Blooming Today New Mexico

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Those last ones you posted are really nice, especially APACHE WAR DANCE, WALTER'S TANGO and ELLEN CHRISTINE.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks Everyone. Karen I've very happy with Apache War Dance even though it is still new, it is putting out blooms. Same with Walter's Tango. It is still kind of spindly with I think 1 or 2 fans, but blooming its little heart out. Ellen Cristine has been there for 2 years, so hopefully she will do better now that the heat has cooled off a little. She did real well last year. And, my Frills and Fancies didn't make it through the awful weather either.

I love ALL of yours Karen. Now what? I especially like Wild Horses, Indian Giver, and Chicago Heather. BUT, I also love Smokey Mountain Autumn, Your Noid you call Salmon Run, Witch Stichery, Mojave Sunset, Pink Embers, Bright Sunset, My Girl, Cisty and that gorgeous Sunset Celebration. You pick and we'll exchange. I need to make sure I can give you good fans though. So after I check them tomorrow, I'll let you know. K?

I do like some of your more spindly spiders, but they would get torn up here in the wind. I have to put ones like those up against the block wall so they don't get ripped up, and I really don't have much room there.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, I never considered that the spiders would get torn up in the wind. We are pretty protected here, with trees all around, so the wind is not bad at our place. I can just imagine what it's like at your place. Are you in an open area? I just love NM. I have a sister who lives in Alaska and has a place in NM as well. She is in Sacramento, NM, up in the mountains. She's near Cloudcroft and Alamogordo.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Yes, Karen, I guess you could call my yard "open area". My back yard faces the northwest and there is nothing behind me but mesa with lots and lots of tumbleweeds, puncture vines (goat heads) and sand. I also am on a corner so when the wind blows, it blows my trees, my flowers, my deck chairs and anything else in its way. March, April & May are the worse time for the wind. Last night the wind blew through here at 54 MPH! There was a storm brewing over Albuquerque and then it blows on up here in Rio Rancho.

I have Hold Your Horses and those other tall ones like Regal Finale and Regal Air and Strutters Ball about 10 inches from the block wall between the Leylandi Cyprus trees. They seem to do fine right there, but my fence only goes about 45 feet, so unless I get rid of my roses, I don't have a "safe" place to put spiders. I like the UFO ones too.

I really like those hot pinks and flame sunset colored daylilys you have, but I wonder if their colors would fade in this sun. I'm at 5500 feet, so when the sun shines, it is loaded with rays!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, I forgot to mention that you could pick any of those ones you mention for a trade with the exception of Indian Giver and Wild Horses, as I don't have enough of those 2 yet. Indian Giver has been really slow to increase for me. Wild Horses I've only had a couple of years.

I'm quite familiar with the goat head thorns. I lived in Fallon, NV for about 10 years, and gardened there. Those thorns were horrid! Pulling them out of the gardens was terrible. Even wearing heavy leather gloves I would get my fingers stuck constantly. And they were always getting stuck on the bottoms of my sneakers, too. Oh, and the tumbleweeds were awful, too. I was allergic to them, and wherever they scratched my arms, the scratches would swell up, and I got a terrible allergy attack, with violent sneezing, stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes, scratchy throat; the works! Not fun.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, my suggestion is, "stay out of the weeds"! LOL!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I have heard that Virginia Creeper can cause allergic skin reactions. I have pulled a lot of it up in my yard bare handed and have not had a problem with it.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Karen...answer is yes on Ellen Christine, (I already have one fan spoken for on EC) Apache War Dance and MAYBE Walter's Tango. Lets wait for them to finish blooming. There is a small fan of Walter's Tango that is about 6" high and Ellen Christine has a few so I don't see too big of a problem there. It appears that Apache War Dance has an extra fan that looks healthy too.

I need to look at yours again to see which ones I want since Wild Horses and Indian Giver are not available. My Apache War Dance and Walter's Tango are from June 2011, so they are only 1 year old too. I almost bought Wild Horses a few weeks ago, but didn't. Oh well.

I have my regular daylilys that are blooming their heads off! One new one, Venice is Sinking and my Russian Rhapsody is finally starting to look more purple than burgandy. (I have to check the PH) Oodnadata bloomed its last this morning and it is not a rebloomer, just early, so it is finished this year. 5 blooms I hope it is the least this year.

I checked Zella Virginia this morning and there are 3 blooms with 16 more scapes loaded with buds!

Venice Is Sinking - 1st one
Russian Rhapsody - a little more purple, but not there yet.
Pardon Me - a triple
Zella Virginia - 16 more scapes and loads of buds
Oodnadata - last one

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Hemlady, I have not had a problem with Virginia creeper either, and I've pulled a lot of it up, too, though I'm usually wearing gloves. I've touched it barehanded many times, though, and never had a reaction. Poison ivy, on the other hand.....

Oh, Cindy, I like Venice Is Sinking. Nice color on that one. My RR looks more burgundy than purple, usually. That's a lot of scapes on Zella! I bought that one last year, so it's still small.

Personally, I would rather wait till Sept. to do any trading, as that's a better time for me to plant. If you'd like your in Oct., then I can certainly send them then. It's really too hot to be planting anything now. I just got a shipment from Blueridge Daylilies. I had ordered from them back in Jan., and somehow my order slipped through the cracks. I contacted Bob, and he told me there had been a death in the family, and that my order turned out to have gotten mixed up with some other things. Anyhow, I should have asked him to wait till Sept. to ship, but didn't think about it till too late. Oh, well.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the compliment Karen......from LINDA!

I'm still looking at your lilys to see which ones we can trade. If I have more than 3, can I buy the others from you? I've spent the day digging up the end of my tear drop garden to make homes for them. I too have some lilies coming from Bob in NC, but not for a few weeks at least. AND I traded with 2 others, so have 5 more there.

Yes Karen, September would be good. I'll be on a family trip to BlueRidge GA Sep 19 through the 24th, so do you want to trade at the beginning of the month?

I need to get whatever lilys I have coming, into the ground around the 1st or 2nd week of September so they can get a start before any freezes. Here in NM, one never knows and with the screwy weather we have been having, it could be another 10" snow storm at the beginning of October like last year!


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, Linda, the beginning of Sept. is fine for trading. You can buy some from me as well. D-mail me your email and I'll send you a price list of my available cultivars.

Did I mention I made over $200 selling daylilies this past weekend? Just put my signs up and people stopped. I love it when people come to my gardens and oooooh and aaaaah over my daylilies. And I love making a little extra money on them, too!

October is way too soon for snow! Are you at a high elevation? We don't normally get snow till Dec., but it has been known to snow in late Nov. It did last year, but overall we had a very mild winter with little snow.


McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Do you dig fresh for each customer? I would guess you would have to have the ones for sale lined out so they could be dug easily?

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Great Karen, Beginning of September it is. I'll dl my e-mail.

I'm so glad you were able to sell some of your beautiful babies and make a little cash! A lot of work, but satisfying too.

Remember the one I had marked Peach Double???? It is PINK DOUBLE BITONE.
I'll attach another picture.

Same ones are blooming today as yesterday and Zella popped up with 6 BLOOMS today! Now I can say I have a Clump!

I just got Mystical Sunshine, Elsie Spalding & Pirates Patch on a trade, and I also received an order for So Lovely (3), Canadian Border Patrol (2), El Desperado and Moonlit Masquerade as a bonus. The first three are in pots and the other 7 are sitting in Rooting solution & will get planted tomorrow, or potted....Depends on if I get the bed for them completed or not.

When you pot a daylily, do you put a saucer under it? OR just let it drain? I've never done one in a pot, so don't really know the answer.

Bi-Tone Pink Double
Zella Virginia
Another pair of Walter's Tango - Just for Karen!

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, I do dig fresh for each customer, and no, I don't have them lined out. I just dig from the clump. Some clumps are tough to get divisions from without digging out the whole thing. Others are not so bad. Then I have to give those disturbed clumps a good watering. That's the biggest downside. I tell my customers to soak in water for an hour or overnight before planting, and to make sure they get plenty of water for their first growing season. I also tell them to trim back the foliage, and also to cut back the scapes as well, if they can part with the flowers from this season. Most people want to enjoy them, though, and I can relate. Gives them a better chance to get established if they can put all their energy into producing roots rather than flowers. I definitely tell them to take off any seed pods.

Linda, when I pot daylilies I just let them drain. This year I have been using a mix of Miracle Grow with aged cow manure, and it's working out really well. Then I switched recently to a Miracle Grow imitation, which seems to be just as good, also mixed with the manure. The manure is really fine, and it works great as a mulch/slash fertilizer in my beds - that is if I have time to even spread it.

Nice pics of all three daylilies, btw.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Yesterday was all abloom with daylilys and I find it amazing that they look a little bit different each time they bloom....not all of them, but some of them.

I have the same ones blooming as before, but they are nice shots, so I'll go ahead and bore you all with repeats.

These were on 7/21

BiTone Pink Double
Sparks Cool Mountain Mist
Walters Tango - This picture is for you Karen!
Lana Ishee
Baby Boomer

More to follow

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

And some more from 7/21/12

Sunrise Sunset Beautiful
Blueberry Blush - my NOID doesn't look anything like this. I like this one!
Late Rose - 1st bloom
Cee Cee
Zella Virginia (4 of them)

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

The first 2 are from 7/21 and the rest are from today.

Joan Senior

Strutters Ball
BiTone Pink Double

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Here are some more from today.

Russian Rhapsody is actually a little more purple than this picture shows.
Cee Cee
Pardon Me
Zella Virginia

I also have a single on Joan Senior, but the flower is misshapen so won't post it.

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Riverview, MI(Zone 6a)

l2le, Doubly Delicious is a very pretty color. I may have to look into getting that one into my garden :)

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks rherma. I only got 1 bloom on that Doubly Delicious this year, but it is a new plant from August 2011, so I really was surprised it bloomed at all.

Empire Strikes Back
Late Rose

The only new ones today, but a nice clump of

Zella Virginia
Walters Tango - triple again

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for posting more pics of WALTER'S TANGO. I must get that one! I love BABY BOOMER, too. I also like CEE CEE and GUADALAJARA and awful lot, too. Can you tell I like those hot colors?


springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

l2le do you have any pictures of your garden? The way you landscaped it or whatever, like whole bed shots? If so I'd love to see them!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Frilly Lily you don't want to see my yard....believe me. It is all gravel and I just dug up dirt and put down some concrete blocks to square out the area and fixed the soil and stuck the daylilys in the ground! Trees dying and even my little flower spot where I have gallardia, artemesia, some kind of sage, and where I plant annuals like petunias etc looks really straggly this year too.

Genna, you asked about the mushroom compost and I asked one of the ladys at the nursery I go to and she said mushroom compost has a lot of salts in it. I don't know for sure if that is the problem with it or not, or if it is because it has chicken manure in it. I missed the local daylily meeting Saturday (I thought it was a Friday) so didn't get to ask the question.

Yes Karen.....I KNOW you like the hot colors. I do too.
These are from today 7/24...only 1 new one...
Pony, another Walter's Tango and a real pretty Ellen Christine. You have seen the rest of them.

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Nice, Linda! I've been posting more pics over at the Northeast Forums, so if you want to check them out, here's a new link:


springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

LOL I understand, my place isn't looking much better right now either... even my iris look like they are dying.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

No, I mean I guess I don't have the "eye" for a "pretty" yard. I called a local here who is supposed to be tops as a designer and he kept asking me "what do you want to do" and I told him I wanted an oasis and a softer look. He kept telling me he could tear everything out and redo, blah ,blah, but he wanted over $1500 to even make a sketch or make any suggestion! I told him I got my hours at work cut to 20 so couldn't possibly afford that, so then he said...."well you didn't have to drive 25 miles to find out you didn't have the job either". I escorted him to the door and told him to have good day. By the way, I drive 22 miles to work! LOL

My lot is only a little less than 1/4 acre and is all sand & caliche. I had to put down landscape fabric and gravel to keep out the tumbleweeds and other various & sundry weeds. And like I said, things are dying due to lack of water and the crazy weather since last year. Last year everything looked really nice. Not so this year!

If I had a place with at least 1/2 acre, I know I could do something really nice with it.
Here is a picture of my "flower" garden from 2010 before my yard flooded from a monsoon, so you can get an idea...

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springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

well if heat and lack of water are obstacles for you, I would look into doing more hardscaping and less with actual plants. I think you could use a pergola (I think that is what they are called)
some chairs painted colorful and put the pots on them. Maybe a small water feature like the ones that go in the ground and the water looks like it is coming up out of a pile of rocks. Can you grow sages or artemisias there? You can buy all kinds of colors and textures of sages. I would also add a swing or bench of some kind. Maybe you could dress it up some without tearing the place up, spending alot, or using a lot of plants that take too much water. I am in the same boat, that is what I asked to see pics, cause I will be putting together a yard in the next year or so. We hope to start building on our house this fall. It is very hot and dry here and the wind is horrid. It is not a pleasant place to live garden-wise.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Nictle garden anyway.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I agree!!! Your gardens are lovely.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thank you everyone! When everything is blooming right and is vigorously growing it really is quite nice. I have a couple of lattice close to the covered porch in back with Trumpet vine and Clematis growing. My ash tree that is located in the center of my teardrop area died, so has to be taken out and something else planted there. It was a really nice shade tree up until this year. I have a Japanese Pagoda tree in the corner behind those pots & left over pieces of concrete blocks that does well. I have some iris and a few gladiolous planted there. I'd like hosta, but I have crocus and Hyacinth that come up early early in the year, so don't want the hosta to take over. I have a mimosa tree to the right of those planters too.

I have a lot of flagstone areas and an area with tumbled pavers under the mimosa. I had planned on a bench over there and also planned on a small waterfall with rocks. I even have some rocks with holes in them so it is all natural looking. I just haven't decided where it should go for the most enjoyment.

I have a 17 x 8' covered porch off my living room that right now is loaded up with 2 Adirondack chairs that I of cedar and one of redwood., a small wrought iron table & 4 chairs, my Weber grill, a stationary bike, my rowing machine and a whole bunch of garden stuff that I have out to work with in making my lily beds. The house inside is a little under the weather right now, because I'd rather be outside in the yard! So there you have it. Perhaps ya'all will be able to come up with a moniker for me! LOL

As for lilys blooming today, nothing "new", but Ida's Magic, another trio of Walter's Tango, a Bi-tone Pink Double, Venice is Sinking, Sunrise Sunset Beautiful, Cee Cee, Pardon Me (4), Zella Virginia (6), Papillon and 2 Ellen Christine.


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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

And here is CeeCee, a Quad of Pardon Me, A nice 6 of Zella Virginia, Papillon and the twin Ellen Christine

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, your gardens in 2010 looked really nice. Too bad you're having such a bad year. My gardens have been looking pretty decent this year, though there are some areas where I just can't keep up with the weeds. It's tough when you have as many gardens as I do (I have 1.23 acres, and a ton of gardens!) and you work 60 hrs a wk.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

I decided to post a couple of other pictures before the flood in August 2010.

This is in May 28 2010.

1) Japanese Pagoda on the left, Mimosa to the right. Shadow is from the Staghorn Sumac on the left and my trellis to the right.

2) Back side of the house next to my covered porch with a struggling white Butterfly Bush and some Siberian Iris

3) My "tear drop" garden area where my Rayford Ash used to shade with Mexican Primrose, Fulve ?, Artemesia, Blue Knight, some Gladioli(and hail)

4) A Dahlia planted by the fence. Too hot here for the sun on them.

5) The Perenial/Annual area with the Dianthus and all AND the hail!

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springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I think your yard is nice and I wouldn't re-do a thing! I especially envy your grass!
Maybe next year it will perk up and look like it did in the past. I love that dahlia btw

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks. That grass doesn't look like that today for sure! 3 spots where it is all wheat colored and dried out. I water it faithfully with Automatic sprinklers, so don't know what the problem is. I used to have a square lawn 15 x 16 feet when I had my little dogs. Then after they were gone, I dug up half of it and planted that perennial/annual bed.

The only bloom you get today from my yard is Blueberry Blush.
Thank god it has been raining off and on for the past hour, but not much sun (it is overcast) so this is the only one I have, except for Zella Virginia that is blooming all over, another of Papillon, one of Cee Cee and 1 of Ellen Christine with 1 more of Joan Senior.

Blueberry Blush is the only one that looks really nice today. It is not nearly as pink as this picture shows, but the morning sun was shining right on it so it looks more pinky.

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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I love the bed with all the dianthus. Those are so pretty!

That BLUEBERRY BLUSH is gorgeous! I have one called BLUEBERRY BREAKFAST, and bought one this year called BLUEBERRY CREAM SWIRLS. Here's a couple pics of B BREAKFAST.


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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks Karen, I am attaching a better picture that doesn't look so pink.

That BLUEBERRY BREAKFAST is really nice.

Have any of you seen this "new" one from Bob Selman? I love it.


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Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

THINGAMABOB is really nice.

Thanks for showing that pic BLUEBERRY BLUSH with more true color. Sure is a pretty one.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Here are my blooms from today. All have kind of slowed down a bit. I can't wait for the rebloomers!

Walter's Tango
Sunrise Sunset Beautiful
Cee Cee
Zella Virginia

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

AND a weird picture of Pardon Me and a pic of Ellen Christine

Somehow I centered in on the large PINK one....Not it's color at all!

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