good idea to HANG the cloth, I usually put on rubber gloves and 'squish' the juice out ..

Thanx for the link


Victoria Harbour, ON

Know I didn't have to go through so much trouble with the crab apples, but the thought of a worm ukkkk decided to cut those wee apples into 4 and take to seeds out..likely not jelly, will be a jam, now to get myself dressed and go in hunt of supplies..maybe I'll let cool and pick what is needed tomorrow

Victoria Harbour, ON

think I just decided canning is not for me, not for 1 person..
l will add sugar to the apples and have a tasty applesauce for supper..
Sorry Ann!

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Applesauce works. Lotta work to cut up the apples though.

Do high bush cranberries have pectin? Maybe not enough for jelly to set, Marilynne. Or maybe they need some lemon juice or more or less sugar or more cooking. Have never eaten them; so I'm not the person to diagnose why your jelly didn't set, but it's always a fine line between jelly that sets and jelly that becomes rubber.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Letting applesauce cool..lovely color and has thickened

Hmmm should get ambitious, see what is needed for applesauce cake and go to Foodland for what is missing..I always add cranberries to it. Delicious...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

ViAnn .. apparently 'the magic' with the cranberries is the STAGE of ripening they are at.
One batch last year jelled fine, but, another batch, the next week was semi congealed, so disappointing, I kept 2 jars and used it over frozen vanilla yogurt.

Betty, that recipe sounds so good ^_^

Cooling my jets right now .. we're at 98 with the humidex .. awful !!! AND, the higher temps bring out the Sprube beetles (they bite) and, the ever UNPOPULAR 'clickety clicking' grasshoppers !!! They fly right at you and boy, can they stick to you !!
I know, I'm a wuss Lol


Victoria Harbour, ON

Only cook cranberries at thanksgiving and Christmas..did have bag of dried cranberries and raisins so in the applesauce cake they went..just waiting for the two of them to cool, 1 1/2 will go into freezer..always so moist even out of the freezer.

ants are so industrious, never stop do they, always on a mission. Cheap form of entertainment "M". Lol

I'll be eating home cooked meal again, leftovers from last night and now desert..yummy
Looks like rain..2pm, guess I've made my decision about going to the CNE

Back to stained glass projects

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Susan....how did day one at the new job go?
Hoping it was a great day.

So hot and humid here.. 34C and not expected to break anytime soon.

Went to Walmart today, first time since last November, loved it!

Hope all are well


Victoria Harbour, ON

Was 31 here then add in humidity factor..ukk

Wonder how Susan is doing as well.

You will be tired tonight "M"' hopefully NOT too sore.

Got my recipe book out so I know what I need to purchase to make Greg his chili sauce ..wish I had spent more time in the making then scalding /peeling the tomatoes when Roger made it. Lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The scalding and peeling is a pain, but, if you score the top of the tomato (like a star) a slight knick one way then the other, then put em in the boiling water for the minute or 2 and into ice water, those peels just literally slide off !!
I have a 'New York Chili Sauce' recipe of my Moms that is tomato based, and SO good, haven't made it in years though .. you've got me thinking ^_^

I think perhaps Susan must be tired after day 1 at the new job .. just hope it went well for her.

Another hot humid day coming our way .. am less than impressed !!

Take care all


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I've found that just pricking them with my big fork causes the skins to split and then they peel off.

Victoria Harbour, ON

When Roger did the canning/pickling he would buy bushels of tomatoes, not sure if they still sell them that way or where I can get them..I'll take a different way home and stop at a roadside veggie stand that sells the baskets of tomatoes.

hmmm, went looking in Roger's recipe book, his says to scald/peel then put in a crock with salt overnight..don't remember doing so

Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Make Highbush cranberry jelly at the end of August.They will have lots of pectin then.Do them as early as you can and they set before you know it. My older neighbor told me this.I still have a bush in my yard that they gave me in 1966.I don't make jelly anymore but H.B. cranberry jelly

is the best with any bird!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Well hi there, been awhile since we've visited..how are you doing? Good summer?

Hmmm high bush cranberries, not sure I know what they are..off to surf the web to educate myself

Victoria Harbour, ON

We have cranberry farms here in Bala not far from me,in October they have Cranberry festival and craft show..do tours of the marsh..

Been looking at the web, still not quite sure I've seen a bush, perhaps it's an east coast shrub?

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Betty - if you've got a farmers' market near you you'll be able to buy bushels of tomatoes. I've done so to make oven roasted tomato sauce but don't plan to do so this year.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hiya ..

Not an east coast bush, Northern Ontario has loads of the bushes, and there are several on out property, some easy to access, some not ..
We watch for the white flowers they produce in the spring, then try to remember LoL.

Saw a stand in town yesterday selling peppers and tomatoes, by the boxful ... came close to stopping, but drove on by.

Had our first corn of the season with supper, very nice .. here's hoping it stays in season before we get a 'frost'.

How has NB been this summer ?


Victoria Harbour, ON

ViAnn, called local farmers market this afternoon to inquire, normally they sell by the bushell but say not enough ripening to do so right now. I will buy baskets and see how my chili sauce taste before I commit to making more. Someone was telling me when stores have canned tomatoes on sale they purchase, drain and make a delicious chili..ever try that?

So it is a different type of cranberry "M" than our marsh cranberry?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I think it would be different Betty. As for 'taste' I think all cranberries are 'sweet tart' depending on the sugar added.
Just that these berries are easy picking, just have to go INTO the woods off the beaten path so to speak.

Going into the city, again, seems I get better and the appts blossom ^_^

My nephew is awaiting some kind of news/direction re Syria .. he's a Colonel in the Canadian Armed Forces, but, is somehow or another in a liason position with a US counterpart. I am SO hoping this situation comes to a NON adversarial end.

OK .. off I go

Take care (HEY SUSAN, how's it going)?


Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Beware ...if you make High Bush Cranberry Jelly it will not smell good! I've heard it likened to dirty socks...but persist the jelly is delicious and worth the smell.Best to do when you are alone in the house!
We have had a very wet summer.Everything in my garden has bloomed larger and longer than other summers.....cool too.I really don't garden anymore myself.I have a company come and do what needs to be done...a good thing most plants are perennial.The Daylilies were outstanding this year,the first flush of roses was excellent but I didn't do any deadheading so the later bloom has been sparse.Now the fall flowers are starting.
Next week there will be a re-union of the people who lived in Sunshine Gardens originally...the children mostly but there are a few of us old folks left. The Meet and greet is at a diner across from me and I expect there will be some of my Facebook friend who will want to inspect my garden.I just hope we have some warm days to br

ing the fall flowers along.The area was developed after ww2 .I moved here when I was 22 in 1952

This message was edited Aug 31, 2013 12:05 AM


going on - brain's fried from the new job......... so much to learn I would come home after work, and just veg for a couple of hours, then off to bed..... today they let us go at 2:30. Bob gave me rides to and from work. He's still not working. Picked his tools up today. They didn't allow us to go to his company picnic, because it was only for "those actively working for the company, and he's laid off...... they're down to a crew of 2 people in the building Bob was working at.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Aged ^_^ it has been a very wet summer here in north western Ontario, and then, in the last 10 days, HIGH temps, and, HUMIDITY .. blah !!
But, like you the gardens have flourished, the Daylillies in particular, as well as the Hosta .. I do have pictures, 3 cell phones and one digital camera each with different pics, and, each one with a different method of downlaoding the pics onto the computer !! As I keep saying, ONE DAY I'll just sit down and get at it !!
You're so right re the aroma of the High Bush jelly .. it is pretty 'stinky', but,worth it in the flavour ..
Enjoy the reunion .. sounds fun !!!

Susan .. starting a new job is a real 'noggin knocker' .. give it a couple of weeks and you'll be more settled I'm sure.

Best get a move on ..


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAPPY LABOUR DAY everyone ...
Cool one in Thunder Bay .. into the high 40s low 50s today, but, SUNNY !!!

Poached eggs on the make ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Hi there,

What a storm that came through this morning, thought we would be without power but it left as quick as it came..overcast all day and now the sun is trying to come oukt.

Have enjoyed my weekend, Lordy it's been a busy one..sure know how to fill my days.

Still making red tomato chili sauce..imagine by end of day I will have done 36 jars..here is hoping it tastes half decent, eldest son Greg loves chili and misses his dad and grandparents chili..know I can't compete but am giving it a try.

Now that last batch is a cooking I'd best not go downstairs and sew or I will surely burnt it, wouldn't be good. Lol

Have stew in slow cooker, won't have to cook supper for a few nights

All and all it's been a productive weekend..


good weekend - got some Round Robin quilt borders added....... feeling productive
back to my new job tomorrow - 2nd week

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Good luck to you Susan ..

I have a week of 6 week post surgery appointments, starting today, and, Gord is off to the US (Wisconsin) to do some fishing.guy stuff .. will miss him, feel kinda nervouse, but am sure all will be fine.

Hope all have a wonderful week


Victoria Harbour, ON


Raining like crazy, not a great day for kiddies, heard a young child was hit by a dump truck and not expected to live, so very sad!

good luck to both of you gals..may this day be a good one.

Was folding fabric out of the dryer this morning, heard footsteps, thought kitties don't make that much noise..here it was Kyle coming to have a shower as their water heater went on the blink this morning..was nice seeing him on his first day of college.


Will pray for you, Marilyn, while you're going through your 6 rounds of treatments...

Week 2 of work started out with company internet being down. So, I studied the paperwork they provided, while others played "hangman"..... and while they were talking rather loudly, I went walking the halls and quiet corners so I could "think" my way through "exceptions" and verifications. Then when it came back up, I was justified in taking my lunch, while others worked through theirs. I don't consider it a break as earlier we had to stay at our desk in case the internet came back up. btw - there are 4 of us new people, and one of the others that was laughing and playing went for lunch with me........

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all

Called all the kids last night to check on their 1st day of school..
Caleb started Highschool
Braedon last year in high school
Kyle's first day in college
Noah grade 10

was nice hearing of their day.

Although I was in bed shortly after 7pm last night had one of those dream nights, feel like I could get comfy in my chair and sleep but won't..will cut some fabric for a rag quilt so that should keep me awake.

Glad you got a good report "M" now here is hoping same with the surgeon today.

Week 3 Susan you will have it all all under control and ready to take on all that comes your way in the office.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

DREAMS, gads Betty .. must be the cooler temps !! I am FURIOUS with my neighbour down the road, as she burned down my clothesline !!! I dreamt that !!! Woke up fighting mad with her LoL

Clean bill of health for me today, saw the xrays of the prosthesis .. ewe ewe, how'd they get THAT in that little incison (I don NOT wanna know) !! LoL
I can now DRIVE, and go back to swimming !!!

Brooklyn in in grade 10, Austin in 7 .. both down in the mouth about going back LoL

Off for a walk


Victoria Harbour, ON

Great report from both..you must be thrilled!
Kids sure are growing, does that mean we're getting older?

Grandparents day today, do they even teach kids that it's a special day


lol Marilynne...... hope u didn't hit anyone in ur furious dream state!!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hahahaah .. that HAS happened to me before Susan, Gord has said' say, do you remember smacking me one on the chops last night', of course, I'm always horrified when he says that .. I had thought it was a medication I take at bedtime (revise that USED to take) .. but, apparently I am still prone to having 'interactive dreams' LoL

Flippin COLD here this morning ... 41F .. am not sure if I should have covered the Hibiscus and Mandevilla, guess I'll find out huh ?

SAD days here :-(
D in L best friend will be taken off life support on Friday. Michelle is 35, Mom to Spencer, a daughter, sister, best friend. An unenviable position for the family to be in. The aneurysm has done so much damage it's inoperable .. needless to say our daughter in law Alison is heart broken ... life is just so unfair sometimes !!
Murray is working and trying to remain focused .. these 2 have been throug 2 traumatic experiences within 3 months, the suicide of their friends 12 yr old daughter, and, now this.
Prayers much appreciated ..

I best get a shuffle on ..


PS the physiotherapist I saw yesterday sent me (via email) my hip xray !!
Prior to seeing it I didn't want to see it, NOW I can't stop looking at it in wonderment !!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Sad indeed, Marilynne. Ts and Ps going your way.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all,

Sun coming out, might warm things up!
Lordy, I've got the furnace and fireplace on this mornimg..surely is a fall mornimg.

Prayers doing out to Michelle's family as well as yours..

At home today, man the phones until 3pm then off to stained glass studio as I need a cap for mom's stained glass I'm repairing

Need to cut grass, another late afternoon project..imagine another 2 or 3 times and lawnmower can be winterized.

To entertain myself this weekend i will try my Janome machine on the quilting frame seeing my quilting machine is AGAIN out for repair,in nine months since I've bought it only managed to have it working a few days..janome has a small throat, means more turning but at least I might get Melanie's quilt off the frame..

Need to look for beets as well, now that I did all that chili might as well pickle beets

What are you all up to this weekend

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

ViAnn, thanks for T&P .. I laid awake for a long time last night thinking about 'life' .. and, in the scheme of things, being present at your child's bedside when they pass away has GOT to be just the worst life experience ever. I hope and pray Michelle's parents/son weather this.

BEETS, messyish, but worth it .. DH likes ours to catch a frost first, or is that turnips .. all I know is I may be off the hook this year as I can't stand for very long, and making pickled beets requires lots of standing, good luck with that Betty, and, the grass ..

Going to go for Dim Sum tomorrow, this restaurant doesn't have the 'carts', you order from the menu and, apparently it's delish
Have some cleaning to do .. trying to get the kitchen in order ..seem to buy something (chair pads) then have to return them !!

Am less than impressed with SMOKEY .. gawd .. he's missing Gordon and makes no bones about it, especially at 2am !!! I may have to board him if this gets worse!

Off to WalMArt soon

Have a great day, and, a perfect weekend.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Michelle saved 4 lives by dying. Her heart, lungs and kidneys were harvested, so, with her death came life.
Just feel so crummy about the whole situation, and, I'm not even that close to it except for the fact that our D in L is her best friend.

Rainy day here, had to pull over on the expressway on the way home due to the amount of rain falling !!

Best get up to something ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Sending prayers for her family "M" and hugs for you. Guess you have to think about those families whom she will have saved!
deep sigh


today, at noon, I got some sad news - a church sister has passed away, as of yesterday.........
She was in her 70's, was in the hospital for being sick, but was rallying, so this was totally unexpected.
She was in her late 70's, and leaves her husband and children to mourn.....

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