ORVG # 195: Racing towards fall

Happy birthday Ester. Say hi to Bob for me.
Janet. we got lots of granny , some winesap also .. i do need to get jars also... sigh... rememeber when they were cheap ! i can't believe how much they have jumped in price .. sounds like your friends from hight school are an Ok bunch :) to still be able to see one another after so many years.
well just was told today our apple orchard will have apples until thanksgiving !! uuuhhhg..... didn't see that one coming at all.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

The wiener roast was fun. Had about 25 and some people believe it or not had never been to one. Good grief they have led sheltered lives.

Nothing on the agenda for tomorrow, but I am sure that something will come up. Looks like laundry for one thing.

Waddy, KY

Happy Birthday Ester!

Went to town to get the paint mixed and bought some white for the railing. $69 a gallon!!! Looks like I'm going to have to scrub the ceiling of the porch before I can paint it. UGH!!!! I wonder if I rent a pressure washer if that would do it? I have trouble standing on ladders and looking up. Balance goes to pot. I did get the spider webs off it and the porch swept. And went ahead and picked the rest of the winter squash while I was up there. Got 4 crates and a big 150 gallon water tank full. I'm now done with that at least. Chopped green tomatoes for relish.

Think I'm going to bed....

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Happy (belated) Birthday, Esther!
Hand healing up, but not as quickly as I'd like. Good road trip with baby sis Wedsnesday. Went east across CLermont, Brown, & Adams counties, & then up through Highland and a bit of Pike county. Trekked down some back roads trying to check out old cemeteries. Currently eating black raspberry pie from the Mennonite bakery near Bainbridge. We saw lots of properties for sale in Highland County. Started making plans for one or two day trips when sis retires in a couple years: hopefully we'll start trying some routes out next summer.

Stopped at old Pisgah M.E. Church & cemetery in western Highland county. One set of great- great grandparents, & one set of great-great -great grandparents buried there. When I first stopped there abt 10 years ago the church was nicely painted, some group was meeting there on Sundays, and the cemetery was well mowed and cared for. Now the church has been empty for a few years and windowpanes are broken. The paint is peeling or gone, and the sill plates are rotting. I'd be surprised if the building doesn't fall down on its own in a couple years. Very sad, even though I know that's the way all things go. Beautiful artwork on many of the tombstones. I'd love to go up and get some rubbings or castings before the information is all weathered away.

I wonder if Wednesday is lawn mowing day up in that area. We saw three different Mennonite/ Amish ladies out industriously mowing their lawns and getting the laundry dry out on the clothesline. Maybe it was just the right weather. It looked like a Grandma Moses painting!


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Happy belated BD from me, too, Esther!!! Hope you had a great day!

Off to do some final planting and moving around! What a gorgeous day!!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Cleaning and straightening the house. DBIL is in the hospital from a bulldozer accident and the news this morning is pretty dire. May have to make an emergency run later.

Oh Bonnie sending you huge hug and many healing thoughts to your DBIL.

Columbus, OH

Hope you DBIL does well...a bulldozer action is pretty scary. Belated Happy Birthday to Esther as well!

Tired of making candles...

Waddy, KY

Bonnie, hope there's some better news on your DBIL. Was he not wearing the seatbelt? There are times Paul scares me to death on his. I just have to walk away and not watch.

Got all the potatoes dug yesterday afternoon. I thought a tension headache was brewing and maybe it was but by the time I got home it'd turned into a fine sinus headache. Went to bed around 7:30 and after taking two rounds of sinus pills I'm now sitting in the kitchen wide awake. There's still a touch of the headache brewing but I might live now. Had a couple pieces of toast to try to settle the stomach.

We're in the last days of open enrollment for our insurance and the state government is getting ready to stick it to me by raising the family plan rates around $2000 a year. I'm what you might call a higher level of irritated. There are some other Humana plans out there that would keep the rates the same but I've procrastinated and the deadline is near so I guess I'll take the hit. That and I'm afraid that with all the surgeries that DH had the last few years that I'd cancel a sure thing with the state and then get told that the other insurance won't insure DH and we'd be left without coverage. And with farming as occupations I sure as heck don't want to be without if I can possibly help it.

DD is in Indy at the National FFA convention so I get to load the trucks for market today. That and get the baking that I didn't get done last night done. It should keep me busy. I've got about 2 more crates of red tomatoes to process and those green tomatoes to get done and my days should start allowing me to get some other stuff done. I really wanted to get the porch painted and probably will but I've got to get the power washer up there and get the ceiling washed up before it gets done. With the forecast I guess I'll be a little chilly doing it. Might wear DH's rainsuit to get it done.

Pat, sounds like you had a delightful day. Sometimes just getting out and seeing the sights is so much fun. And really, old cemetaries can be beautiful if they're well kept. Sad if they're not. The little cemetary next to our barn (yes, the one the bull was in) is so peaceful. I told that to my daughter and she snorted and said, "Fine, if you think so then you can come over here in the dark next time when a cow needs checking on. You'll change your tune." Maybe so. How's the hand?

Well, Chele, where the heck have you been? What's going on at your place?

Ester, still doing better?

Celene, what kind of candles are you making?

See, when I'm up in the middle of the night you get horrendously long posts!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, so so sorry for the accident with DBIL....seems like it's just been one thing after another for you two. Please keep us updated, and I'll be praying for you all!

South Point, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for the Birthday wishes, I have now attained three score and ten. We went out to eat the day after and got a free YWCA enrollment through the Humana "Silver Sneakers" program.

I guess my range of motion is improved, and if we go to the Y regularly for yoga and whatnot, my flexibility will be better, but I really do not have much to complain about - just groaning a bit getting in and out of cars.

Pat, our church was formed in 1854 and the current building completed in 1897 for a cost of $17,300. For a coming anniversary, A parishioner has been digging into the history of the church and every Sunday gives a short report on one of the earlier rectors. A 1966 history she dug up contains the following:

....The Knights Templars presented the beautiful altar and the Knights of Pythias gave the pulpit chairs. For many, many years thereafter, the Knights Templar came in a body to Christ Church on Easter Sunday and worshipped in all their regalia.
Later, Mr. Andrew Carnegie gave half the price of the pipe organ, and the St. Cecelia Guild of Christ Church the remaining half, at a total of $1500.

Shades of Da Vinci Code.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Esther, maybe Tom Hanks will show up some Sunday and interpret all the "coded" Christian symbolism, LOL. I love researching the old Church record books. Many times the minutes are written in such a flowery and formal fashion that you can only guess what they're trying to convey. Once I read about an ECW (Episcopal CHurch Women) group in the 1890's that put on a lawn fete, complete with homemade ice cream. There was a cold spell, though, so cold that eating the ice cream was pretty unappealing. But it was put some thing like "the temperature thereof caused the chilling effects to be multiplied perforce." If the sermons were like that, no one would have been able to guess what the point was!

Bonnie, I am so, so sorry. Is this your sister's husband or your husband's brother? I know your husband just lost a well-loved brother, and I can't remember the configuration of your extended family. I'm sorry it's happened to anyone!

Janet, unless you have a month or two to read all the fine print, I do hope you cough up the extra $$$ for the medical insurance. The devil's certainly in the details of all those plans. The retired clergy plans in our church changed, but we have 6 months advanced notice. Th big difference was in the amount of copay for a hearing aid. I would have had to cough up 2500.00 extra had I not had the early warning. Yikes!

My sister admitted to a mutual friend that she actually enjoyed some of my family history narrative as we drove around the other day (it ususally bores her). She said that it made a big difference to be hearing tales of these long gone relatives when we were going by their old farm, or hearing tales of thefarmer whose first wife died so he married here sister, or the barn burning trial of the 1890's where our great-great-great grandfather had to testify against a neighbor at the trial but then immediately departed for home without speaking to the press! Apparently, he was a no comment kind of guy. Even back then, a no comment was registered in print with some irritation by the newspapers.

The hand is better but still stiff.
Sue, even the Amish store had lousy looking apples, and few of them. Glad you guys got something out of it this year. Saw something on cider making on one of those "how it's made" shows on tv.
Hi, Cookie! Got the pond ready?
Celene, I hope the work atmosphere is calmer, & we want to know what tatt you end up choosing for your donation site!
Lou, hope your recovery is starting to pick up steam!
Have to go to the post office to put a trace on a lost package. Son supposed to be arriving from London later today. Glad he's beating the bad weather that seems likely to wallop the east coast next week.
Blessings to everybody,

Waddy, KY

Pat, I think I'm going to go ahead and take the gigging. Last year my daughter tried to get some insurance independent of a job and they turned her down because 10 years ago she had surgery for a Chiari malformation. Hasn't had a bit of problem with it since the surgery but it was apparently enough to turn her down so I wouldn't expect much better on a person that has diverticulitis, had colon surgery that resulted in a colostomy, had that reversed and then had the resultant hernia repaired. Plus there's HBP and GERD. Relatively healthy now but I'm almost willing to bet they'd turn him down and then I'd be in a real pickle.

Baking seems to be taking all day today. Don't know why. Could it be it's dreary and I don't want to leave the house????

Apples this year in KY were pretty crappy. The guy I get them from had a freeze that almost got them so a lot of them were sporting frost damage. Then he had two hail storms and they had pock marks on them that almost looked like birds tried to take a hunk out of them. But at least he had some apples. Most of KY had at least a 40% or more crop failure.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Things aren't great. I figure people are tired of hearing about it.

Keeping everyone in thoughts and prayers to be well and be happy.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi again,

The lurker is here and enjoying all the posts each and every day. I really got down (emotionally) with my complications to my leg surgery. I did all the wrapping and now I am"cleared" by the PT and ortho Doc. No further appointments. However, my ankle continues to swell up a lot by the end of the day. I am supposed to wear the compression stockings for three months.(Thank God it's not the summer time.LOL) I can't see where they are doing any good, but I will faithfully wear them. I still have a knot on the main vein going down the leg. No one can tell me why, or how it got there, but I don't like the idea of this vein having any problems. I hurts a lot after Ive been on my feet for awhile. But, basically, I can once again walk without pain. Yippee.
I came down with some bad cold, infection, sorta thing and it has me coughing so much at night, that I can't sleep. So, I'm been a bitch to live with. Poor DH.

Other than that , I've been a slug and have not accomplished much around the house. It is needing a couple of days dedicated to cleaning and straightening. I guess now that the good weather is gone, I'll have to get to it.

Prayer for all are going upward. We all need His help one way or the other.

Has anyone heard from Marci? I miss her posts.

Chell, we need to see some more pics of your great family.

Have a good weekend everyone. Lurker Lou

Lou sure am sorry to hear of the vein thing. Glad it healed to some degree. Yuk on the cold. take it easy and take care . sending healing thoughts to you and hope for a speedy full recovery.
Chelle we are hear to lend a helping ear if we can. Sending you a hug.
well the apples are done and what a job it was ! yikes. i lost two apples ? how don't ask . i don't know either LOL
work is slowing down ... i m tired but i sure need the money .

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good evening. I took my DS to the hospital today and stayed with her. She was in a car accident several years ago and is unable to navigate stairs so I deposited her at the door and parked and met her inside the hospital. The walk from the parking garage to the hospital is quite a distance and it would take her a long time to do that. He is in NeuroICU and the hospital policy is visitors are permitted any time, and can stay if the Dr approves. Unusual but very convenient for family. If they need to work with the patient, of course the family is asked to wait in a nice waiting room right outside the ICU. He is in the NeuroICU because when admitted he had bleeding on the brain. That has stopped and that aspect seems good, but it is all the other problems.

The Dr came in shortly after we arrived, and they started a direct line into his chest in order to more quickly administer fluids and meds. They are keeping DBIL sedated in order to bring down his blood pressure, and he is on a ventilator. The blood pressure was good today, but every time they tried to decrease the oxygen it would go up again, so he is only breathing 20% on his own. The problem right now is dehydration. His body is filling with fluids and his kidneys are only operating on about a 25% basis. He has pneumonia from aspirating vomit into his lungs, and they are administering 3 broad spectrum antibiotics. He does respond to stimuli, but is otherwise just laying there.

It doesn't look good, so am again asking for prayers.

Pat, I am getting more interested in history the older I get. However, I never can seem to find the time to go exploring and uncovering the history of anything, for serving in voluntary positions that take all my time. I do serve on the board of our local cemetery and am creating a mapping system for that, and keeping it current. I am glad you are healing, and sorry to say, I am not surprised to hear that there is still pain and some discomfort in the hand. Seems like we use our hands for everything, even talking (some of us).

Lou, I am so glad to hear that you are 100% well. Or at least you are not scheduled for more PT or any other kind of visits to Dr or hospitals. That seems like all that I have accomplished the whole of this year. So if odds mean anything, I should be healthy as a horse for next year.

Esther, glad that you are taking advantage of the healthclub membership that came with the insurance. I think the insurance I will have for next year includes a membership, and I plan to use it. I went to the rheumatologist last Friday and my arthritis is lots worse, with mishappened joints. He doubled my NSAIDS, and hope that I will not have any stomach problems with that.

Sue, YIPPEE. you are finished with apple season, and just in time it looks like according to the weather. It was 82 yesterday afternoon, and when we got up this morning, it was 36. It has rained all day, and it was just a miserable day to be out and about, and driving in it.

Chele, as Sue says, we are your support system, so come back and "spill it" and let us help you through what ever is going on. You know a burden shared, etc, etc. You may end up only carrying a 1/10 of it.

Celene, I am interested in what you finally choose for your bone marrow donation site tattoo. I guess the difference in age determines who gets them and who just sits back and watches. I would have probably been one to get them, had they been deemed morally and physically appealing and appropriate when I was in high school. However, I spent all my school years listening to my DM say, "But what will the neighbors (insert any group here that fits)" and that is why I have spent years without any therapy, but it was probably needed!

Janet I so don't envy you of the weekend markets with this weather. I hope that you have some shelter, or an inside venue for tomorrow, as I understand it is just going to be absolutely miserable. Drag out your longjohns gloves hat scarf and a heavy coat if you have to be outside. I drove in rain to Louisville and back. My umbrella turned inside out while I was walking to the parking garage, and I thought I may end up at Cardinal Stadium as the first spectator for their game tonight.

Well, I have typed a novella, and sorry for that, but I needed to update everybody, and it may be a couple of days before I can get back here. Our annual torture er, fish fry is tomorrow night, so will work my buns off all day tomorrow, probably not get much food, and very little thanks for our effort. I suggested to DH tonight that next year if his fishing nets so many, to just give them away to the ones he would ordinarily invite to the fish fry, same difference, but it would be before the usual time, the fish would be uncooked, and hopefully uncleaned. I can think of less labor intensive ways to do this!

Columbus, OH

I am still waffling on the tattoo. I have never been one of the "What will the neighbors say?" people. I got a tattoo in 1985, on the first anniversary of not dying when someone tried to kill me. Before it was cool. lol Thus the symbolism of the lotus. The tattoo artist had a cool idea to do an ankh, with the circle around the scar. I'm mulling it over, because I like the idea of a moon or a lotus as well.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I really like the idea of an ankh! I tyhink it isperfect. Hope you can decide on something you love.

South Point, OH(Zone 6a)

This is for those with bruising, swelling , muscle pain and stiffness. It is homeopathic, applied to the skin and will not mess up your stomach.

Dr. Oz had been saying his family has always used this - Arnica gel - so I finally got a tube (Walmart, near the Aspercremes, BenGays for over $7). I gave a tube to a friend who had knee surgery and she is so grateful, she rubs it on before going to bed, and again when she she wakes up in the middle of the night and says she was able to sleep for the first time after the surgery. And her inflammation much less in the morning. She likes that is is not oily or messy.

I searched DG and found some others that use it too.

Fuquay-Varina, NC
(Zone 7a)
December 5, 2006
03:25 PM

.... during the course of working with this mare, I apparently hit something quite hard with my left ring finger because it was hurting quite a bit. by the time I got to my car, the swelling was noticible. this is where my favorite product endorsement comes in...Arnica Montana gel is THE best thing for any kind of bruising or swelling on your body. I put it on twice before bed last night and woke up this morning with a noticible "ring" of bruising where I hadn't applied the gel. I also used this product after I had ACL reconstructive surgery on my knee and completely stunned my surgeon with how quickly I was able to reduce the swelling and bruising of my knee.

when you work around horses or are just accident prone like myself, I strongly recommend ya'll try this gel (and no, I'm not working for the company). you can find it at a health food grocery store or on the web. the actual brand I use is called Arnicaflora, but the active ingredient is arnica montana. the only word of caution I have is that you CANNOT put it on broken skin. you can put it right up to the edge, but it is not for open wounds.

Sacramento, CA
May 14, 2008
12:00 AM

Between yard work, home repair and animal rescue, I get scratched and bruised up all the time.

For anyone with bruises, here's the tip - use Arnica gel or pills. Arnica montana is a natural supplement for pain and bruising; can be found in natural food stores and some more enlightened drug stores or grocers. It has always taken me a long time to heal from bruises, and Arnica has made an amazing difference.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much! I will be trying it soon. I bruise very easily and hate going anywhere because sometimes I look like a victim of spouse abuse! LOL Long sleeves in the winter hide a multitude of problems. I will try the
gel, and ask my gastro doc about it next visit. For some reason, I have become severly affected by peppers. I am careful to avoid them, but there are somethings that I wouldn't think contained them and that's when I get really sick.

So ,I'm over careful about taking anything new. I really appreciate the info and , hopefully, it will reduce my swelling. Lou

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Been getting ready for the fish fry this morning and working my butt off. On the way home from the community center, I was stopped by a state policeman and given a ticket for my passenger (DS's SO) not having on her seatbelt.

So the cost of the fish fry continues to rise.

DBIL was put on dialysis this morning, and other organs are beginning to fail. Doesn't look good.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Bernie, Happy Birthday. Just noticed it on the birthday list. Hope it has been good to this point, and from this point forward it is a GREAT DAY.

Bonnie i m so sorry to hear that his organs are failing. I m sending hope of a miracles to you and your family at this time.
Ester that sounds like a great cream and will try it
Celene i like that idea of the tattoo also.

Barberton, OH

Ester, congratulations on the Silver Sneakers. A really great program. I've had it about 4 years now. Try the Yoga Stretch. I enjoy that, as well as the exercise room. I have also been using the Arnica gel for a few years. The same company whose gel I use also makes an Arthritis Gel that works good, too. That does contain Poison Ivy, but in tiny, tiny amounts.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Got some sad news yesterday.
Over 50 years ago I met a couple of brothers at church, Rick and Gary.
(Gary and I had an issue over a girl...LOL!)
Over the school years Rick and I got to know each other quite well.
While not Friends we were certainly friends.

Rick chose a VERY hard path in life.
He is a Musician. ALL he has ever been.
Rock, Folk and finally Celtic he played them all.
Guitar, banjo, harmonica, bouzouki (Greek stringed instrument), bodhran (Irish frame drum) and bones he was a journeyman.
Hell played at my wedding..... basically the only good memory to come out of that deal.
Over the decades we have seen him perform scores of times.
Always, always a wonderful time.
His last days are on him now as Pancreatic Cancer is just about done finishing him off.
Please take a few minutes and watch/listen to this rare talent whom few will know.
Google Rick Fannin and click video for some rousing good fun or tear jerking sweetness..


Columbus, OH

That's so sad, pancreatic cancer is so rough. I'm sorry, Ric.

Ric know you have mentioned him several times to me over the years. I m sorry to hear of this news . Great music he made .
Savannah has a new ipod and let me tell you NO ONE IS SAFE !
party went well for the kids. all the kids showed up . but i do have lots of left overs .

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Busy day for me. I preached at a church here in the county, then home, changed clothes and off to grab a sandwich then to the community center to collect the cookers and deal with that greasy mess. Had to return some chairs to the church that we had borrowed for our fish fry. Got home and got everything stored away till next year. By then I was ready for a nap, and it worked out well. I napped while the guys watched some football. All of us were happy.

DH did get some tobacco put down, so they will begin stripping tomorrow. I made a bit pot of chili and will serve that and some lunch meat for lunch. Don't have a clue how many people that there will be.

I am hoping that I can get laundry done, and be ready to be available to take my DS to the hospital on Tuesday. Her DH is about the same, only they did dialysis today as his total output was 10cc over an 8 hour period. Still sedated so that his BP remains steady. Ever time they decrease the sedative, his BP skyrockets.

Ric, so sorry to hear of your friend's passing. Not familiar with the name, but enjoyed the link.

Sue was it a kids Birthday party? How old now? Gee they do grow up fast.

Waddy, KY

Yesterday was the last Sunday market and while I'm certainly going to miss the income, I'm not going to miss getting up at 5 on Sundays. I can get back to going to church. It's sort of funny, missing church here and there doens't seem to be a big deal but a long stretch like that makes me really get to missing it. I know I could do a daily mass but it's a 20 mile round trip and, well, it's just not gonna happen.

Ric, that gentleman really has a fine voice. What a waste but unfortunately we don't get to choose our road in life. Just another reminder that we should try to live the best life we can and enjoy and appreciate what we have because we don't know what lies ahead for us. May he be at peace in his final days.

Not much going on here that's interesting. I guess I'll can relish today and try to get some more batches going. I need to make some apple pie jam and there's a recipe for spiced caramel apple jam I need to try. DH is going to pay the property taxes today and I need to get my health insurance stuff filled out and turned in. Won't get anything done if I don't get up out of this chair though.

Will check in later.

cold day at work today brrrr.
got out of there at 1;00 so the income won't be as good . bummer.
but i m pretty tired so i guess its a good thing it winding down
sauce making for me tomorrow.
bonnie we did a halloween party

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm sitting here drinking hot cider and watching the wind blow off every leaf that had been even thinking about leaving its tree. I still need to grab some things off the back porch before it gets any worse.

See the hand doc again tomorrow for check up. The hand is better but now the wrist and thumb are worse. AARGH!
It sure seems like everyone on the list has had a rough year in one way or another. Big losses, tragedies of the sort that shouldn't happen to anyone, crops that won't grow, critters that won't breed, money that flies away as fast as the leaves I'm watching--- it's been a tough year all around. All I know to do is to rely on each other, count the blessings we do have, and pray for better times and the strength to endure until they get here!

Just talked to DDIL, who's planning a big halloween party. When she plans, she goes hog wild. They're having signature drinks, full out costumes, and great snacks. I offerred to be the sober taxi for the night, because it sounds like they'll need one.

Left messages with friends in New York city, upstate, and New Jersey. Haven't gotten any replies yet, but I', taking that in the no news is good news category today.

Y'all take care.

Waddy, KY

Way the winds blowing out there folks shouldn't have to do much leaf raking this fall. Had the old long johns on til lunch today. Had to turn out the sheep and feed the steers, then help DH get two cows with sick calves up to the barn. We figured that they probably didn't need to be out in this wind and any possible bad weather. Then I spent the afternoon putting green tomato relish in jars. Still got a few going because due to other obligations most of my feeding crew weren't around and I had to help do the feeding and doctor those calves and get feed and water to the mommas. Funny how simple chores can sometimes take forever.

Pat, I hope the dr. visit tomorrow is a positive one. Wonder why the wrist and thumb is worse. Overcompensating for the rest of the hand you guess?

Nowdays it seems like people decorate up for Halloween like they do Christmas. I think it's a stupid waste of money but it looks like people want to party for anything anymore. Down here you'd think the Derby was a national holiday. Guess they have more disposible income than I do.

Bonnie, are they stripping regular sized bales or those big bales? Honestly anything to do with tobacco was never my favorite job.

Sue, was it a kid Halloween party or an adult one???

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, I got lots accomplished today, but the kind of things that nobody but me will notice or care about. I did some laundry, but then cleaned and sorted out my closet. I have 3 large garbage bags full of clothes to take to Goodwill. That really makes me feel good, and my closet has lots more room. I wanted to do DH's but as sure as I take one shirt out of it, he will miss it. Like my closet, he has all sizes in there, and believe me, he ain't never gonna get in some of those things again. He is in denial about that, I made friends with my extra pounds and gave up the dream of being a size 8 again, either in this life or the next one.

Janet, I would much rather do anything in tobacco rather than feed the cows and other livestock. Just preferences I guess, because at home I was the calf feeder and care taker. Can even remember the horrid smell of the scours that most calfs have. Ewww. They are doing the smaller bales. This is the DBIL's tobacco who was killed. DH has hired help and will be reimbursed when the estate is settled. He is hoping that we get some showers so they can get more tobacco down, now that he sees he has plenty of help.

I heard from my DS just a bit ago, and they have suspened the constant sedation of the other DBIL, hoping that he will regain consciousness on his own. Did a permanent trach rather than down his throat. The dialysis didn't remove excess fluid, but they are doing dialysis again tomorrow, in hopes that as he improves that the kidneys will begin to function on their own.

Pat, I agree this has been the worst year for me sickness wise, and for DH in losing a brother, and having sisters who have had health problems, a nephew that was power of attorney for his disabled DM and was not performing his duties as he should. He has a sister who has surgery tomorrow for ovarian cancer, a nephew who is having total knee replacement on November 19 and he is only 40 years old. I sure will be glad to see the end of this year, and hope that next year will be lots better. I am thankful for what I have and for being able to go through cancer surgeries and still not have to have any followup treatment. I am truly blessed.

todays weather forecast in ohio
Pat sending healing thoughts to you
Bonnie sending some also to you and your family
we did a kid party , don't much with decorations but buy some when they go on sale .
inside day today but my apples rotted :( so my sauce day is a bust . doing a lasagna and a beef stew in the slow cooker .

Thumbnail by
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow, Sue! All we got was ugly rain and crazy winds. I sure hope we get a real snow this winter. Watching snow fall always gives me a sense of peace.
I'm very thankful that even with the winds, we have had power all the time and my sister has had no trees crashing onto her bedroom, like the last hurricane. And all my New York friends are OK. It sure must be miserable to be in a high rise apartment when the power goes out. Do you take the dog down 30 flights of stairs when there's flooding? How do you carry groceries up all those stairs-- if you can get them? I'll stick to Cincy in this case and my one story house.
The last time there was a BIG storm hitting New York, I decided to text my old friend Steve, whose house was just a block from the mandatory evacuation zone. He replied pretty promptly--- from Vietnam! He happened to be on sabbatical at that point. So this time I sent him a sarcastic text asking where he was this time around, Nepal or Bhutan? No reply for several hours. Then a text: he's in Honduras this time, doing some work at a church orphanage down there. He's got great timing, I guess.

Doctor very happy with my hand, although I still have to work on getting the joint more flexible. He says the wrist is a tendonitis with an unspellable name. So he injected it with cortisone and xylocaine. It's hurting now but should be better tomorrow. If it's still bothering me in a month, I can go back and get more cortisone. If no luck after three shots, then it's surgery. I had this in my right hand about ten years ago, and it took all 3 shots, but then it never recurred. Here's hoping the same results for the left hand.

That's about it from here. Off to pay a couple bills.


Waddy, KY

Certainly nothing going on around here. Has everyone moved away and not told me?

Ok, I'll talk to myself. Funny, daylight saving time change Sunday always seems different. Tonight it'll get darker so much faster. It really brings the fact that winter will soon be here to light. I am glad that they finally changed it so that Halloween is done in mostly daylight hours instead of the dark. And I don't even have any trick or treaters anymore.

Market yesterday was a pretty miserable venture. We no more got set up than it started raining and took about a 10 degree temperature drop. Cold, wet and nasty. And no one with any sense, other than me and the other vendors, came to market. Took me just as long to load up as it did to unload because we took most of it back home.

Canning green tomato relish today. I might make some raspberry green tomato jam today. If I'm in the mood. Lazy I am right now. They're weighing steers right now and trying to decide how many to keep back for markets next year. They're separating out a couple loads to go to town. Which is good because we got some major bills that would like to be paid. As soon as any money comes in this place it immediately goes back out. Usually with wings on.

Pat, glad the MD's happy about your hand. Sue, sure don't need the snow. Is it still on the ground?


This message was edited Nov 4, 2012 8:07 PM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, I am here. Wasn't yesterday just a miserable affair. I had to go to town and run a few errands, and it was just down right nasty.

Today we went to church, and the church wasn't good and warm, I got chilled and didn't actually get warm till after dinner and I laid down on the couch and put an afghan over me. Took Mr. B for a ride, and just as soon as we got out of the car at the cemetery, someone shot in the distance and Mr. B was ready to come home. He was so disappointed as he hadn't been out since Thursday. Don't know why he is so scared, but he is and when he hears shots, he just wants to be inside and safe.

Making some potato soup for supper, and it should be warm and filling too.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Potato soup sounds good to me, Bonnie. I'm reheating chicken paprikash tonight. It always tastes better to me the second day anyhow. Now I'm switching cold weather clothes to upstairs and warm weather ones down to the basement. Wish I had a dumbwaiter!
Actually, I'm surprised that this house doesn't have a laundry chute. The laundry was originally in the basement, then the previous owner moved it up to a mudroom between the garage and the kitchen. I love having the washer and dryer on the same floor as the bedrooms, though. I think that's what did me in at the last house, the 3 story with the laundry in the basement one.

Not much else going on here. Talked to Chele on the phone today. Sorted papers, threw away old magazines, threw outdated food out of the kitchen cupboard. Found a couple of unopened boxes of choco-bake, so I'm happy about that!

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