CLOSED: Let The Christmas Spirit Ring! REVEALS

(Zone 7a)

Why wasn't I thinking UPS? I will have to see how much that will be and then find a drop off location. They are always cheapest..

Fruity.. I can just see you doing that.. LOL.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love all the goodies you got Robyn! Those pickles are yummy, and love the idea of the wine bottle night light!!

Love the snowman you make and sell also! How big is it?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Glad to put a bug in your ear, Kim.

Elfie, I'd just changed the shower curtains and had washed an extra clear one the day before and had it draped over one of the chairs on our front porch to dry. It was the nearest thing I grabbed that could sort of rattle and scare the birds back home without hurting them. It's still out there for the next time

OK Folks, while we wait for the rest of Christmas pressies to be delivered, our Decorated ROCK Swap is now Open. Sign-up ends New Year's Eve. Gather a rock, or two, and put your thinking cap on about how you're going to decorate yours.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
This Sunday began the second week of Advent. The white candle represents the angels.

Thumbnail by GardenQuail
(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Let me know what you think of the cajeta (goat milk caramel) Robyn. And of course the candied jalapeños, Susie will hunt you down for them and the soap. I love my soap, I tend to forget how nice it is till I use a commercial bar. I really need to find someone who does liquid successfully, it seems like a much harder process, and I would love to be able to have liquid goats milk soap.
LK, the night light was shown to me from a friend, it is such a gentle light, we have one in the bunkhouse so that when guests come at night there is a soft light to get them in the door. I just realized that I left off the decorative ribbons that were to go around the neck of the bottle. Dang it.
Fruity, sounds like your hubby needs to have some target practice. Shame y'all don't have a paintball gun, you could send his chickens home all colored for Christmas.
I am loving all the boxes that are coming in, everyone is doing such a great job.

(Zone 7a)

Robyn...I Love that Snow man!

Ohhh paintball.. Maybe that would work for the stray dogs thaat eaat all of our opoor sweet dogs food....

My box is in the wind!! And only 5 days late,, not to bad for me.

Fort Myers, FL

Hi everyone!
I hate to say it, but I am a little happy to see that I am not the only one running behind! I was hoping to get my package out today, but I'm afraid I'm not going to make it. Will definitely get it out this week though -- hopefully by Wednesday! Looks like everyone has had fun putting theirs together :)

Emily.. I was a year late on one box... How bad is that!!!!!

(Zone 7a)

Okkkk everyone is saying Late...I thought it was send No later then the week of the 10th? So I thought that meant the last day to send would be 12/15? Yes, No, Maybe So? LOL Well anywho...I had great fun finding things and putting my box together :-) And if all goes well with my schedule mine will be leaving to arrive by Saturday.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Elfie!

Yep, anytime during this week is fine, meaning Saturday should be anybody's last mailing date. For whatever reason, the blurb up top says 'by December 10' so disregard that since today is just about over anyway. The ultimate goal is for every one of us to receive well before Christmas. One year a few folks received around New Year's. Don't want that late a repeat this year.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm late too. I only go into town once a week or once every other week. This week it will be Wed.

I'm still laughing at "Mad Woman Runs Out Barefoot in PJ's to Chase Fowl in Early Morning Fog" Can that be put to the music of 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer'.

Thanks for everything again Joy, I too collect Snowmen and Santas. The Santas are being handed down to my DGD. She wants to collect them too. My snowmen might go to her too. I've never tried anything like goats mild soap or caramel. DH cringed when I told him what it was, I just laughed at him. As a baby I couldn't have fresh cows milk, bad allergy to it so we got goats and that is what I had. Don't think my parents ever thought of making soap from the milk.

The japs as we called them at work, jalapenos, are fantastic. I had a sandwich today with them and a fresh cherokee purple tomato, I wanted a second sandwich but I was too full. yum

Thank you all for the compliments on my snowman, He stand almost 2 feet tall and sits in a wreath. I have one of the little guys sitting on my porch table with lights going all around him. He is out of the weather under the big awning.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Well, the good news is that I found the perfect gift for my buddy :) The sad news is that I won't be able to mail it tomorrow as hoped. I need a bigger box! :( The box will be too big for me to get to the post office by myself, so I'll have someone give me a ride sometime this week :)

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Robyn, just let him try it, unlike many goat products, mine don't smell or taste "goaty".

Someone is getting lucky Michelle, if I was closer, I'd give you a ride! LOL

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Michelle Let the Mail Carrier Pick it up at your Home just print off the label if you know the weight. it might even be cheaper.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Happy 12.12.12. Christmasers!!
Was MIA as I wasn't able to be among the living when pc went on strike.

Looks like the pressies are coming in. Liking what I read and seen so far.

Can't resist getting that Redneck wineglass for Todd, LK! The cap would make his wine glass, spill proof.

Robin, do you have a site where we could see what you have to offer for sale? Loving your snowman.

Fruity/aka ChaChaCha.. our favorite Christmas movie is "A Christmas Story".

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

It's great to see you're back with the living, Jayebird. You've been missed!

SIL is on her way, wasn't expecting her until sometime tomorrow. It's all good since we haven't seen her since June. The refrigerator is well stocked and we just might celebrate with a spiced up eggnog this evening.

Hope 12-12-12 was a good day for all you busy Elves.

S S = Secret Santa

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hope to get my package mailed out tommorrow, picked up a few goodies today. Just need to get the things in a box and head out to the post office. I don't get mail service at home, lucky ducks that My mail box is miles from home, thought it was closer but found out I was wrong...duh...

Who ever has my name....Please send snow also!! Thanks, would love it. Kathy

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

12-12-12 was a great day here in Austin!

I came home from my second final to a box on the porch!

Opening it tells me what I'll be doing this weekend! Inside were:

Two kinds of coffee - Godiva Berry Creme Brulee and Tully's French Roast (LOVE this stuff!), and some yummy cookies.
Also a gorgeous ornament, a "Milady" Amaryllis bulb, Santa notepaper, a journal, warm socks, a fluffy blankie and a pretty card.

Thank you so much Fruity. As always, you hit a homerun! Love it all. :)

Thumbnail by careyana
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What a cool gingerbread house, Kathy.

You're very welcome, Carey. Ya know since you didn't post any likes, you almost got a bag of coal and switches. LOL Just kidding! Could never do that and found a few of your likes on another thread. Wasn't sure you still have a K machine but remembered how you do drink strong coffee. Remember the Folgers Silk coffee conversation on Manda's mug swap? Most of your gifts were meant to pamper after long days in class. You sent a journal to me earlier and it's the one I used all year for gardening notes. So glad you're pleased with your goodies. Enjoy, my friend, you deserve a break!

A. Milady now in bloom. Yours will soon be too.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Fruity...will tell my grandaughters, I only added the icycles.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Did you make yours from scratch or from a kit? In all my years, I've never tried to make a gingerbread house. Eating gingerbread cookies, yes, and are they're among my favs anytime, not just during the Holidays.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those pressies Carey!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Love the house Kathy! Geez, the last time I made a gingerbread house was when Evan was in kindergarten. Made a big one for us and we did a craft project with the class using graham cracker houses that the adults built then helped the kids decorate. Mine had a thatched roof made of shredded wheat, seems like I had seen it in one of the "Mom" magazines that year. Wish I still had that kind of patience.

Great stuff Carey, I wanna come by and smell the wonderful coffee!


Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Joy, is that a new lamb? It is so precious!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GTM to all just popping in to say hi :) & Check out all the goodies :)
Great Boxes :) I Like fruity never tried to make a GB House Guess never had the patients I don't like DECORATING Cakes I left that to my Mother & Sister .

I have my Bacon & in the oven Going to be Making My PIZZA Bunt Loaf for Our Luncheon today Finger crossed it turns out .
but also have to wrap a few gifts . so you all have a great day I May not be back till late this evening .

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, that is one of the last ones from this batch. We are done till maybe first of the year.

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Zone 7a)

I LOVE all the gifts and it's exciting seeing what everyone is getting. Sounds like you did good Susan without knowing her wants! Great Job...
"coal and switches" ha ha ha! too funny.

Well actually I'm all done and if I can use the box I think I can... mine will leave tomorrow. I believe I can go Priority :-)
What's the next swap? Valentines...I see the rock swap but I'm not feeling very creative in that area. Maybe I can think of something and sign up before the deadline.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Fruity, I thought I did go back and post likes? Maybe I didn't, I can't remember. I have my last final tonight (Calculus) which I am NOT looking forward to doing. :(

Joy. I can take a bit of the coffee and put it into a sachet for you - how about that? LOL!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I am playing catch up and the gifts have been beautiful and so thoughtful. I love seeing the variety of things that are sent, and I am usually saying oh I should of done that, or how cool is that, how did they think of that...rofl, no imagination here...... Mine will go out tomorrow and should get there in plenty of time.

Joy lambs are born when it is usually cold? Some years the poor things would freeze their little tails off up here, and they will lamb again in Jan? wowzer. Course this year has been way warm, Santa is going to have to use a plane or a helicopter around here.

Blackshear, GA

I got a nice little surprise yesterday!! Lanakila sent me all kind of goodies:
Cheesestraws (love these), lindt and godiva chocolates, homemade caramels, candy canes, copper labels (really needed these), and the cutest little snowman jungle bell plant stake. Thank you lanakila, I love it all.

Mine will be flying out today!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Happ, all these were born in 80 degree weather, we just had our first real freeze (29) two nights ago and it will be in the 70's tomorrow.
These won't lamb again till next fall, I have another group that will lamb in January.


(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Picked my package up t the PO today. Our little Elfie filled the box with Christmas cheer! The main attraction is the Christmas bird house, complete with snow.
There is a little snow couple Ifor out front. I have a bag of several different kinds of bite sized candy, a bag of different types of herbal teas, and a bag with hot cocoa mix and a caramel wafer cookie.
There is also a cute snowman refrigerator magnet and a lump of coal for my stocking.

Thank you Kris!

Thumbnail by rouxcrew Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love your house! Nice job Kris!

Blackshear, GA

forgot to add the picture of mine....

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Fruity..yes it was a kit. The gingerbread was cut to size, like big cookies. Am thinking the frosting was in a bag , as was the candy also..Yummm love gingerbread tooo. This is how I get them to cooperate.....(Grandaughter #2)

Great presents landing!!!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy

I hope you liked everything. Ralph and I had a hard time picking out the house. He liked a different one it finally ended up being the one that I knew would fit in the box better..LOL. Then we had to find the best snow men to fit with it , not to big, not to small. I had a very hard time not putting any fairies in it...heehee.....

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a) the presses, really chocked full of goodies. Can't go wrong with copper plant tags wowzer or candy...rofl. The bird house is beautiful, ahh elfie, I usually end up with something that I can't find a box for it to fit in...rofl.

No one in the office including me bakes like we use to when I first started. I think from Dec 1 on we use to have homemade stuff here, but not any more. The guys would even bring in things. Course we use to have a ball decorating and exchanging names, now nothing. I still get out the tree but short of that, thats it. I am the last of the group that I started working with sides a couple of the guys. Is it the new generation, or ? Short of sad since we spend so much time here. Maybe it is just here.

Mine goes out today. Actually mine went out today just got back from the po and was surprised how cheap it was cause it felt like it weighed a ton. Suppose to be there Monday....hope they like it. I will admit it is a little strange....

This message was edited Dec 14, 2012 10:08 AM

Blackshear, GA

Dear Ladies,
If you haven't watched TV in the last 30 min. a horrible tragedy has occured in Conn. A gunman entered a elementary school and has shot (at this time) 27, of which 18 are small children. Please pray for these families...I just can't imagine the horror they are going thru at the moment. They are in the process of collecting their children and some don't know if their children are dead or alive.

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