Support for our Becky (Bec_no_va) #2

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

please see next post

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We came from here:

After a harrowing, roller-coaster ride through diagnosis last month, Becky just got some good news.

A large "thing" in her liver turned out to NOT be cancer at all, simplifying her treatment plan. In fact, the ONLY cancer found after a great deal of poking and prodding has been the squamous cell cancer in the lymph node that was removed at the beginning of all this. So, it's still cancer, and she'll still need to undergo chemo in order to blast any stray cells that might be lurking, but the fact that they've only found it in this one place is tremendously good news.

If you're just finding this, you might be confused by "platypus" references. During most of the diagnostic phase, her doctors were assuming that "thing" in her liver was cancer, so she was looking into clinical trials and discussing various aggressive treatment plans. I said I thought she should insist on a biopsy of her liver before proceeding, because "it might look like a duck and quack like a duck and turn out to be a platypus." So when we all got the news that the mass in her liver was benign, we said, sure enough, it was a platypus!

Becky had her first chemo session yesterday, and she reported that she just sailed through it, because, as she says, she is just THAT GOOD. LOL

Please continue to keep Becky in your thoughts and lift her up in prayer. Thanks!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I wish I could find a link...any who...Dr. Mark Sloan aka McSteamy (RIP - I'm still not forgiving the writers for THAT one) on Greys Anatomy had a great line in one episode..his response was simply 'because I am THAT good' So it's been a running joke between Becky and I since. Just thought y'all might wanna know where that came from...LOL

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Well, I've gotten here two ways now, so this must be the spot.
Thanks Jill and Chantell for continuation thread.
Looking forward to seeing your shining smile each day when I log on Becky, as you continue your Mission Possible journey.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Yes, Mission Possible! Yay! What a journey!!! I count it all joy to know all of you.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Jill, thanks for clarifying for me. You are a wonderful support person.

Becky if you felt my 'not so much' comment to minimize your situation, I didn't mean to.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Giggle, nope, to at all - it's what I'm doing with my Tiz'nutin but a thing, so it's all good ^_^

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

TOY Bec and following along so this pops up in Holly's thread watch. Does anyone else remember "Feed me platypus duck, Bill", a funny little ditty. Ric

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

What a beautiful day we're having - sitting at the kitchen table, drinking tea & looking at our bird feeder. Freya thinks it's a kitty smørgå little assassin wannabe!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Will continue prayer and add that your chemo won't take ya down to much. My prayer for continued improvement and much joy in your life, you are a LIVING testament to God!!!!!!! of his wonderful healing.

You go girl!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Enjoy those peaceful moments whenever you can... and remember, resting IS fighting. You're keeping your body strong so you can rebound from the chemo effects.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Woke up feeling much better today after 2 days of meeeh and tired - also got a touch of flu I had to battle, so I did do some good resting and sleeping...if it continues like this I'm positive I can 'sail' through it with a few days of feeling 'off' - today I'm thinking I'll attempt some cleaning in the bathroom, the cupboards there are frankly quite scary and I'm afraid of what I might find! ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

and why are you bouncing around already, preparing to do battle with your cupboards?


You are just THAT good!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

You go girl.


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

So happy to hear about the "platypus"!! My best friend Milllie (who was diagnosed about the same time) and I follow your progress and add you to our prayers daily. We feel that our prayers for you are being answered and it gives us hope for her too. We laugh about her over protective daughter who would be mortified if Millie announced that she would be cleaning cupboards, so all this is done when Noelle is not at Millie's house. Eventually she will relax and let her mom continue to live her life according to the way she feels.

Crozet, VA

Becky.....I made a note earlier in the week to dmail you and the note got lost and I got side tracked. I suppose I will write publically what I was going to say may help someone else on down the road.

I think of you often and it hit me earlier in the week that over the years that I have dealt with chronic illness I finally came up with a strategy that has really helped in terms of how I feel these days. For many years I attempted to try and continue the same level of activity as before illness. This often left me very frustrated and depressed. My body had betrayed me big time at a very young age. I am in contact with others who suffer the same chronic illness as myself and I attempt to pass along what has been the most help for me in terms of coping with disease.

What I finally came up with was the very simple idea of listening to what my body was telling me and then act accordingly. It has made a real difference and I am much better off whenever I heed my own advice. I realized that before illness and needing to become very in tune with my body, I had always acted in a certain way and often didn't respect the messages that my body was trying to send me. Once I was able to listen to body signals, I truly began feeling better. If I was tired, I had to allow myself time to rest. If I was sleepy, I needed to sleep, even it wasn't bed time. If I had hunger pangs, that meant I needed to nourish my body. If I were in pain, I needed to treat the pain in some way. I now believe that our bodies will guide us as to what is needed if we will just pay attention. A healthy person may be able to let nagging voices to be quieted and not dealt with. For a person battling health issues, it is imperative that they pay attention to what the voices are saying. I can guarantee if you begin listening to the signals your body is giving you, that it will make a major difference in how you feel.

This advice is the very best I have to offer you. I wish you continued feeling well and stand with all the others in prayer for your recovery. Have a good weekend friend.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, you put that very well. It's a hard thing to learn, especially for those of us who are particularly stubborn determined.

Becky, hoping this will be an "up" weekend for you. Looks like pretty weather, so maybe you'll be able to get out and about this weekend if your white count is behaving. Prayers for every molecule of those chemo drugs to be executing a successful "search and destroy" mission against any suspicious cell... more prayers that there's nothing that needs zapping!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, that was very well put - I decided against the cleaning and spent the last 2 days just chilling - did a few small jobs that needed to be delivered, I can't give up work completely as long as I have the energy.

However, my poor Sammie came down with acute pancreatitis yesterday and it's been an incredibly hard 24 hrs - we're beyond worried and scared we might lose him - he's been on so many medications for so long for his other medical issues that his immune system has no defenses left

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh Becky, my heart goes out to you all.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hugs and prayers for you

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Another Angel crossed the rainbow bridge sweet baby is not in pain any more

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, Becky, I'm so sorry. He was such a sweetie... I'm pretty sure that, big as he was, his heart was even bigger. Knowing he's got some good company as he waits on the other side of the Bridge doesn't do much to make you & Greg feel better tonight... So I hope you can feel all the love and hugs coming your way...

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

so sorry to hear of your loss, my Acacia, Blessing, and Sarah are there to befriend Sammie.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Bec, So very sorry. It is awfully hard to loose a much loved pet.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Becky and Greg I am so sorry!!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

For those of you not blessed to have received a big ole slobbery smoocharoo from this fine looking gentleman or have been klunked by one of his Texas size bones let me just tell you. He was the sweetest big goober you ever would want to meet. His bark made your rib cage vibrate and your ears ring...for those that remember the movie Turner and Hooch - yepper, Sammie could go head to head in the drooling Olympics with Hooch. He had no issue backing up to you while you were sitting on the coach and sit directly on your lap...anything for a butt scratch. Bec and Greg would, much like the mommy with the burp cloth, run after him with his drool take care of his 'hangers.' Once he realized it was 'you' at the door - he'd lumber over to find one of those HUGE bones and walk toward you 'woofing' with his mouth full - that was Sammie's way of greeting those he'd 'allow' into 'his' townhouse. And his kisses...well safe to say they started at your collarbone and ended at your hairline...won't even discuss when he'd catch you with your mouth open....LOL. Becky and Greg worked hard with him...and spent much time with him at various vets. He was so lucky to have them...and they in turn were blessed by this sweet boy. I will certainly miss my New Year's Eve date this year. Please keep Bec and Greg in your prayers...

Thumbnail by Chantell
Lyndonville, NY

I am so very sorry for your loss, this just breaks my heart. Sammy was such a special "big goober" as Chantell said.

We have been having similar issues (digestive) with Izzy and finding a cause and cure is so so hard...especially these big breeds.

Bec & Greg, sending great big hugs to both of you.....I know your love for him was returned 10 X by him to you.


Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Many hugs and prayers for you guys, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss!! :(

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

just dropping by with a big HUG

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Jill ~ you're right, his heart was as big as the rest of him...he loved us to distraction, loyal, protective & a big baby all at once - him & I had an incredibly strong bond - those he loved, he loved fiercely. The house is incredibly quiet & I can't quit crying...he taught us patience & unconditional love. He'll forever be in our hearts & minds, from the funny crap he got into (eating socks & cell phones, with detrimental results) to the exasperating barking at the tiniest thing & the UPS dude. We know there is another dog out there who'll need us & he/she will find us when the time is right...until then I'll remember my heart dog & know he's waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge, long with Izzy, JB & all the others who's been in our lives to teach us about joy & love of life.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Becky - I am so sorry about Sammy. I know the strong bond you shared with him and the heartache you are feeling now. My thoughts are with you.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Dear hearts, Big hugs coming your way as you grieve about sweet Sammie

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Keeping you & Greg close in my thoughts this weekend... I know that you know it'll get easier, but I also know how much you just hurt right now. *hugs*

Crozet, VA

What sad news.....I had heard so much about this big boy for so long that I felt as though I knew him. Becky, I knew of your great love for him too and just read that you cannot stop crying. About three years ago I was in the same place after losing my big boy that I had almost fourteen years. I spent just one day grieving like I cannot remember grieving before. I awoke that second morning and knew that I just could not continue the amount of crying and the sadness I had experienced the day before. When I thought of the reason I had always felt that Lucky came in to my life, I had to step back and think that since with every ounce of my being, I believed him to be a gift from God to help me heal through my most tragic of life's problems, I couldn't revert back to the same level of grieving I was doing when he came in to my life. He would want me to be happy, even with him gone, because that was his job here on make my life more pleasurable and happy. I knew it would truly grieve him to know that he was responsible for the amount of sadness and despair I felt, so at that moment I was able to turn things around and think of him and that he was and meant to me while alive.

Everyone grieves differently and for different periods of time. I know that there will be a time when your tears have stopped and you too will remember him with total joy. Cry all that you need to for now though....each and every drop is healing for you. You have had a lot to carry on your shoulders recently. God hears the prayers and sees the tears and he knows our hearts. He will not allow you to suffer to beyond what you are able. He will pick you up as you start to fall.

I am so sorry for yours and Greg's great loss. God bless and comfort you sweetie.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hope you're doing well, have a nice holiday, and I'm thankful it's a platypus. Ric

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh my gosh Bec! I am playing catch up on threads and just saw the news on your Sampson!
I am so very sorry for your loss! My thoughts and prayers are with you and Greg!
I remember him when I came to the swap at your place... he never quite warmed up to me,
but what a splendid animal he was! My heart aches for you tonight!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Folks - I'm late coming on to share some additional 'news' - my apologies but I've been trying to keep up with my sis' health since her surgery last week (please cont prayer for her) - went to a previous patient's husband's funeral and attended a funeral for a friend's father at Arlington Cemetery today (see photo below)....mercy...enough of that. I just wanted you all to know why I'm so late with the following...sadly Becky's 5 year old Thor (Norwegian Forest Cat) has passed away. I only 'spoke' to her (texts) briefly but apparently he died in his sleep. I'm speechless as to all of these things happening in such a short time. I don't understand the why's...there's no way to explain them. I ask that you hold Bec and Greg up in prayer asking the Lord to provide comfort and the peace that passes all understanding. I can't even imagine two losses so close together not to mention enduring this during such a stressful time for her. Even a few min's a day from each of us - of holding them up in prayer will most certainly be appreciated. Hugs to you all!!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, no! What sad news. Thor the Thunder Cat! It's just heartbreaking to think they've lost him, too, so soon after losing Sammie. I'm so sorry.

(((Becky & Gregg)))

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh man, this is such sad news!! Yes absolutely, I will keep keeping them in my prayers, of course!!!!!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Good gosh. How much can be heaped on someone at once? I know you will continue to remain strong and your fighting spirit will dominate. All I can say is you have hugs, prayers, and friendship from us, and hopefully it helps you knowing that you have a loving group standing beside you for whatever support you need. God bless yuou Becky and Greg.

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