ORVG # 195: Racing towards fall

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow Janet, I didn't know you were contemplating opening a full time road side market. That is wonderful. Are you talking about the 11th of October? If so I am writing it in. So need it and you are such a good listener.

It is overcast, but so far no moisture falling from the sky. I have a couple of outside chores that won't take long, so best get to them.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Looks like it is getting you now!

Waddy, KY

Been gently raining here off and on since about 9:00. I do wish I'd gotten over to Harrisonville to get the 300 gallon water tank to put it under the eaves of the barn where the fresh cows will be held for a few days if they need to be. That barn doesn't have water in it and we have to haul it in in 5 gallon coolers or something equally unsatisfactory if we hold a cow there any length of time. I though if it was raining we'd just collect a tank full off the roof and wouldn't have to haul water. I may run up there later today in between showers and get some market onions and maybe run through the squash. I'm feeling rather lazy this morning. Need to get the posterior in gear and get some zucchini going for relish or some apple butter on the stove. There's a long list still to choose from.

these chics are inside chics. THey are silkie and stay inside the basement. honestly i don't think much will come of it. i only have 6 eggs so far. and i candled them last night and didn't see much ?
the chickens i sold... well i cut my own foot off ! the guy who bought them is asking for more, they are laying like crazy for him !!! grrrrr. i guess they was in a molt ? but maybe they just didn't like me ? stupid birds :P
tried to catch the mole that is digging in Jessica's garden
got some daylilys planted in her garden. Jessie's Dream , and some others that were donated from DG members and family.
yanked some daylilys out , put them in new location
yanked out a viburnum that got eaten down..
yanked out a weigela . getting a new one
relocated hen and chics in her garden too
was going to plant iris , crocus and some gladiolos
oh i have tons of them and will bring some to the RU. they are either red or purple.
then talked on phone to a friend for a few hrs
that is the low down
made pizza for dinner

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue is your DH out of the country working? I need to do so much work in my gardens, and just was complaining to DH that he never wants to till me places to plant things. I know if I knew how to operate some of this farm machinery that I would catch him gone and till up all the places I need/want. He acts so stingy with the yard, and we have 40 acres. You would think that I was depriving him of his precious grass, and I bet our yard is over an acre, maybe 2.

Janet, I asked DH about the sweet potatoes, and he said that he didn't have too many! That is sure news to me. I think I counted about 8 five gallon buckets in the shed. Would you be interested in selling some garlic for me? I have bunches of it. I will call you and we can talk about the garlic and going to lunch. I have so much to talk about, but you may want to charge me a counselor's fee, for just the opportunity to talk to somebody! I am sure that you probably do too, so maybe we can just swap the times. Since you don't have a set time to be back to work, we may make that lunch a little longer!

Pat how did your retreat go? We have a black neighbor, he is a preacher, and farms too. He stopped by tonight and asked if I would like to preach at his church? I told him that I would probably put his congregation to sleep. I hear that they are pretty spunky with the Amen's and Preach it Brother.

DH is going to Amish tomorrow with the 2 nieces and a grandson of his DB. The trip was originally planned for the two of us, but since it has turned into a mini family (his) reunion, I am not going. Don't like the horse events anyway, but disappointed that he didn't want time alone with just me and him.

Off to bed as it is grocery day, and I have a podiatrist appointment tomorrow.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, You should absolutely go to preach at your neighbor's church. It's an experience not to be missed. It's so encouraging, as opposed to some mainline churches where even cracking a smile is considered bad taste.
The seminary that I went to was a lot of different denominations under the same roof, with a core cirriculum and lots of variety. We had chapel 4 days a week, and they were divided between Episcopal, Black Church, Baptist, and Free church traditions. Free church encompassed whatever groups weren't covered by the others (Presbyterians, Methodists, UCC, plus the occasional Buddhist or Mennonite.) I heard some really, really good sermons. And plenty of bad ones, too, but attending the Black church tradition was just amazing. I hope you do it!
Sorry your hubby decided to make the trip a crowd scene.

And I'm also sorry to report that the retreat was a dud; so much so that I left midday. The day was beautiful, and the brochure had promised us periods of "spacious silence," but the director just kept on talking. We did have a good lunch, as they've been raising their own organic produce. We had some quinoa that had been cooked like hash browns, and it was yummy. Also a tomato that was labelled delicata that was delicious. But then my sister and I took off and drove around the countryside and had a great time. (I did take one of my less than spacious silences to walk their labyrinth, so y'all got prayed for, but not as much as I'd planned!)

Janet, thanks for the sheep lesson. But, reading your posts, I think you may have to go back to work to get some rest!

Raining here at present. Have to get some work done for the halfway house Board meeting, so I guess I'll tackle that next.

Pat don't you just love them Labyrinths !! i did one in SanFrancisco many many years ago before they became recognized i guess you could say or popular.
It was such an spiritual experience . I sure miss that type of walking and meditation walking. Maybe again some day .
125 gal of cider
anyone coming to the RU . please let me know if you want apples. or cider.
i will have plants to give away too

South Point, OH(Zone 6a)

Sue, what type of apples do you have? Save me a gallon of your cider.

We were planning to go to Hirsch Farms (apples) on our way to our Dayton cousins Friday night, so we would not have a long drive Saturday morning. Have to be back for Sunday as the bishop is coming and we have to serve lunch.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Pat, I believe I would rather attend his church than to preach there! I have never been in a black church service and I understand that in this area they can get pretty rocking. I love the singing too, as I used to have a girl friend that I worked with that took me to a concert at Christmas at her church and it was absolutely beautiful and so well done. Almost professional really.

Janet, honey, I don't believe you are doing this retirement right at all. When I first retired, I had all these things that I had put off for months, and some for years, and I was working myself silly thinking I could get them all done in a few weeks. Then I decided that retirement wasn't meant to catch up in 2 or 3 weeks, or even 2 or 3 months what I had been putting off for 30 years. So one day I sat down and made a list of the things I wanted to accomplish and decided that I would chose one big item or maybe 2 or 3 small items from that list and try to get them done in a week. Or I would decide that laundry and moping the kitchen floor needed doing, and when that was done, my day's work was over. So slow down and allow yourself to enjoy being retired. You don't have a boss who is going to be unhappy if something doesn't get done, it will just mean that you won't have that item to offer at the market that weekend.

I went to the podiatrist today because the toe next to my big toe on the left foot evidently has arthritis in the joint and is going or leaning into the big toe and I am getting blisters of both of them. I got a little soft rubber thing to put between them, and then a sock and then the shoe, and he said it should make walking much easier and more comfortable. Guess it beats the cotton balls I was using, or maybe not when I see an itemized bill!

Got a call from my gynocologist today and I have another surgery scheduled for next Tues. I go Friday for all of the pre op things. I had told the office last week to go ahead and schedule it, because I would be up and about later if DH has to have shoulder surgery. I guess we are turning into quite the mess health wise. I hope that since I have had a pretty rough time of it for about two years, it is way past time for me to be well and not have anything else that needs taking care of.

Well we have had a storm and I think it is about over, so gonna go see if poor Mr. B will come out of my closet and go for his bedtime constitutional, as I am about ready to hit the hay.

Bonnie sending healing energy to you and your Dh with the surgerys.
Janet i think Bonnie is right :)
i canceled my garlic order :( i have some seed i can use but i wonder if i made the right choice ?
list of plants i will have at the RU
hydrangea PG
astilbe unknown
hosta unknown
sedum neon pink
liriope blue
crocus bulbs
tulip bulbs
gladiolus bulbs red or puprle mixed
i also posted this list on the RU thread
its supposed to be a good weather weekend !!

Waddy, KY

Perhaps you are all right but basically I've just exchanged a town job for a full time market job. Market has turned into 75-80% of the farm's income so it's not something that's taken lightly here. I wouldn't be in too bad a shape except the carpal tunnel in my right hand has been waking me up around 3 o'clock for the last week and sleep has been hard to come by. I've got an appointment next Tuesday to have them injected and right now it can't get here fast enough. Funny, it quits hurting if I'm sitting up or doing something. They both may go numb but they don't hurt like at night laying down. Go figure.
I may just have to take a nap during the day until this abates.

Went down to the butcher to look at the meat. Boone's has quite an operation. There were probably 30 carcasses hanging in the cooler. Beef in the front, sheep to the side and pork in the back. They also have a storefront plumb full. I picked up some sausage to give it a try. Their mild was pretty warm as compared to the sausage we usually buy. Good but too warm for the eaters in my family.

Need to go pick up apples today then come home and get the zucchini relish in the jars. I thought about picking tomatoes but think I'll put that off until tomorrow. Got some that need scalding and freezing though. That and the baking should round out the day.

Bonnie, I sure hope this surgery takes care of everything and you don't have to have anything else. What a bummer.
Know what you mean about all this foot stuff. I'm starting to get corns now and then and it doen't make any sense. But my toes and feet have bumps and such where they never did before. Getting old sure stinks.

Better get moving. Will check in later.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Janet, I'm in agreement with the "getting old sure stinks" statement. But I started early, with the scoliosis and all that.
Bonnie, prayers going out for you re: your surgery. Is it an out-patient thing?

Chele was going to come and help me do some autumn garden chores today, but it was just too soggy. Hopefully I'll see her and most of the kids tomorrow. I've got about 50 bazillion calls to make to get things tidied up or fixed before winter--- if we have winter this year.

BTW, I mispoke about the tomato variety at the retreat. It was a monica paste tomato. The delicata was a squash variety (that I didn't try).

Sue, the labyrinth is an odd and wonderful thing for me. The first time I walked it was in Hawaii, in a little church parking lot on Maui. They had spray painted a labyrinth in their parking lot. I was waiting until a wedding was finished before visiting the church, so I decided to walk it. Somewhere around the second left turn it was like something changed inside. It was wild, because it was not what I expected at all! But wonderful. Now it's gotten to be a sort of cottage industry, with some churches buying big canvas labyrinths that they can lay out in their fellowships halls, and books abt how to walk it, but I don't think I'll ever be able to beat the spray painted on in the parking lot of St John's by the sea in Kula, Maui.


i think your right on that one Pat. Maui would ideal .

we have ida red
jona red
golden delicious
i have no idea what is available
i do know we will have the golden delicious and granny smith
oh and empire we also have

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Pat, I've walked a few labyrinths, and it's always a strange sensation, like something jells inside.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, I must be the odd gal out as I haven't had the experience of walking the labyrinth. I have heard of it, and have read about it, but never experienced it. Must be something.

Have to go to Louisville tomorrow see the Dr and then on to the hospital for pre op stuff. So will be a long day, I am sure. There is construction going on at the hospital and I bet finding a parking place will be a real challenge.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm odd with you, Bonnie.... LOL...stop snickering.....you all already knew I was odd!

Hoping to have a good turn out tomorrow. You'll have to excuse the gardens though...sigh.....

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi all,

Lurker Lou here! Not dead yet( to some peoples surprise!LOL) Have had medical issues and haven't been on much. Joyce, I would love to come, but can't ride in the car long right now. Complications set in from the orthoscopy on my knee and I'm going to (had never heard of it) lymphatic drainage therapy. I have a large area in my calf of built up fluid and since I have intestinal bleeding, I can'ttake Nsaids to reduce the inflamation and my calf , ankle and foot are swelled to maximum capacity. I had to cut the top part of my Croc to have anything I could get my foot into. Walking is a challenge . I wish I could make it to your party,hope you take lots of pictures and that the weather is great.

I have a request . I'm not good at all the internet stuff, but I would like for you to vote in the Redbook Husband of the year Contest . # 16, Levi Nehrt is my chiropractor and great guy. Hunk and a half, but he doesn't seem to know it.
He literally saved a young girls life after she was struck by lightening and won't talk about it and blushs like crazy if you mention it. The people who were on the ball field at time, said he vaulted the fence like superman flying, he is athletic , but still he says it was just an adneline rush from Our Lord, and he doesn't even remember the fence at all. Here(hopefully) will be a link to the contest.


Still praying for all of you alls individual needs. Enjoy a great fall,


This message was edited Sep 28, 2012 5:57 PM

Lou wow that sound painful in your knee. I am sending healing energy to you . Wow on the Dr. Mcdreamy. i will vote for him !
you take care of your self and you will be missed tomorrow. :( say hi to Dave for us :)
work was crazy crazy busy !!
non stop customers all day and even after i left they were still coming in .
we couldn't pump and jug enough . We sold it before we even made it.
i m one tired puppy

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Lou, I voted, and wow he is a looker. And from what you say not into himself at all. So sorry for your complications. I have a friend who is experiencing the same thing. Sure hope that you can get some treatment and soon be back to normal. (or what we perceive as normal)

I went to the Dr this afternoon, and after an exam she decided to do a biopsy and if it doesn't come back as active cancer she is postponing the surgery. I didn't quite understand it, but the bottom line is no surgery for me on Tuesday at least. Maybe in a couple of weeks. I just want it over with.

Sue, evidently the apples and the cider are good, or there wouldn't be that many customers. Hope for your sake that it does slow down some.

You all have fun at the get together. No way could I come and drive, and DH is committed to helping his niece with some stuff about the DBIL's estate.

BOnnie yes we do have the best cider in town. We are the only place that does it ourselves. Everyone else buys from a larger processing plant. Thus making it apple juice since there is pasturizing. Sure thinking about you these past few weeks. YOu have your hands full with everything that is going on . HOpe the biopsy comes out non active
Lou hope you start to get on the mends soon . THinking of you too.
You guys are always on my mind and in my healing energy meditation time.
yep i meditate . its all i got to stay sane ! LOL though if i see a butterfly i get distratcted LOL

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

It is gray and dreary here again this morning. I sure am getting tired of this weather.

Heading out with DH in just a bit car shopping. Oh, heaven help!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Bonnie, Remember the new, (to us), used car we were driving to the KY RU in 2008. We are still driving it every day. Nearing 200,000 miles, never had to fix a thing on it. Still cranking out around 28 MPG. Mechanic says with a good tune-up it should go back to the low 30's.
Are you shopping for new or used? Hope you get a good deal!
Beautiful weather up here. 70 to 80 everyday with no clouds. We do need rain real bad.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well it took all day, but we are home with a gently used SUV, a GMC Terrain, 2011 and the price was right. What I wanted, but we did look at some cars, a Buick LeSabre and a Chevy Malibu. The Malibu was a 2012 and it was the same price as what we bought, but the Terrain is a much nicer vehicle with all the extras on it.

At least that is over and I love it and DH is really liking it. Took over a hour for the salesman to explain everything on it and how to use it. Now I hope this one lasts my lifetime because I will never be able to understand the models in coming years!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm sorry you're feeling low, Lou. We missed you all that couldn't make it, but we did have a grand time with the ones who did come! There was 9 of us altogether, and Ric had his camera around, but you know how sneaky he is, I don't know what kind of pictures he took. I tried pushing my 4 little kittens on everyone but got no takers.... :o( They're going to have to go soon. They'll be 10 weeks old tomorrow.

Bonnie, congrats on the new wheels. Hope it's just right for you!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Hello to eveyone!
I've been mostly offline for a couple days while Josh revamped me puter. After a couple years of complaining that it was running too slow, he agreed and decided to back up everything and then reinstall it. It is much better, but I still have some programs to re-install.
Chele and the kids showed up Friday and got tons done on the garden. Thank you, thank you! Even though my major activity was to point at plants vs weeds, I was all tuckered in that night for sure. I managed to send a box of slightly used dolls home with them (several amputee dolls, plenty missing fingers or shoes). I have a feeling those dolls are going to have totally swapped clothes and hairstyles by the end of the weekend.
We should be hearing soon who the new archbishop of Canterbury will be, when Archbp. Williams retires at the end of the year. Theres a commission that sends two names to the prime minister, who chooses one and presents the decision to the queen. Technically, she could override his choice, but I don't think she ever has. The only hitch is that the commission is deadlocked. Oops!

There's a new show on PBS called"Call the Midwife" based on a book by an English midwife who was assigned to an East End London district in the late 50's. I watched the first episode last night and it was wonderful. Hope somebody else gets hooked on it too!

Lou and Bonnie, hope you are both healing, and will pray that process speeds up a bit, too!

Pat i was going to watch that but was late getting home with basketball practice. :( sure wish i had remembered to record it on my DVR ... duh ? ! i will watch the next one. I too was very interested in it. Love the PBS shows.
Glad you got some helpers with the garden.
not much going on here
good night everyone

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good evening. Don't know if I told you or not, but they are postponing my surgery that was scheduled for tomorrow. I am hoping that I can postpone until the first full week in November. We have decided to have our fish fry on the 27th, and then we are going to try to have a mini vacation starting on the 29th and will be gone for 3-4 days.

Pat, gosh you sure hit the jackpot with Chele and the girls coming to help you out. That was really really nice. I hope those girls are still playing with dolls, instead of boys! Know Chele will chime in on that one.

Joyce, I am sure that you all had a great time, and just wish that I had a space machine that would zap me from place to place instead of having to drive!

Sue, you are getting a double dose of sports with the twins. I don't envy you this time in your life, zipping around from practice to practice.

Bernie, the car that the new vehicle replaced has 105,000 on it, and it will be DGD's car for the next year and a half. When she graduates, DH is buying her the car of her choice. He has told her that since she was just a little tot.

Bonnie you sound busy . How is DH doing ? Can your surgery wait that long ? YOu were missed at the RU as was everyone.
Ok Chelle my house next please ? :)
well its been raining since last night . so its an inside day
may do apple sauce as i have a bushel of apples in the basement that need my attention
got the new Carol Burnett show DVD , i may just end up watching that , boy i do love her. That is when TV was great !

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, at least it is not raining today, but I have tons of paper work to do today. Gonna take my little buddy for a walk, then settle in to do that.

Barberton, OH

Think it's about time I checked in. I just returned from a weekend in PA & NJ. DD#2 got married on Sun. Third time is the charm, I hope so. We had some rain last night, more predicted for today, but sun is shining now. Lots to do in the yard when it dries a bit.

I had a passenger in my car on the return home I wonder if anyone knows her name. She is sure pretty. Out on her own now.

Thumbnail by salix_man

Herman she reminds me of the Godzilla movie with the giant moth Motharia . very nice looking. I m sure Ric may chime in and know its variety. I m #3 with my DH so yes 3rd time is a charm..... or he just can't take being divorced 4 times and is putting up with my crap LOL either way i will take it.
watched two good movies today
Faith With Potato's
and Freedom Writers Club ? both are true stories. Really moving spritualy . Loved them both. Both are on Netflix.
other then that it rained most the day

Waddy, KY

Been a busy day. Got to Lexington by nine for my wrist shots. I sure hope these rascals work this time. My fingers are still getting numb where they weren't the last times I had the shots. Then I stopped in at what I thought was going to be a resturant supply store. It turned out to be a flea market with just a booth of supplies and nothing that I wanted or needed. After that I met a former co-worker for lunch. First time I had Chinese in over two months. And a really nice visit. I honestly don't need daily human contact but a visit now and then is nice. Stopped at Goodwill and found one of those old blue speckled roaster pans for $3.50. Not sure I really needed it but for that price I'll put it in the closet until I do. Stopped at General Dollar and cleaned them out of pint and half pint jars. Got home and put a pot of beets that had been in the fridge for a good while on to cook and got a pot of apples to cooking. On top of that, we had a set of twins this afternoon. Since DH had a market meeting in Lexington, I helped the girls get the cow and calves to the barn. It looks like she's going to take them both and they've both nursed. All good. We did go over and strip her out and bottle feed them just to make sure. Went back over to vaccinate and tag them and feed and water the cow. Then we got the breeding harness on the ram. Also got some apricots soaking in vinegar to make a bunch of Habanero Gold jelly. I have people at market that have been badgering me about that.

I think when the apples finish cooking up I'm going to call it a day. I might grease my bread pans for tomorrow morning and measure out a few batches but otherwise I'm done.

Bonnie, the wheels looks pretty snazzy. Bet you'll enjoy it to no end. I hate paperwork but it's a necessary evil.

Sue, might as well get those apples done before the fruit flies find them

Herman, good to see you back. Was wondering if you'd fallen off the edge of the earth. We'll hope that DS is happy for the next 50-60 years with this one.

Pat, if you have the urge to do any more weeding or general upkeep I'll be glad to have you down. Since it started raining there's weeds everywhere.

Barberton, OH

Sue, I've been trying to find cider with all the good things left in it. I'm sure a lot of yours will be preserved for drinking on cold winter nights and beyond. I had a friend back in NJ that did that. Great stuff.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, Janet, that is sacralege having Chinese without me! Glad you got out and sounds like you had a few stops on the way. Good for you. Just getting out sometimes is necessary. Sounds like you have a very busy couple of days ahead with all the cooking and canning, plus the livestock.

I didn't finish all the paperwork but there is a major dent in it. Will try to get that done tomorrow after I get home from the grocery. That sounds good but it probably won't happen, as I am usually wiped out after that trip.

DS and his SO came about 4:00, without warning, stayed for supper and I told them without reservations, sometimes you needed to be grateful that food was on the table. DS is staying until Thursday night to help DH with some projects. It is his weekend, but he knew that DH has a cold and is not really feeling well, and wanted to come help him.

Off to bed shortly.

Waddy, KY

Isn't it funny how a trip to town can just exhaust you? I remember as a kid we went to town on Saturdays and when you got home you didn't want to do anything, especially anything like cleaning the house! I'm still that way unfortunately. I was back home by 3:00 but didn't want to lift a finger last night.

Did get some sleep last night. That was in spite of DH getting up and getting his clothes on twice to run over and check a cow that was trying to freshen. She still hasn't had the calf so I guess we're probably having a vet visit as I'm typing. At least we had her locked in the lot last night to they don't have to run her down.

I've got to run to Lawrenceburg sometime today to pick up some daylilies. I'd planned on having lunch with a former co-worker who's on disability but she called last night and said she thinks she has some sort of bug since she got sick in the middle of the feed store yesterday. Don't need any of that thank you!

I haven't had my hummingbird feeder full all summer and saw nary a single bird so I never bothered to fill it. Yesterday I was standing at the sink and this little hummer buzzed up and

if a bird can be indignant that one was. He hovered there as if to comment on the resturant's service and then stormed off. I got in gear and filled the feeder. I've already seen a bird at it twice this morning. Guess this one's just passing through.

It's now turning out that the cow we thought had twins claimed another cows calf before she freshened. Then she laid down and had hers and kept them both. Unfortunately it cost a vet visit to find out that the other cow had calved. Apparently DH can't tell the difference between afterbirth and a calf's feet and head when he runs a glove up her?????

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

The cow drama made me laugh. That's so funny! I'm just popping in to read and then have to take off again.

LOL that is to funny on the cows LOL i didn't know they stole other calves ?
slow week at cider job. We have road construcition so the traffic is slower,
weather is cool.
hunters are out in my woods. They will give me some venison .
tree's are turning pretty
Janet wow you got busy days. Yes i will get the apples tomorrow. i would have done them tuesday burt didn't have any lemon juice ? i hate going into town for one thing .
We are the only apple orchard in champaing and clark county with apples ! that is why we are so busy and our's is the best price in town too
many other orchard are not even opening this year .
BOnnie hope DH starts to get over his cold soon. Glad your DS is there to give a hand. Those are the moments that i miss Jess. She would help me at times with certain things ..... *sigh* funny i needed some help lifting some stuff around in the barn. I went to call her phone .... " that sucked "

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

:O( ((((Sue))))

Yesterday was Bill and my 32nd wedding anniversary. We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and then stopped to check out the new Rural King in Hamilton. It's like a Tractor Supply on steroids......

We did miss you for sure. It was great seeing Marcy since she hasn't been posting. I didn't ever hear why she wasn't posting, did anyone else who was here?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Sue, the only thing that sucks is that she wasn't there to answer it! My mother has been gone for 18 years, but there are still times that I think-- Oh, Mom will enjoy that, I'll have to call her-- and then I remember what "time zone" I'm in. There are some bonds that get stretched, but not broken.

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