Blooming Today New Mexico

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Here it is August 21st and I have 1 Pardon Me.

Also a pic of my 2 year old Rose of Sharon BOULE de FEU! Loaded with flowers

Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Ooooh! Love the ROS! Very nice!


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I do too. Lovely color!!!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

We have a local nursery in Albuquerque that has been there for a very long time. One of the gals "SAM" is very helpful if you ask a question, and I told her where I wanted to plant it, etc. etc. and she suggested this one. Neither one of us know how the heck to pronouce the name though! LOL

About a week ago, I went to check it to see if it needed water, and the buds were covered with some kind of tiny little black bug. Could have been mites I guess. Anyway, I sprayed it well with a hard stream of water, then sprayed on some Malathion. 3 days later the blooms started showing off. My HUGE purple and pink ones in the back yard don't have any bugs and bloom and bloom and bloom.
Actually, they make a mess with the dropping flowers. BUT, I love them as they are so very pretty.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Hmmm.... wonder what those bugs could have been. Glad they're gone.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

very behind on catching up on all the threads!! So many beautiful blooms! I love that Walters Tango and I love that Rose of Sharon that you have .... beautiful color!!

I love the layout of your yard as well... hopefully it will recover nicely from the rough summer! I have lost several plants here due to the drought as well...I water but it isn't the same. Thankfully for the past month we have had several rains off and on and things are doing much better!

Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks Genna,

The layout of my yard is starting to leave a little to be desired. I want MORE daylilys, so then I have to either remove something or dig up some of the gravel and make a bed and now, I'm running out of room.

I think I will have to just be happy with what I have and NOT get any more daylilys for awhile. I've been watering faithfully, which has made a difference. We may actually get some rain this weekend. I do miss the rains I used to get in Oregon, or Connecticut or Florida. Everything was so green. Sigh

Walters Tango is a beauty isn't it? Some of the blooms were better than others, but it is it's first year, so hopefully next year will be even nicer. I have a bunch of new babies to coddle and baby this spring. Walter's Tango had 19 blooms total!

I bought a few mums this week for my little perrenial garden from Lowes for $2.50 each and moved 3 Dusty Millers from that area so that nothing misses the sun and the water. Hopefully that will help that area too.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Would love to get some mums, but can't justify spending money on plants that will die over the winter. I so want to put in an order for hostas with NH Hostas. Will have to see if I can afford it. If I order $75 or more, then shipping is free.


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Cushion mums are suppose to be hardy,you mean they aren't where you are? Football types aren't hardy here either ,but I have lots of cushion type that have done okay year after year. This is really suppose to be a zone 5 only it is more like 6a-6b.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

The hardy mums that are for sale now are hardy for this area, but generally only if planted in the spring. Sometimes you'll get lucky and have some fall planted ones winter over, but not usually. I could always try wintering some over in our enclosed porch.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Here in zone 7b, the mums I purchased are perrenial. I only get Lantana or Verbenas and some Petunias and some other little annuals in the spring. I have been using perrenials as much as I can.

This year, one of the Zinnias popped up and it is a really pretty hot pink. I'm glad it is the one that came back. I do have to watch out for the Portulaca though as it tries to make new plants between the flagstones!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

That zinnia probably came from seed. I love portulacas, and wouldn't mind them coming up in random places. They are just so pretty.

Last winter I brought in a pot of Lantana and a white Salvia, and they did really well. I'll do that again this year. Well, that is if I have room on our porch. I have so many tropicals to overwinter now, it might be too crowded in there, and I think my sister will have a lot of objections.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I2le is the lantana not hardy for you? It is hardy for us here in south arkansas........ some of the verbenas are and some are annuals. I have some hardy pink verbena that a friend shared with me that is very hardy. It is one of the ones that is low to the ground....probably only grows about 6" -7" high..... At one point I had some of the purple that was supposed to be hardy but I lost it.....

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Genna, I've never had the Lantana come back for me. I usually buy them as "annuals" though, and I've never looked for perennial Lantana. I love the red, the white and the purple ones. I usually plant some in the little bed and plop a few in a container so that they drape. I like to do that with Verbena too. The Verbena has never come back either, but again.....I have never looked for Perennial Verbena. Maybe I will look for it when the nurseries stock up again.

Yes, I like the ones that are low growers too.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I would be happy to send you a start of this pink verbena if you want to try it....... I used to be listed as 7b zone so it should survive for you. I think i could dig some starts and just send in a padded envelope.....not sure they would make it, but we could try. just let me know if you are interested in trying it.

I don't think the red lantana is hardy here either - but not sure about that........ I KNOW that the yellow is hardy here.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks Genna! That sounds great. We usually get our first frost here in October, but we really never know when for sure.

It is supposed to be in the mid 80's all week this week, with lows only at 52-55 degrees, so it looks like a while before fall.

I'll be on vacation until September 25, so I will D-L you and give you my address. Thanks a bunch!


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

NO blooms today, but I have AARON'S LITTLE WHOPPER with 2 scapes with lots of buds!

When they bloom (hopefully before a freeze) I'll post the pics. Until then.....just drool a little. OK?

No other daylilys have scapes to bloom and no prolifs or anything....Just this one daylily.

Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Nice!I hope it blooms for you.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Still drooling! LOL!!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Just keep on drooling.....I checked it tonight and it looks like 20-25 buds on it! It will be awhile before it blooms though. One might make it this coming week.....I'll keep watching it for sure. ALW was one I got free from Bob S at BlueRidge August 2011 and had only 1 bloom on June 19, 2012.

All of you keep praying for it to bloom before frosts! K? Thanks


(had to correct Bob S)

This message was edited Oct 2, 2012 5:56 PM

Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yup, will keep praying that it will bloom before frost. Keeping fingers and toes crossed.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, LOL!!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Karen, I used to tell my kids to cross their toes, their fingers, their legs and their arms and they would start giggling.

All good, until I caught my 3 year old trying to physically cross his toes! LOL


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Linda, the only thing you left out was the eyes. LOL!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL! at both of you!


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Still waiting on SUNDAYS WITH VERNON to bloom its last bud on the rebloom scape.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)


AARON's LITTLE WHOPPER looks like it will make it before frost!

I have one large bud ready to open. I'm all giggles & grins.....

Linda in New Mexico

Thumbnail by l2le
Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Here is my AARON'S LITTLE WHOPPER reblooming! It started to open up on the 7th, so I took 2 pictures, then today, it was fully open, so I took 2 more. The Bud (above) is from 10/6.


Lots more buds too.

Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

BU!! ^_^

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yay! Congrats!


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow - blooming in October! Now that is amazing!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

My AARON'S LITTE WHOPPER actually opened up 2 blooms today as it is a little warmer. It wasn't opening all the way due to the cooler air. AND either a bird or the wind knocked off a couple of buds too. Darn it.

Anyway, here are twins!


Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, nice! Looking good!


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