Blooming Today New Mexico

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

July 30 and this is all there are for today.

JOAN SENIOR (Best picture of her yet)

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Really nice! WT, SSB, CC, EC are all looking especially great!

Was out in the gardens today and disappointed to see so many are done, and many had their last blooms on them. So sad to know the season is just about done. There are still some late ones with lots of buds, though, and I can enjoy them.


McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

We could use a separate thread for late and very late bloomers? I want to order a lot more of these; when you see all of the buds on some plants this time of year, you realize the season doesn't have to be over for quite awhile yet!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes definitely, I would like some more late bloomers myself.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

I'm a late bloomer.....does that count?

Not really, I was an early bloomer.

I was looking at the particulars on Zella Virginia today, and it says it is a Very Late Bloom. What the heck is it doing blooming like crazy in the middle of July? I don't think that is Very Late! Do You??

Here is all for today....Pickins are getting slim.....

Walter's Tango (a very nice pic of it)
Zella Virginia
Ellen Christine
Joan Senior (2)

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Nice! That is a nice pic of WT.

Yes, we should have a thread for late bloomers. I would like more myself. Early bloomers, too.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Here are my lilys for August 1

Trimmed in Gold
Sunrise Sunset Beautiful
(2) Late Rose
Pardon Me (a quad)

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McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I've never seen Walter's Tango anywhere. Where did you get it?

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

That Walters Tango came from Bob Selman at Blueridge Gardens for about $15. I got it last fall.

Described as UFO Crispate

He has it on E-Bay right now. WALTER'S TANGO - DF - B3F - Marx-Hensley 2007 - DAYLILY
Item #230831673016

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Karen....It is also listed on his website under 2007 intros, for $10 for a double fan.

I plan on sending you one, but it won't be a double.....

Wyoming, MN

Your garden shots look like an oasis to me!


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks Gary!

That is what I was trying to do, BUT this year has been a bummer. We had a very long extra cold spell 2 years ago and this last year it got warm, everything started leafing out, then it froze again, and it has been super hot since the middle of May and no rain to speak of. Everyone is on rationed water and they want us to only water 3 times a week in July and August, so a lot of my flowers have dried up. I also lost my Reywood Ash tree. The tree guy said it was due to that deep freeze from 2 years ago, along with the warming and freezing early this year.

I bought 2 new coneflowers and only 1 looks like "maybe" it will make it. The one I already had is blooming so that is a good thing. My Galardia and my Coreopsis look like they are dying, Petunias are not blooming as usual, and even the Lantana are not doing well. I have brown places on my little lawn and it "looks like hell"!! I also may have to replace the Dianthus, as it is all browned and not flowering like it usually does.

I may have to resod my lawn to look decent. It is only about 15 x 7 to 8 ft, so it isn't that expensive.....just time consuming along with a lot of water. My daylilys have short scapes and I lost a lot of buds that just dried up and dropped off. I am now watering more and changed out the drip system, so hopefully next year will be better.

I am depressed......can you tell?

All I had today was Late Rose and Zella Virginia

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Aug 3 and only have a few blooms today. The weather has been really weird and really hot! No rain for days, just a lot of wind as the storms blow on by.
Kind of like the rest of the country I guess.

Blueberry Blush - I really love this one.
Late Rose (actually 3 blooms but the other one was on the other side.)
Zella Virginia (5 blooms)

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Here it is August 5, and have 5 blooms!

Trimmed in Gold
Venice is Sinking
Late Rose
Pardon Me
Zella Virginia

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Only 2 today....Sunrise Sunset Beautiful and a misshapen Pony!

I still have buds, so hopefully I'll have some more in a few days.

Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le
Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Just 2 today also. Very hot. The weatherman said 92 degrees, but my thermometer said 102.

Poor Zella Virginia shows it! This morning it was just opening up, and at 3:45 this is what she looked like.

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Your pics look nice, though you can tell they are suffering from the heat. Too bad you couldn't use your waste water from baths/showers. Maybe you could put in a gray water system that uses reclaimed waste water for the gardens. Might be expensive in the short run, but could save you on water in the long run, and you wouldn't have to worry so much about watering restrictions.

Hope you get some rain really soon.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks Karen, but doing something like that is "against the rules" in this town, as your "dirty water might contaminate the aquifer!" We are supposed to have a backflow special valve on our sprinkler system. (I don't), but if and when I were to sell my home, I'd have to put one in. The valve is about $150 + a plumber. It has to be done by a licensed plumber too.

We have had a few rain showers, but not enough to do much good. I turned my water back on to every other day rather than 3 times a week (skipping 2 days), & then I give the pots and anything else looking droopy a fairly good watering.

Yes, the daylilys show it when they are too darn hot! This is all for today.....

Sunrise Sunset
Late Rose
Zella Virginia
Pardon Me

Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I wonder if there was a system that could be installed that would take the contaminants out of the waste water to make it clean enough that it would not harm the aquifer. Would probably be very expensive, though.

I took a bunch of pics of my late bloomers yesterday, but don't have time to post them now. Maybe tomorrow or Friday night.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Well, only two today. But, I did get a couple of pictures of the hummers!

Pardon Me - Triple
Hummingbird drinking
Hummingbird Just staying in place

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

August 10 and 2 blooms. I still have several buds on each plant though, so will have a few more at least. I don't see any "new" scapes for rebloom. Is it too early?

Late Rose
Zella Virginia....looks like it tried to double, but didn't quite make it!

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Here are my latest blooms....

Zella bloomed yesterday and again today and I still have some buds.

Pony (twin)
Late Rose (2)
Zella (2)
Just plain roses

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Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Nice pics l2le. Like the rose.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

I didn't think I had anything blooming today, and when I cam home from work I had 3!

Late Rose
Another one of Late the coloring on this picture!
A JP Rose
Old Fashioned Rose

The roses are for you Mike!

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

August 15 and Aug 16

Late Rose on August 15

Pardon Me 8/16/12
Late Rose 8/16/12

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Looks like they're petering out over there, just like here. Pretty much the only ones left blooming here are Swamp Yankee, August Flame, Challenger, Good-Bye Columbus, James River Rose, Autumn Minaret and a late blooming NOID orange.

Here are some pics of Good-Bye Columbus. The last shot of it is with a hardy hibiscus.


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Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Very nice Karen!!! Someone on here was asking about you the other day. They said they hadn't seen you on in awhile and wondered if you were alright.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oops! Forgot to mention that the second pic in that previous set was of a katydid on the bloom. Do you have them in NM, Linda? I don't recall if I ever saw them in NV or AZ when I lived there.

Here are some more pics. The first is the orange NOID. Next 2 are of Challenger. Last 2 are of James River Rose.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, hemlady. I'm fine, just really busy, and not spending as much time on the computer. Been spending more time going out, working, reading, and occasionally watching movies with my nephew.

Here's one more shot of JRR, and one of Autumn Minaret. Then there's one of August Flame and then Swamp Yankee.


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Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I really like James River Rose. How tall is its scape??

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

I like Challenger and August Flame!

No Karen, I don't remember ever seeing katydids here. Seems like we had them in Oregon though.....I don't remember.


Oh...nothing blooming today. I think mine are done! I saw one more bud on Late Rose. (That one COULD be CLASSIC ROSE) ???

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

James River Rose is 42" tall, though mine isn't that tall yet, as it's in a pot.

Linday, yours might be Classic Rose. When I looked up Late Rose on Tinkers I got nothing. Classic Rose looks like it has a creped texture and it does bloom late.

I would like to get one called Sandra Elizabeth, which is a very late blooming yellow, and will bloom into October here.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

YAY...I had a bloom today of Zella Virginia. I can't tell if it is a rebloom or not.
Also have a very pretty rose blooming.

Thanks Karen for the heads up. After looking at that creped texture, I don't think that is what it is. In fact it might be just one of his seedlings. Laura never thinks to ask about the daylily while she is there, and he has so many people coming and going that he doesn't remember which one she bought. Laura says she like surprises, so doesn't even label them for herself.

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

That rose is a pretty one. Nice soft color. Yay for Zella!


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

No daylily blooms today. BUT, there is a large bud on Late Rose and 2 more on Pardon Me. Eveybody else is tired out and done for the season Unless someone decides to REbloom!

I need to find some very late bloomers for my gardens.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I need to do the same. I do have some, but not enough.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, Sandra Elizabeth have a couple off springs that are not yellow and they are late also. Carmine Elizabeth and Scarlet Elizabeth.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, those are nice ones, Mike. Thanks for the tip! I will definitely be needing to get those now.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

I have another Late Rose today and still have 2 buds on Pardon Me. Amazing.....I'm going to do some searching for some late bloomers for sure.

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McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Very nice sibs of Sandra Elizabeth. Isn't it interesting that they are self crosses and not yellow? I had never heard of this DL website; thank you! Will definately be browsing it this winter...

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