Support for our Becky (Bec_no_va) #2

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Mystery box arrived today with 3 wigs...from a Billie Williams, Springfield MO - NO idea who it is from!!!

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Beckie, you look great, hair or not hair.

Thinking of you a lot! Wish you well.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I haven't been around DG as much as the old days and just found this thread,. I am sorry to hear of another cancer case and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You sound like you are a wonderful, determined young lady and I must say that "your bald is beautiful". Keep up the fight, but take a rest along your way.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thinking about and praying for you, dear this morning!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Finished treatment 4 yesterday, only 2 more to go!!! Follow-up CT on the 16th & another one ab 3 weeks after the final one (Feb 21st) and I should be done with this!!! Feeling ok, I was was very tired after yesterday, went home and went to bed at 7, just got up - guess I needed 15 hrs of sleep :) So I'm following the same pattern, with no unforeseen side-effects. If it stays like this, I'll be fine for the next 3 days, somewhat tired, then come Monday I'll be knocked out and slowly back to normal after that - the anti-nausea cocktail and steroids they give me are exactly the right mix and I feel so much better than I originally thought - guess they really know what they are doing :)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I think it's that YOU'RE JUST THAT GOOD! < =D

Oh, and, don't forget the chocolate! =)

Lyndonville, NY

Bec, that is good news! Anti-nausea mixture can make or break the entire thing. Glad you could sleep, now nourish the body with some good breakfast!!!
What, chocolate chip pancakes you say? hehehe

Hugs! Keep up the good work lady....because you ARE just that good!

Lyndonville, NY

ROFL Speedie....great minds think alike!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Yippee!!! Yum, those sound good.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sounds like you have a plan. Glad you are getting close to the finish line, every day that brings you closer to that end makes things better. Keep up the great fight, sounds like you have got it under control.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Just to let you know, Bec, that you are weathering this storm much better than my friend, Millie. Milllie gets 2 other infusions besides the chemo, and it really is doing a number on her. Your good appetite and great attitude are really keeping much of the negative stuff away. Good for you!!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I get a regular daily email from Christian Voices, with a little humor, and a few inspirational, thought-provoking tales... and one I got today.. well, I just wanted to share it with you Becky.


Ordinarily I don't like it when people send me those forwarded-forwarded-forwarded emails. Ordinarily I consider them a waste of time and often delete them without opening them. But lately a dear friend who knows what it's like to be facing an illness like cancer has been sending them regularly. She has picked beautiful pictures, inspirational thoughts and, best of all, laugh-out-loud jokes. I've been reading them all and I must admit I've even gotten to the point where I look forward to finding one in my inbox each day.

I guess my idea of wasted time has shifted a bit. I stare out the front window of our home more often, just to watch the wind ripple on the pond across the street - (I call it pondering ;0 ). Each time I walk by them I lean down to smell the flowers my husband bought me last week when I had to spend the day having tests at the hospital. I scratch my cat's ears more than I used to. I stand on our back deck, watch the clouds and listen to the laughter of our neighbour's children. I lay awake in the morning and stare at the outline of my husband's face in the early morning sun. The accumulation of these little things seems to make a difference as life has slowed into a rhythm of waiting.

I've also found that scriptures - those oh-so- familiar passages that can seem trite or even cliché at times - have a whole new depth now that I have a deeper understanding of my need for them. I get regular emails with scripture delivered to my inbox too, and I often open them first. The accumulation of verses seems to make a difference when my mood slips a little, when my heart is longing for something beyond this reality to hang onto.

One of the passages that arrived recently was this one from Philippians 4:8 -"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable ... if anything is excellent or praiseworthy... think about such things." I noticed there was no action connected to this passage, just thinking. You can do that anytime, anywhere, but to do it deeply you have to slow down a little. You have to pause, perhaps stare out a window at a small pond, and just think. Ordinarily I wouldn't be doing such things. My life would be bustling with urgencies like deadlines and projects and to-do lists. But there is nothing ordinary about living with cancer. It changes things. It changes you. Ordinarily I would think that a bad thing but now I treasure it. I treasure the tingling awareness of this world now that I know how tenuous my hold on it really is. I treasure the small things, the pondering.

Interesting - I seem to be smiling a lot.

….. Marcia Lee Laycock - The Spur ( by way of “Christian Voices” (

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you! Yes, this journey has made me slow down, think & ponder & absolutely a more spiritual connection than I had before - I enjoy things much more, I'm less selfish & care more about life :-)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm so glad you "received" this in the spirit with which it was given.. something true, something pure, something beautiful... not to mention, something loving.

I really have no idea why the Lord has put you in my heart so much, but He has, and you're in my thoughts and prayers a zillion times a day, and I am eternally grateful.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thought I'd pop in and tell you that Bec's 'chicken fuzz' is as cute as can be....she ROCKS her 'chicken fuzz' and don't let her tell you differently!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh please - it's growing in uneven in a Mohawk pattern & it's getting shaved! Maybe it'll grow even then, it's a different color than before - I think blond

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bec, Perhaps you could try a color pattern in Mohawk fuzz, Tee,Hee, or possibly have someone paint a flower into it. Snicker,Snicker, Ric

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Poor unloved chicken's doin' its best to keep your thick skull warm...ungrateful I tell you! Hmph!! Stand by my intelligent (not to mention correct)'s CUTE!! Everyone imagine rudolphs voice now as he leaps in the air saying 'she said I'm cute.....!!!"

Lyndonville, NY

Chuckling here....keep your thick skull warm...hehe I can imagine it so well, especially Rudolphs voice

BUT Easter is coming and I can see fuzzy chick colorings on her crown!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, don't shave it -- it's trying so hard! If anything, get it buzzed to an even length if that's bothering you. Giggling about it coming in blond, kinda hope that stays... after all, my hair grew back really dark, a nearly-black brunette... so maybe you got my blond!

Eyebrows, eyelashes... are you drawing those on or kept them so far? That bugged me more than the bald, I think, especially since I've never experimented much with pencils/liners. I bet you and Chantell could make a fun afternoon out of experimenting with different dramatic "looks." But you know, with those gorgeous eyes and bright smile, nobody is going to much notice any other details -- including your chicken fuzz!

Lyndonville, NY

Anything that grows back will start as "fuzz" so I agree with Jill, just trim it up if the uneven is bothering you.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Spent last week with Millie here at our house going thru the same things. We read all these posts together. Took her home this morning. She has her last chemo on Monday but will continue with her other infusions for another and will start radiation soon.

My daughter works for Life Technologies. This company sells products that the researches use in their work. She told us today that Merck is coming up with some REALLY SPECTACULAR pharmaceuticals in the near future. One is a medication that attaches to all the folic something or others (too involved for me). Anyway, this means that anyone discovering that they have cancer or a person who has another bout will forego the harsh chemo and take this medication that has the ability to attach to all the cancer cells and destroy them. I probably don't have it exactly right, but it sure sounded good to Millie and I. Lessens the dread of going thru it all again if necessary.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

That sounds very promising!!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

So glad to hear the news. Amazing news.


Warrenton, VA

For everyone on this thread, I wish for you the grace and strength that you give to your plants. May this Year take each step of yours and send you into a world of long life and appreciation for every second. You inspire us, no one knows how long we will walk this Earth, and it is my privilege to read your words.
May God nurture you, as you do the green stuff that springs forth and rewards with a pretty leaf, or blossom, or, if we're REALLY blessed, a red tomato!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Gracye, these MA forums really give us inspiration and make us feel very blessed. I do appreciate being part of this particular group of DG because of how I feel each morning when I join them with my coffee. Best way to start the day.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

The radiation should be a snap after all that she has been through. I sailed through mine with only a few slight problems. I pray she has all this behind her soon, believe it or not she will wake up one morning and will look back on this as a distant memory and will see all she has been through as a test of her sheer strength and stamina - and she is a survivor!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Gracye, that was really beautiful, thank you so much. I pray the same for all of you as well, and extras of those prayers for Becky and Millie.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Just a quick my CT results read to me over the phone (unconventional I know...) - and they are perfectly prefect - no changes either way, nothing has grown and nothing has shrunk (the Platypus was a concern, didn't want them to shrink)...I have 2 treatments left and will then be in 'remission' for all intents and purposes, since we have nothing to gauge it by - regular (and often) check-ups and all is well :)

Lyndonville, NY

YAY!!!! That is such great news Bec!!! BIG hugs!!

Stay warm, rest.....and recoup!


Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

WOOHOOOO, that's great news!!!! Doing a Happy Dance over here for you!!
Yeah, it is unconventional that they would give you results over the phone.. but maybe they feel it's cool to, when your results are GREAT!! (they don't want you to have to wait). =)

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooo!!! You are moving now!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Great news Bec! Ric

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Way to go Bec!!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

You're probably going to start feeling like SuperWoman now that you're finished with all that!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Giggle - a bald Super Woman :) My lovely "friend" Chantell had all kinds of great ideas, such as rubbing glitter all over my head - told her been there, done that (Christmas cards) - I looked like a disco ball! Ain't she lovely!! ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That is ROCKIN good news!

Glad the platypus behaved itself like a benign if unwelcome guest!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

That is just fantastic! Wonderful happy news!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I shared this great news at prayer meeting tonight and everyone was thrilled!!!

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