CLOSED: Let The Christmas Spirit Ring! REVEALS

OMG.... How horrible.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Pretty sad, they just said the shooter is dead, and is from Hoboken, NJ! Saying prayers for all those parents of the kindergarten class that lost a child!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Sad sad sad, the publicity from one seems to fuel the fire of another. So very sad.

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

apparently the shooter's mother worked at the school; he shot her and many small children. So sorry for the families involved.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

My package is sent, will arrive Monday.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

They are promising us rain! and it is pitch black outside, like night time. We are so drought stricken. Fingers crossed. Kathy you all don't have snow? How about the slopes? We have a make believe mountain here where they make snow, but it has been so warm they haven't even tried that. I use to live in Co Springs and it seemed like Broadmoore use to make snow....long time ago....

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Ya.....just a bit of snow here at home, still down more than 4" for the season (16" annual, so down 4+"). Yup some of the slopes are beginning to get dumped on this week, am hoping we all get more soon!!!!!!

Last week the mayor of Georgetown decided they needed some snow to help influence shoppers with snow scenes. They brought in the snow guns overnight....Big Ended up with ice all over the place. They said that would never be tried I woder

Many ski areas still haven't opened their full terrain yet, but hope the recent snows help all as we are soo depend on winter snows here in Colorado, for filling our lakes with runoff for irrigation everywhere on the eastern side of the state,
to winter and Summer tourism. And personally I'm ready for winter this year, bring on the snow, any and all blizzards are welcomed!!!! Wish the Gulf stream would begin cooperating and get that El Ninio thing going or that Pinneapple Express..

The one nice thing about the warm weather is sunshine and warmth=lower heating bills.

This message was edited Dec 14, 2012 4:47 PM

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Blackshear, GA

Wow Happ...already dark there. Its still light here and I am ahead of most everyone. Is it because you are farther north?

Funny about the snow machine.....hopefully you will get the real stuff before much longer. I would say you could have my share, but we never get snow here. once in my lifetime we had it and it stuck to the ground, and maybe 4 other times we have had short flurries.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Gosh, that snow machine idea seemed like a good idea at the time... LOL Oops... :)
Tried sending a message late last night, but my internet connection has been coming and going lately, and after writing my message, the connection was gone... Sigh... So, I'll try again :)
Mailed my package yesterday afternoon. :) It might have fit in my backpack, but it would have been a tight fit, so I was glad to have a ride. :) Didn't know the weight of the box, so I really needed to take it in. And I had fun doing some shopping for other gifts. Even found something else that my buddy would have liked! But, of course, I had already mailed the box! Will have to remember to go to that shop for future swaps :)
Oh, neat... An amaryllis snuck into someone's box :) How fun! What color is Amaryllis Milady?
While shopping for my buddy, my husband and I saw some gingerbread house kits. But these kits had the house already made! My husband commented that you don't even need to make the house anymore... Just need to decorate it.
I keep wanting to do some baking for all the holiday events going on, but unfortunately, I think the events will all be done by the time I actually have some time to do some. sigh... Perhaps next year I can be better prepared, and have some things baked before all the events! I'm still going to do some baking this year... just may have to extend our Christmas celebration! :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Michelle, the amaryllis is a beautiful red!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I got this in an Dmail from a friend, thought I would share with you...

Homemade Baileys Irish Cream Recipe

Here is the homemade Baileys Irish Cream recipe for all of my friends, both on and offline. It's easy enough that you should have time to whip up a batch to take to your New Year's Eve parties! I found the recipe on a discussion forum on Chowhound. The entire discussion is worth a read. It contains lots of information about the drink.

1 C light cream
14 oz sweetened condensed milk
1 2/3 C Irish whiskey
1 t instant coffee
2 Tbs Hershey's chocolate syrup
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp almond extract

-Combine all ingredients in a blender and set on high speed for 30 seconds.
-Bottle in a tightly sealed container and refrigerate. Shake before using.
-Will keep for up to 2 months.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Gagirl it was dark here so early only because really dark deep black clouds had rolled in making it dark enough for street lights but we got much needed rain. Thank goodness.

So funny about the miss happy with the snow machine...rofl good intentions

Well today nonstop decorating wrapping baking and then off to a Christmas party with the mg's

(Zone 7a)

My Box is on it's way :-) Yipppe so excited!

Blackshear, GA

OMgosh! Shopped a little this morning and finally!!!!! found something for my MIL and Dang if it didn't break when I got home. It was a glass platter and I just laid it down on the table and it broke. I think I am going to take it back to the store and complain because they did not wrap it. I don't expect a refund, but come on, you could take the time to wrap and tape it up. And of wasn't a $20 gift either. Arrggh!!

Been busy making divinity....YUM... and I have to say it turned out perfect!! Next is favorite!! Making goodies for the neighbors and a few friends.

(Zone 7a)

I would definitely take it back exactly how it was given to you a checkout! Whenever I buy glass items I make them wrap it or bag it a million times. They kind of get an attitude with me...LOL!

Very warm here today,, got so much done. Worked on Goober tiny attic bedroom, We have decided to paint here walk and ceiling with chalk board paint. Since the ceiling is bitterly only 4 foot above her head she can sit on the floor and draw what ever she wants. One wall win be a built in dresser, her twin matters sits on the floor, the other wall will have 4 stained glass pictures I made for her of fairies, those will be open to the kitchen so light will shine though, or maybe I will just add a night light behind each one that is light activated. That way she will have lights at night. I will try to get pictures of the space. When she gets really to big for this space will will use it for holiday storage. The total space is about 5ft. X 8fy. Not including where the built in drawers will be.

Plead ignore the weird wording as my phone auto types the weirdest words. I forget to proof read it before I post. Stupid phone. But at least I can now check in from home with it!!!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Soinds like a nice room for Goober!
Oh boy, I would be really mad if I bought something, and it broke so easy like that. I just made a batch of Bailey's Irish cream fudge. It is in the fridge for overnight. Sure hope it turns out as good as it smells.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Mud isn't that auto correct just make u crazy. The space sounds like a great spot for a kid. Wish I would of had something like that.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I'm keeping a check on you people, even if i don't say anything!

Merry Christmas!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i got a very very great box from gagirl. may i say i loved every thing, and had to fight with the grandson over some of it. thank you sooooo much paula, you made my christmas
will take pics after l clean my baking messes up. it is pouring here has been since last nite, with no end in sight. good day for baking and making candy

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
This Sunday began the third week of Advent. The green candle represents the shepherds.

Thumbnail by GardenQuail
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Well package expected delivery date is today......someone might get some presents today IF they have been good...HO HO HO....

MG's had their Christmas Party Saturday night...funny how our parties change over the years but we had a really good time. Our hostess made 3 kinds of soup and the rest of us all brought salads and deserts. Course not everyone showed up but we had a really good time. Another MG is retiring after the 1st of the year....gosh I want to retire so bad......but I am happy for him. His wife can't retire tho because she is carrying the insurance, hummmm sounds familiar...rofl.

Warm here we had some moisture over the weekend, more moisture expected the end of this week, I hear the snow word again but they got it wrong the last time, so when I least suspect it, we will get dumped on...rofl.

(Zone 7a)

Why does my package delivery status read...??

"Your item was misrouted. The error has been corrected and every effort is being made to deliver it as soon as possible. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later."

Arrrrggggghhhhh..dang on it...

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Ewwwwwe, that is ugly Kim....dang sounds like something that would happen to me....hope your day gets better....

(Zone 7a)

When I checked I said the same thing! LOL "This would happen to me" was supposed to be delivered today. Might still make ...who knows.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

That is for sure, anyones guess what will happen.....mine says left KC probably delivery Monday, so I am looking on the bright side, it will be delivered today....rofl.

Do this long enough and I think anything and everything can happen to a package...rofl. Luckily it isn't live plants alto our weather has been warm enough we could of gotten away with sending live plants I think.

Baa,, humbug,,, Our tv just broke down,,, we only have the one.. now what am I supposed to do with the kids when they get here Friday....sigh...

(Zone 7a)

Gosh!I I wish you were closer 3 to give away.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Afternoon ev1 Just got home & Found all these Goodies @ My Doorstep went to LIFT the Box & Thought it was a Box of Rocks But to my surprise It was this CUTIE That I'm Going to call " GARDEN WARRIOR" After My Great Secret Santa WWKATHY Thank you for a wonderful Surprise . & I Promise After I Get him Colored up He Is going to shine in my Gardens :)

I Also received Two really Nice Gardening & Landscaping Books Lots to go through On the real Snowy days this winter :)
also Loads of seeds witch i have not been through yet for Little Zoney is here & She will want to plant them right now so I will wait.
Till she has gone home :)
there is a Small Book of " The Language of Flowers"
there WAS A Salt water candy but Zoey found it :)) She wanted me to open the ChocoLate Covered Cherries :)
but I said no for now :)))

I have to say the chocolates took a Beating & my Gardenden Warrior Made it in very good shape Just one little leaf broken & that is ok for i can make him well :))) LOVE HIM For sure Kathy thank you so much for all your THOUGHT FULLNEST In my Christmas Box :) .
as for my chocolate I will share them :)

well I've been helping my brother today we are stacking wood so you all have a great day back later today

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Saginaw, MI

WOW!!! FINALLY have two minutes NOT at work!!!! My buddy's box went to the post office today!! Hopefully will arrive soon and intact!!! Sending specific things off my buddys list and something not on list that she can pass along to someone else when she is done with them!!! Hope all is well with everyone during this crazy time of year!! Take care everyone!! Shirley

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Wow Susie, good haul.

Friday and Saturday was not good for me. Got my box and another box for the inlaws ready and pack Thurs. night for their trip to the POP Friday. Left early Friday morn with DH to go to the big city (town) and to his work, they were having their office party and I was invited. We get to the office at 7:30 am and I figured I have an hour before PO opens I'll go to wally world and get a few extra something for stocking stuffers, didn't find any thing I liked. so went to PO, got out of the car and open the back end of the van, no boxes, crap I took them to the garage to put them in and forgot to do it. I'm not going to drive 40 miles home to get them and come back the 40 miles for the party, I'll take them to the next small town that has a PO that is still open, ours isn't.

Sat. morning, get in car, looked to make sure I did put them in, yep they are in the back. drive the 10 miles, dang they closed that po, go back the other direction, that one is closed too. Went north crossing my fingers, it's getting close to time that they close. Yeah they are open, get out and grab the packages and head to the door, 3 people in front of me. They lady in front of me has 5 packages. no problem they will stay open till we are all done. Finally I'm next and I put them on the counter. The guy looked at me real funny, he says I can tell you how much they weigh but I can't tell you how much it's going to cost, "Huh?" "Well, lady, I need the addresses so I can put in the zip codes." Again crap, I forgot to put them on the packages. I can't get home, get the info written down and back here again in time before they close. This po is only open from 8 to 9:30 on Saturdays. Well guess what, I finally got them out today, sorry buddy, DH said I was having a senior month with an extended brain fart.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Well, Robyn, I am giving you a gold star for effort!!! What a lot of unpleasant coincidences! I hope you were able to laugh about it, at least now. it is kinda funny.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Around here we call that a calamity of errors. You were persistent, Robin!

Nice packages rolling in and I seriously have Green Man envy. Looks like he tried to eat a box of chocolates on the

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We're overdue for a new thread. Come on over here as we finish our reveals:

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