finally a couple Blooms in the Basement

Hamilton, OH

Finally I have one Bloom, the other Bud should be open, either tommorrow or Sunday


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

Here's the Bud on Miss B. Havin, I am so glad I have this Brug


Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

She is beautiful. I still have not been able to get her going here.. you are amazing with your brugs.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth grows beautiful brugs, here is her previous thread to view her beautys..

This message was edited Mar 6, 2012 8:32 PM

Brownstown, IN

So pretty Elizabeth!!!

Hamilton, OH

Debra, Thank you, I am like you, we love our Brugs
Karen, Thank you, I can't wait to see our Brugs Bloom


Brownstown, IN

It wont be long now and we will all be out getting them in the ground!

It will be nice to play in the dirt again! :):):)

Hamilton, OH

it looks like we might soon, don't forget to set your clock ahead tommorrow night, Yippee, longer days, also by watching the weather
after tonight, the night time temps will be 35 degrees


Hamilton, OH

Well, it's just March 14th, but the weather outside is absolutely Beautiful, finally got some Brugs, moved up to the back Porch, next I can move to the GH
they look like they can sure use being outside, for some reason, a couple of them are really leafed out in the Basement, while others still look like Sticks
maybe it's the ones from really good stock


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

last year I tended my cuttings carefully and was waiting for the 'y' to form. Well, my only surviver is the big tall one that has new little growths all up and down the stem. It went outside today to enjoy the fresh air and 79* weather.
Is it time to begin the feedings?

Hamilton, OH

I am glad you had at least one survive, I also put some Brugs outside, our temps today was 81, tommorrow it will be about the same
with the night time 55 degrees, it is time to start Feeding them, Tuesday is the First day of Spring, have a good Evening


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

;-D thanks Elizabeth. I feel so bad that so many were lost, don't know what I did wrong

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Birdie you are not alone, I have grown Brugs for years, last year I had heart attache and my children convinced me to get rid of them as they were a lot of work, ( I had 97) well I MISS THEM so I tried starting more with cuttings, and seeds and each one have failed, and I have no idea why, I have 5 that survived including one that was named for me, but I need more cuttings, or buy some plants. I just can't give them up.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

The biggest Brug killer in winter is a combination of cold temperatures and wet soil. This is the perfect breeding ground for the fungus that causes root rot. Brugs do better with a little benign neglect. I always seem to lose the ones I baby too much.

During winter dormancy, it is import that the root systems are strong and healthy. The energy stored in the roots is what is going to keep the plant alive during dormancy. Cuttings that were started late fall or early winter don't have much of a root system so the mortality rate can be high. The best thing to do with newly rooted cuttings is to keep them growing during their first winter. Provide temperatures over 50ºF. 50ºF should be the minimum temperature. Fertilize lightly and keep them under light to get good strong stems. You still have to keep the cuttings on the dryish side of moist because it is still possible to get root rot. Warmer room temperatures help against this.

Of course, you can go beyond benign neglect. I did that last year and the result was the loss of over 75 Brugs.

I started having a variety of health problems early August, 2010 that required hospitalization and couldn't care for my plants. I was able to talk the gentleman who helps me with the ranch to water my Brugs for me, but he couldn't do it often enough to keep many from dying. During one of those hospital stays I injured my back for which I had to have surgery late May, 2011. Because of a rare genetic problem, I have to avoid most pain killers and I ended up back in the hospital several more times this past summer. I mention this because it has a direct baring on the loss of over 75 Brugs. This was a bit too much neglect. What makes it more painful is that I bought them all. I'm out several thousand dollars worth of Brugs.

The loss this past summer actually had its beginnings last winter. We had a near record cold winter for this part of Texas. We had a rolling blackout early, early one morning. By the time I discovered the blackout, the temperature in the greenhouse had dropped to below freezing, probably for several hours. This is what my Brug looked like last March. All the Brugs along the outside edge died but most of the others came back. Because I couldn't care for them properly, they started summer in a weakened condition. Then in the summer, the combination of a record drought, hot weather and lack of humidity, my Brugs went into summer dormancy. Most lost all their leaves and branches. When it was all over and I counted up my losses, I had lost over 75. I overwintered a few that appeared to have some living roots. When I pull them outside later this month, I will have to check the roots again because so far only one of those has sent out new growth.

My back has recovered although I will have to rely on help to move the pots for me, but I will be able to go out and water and fertilize the survivors by myself. I mourn the Brugs I lost especially since many favorites were among those lost. The survivors are truly tough.

Thumbnail by bettydee Thumbnail by bettydee
Brownstown, IN

Hi Bettydee,
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of almost all of your Brugs and all of the health problems you have had to go through, Im so glad that your back is alot better now!

If you will send me your address I will be glad to send you some cuttings when I get mine out and growing.
Best Wishes,

Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon
I am sorry you have health Problems, also that you have lost your Brugs, here's whats Blooming now my Peach Tree


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

the Quince, I sure hope we're done with cold weather


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH


Thumbnail by plantlover49
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I hope you are in good health yourself. I love the tulips! We don't get enough cold for me to have tulips here. We didn't get a late frost this year so it looks like I'll see some peaches and plums on my trees. Now if I can just talk the squirrels into letting me have a few when they ripen. LOL.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Well darn it, I just lost three of my new brugs to weather, I put them outside yesterday when they said we would get rain, and I was going out for the day, that rain turned into a mighty storm with LARGE hail that even closed the Interstate for an hour. and it shredded those brugs to pieces and smashed the pots, now the temps are down in the low 50s

Hamilton, OH

yes, I am in good Health, Thank you for asking, it's always good to have fresh fruit


Hamilton, OH

I am sorry to hear that, I hope you didn't lose them all


Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you Elizabeth, I left my two important ones in the house so they are OK, will need to watch for some being sold.

Hamilton, OH

I am so Glad, you still have the important ones, Yippee, I think the weather is going to be fine, for the Brugs, I got some clippings
& a couple Brugs in the ground today


Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Gosh I sure hope you don't get the freeze they say we are going to get this weekend.

Hamilton, OH

where I have them planted, they're protected, all I have to do is throw a sheet over them, I will watch the weather reports, usually I
have them all planted by April 1st, for the last 4 years


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Up this fence line is where I'm planting my brugs and my critters are usually close by..
I have iris blooming in the meantime.....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

Looking good there, Love the Iris, Tommorrow, I will have to take Photo's of my Critters, I have found a new use for my GH, now that the Brugs, are in the Ground, I ran out of Space, so I just potted some up in Bigger Pots.
BTW, it's good to see you post


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I've not forgotten you my friend.....
I have a brug bud formed and skirt is showing but no color and of coarse NOID, I could boot my rump sometimes. losing tags but I know it will be beautiful. It has several blooms on it....
Love you all.
Blessed Easter to you all......

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey girls, Here is first bloom. Lost tag. (again)

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Debra, how are you doing?? Storm didn't hit did it????
Thank you dear....

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Where is everyone????

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

Pretty Brug, I am right here, I also have some photo's of my Critter's, also I have been busy, getting new Carpet, I also have been up at the Hospital
it's not me this time, it's my MIL, she is having a really rough time right now.
well here are some photo's, this is the Baby Rabbit, that I saved, the next photo is of the other one


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

The other Rabbit, These little fellows are Wild

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

These Chickens, Geese & Ducks are in the GH, they love it, This one is my only Rooster


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

Geese, & Ducks

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

The biggest Goose

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

These are still to small to go into the GH, they are Bantams & Chickens that lay Easter Egg colored Eggs


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I just came in from sitting out brugs. WWhheewwww!! I did get warm. If they all bloom, it is going to be heavenly....
Look at all your baby's. i love it. Did you inherit the chicks from the grand kids????
Sure has been quiet over here. folks must be out in the gardens...

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