Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Beautiful bouquet!!!

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Beautiful bouquet! Last year I made a wreath with my hydrangea blooms, yellow yarrow and baby's breath I grew in the garden. I gave it to my dear next door neighbor. I didn
t expect it to last very long, but , when they came home from Florida in April it still looked good. My buds were frozen this year so no bouquets this year. Hopefully it will bloom great again next year. Have a good Sunday all.

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, I knew you were kidding. Sad to say that I wasn't kidding about people in Hamilton really putting them all over their yards. It never looks good.
Glad your bite is healing up.
I wish they did a horse pull at our fair. It sounds like fun. They do demolition derby with cars instead at our fair. We never go due to the people that get drunk and act like fool's.

Marcy, Your basket if beautiful!
I wish I had known earlier this year you needed a washer drum. We had our old washing machine in the basement, just took it to the scrap yard in June.

We went to Kings Island's water park today. The water felt really good. We floated on the lazy river half the day. You float in a big tube in 30" of water for as long as you like. It was nice and relaxing.
A lot better than walking the park to ride stuff.
Better get going have housework waiting on me.
Hope everybody has a Blessed evening!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks everyone. The hydrangeas have been just absolutely beautiful this year here! I have lots..lol. Lets see...I have 6 of the Endless Summer, a PeeGee tree, a PeeGee bush, a large bush that I think is Paniculata,, a couple of small ones...one is Incrediball..one is strawberry vanilla. I Have a limelight...4 other big leaved ones...and 3 other smaller ones...gosh...cant remember all the names. Wow...I didn't even realize how many I had!! What can I say? I LOVE hydrangeas!
I guess we had just the right amount of rain this spring to make ALL the flowers so beautiful this year! Last year was so pathetic..
Earlier this summer I planted a Dawn Redwood that I got for next to nothing, because it was growing crooked in the pot. It has more than doubled in size already...and looks as straight as can be now! The nursery man told me to just plant it deep ..to set the crooked part down in until it was straight. Did that ..and he was right! I just never knew they grew so fast!!
You have one of those too...don't you Joyce? How is yours doing?
Anyone have any hardy hibiscus? I have several of those, and am trying to root a cutting for a friend. It looks like it might just make it!
I also read where you can root rose cuttings in a potato.
Well...I didn't have any luck with that. 3 cuttings died, and the 4th one I took out and put under a canning jar. It is now looking a whole lot better, and might just make it! I've always had luck rooting them that way.
Leftovers for supper tonight..yayy...lol.
Don't remember if I told you all..I prolly did..lol...but I got a new slowcooker that you can brown the food first if you want..then switch to slow cooking. I LOVE that thing!! I made a roast with potatoes n carrots yesterday...and so that is our leftovers tonight!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, I have a hardy hibiscus, and it has been loaded with blooms. So pretty. I tried that potato thing, and mine was a dismal failure too. A nephew by marriage told me he saw it on Pintrest. Boy that person who thought that one up must have got lucky, cause mine didn't do anything but die!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL Bonnie...same here!
Oh well...we live n learn..right?
The air today is sooo oppressive...I just couldn't do much of anything. Don't know why the humidity gets to me so much ..but it does. Just makes it feel like a big weight on my body. Of course our a/c isn't working..but they are coming to morrow to install a new furnace and a/c...thank goodness. Money money money. Has to be done though.
Maybe that will make the weather change? Nooo...the man says its supposed to be hot all week long...grrrr. I don't want fall yet...but I don't want 90 degree temps either.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I wish I could find a place in the US that was about 75 degrees all year long. I would be very happy.

Well, Marcy, seems that the AC man will take care of some of the $$ you were planning on leaving to the kids!

BTW how is your DS doing?

Tobacco harvest is still going on. Had only 1 worker show up this morning, then 10 this afternoon. Younger generation doesn't think the work day begins until about 2 pm, and ends at 6. Pampered people. My DD always made sure if it was work in tobacco, putting up hay or other farm chores planned for the day, you were up at 6 am, and worked until the job was done. We did get time off when there weren't pressing chores, but we worked at something every day, whether it was cleaning the dairy barn, putting in new bedding washing up the milk room, you name it, we did it. That also included forking manure!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Amen on the 75 degrees all yr long!
My son, Mike, is doing great Bonnie..thanks for asking!
He will have to go for blood work every month for a while...just so the dr can keep tabs on what is going on.
But no treatment as yet...and maybe not for a long while!
So that is great news!
So true about the work ethics today. Dave works parttime in our local grocery, and he is always saying how the younger ones don't want to work..or want the hours scheduled around their needs!
I don't remember having a choice! We worked the hours that were given us..no questions asked!!
Well the furnace/a/c guys are here..fun fun! They are trying to figure out if they can get the old furnace thru the doorways...hmmm..it came in ..didn't it????

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Have been cleaning and enjoying early yard time. This humidity has been chasing me in about lunch time. I have had hummers playing in my sprinklers in the back. Cute things just love the water.

Marcy, You have a nice collection of hydrangea! They are beautiful shrubs, have a love for them myself. I have been wanting a oak leaf hydrangea.

Hope they figured out how to get your new furnace / ac unit in and working for you. It's to hot and humid the past several days to be without air.

Glad to hear your son is doing good.

Better get going have a few things to do before bed. Hope everyone has a Blessed night!

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Have been cleaning out toys that no longer get played with. I took them down and sold them and made $40.00. What a win, win! I also took out grown clothes to a local mission. I'm so happy to have gotten rid of unused things and made money and helped the needy. Sure has made for a great day.
Now I'm going to get started on my closet. DH is at work and there are a few shirts of his that are going goodbye today while he's gone. I've tried to get rid of these rags before and he seems to find them rescue them. Not today! Today they are going on a one way trip!

Has anyone ever grown peony from seed? I have several seeds this year. I know it will take years to see a bloom. Just want to see what the bees created.
I have many daylily seeds if anybody wants any. I taught my son how to pollinate a daylily and he done very well. He's very proud of his seeds. We're going to grow them next spring. i don't want to mess with trying to start them indoors. I have enough annual's that I like to start indoors in the spring.

Well better get going my closet is waiting on me. Hope everybody has a wonderful and Blessed Day!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Have been to the grocery and DH went to his orthopaedist got cortisone shots in both shoulders, and will have shoulder replacement in his right shoulder the first of the year.

I had the car washed while I was out, so going out to clean the inside and will have a complete package with the cleanliness.

Karen, I do that with DH's clothes too. A few at a time, and they are never missed. Why do they want to hang on to things that are worn out, or no longer fit?

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, Not sure why they can never part with their rags. I took a few piece's to the dumpster at the park down the road. Was taking no chance's. lol

Better get going. Have a Blessed night.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Wish I had the courage to do that with hubby's stuff! Lord...he would kick me out!
Furnace and A/C is in! Took them two days! They had it in, then realized the furnace comes prepared for natural gas...and to use propane or LP...you must change part of it. Sooooooo...whatever..they had to take out...and do over...geez! But it's in...heat works, and the a/c is working now..woohooo!! Yes..had a hot couple of days, but we really don't use the a/c unless its in the 90s. Don't really care for it until then!
But it's nice to know it's there when you want it!
I DO have to say, I'm not comfortable having workmen in my house all day long though. But it's over now.!
Went the grocery last night, so I didn't have to do it today. Needed some heavy things...like softener salt, cat gravel, and potting mix...all big bags. So Dave went with me to get those.
Finished my cleaning today then...and now getting ready to go out in the heat and do a few things before he gets home from work. Notice I said a FEW things! Doubt I will be out there very long!
Took down the mini blinds in the bedroom to wash them..and one broke. So guess I will have to find a new one tonight somewhere. Going to look online at the different kinds. Would like to have a lighter weight type..hmmm.
Hope you all have a great weekend! Cant believe September is here...wow!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Oooooo...forgot! Wanted to show you all a pic of my cousin's weeping cherry tree! She lives in Beavercreek, and has been told by an arborist that this is the largest weeping cherry in the state of Ohio...he thinks.
I think she said it is around 30 yrs old. But even at that, they don't normally get this large!
Dave is standing next to it to show it's size. He is 6 ft.. tall!
Sorry cant seem to turn it around for some reason????

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow Marcy, that is a very BIG weeping cherry. We have one in a small space, so hope it doesn't decide to grow like that. Ours is about 10 years old, so think it will be a few years to get to that size if ever.

The secret to taking out hubby's clothes, is to do it a piece at a time. They won't miss it, and if they do, you can say, "I don't know" I just wash them and put them in the closet!

DH still has some small sized shirts way back in the corner, that I am working on getting rid of. Perfectly good clothes, except he is almost a large now!

We have no plans for the weekend, other than DGD is coming tonight, spending the night and will be here until about noon tomorrow. They have a big cook out, and she needs to go home and help her DM.

We are going out tonight with our retired pastor and his wife to eat. They are good friends, and we so enjoy being with them. They both are in their 80's and don't travel much anymore, so we go pick them up and take them out.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Any of you know about Dave's 2013 County Fair Contest ?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I think you just submit pictures of what you grew in your garden. Seems like there are several categories.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Marcy, you have me beat on hydrangeas! I only have 14. ^_^ Yes, I have a dawn redwood. I love it so much. It is a very fast grower. I had one when we lived next door and I had to have another when we moved here.

Been a busy, busy summer!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ok Joyce! Thought I remembered you having a dawn redwood! I didn't know they were that fast growing..but kind of glad they are! Did I say I also got a Ginko tree?
It's living ...but sure isn't growing like that dawn redwood!
I saw...for those that are interested...there is a new hydrangea coming out in the spring...called Firelight. Mmmmm...it may be available now on the Proven Winners website? Not sure. Anyway...I HAVE to get one....lol..of course I do!!!
Did I tell you all...my mailcarrier complained that she couldn't see to get out of our driveway? geez...so we had to take down my sign...but I didn't cut back my hydrangea yet...putting it off. WE manage to get in n out ok..Dave said if she would quit eating while she drives...lol...she might be able to drive better. Shhh...I didn't say that!
Anyway...the sign will go back up...but guess we will put it another direction, so it doesn't block the view as much.
Oh well..heading to bed ...tc all...night.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

My next hydrangea that is a MUST, is Color Fantasy....saw this in a garden earlier and it is stunning. RED flowers and dark green leaves. I think he said it stays kind of small, but it is soooo pretty. Almost looks like a florist hydrangea, but it's hardy. Gotta have it! Check it out, Marcy.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ooooo yesss Joyce..I WILL check it out! Sounds nice!!
I was telling Dave that I saw a website on FB that said there were over 140 some varieties of hydrangea, and he said...well you don't even have a good start then...LOLOL!! At least, he realizes that!!!!!!!!!
I have several florist's hydrangeas too..forgot them. They come back every year, but one of them has never bloomed, and the other 3 bloom sporadically. They are all pretty protected, but guess the bloom buds get frozen off. I also have a variegated leaf hydrangea that never blooms. I think if I would cover them at the right time ...they might?? Never have tried it!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Marcy, that variegated hydrangea is probably "Light O Day". It is known for not blooming. The last two years I have had 1, yes that's a ONE bloom on it. Last year, Bertie had one bloom but this year, nothing. I asked the hydrangea guy from Knollwood (which is the house where I saw the color fantasy) what I should do about the Light o Day. He said pull it out and plant something else. So there you have it, but it is really a pretty shrub with the nice variegated foliage. So for now, it gets to stay.

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

This weekend was not a good one for me. I went to Walmart for aquarium and pet supplies on Sunday. Someone stole bags from my cart in the parking lot while I was loading things in my van. When I went back in the store to tell them what had happened the customer service girl told me once I went out the front door I was on my own. That did not go over to well with me! I demanded that she get a manager while I called the police. The manager was very helpful and got security to review the security tapes and help with my police report. I'm glad it was not my purse that was taken. Still darn mad about someone stealing from me.

Marcy, Glad to hear they got your furnace / ac unit installed finally. Nice to have it even if you don't need it.
That weeping cherry is very impressive.

Bonnie, Hope you had a good time with your DGD spending the night.

Better get going my lawn mower is calling my name. The weather is beautiful today.
Hope everybody has a blessed Day!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey Joyce...that could be the name..I really have no idea. It's been there quite a while. Oh heavens...Dave would NEVER let me get rid of it....lolol. He bout has a fit when I get rid of a weed!!! LOL...aww not really...but he does have a time parting with anything. I don't. Knollwood garden center...wow. Do you know that's an old place? they didn my wedding flowers 53 yrs ago! It was just a florist then.
Karen, wow sorry to hear about things getting stolen from your cart! I think about that a lot when im unloading to my van. Usually my purse is sitting in the seat part while im unloading grocery bags. I really shouldn't leave it there...even for a second. Someone could walk right by and grab it...and I would never be able to catch them. I DO watch it closely, but...still..not good! Did anything show on the security tape?
We put up a couple of new mini blinds today. Would you believe it took ALL afternoon????
they seem to make things so complicated nowadays! Had to call the company to see why they wouldn't go in place! Finally got it though. What a job!
Second one was easy...lol.
Ok...heading to bed here....been a long day!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Karen, sorry to hear about your items being stolen. Several years ago a friend gave me a tip about protecting your purse while you are shopping. I use the child seat to hold my purse, and she told me, to fasten those safety belts through the handles of my purse, and it would take a few minutes for a thief to undo them, and by that time, you could be screaming your head off, resulting in the would be thief to either be caught, or to run away, and at the same time, hopefully draw some people to you. No tips about how to protect the bags of items though.

Went to the macular specialist today, and he said the macular was no worse, but the change in my vision is not caused by cataracts like my regular eye Dr thought, but by drusen. Drusen is the waste products, or the by products of waste that normally would get flushed away with blinking and tears, but for some reason, it doesn't and eventually finds it way behind the retina causing vision loss. There is surgery for that, but it hasn't been found to be of enough benefit to outweigh the risks of the surgery. So he dictated a letter to my regular eye Dr advising him to retest my vision and to make a lens suitably stronger to try to help with the other part of the eye that still has vision. So guess what, I was then taken to their "low vision" department and I guess I will begin buying products that will help me to see better. No restrictions on driving right now, except my self imposed one to not drive at night, as my judgment of distance is way distorted. So the good news/bad news scenario today. I have been expecting the macular to eventually take my vision, but never dreamed that there was anything like this that could do it too.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh Bonnie, I'm so sorry to hear that about your eyes. That's the pits. I hope the stronger lens do the trick for you. It isn't painful, is it?

Marcy, I know that Knollwood is old. They still have pretty good prices, and a nice selection. I am president of my night time garden club for the coming year (Oct 2013-Sept 2014) and my vice president is one of the managers at Knollwood. She's a great friend.

This weekend has lots of festivals going on. Greek, Popcorn, Italian and I'm pretty sure the Starving Artist show is this weekend, too. So far, I've been digging, planting and weeding. Gotta get those verbena out of there before they go to seed! Bad enough as it is! Anyway, with the watering I've done for the past two days things are looking a little better. Pulled all the mallow up and that bed looks better, too.

Really sorry, Karen that you had such bad luck at Walmart. You never think something like that could happen to you, then smack....it does....

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank You to everyone for the kind words. Security tape shows it was a older couple. Was shocked! I just knew it was young punk. Police think they may have a flea market spot someplace and resell things they steal. Never would have guessed that one.

Marcy, I had the same frustrating time this spring with mini-blinds. It's maddening!

Bonnie, Sorry to hear the news about your eyes. Hope drusen is slow to worsen. I'll pray for it to go away and leave you alone.

Joyce, Which festivals did you end up going to?

Better get going have a few things to do before going to bed. Hope everybody has a good evening.

Hamilton, OH

I made it over here Thank you for the Warm invitation


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Karen....ended up sweating in the garden! No festivals at all. :o(

Welcome Elizabeth, glad to see you here.

Well, it's time to start talking about a mini Fall RU. As always my garden is open for a get together. We usually try to make it the last Saturday in September. Is that good for anyone??

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, Glad you made it.

Joyce, End of September sounds good to me.

I'll be back later have to get homework out of the way.

Hamilton, OH

May I ask, what kind of Plants do you swap at the mini RU? Thank you for the Welcome
the last of September sounds good if my Friends duck out on me for a Yard sale.
we could always do the yard sale the first through the 4th of October.
it's probably a better time anyway.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good evening every body, and welcome Elizabeth.

Today was my grocery/errand day, and then Bible Study at church tonight. So a busy day. I heard just a snippet of the news/weather and heard something about 40 degree night! Did anybody catch when that is supposed to be? Brrr, sure hope it is only for a few days, I am not ready to give up warm weather.

Most of the veggie garden is gone, and my flowers are looking pitiful, so not much outside work needs to be done.

Joyce, I don't know if I will be able to make the RU or not, just depends on whether DH can bring me. With the vision change, I am not venturing far from home with me driving. I may get used to the change, but right now my depth perception is out of kilter, and probably not a good idea for me to be in a foreign driving situation. We will see.

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, Everybody just brings what ever they have extra of. Somebody will make a trade list. You can list what you have and see what others have. If someone has something your interested in just let them know. It's a good time with great people. I'm newer myself. I went to my first RU this spring. It was a great time. You can look at pictures on the RU thread farther down the list.

Bonnie, Heard Sat. morning will have a low of 43. I'm not ready for the cold either. The humidity can go away and the heat can stay.
I have to cut back my peony's yet and have some iris to dig and divide yet. I have a lot of weeds everywhere. They pop up faster than I can keep up with this year. Will be working on the garden some this weekend.
Hope your DS can bring you to the RU.

Better get going have a few thing to finish before bed. Have a blessed evening everybody.

Hamilton, OH

That does sound like fun, hopefully I can get most of my Brugmansia's , Dug up & Potted up, I store them in my Basement for winter Storage. I want them all Ready before the night time Low's get below 40 degrees


Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, Hope we have plenty of time before we get below 40's at night. I know it will happen soon just dreading it. I'm awful about digging and storing things myself. I always intend to do so then never do. It's funny what comes back anyway. I have some Glads that bloomed for their 3rd year this summer. I don't cover them or give them any special treatment.

Cleaned my kitchen and bedrooms today. Washed windows and curtain's all that fun stuff. Moved all my furniture around in the bedroom. I'm not sure I like it. I might have to move everything back in the morning. Hope to make it out into my garden in the morning. I have weeds that called friends to come hang out. I have to get out there and evict them before any more show up.
Was sitting on the couch earlier folding towels and heard a knock on the window. I looked out to see a chipmunk looking back at me it's little heart just beating a mile a minute. It stayed there looking at me for a few minute's them ran off into the lamium and was out of sight. Cute little guy.

Better get going have a few things to finish up. Have a Blessed night!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Karen don't worry about the weeds inviting friends, worry about that chipmunk, if he invites friends, they will destroy everything in their path.

We are having the laminate put down in our whole house. Last week it was the living room and hallway, then today got my bedroom done, and the bedroom that DGD uses, and then tomorrow will be the final bedroom. I have furniture scattered all over the house. I am leaving a light on tonight so that if we have to get up that we won't kill ourselves running into furniture we forgot was there.

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, The chipmunk does cause problems. I use to try to get rid of him. Nothing worked and I gave up. I could trap him. Just haven't tried yet. He's been around for about 4 years now. His lives around my pond behind my house. He has a partner in crime that lives in the front yard. The one that lives in the front yard does not cause the trouble that my backyard chippie does. I do pray that neither one of them gets in my van and cause's the expensive problems your chippie caused you. For now mine only cause problems in my garden's.

Congratulations on your new flooring! Hope they can finish everything up today. It's not fun having furniture all over the place. Necessary just not fun moving everything to other rooms.

Ordered my son's Halloween costume this morning. He's going to be a great white shark. It's hard to buy him one from a store. He doesn't like violence and doesn't watch cartoon's. That and I hate shopping.
Better get off my rump and get to work. Hope everybody has a Blessed Day!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Flooring guy was here early, as I was just getting up. Had to jump in clothes and go to work right away. Not like how I start my days.

They think they can finish the flooring today, but a 1/2 day Saturday putting down the trim. I can survive this!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Karen, we usually only do a few trades in the Fall. Everyone is pretty much sick of digging and potting, so it's usually mostly a fellowship, eat kind of thing. You can still arrange trades if you have something special you want to get, or give!

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Joyce, Sounds good to me. The eating and talking is the best part. I'm sick of digging myself. I have Iris to split this weekend. I have TB and Louisiana Iris that I'm going to split. If anyone wants any they are welcome to it. I don't want to trade anything for them. Because I don't want to have to plant anything. I also have a lot of daylily seeds if anybody wants any. They are from my son's dusting this summer. I'm not sure what he dusted with what so parentage is anybody's guess. He sure had better luck than I did with my dusting.( Who says you need to know about dip. and tet. to cross.) I also have baptisia seeds if anybody wants some.
Have you heard from Sue or Ric? My son wants to meet Sue. She gave him a daylily at the spring RU and he just loves it. When it bloomed this summer he took picture's everyday. It was fun to see him get into his garden so much this summer. If only he got into weeding. I'm not trying to complain. I'm very happy he's into flowers at all. This summer has just been a really strong weed year.

Better get going me and DH have a date night tonight! My son's going to spend the night with my mom tonight. Hope everybody has a Blessed evening!

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