CLOSED: Let The Christmas Spirit Ring! REVEALS

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Here is our great show of hands participating in this year's Christmas exchange, along with links to each of our preferences.

ahoogstra / Alicia -- >

careyana / Carey -->
REC'D from FruitOfTheVine

deejay9 / Susie -- >
REC'D from wwKathy

evr13 / Emily -- >
REC'D from jordankittyjo

FruitOfTheVine / Susan -- >

GAgirl1066 / Paula -- >
REC'D from Lanakila

GardenQuail / Michelle -- >
REC'D from taters55

goldhillal / Crystal -- >

happgarden / Joyce -- >

hartzell81 / Heather -- >

heavenscape / Jaye -- >

jordankittyjo / Kathy -- >
REC'D from GAgirl1066

Kim_M / Kim -- >

lanakila / Lanakila -- >

Mud_Elf / Kris -- >

paula_p / Paula -- >
REC'D from goldhillal

Robynznest / Robin -- >
REC'D from rouxcrew

rose318 / Patti -- >
REC'D from deejay9

rouxcrew / Joy -- >
REC'D from Mud_Elf

sbish5 / Shirley -- >

taters55 / Linda Kay -- >
REC'D from heavenscape

warriorwisdomkathy / Kathy -- >


Reveal your Secret Santa when you receive your package. All packages need to be Priority Mailed no later than December 10th. If you’re mailing breakables, wrap them carefully in bubble wrap and insure the contents.

The value of the Gifts you send should be around $20, excluding Priority Mail with a Delivery Confirmation Number. Keep your receipt handy and D-mail the number you use to either me or Susie, depending on which one of us has assigned your Buddy. To ensure privacy, please do not post tracking numbers directly on our threads.

We came from here:

Have fun as we share the love of another Christmas Season with our fellow Friends!

This message was edited Dec 20, 2012 5:47 PM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Wow! Can't believe I am first. We aren't having Thanksgiving today because the kids are off at their girlfriends' family. So Dave and I are having TBones for supper. We will do the traditional dinner next Sunday.
Susie I will be making the pecan pumpkin bars OMG, they look wonderful and it will be our nod to pie.
Made an Apple Cheese Praline Cake earlier that totally disappeared much to my waistline's chagrin.
I will look up my devilish eggs after I get back in from moving my compost to the front yard. With a tractor, lol. The weather is sublime, will be close to 80 today.

Y'all have a happy turkey day!


Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sorry for the caps .

Here is my WALNUT PUMPKIN CRUNCH :) Had my Desert Before the triming everyone had to leave Jims Had to take his Daughter
to the ER so NO Dinner here witch is fine Nice sunny day to go out & Play in the gardens 60's today 30's tomorrow with possible snow by Saturday .
Also Joy I Have shared over 3 GALS of those Pickles so far .Whole family LOVES Them as do many of my friends around here my brother took a jar to the bowling alley & now 3 of his friend want a jar .
now i find out that the jalopino are not good for me they do not mix well with my coumadin .

well jim just called jen has to be admitmitted so they won't be home till later.
off to play outside :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

forgot to add my picture

WALNUT PUMPKIN CRUNCH :) really good warm & a dolop of cool whip

Thumbnail by deejay9
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susie, those pickles are addicting, I too have made so many jars of them.
So sorry to hear about Jen, praying it is nothing serious.
Joy, that cake looks so yummy!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Ooo, walnut pumpkin crunch... sounds yummy! :)
Susie, I hope Jen is better soon. And I hope you had fun gardening today... Sounds like you had some great weather for it :)
About to post my likes and dislikes on the previous thread.
Had a nice Thanksgiving. Even got to bring home some leftovers :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM what a Change in weather a 35* drop from yesterday going to go me the Girls for Breakfast @ Mills Landing :) Just a small Restrant .
there is 7 of us who GRADUATED Together & Back in 67 & we meet 2-3 times a year for chat :) I woke thinking it was 7:15 but found it was 6:15 am so lots of time before I have to go . :) I Was in bed when jim got home last night so not sure what is going on with Jen will talk to jim when i get home.

NO There will BE NO BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING, Have a great day

We spent Thanksgiving evening in Domino making pizzas for the employees at Walmart. The lady who placed the order asked if I was going to shop and I told her no as we had to go back to more pizzas for her people. She asked me if there was anything special I wanted,, so I told her Ralph sure could use some jeans and a few flannel shirts. So when we got back for the second delivery,, she had them waiting for me. Very nice of her. The total cost for the clothes was under $50.00. So that was great. I am not doing any other shopping for Christmas. Our Christmas is the new car we had to get.

All in all we had a good day.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris, that was nice of her to give you gifts for Ralph!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Very thoughtful, Kris.

How is Jen doing today, Susie?

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

I got my name! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I guess it was her apendixs she had them out & Doing fine , she's back up to her place in GR & Doing fine . from what Jim said this morning . Well we had our 1st scattered snow fall the flurriers was pretty to watch just very happy it did not stick.

well off to wish a few happy Birthday's Hope you all have a great weekend * start shopping for my Swap Buddy :)))

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I survived black Friday...rofl. up at 3am. It is times like this that I wished I live closer to the city...rofl. got to my friends house and we shopped from 5 to 5 then met friends and dh at the casino had dinner and fun. Then finally home. I didn't even unload the car went straight to bed and fell right to sleep! clean decorate cook another thanksgiving dinner.....not sure but I may be getting too old for this...rrofl

Deejay hope everything is ok at your house.
got my swap buddy's name excited..going to a great craft show next Friday..
hope everyone has a great weekend.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

We cross posted deejay glad it wasn't anything worse than that heck of a way to spend the holiday!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Susie, glad to hear she's doing better :) Sounds like they caught it in time.
Hmmm, now let's see, things for my swap buddy... off to do some scheming... :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all we have snow flakes on the car windshields & its very cold out side so I will spend the day cleaning out closet & tubs to get rid of many things I don't need any more Quite a way to spend a long shut in day right ???

well it really needs to be done & I have told myself it is time to get organized HAHAHA
Wonder how far I'll get ??? have a great day everyone i know i'll be peeking back in later :))

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey fruity, wanted to show you the afghan I finally got finished! It took about 5 weeks to do.

Thumbnail by taters55
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

that is so pretty & ALLOT Of work in that :)) thanks for sharing wish i could get back into crocheting :) my hands won't let me .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

LK, that's just amazing. Five weeks isn't a long time for a piece with so many little blocks and lots of time sewing them together.
My finish work isn't very pretty like yours.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks fruity, I would love to see some of your work too!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Beautiful Linda.

Great Thanksgiving here, all the trimmings including fresh pumpkin for the pie, with most of the family. The kids gave me an early Christmas present, a cute little 4 month old chihuahua named Evie and she is already house broke to my delight, If I can get her to hold still long enough to get a pic I'll show her off.

No Blk Friday shopping here. Knees couldn't handle that 5 to 5, just too old I guess.

Did I miss a pickle recipe? Would love to have another.

At the hospital geting a cat scan,, horrible cold and still having stomache pains. Throat feels like glass poured down it.. Hope they get this figured out soon..sigh...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sending lots of prayers and ((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Hope they can get you fixed Elfie! We are thinking good thoughts for you.

Robyn, the recipe is for my candied jalapeńo pickles. I will get a copy of it to you.


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks Joy, I fiddled with a bread and butter type jalapeno pickle a long time ago, but forgot to write it down and I just get to frustrated now a days to experiment.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Robin this is soooooo GOOD & SOOOOOO EASY I Now have 2 Gals in my Frig Doc says I should NOT Eat them But I'm Hooked
& I do eat a FEW each day .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

So sad we have a sick Elf. You must get better soon.....Christmas Time's a Comin'!
Sammy Kershaw sings it with his usual Cajun flair.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Not good go have a sick elf....Santa needs you in tip top shape and do do we. Ge well soon.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Looking forward to seeing a pic of Evie, Robin. I thought about you while preparing Thanksgiving dinner over several days and know how relieved you are not having to be on your feet for so long everyday anymore at the restaurant.

This Summer my SIL adopted a Yorkie and a Schnauzer at the same time. Both are keeping her on her toes and heard how delighted they were yapping away when she came home from work one day last week while we were on the phone. The Yorkie is 3, sadly given up by his previous elderly owner. The Schnauzer is 7 and until she rescued him, he'd been tied to the bottom of a staircase his entire life. He is just now starting to come out of his shell with her love and having a companion dog for company during the day. It's beyond me why the previous owner wasn't charged with animal cruelty.

Those grands of yours need you healthy too, Elfie.

OK, let's get back to the game while we wait...

C - clothes

It was always fun getting new clothes and could hardy wait to wear them back to school after the Holiday break, and I always got a slew of new panties (you know what our Moms always said about wearing clean underwear), and there was usually a new pair of jammies to sport first on Christmas Eve.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

M- mittens. My cousin always supplied us with lots of knitted mittens!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I always thought the panties with the days on them were so super cool when I was little. But I had to have the right day on...rofl. Never could understand how my Mom could use a tuesday t-towel on a Monday...rofl. That was back when you didn't have alot to worry about.... ;) Sides didn't understand on some days you might of needed 3 t-towels since we didn't use paper towels, not sure they were invented yet....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sorry I Lost Track for no one else was playing so figured ya all thought i was crazy for starting it :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh I'd forgotten about days of the week undies :) Same here, had to match the right day or wear a plain pair. Why is underwear called a pair when it's only one article of clothing...just sayin'.

R = Ring

Got an engagement ring about 100 Christmases ago.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I was at Hobby Lobby today and was looking at the embroidery patterns and boy did those take me back, the days of the week, the southern bells with their bloomers showing, lol. I was looking for the patterns to do all in red, can't remember what it's called.

DH had carpal tunnel surgery today, they snipped both his wrist and his elbow, so he will be home for a few days, he promised to help me get a pic, crossing fingers.

H-hotpads, rember weaving those stretchy bands on the metal loom and giving everyone in the families a couple two or three. Then they had to have them every Christmas.

Fruity, I miss the work and the people, but not the pain. Thank you for thinking about me you are the sweetest.

I can't wait to try the pickles. I've used all the peppers from the garden so I guess I'll have to wait until next summer, not! I'll go buy some.

Well cat scan was negative,, but do have cold, ear infection and sinus infection. My what a mess I am right now. I want to go shopping Monday. So I need to beat this fast.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hope your feeling better soon!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Will continue praying for our favorite Elfie :) Hope you're feeling better soon!
Sounds like dinner has arrived :) My husband picked something up for us on his way home from work and running errands :) (it's about 8:30 here now).
Take care, everyone!

Feeling better tonight. The doc changes my antibiotics today. We think it caused a allergic reaction.. that or the thought of not going shopping Monday Will see how the weekend goes.

Still I kept down soup today and cleaned kitchen and bathroom.. my goodness they were a mess. So house is somewhat clean and I feel somewhat betterI call that a good day!!!!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Uhhh, would play the game but I guess I need remedial class, how is it played?

Morning all, geehz went to bed too early and now I am up too early, but at least it is Friday....yes. Leaving work at noon and going to a great craft show and will finish up my buddies box, just wanted to hold off long enough to make sure there isn't anything I want to add or change....

We have had a few cold days like a couple in the teens but all in all it has been quite warm for us and no moisture. Think this weekend I will water some trees. Sounds funny to be doing that in November well actually December.

Elfie glad you are getting better. Gosh hate those sinus infections and yours sounds like a doozie.

Robyn is DH in pain? That sounds horrible. I have worked on computers since the first day I graduated from high school, my entire working life and fingers crossed I don't get that....

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Stopping in for a second to share Ed's new "do". Will get you the recipe Robyn, I'm off to work on the outside.


Thumbnail by rouxcrew

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