Athens, PA


I did not get anything out of my Jacob Cline either when I was trying to get seed, however I did in my tall native monarda. Not sure if Jacob Cline disperses seed early or not. I do think mine has increased by runners.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Susie, got your message. No problem. I'm headed to the po tomorrow! Packing the seed stuffed goodie box up now =) too bad there aren't strrrrrrrretch boxes lol. It's quite full.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok ty sorry for the confusion & hope Now after the holidays hope we can get him straightened out . its crazy here this morning so back later today .


brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Amanda - no blood, just blisters - and I didnt know it until I was done ;) Its all good.

Anita - I will clean some JP and send it to you soon. Mine get about 10-12 feet tall.. :) Hope they do as well for you. If the seeds end up not working out for some reason, I can send you some roots in the spring...I may even be able to do it now. Its been warm enough that I dont think the ground is frozen.

Carolyn, my Jacob Cline - I can feel the seed in the bottom - and if I rip apart each one, I can get a seed. Which is why I thought about the coffee grinder. I will give it a try.

I was going through all my seed last night. My DH made a comment that it will be my job to "re-flower" the world in a year. LOL! I said, well, maybe that is my purpose in life :)
I really need to find an EASY way to store my seed. I keep changing my mind - rearranging - I WILL find a way that will make me happy....someday. I also need to remember not to completely rely on my mother's memory anymore. I am gaining flower/seed knowledge just as fast as she is losing it. Maybe I am stealing it from her. I do know I have about 10 or so baggies of seed that I have NO clue what they are...seedsite here I come. :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

all my unknown seeds are out in their own little BED that way if they come up & Bloom then i will ID Them & save the seeds .
I planted them in their own bed just in case there is something the is unwanted in them :)

today i hope to start some seeds this afternoon it is rainy here today & That tells me it will be a good day to play inside.
well washer shut off so ya all have a great day .

Pam you should get the robin about TUESDAY .

Athens, PA


I am wondering if perhaps I got to my JC too late and the seed had all dispersed....

I do love monarda. I finally broke down and ordered some online. I had been looking for white monarda for so long. I had it once years ago and loved it. It is rather an elusive color for monarda....

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Didnt know it came in white...hmm...might have to add that one to the list :)

Athens, PA


It was on my list for quite some time. I finally broke down and ordered it....

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Minne, I would love some Joe Pye. I can send a sase if you dmail your address.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Amanda ~ I found a new, easier way to do coneflower!! Good thing too, I found more (Green Envy). Started with 6 flower heads and got MORE seed from those than I did the purple with double the flower heads. Lovin the Green Envy for seed! Hope it comes true from seed.
Here are some pics of my process - in case anyone else is interested too.

I will send anyone joepye who wants it. SASE is fine. Im in the trade tracker. Dmail me if you cant find me.

First step was to take the seed head and 'mash' it in the sifter

Thumbnail by minnesippi
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

then once I had all the seed heads empty, I poured them all into the sifter and tapped it onto the cookie sheet. Little at a time and picked up the seeds and put them in a dixie cup, pushing the chaf to the side

Thumbnail by minnesippi
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

And from 6 flower heads, I got a 2x2 baggie full :)

Thumbnail by minnesippi
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


You're a peach for giving us the blow by blow with pictures to illustrate. I guess I just need more sifters/colanders of various sizes. I was a little perplexed with my Verbena bonariensis, for example, but I used a metal tea infuser for those tiny seeds. ha ha

Have a good night.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Ok I would like everyone to Look over the route that is post at top for the robins
if someone has a printer & can add the new list to the old list I Would appreciate it .

Right now both robins are in the east

cris316 Has the Robin that STARTED IN THE WEST So she DOSE NOT ADD a Towel for the TOWEL in there is for me " FROM ANITA" CRIS will send to WIND

WIND-- Just Sent the EAST Robin out to PFG & Should have added a Towel to this robin

If your Not sure you have the east or west robin Look at the top of this thread or call me i have my PHONE # In the robin . But Just check where it started from

well i have a chest cold & Can hardly sit up today so off to lay back will try to get back on later today .


Athens, PA

Susie -

Robin looks good to me. I was concerned about getting the Robin too close together, but now I don't think that will happen.

Feel better soon. I just got over that at Christmas....


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks so much for your hard work on this Susie - I have really enjoyed it and sorry for being such a slug keeping the east robin from the west for so long. You gals out west are really on the ball! :)

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Thank you Susie, this is the first time I have really known where the robins were at in weeks. It is really easy to get confused when there is two, I totally get why you don't want to do that anymore.
I hope you feel better really soon. My prayers are with you dear.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thank you all sorry if i sound confused also but we had one that is no longer with Dg & I Stated you have to be a member to receive the robin so please check your Subscription. :)

& Then there was one on a vacation so had to reroute & There were not as many on the west coast for the robin as in the east. but it will work out .

My brother took me to the ER I Have a Brochial pneumonia so i have got to stay out away from daddy for a few days & so if i do not get on much forgive me , I think i have it back in order for everyone if not please LMK . will check back in here in the morning . GOOD NITE ALL

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Susie, rest and get better. Happy new year everyone.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Susie, that is nothing to mess around with! Take it easy for a bit and get yourself healthy.
Happy 2012!

Concord, NH

were all praying for you!

Athens, PA


So true - pneumonia is not anything to monkey around with. Please do take care of yourself. Hopefully Jim can fill in for you with Daddy.

Please feel better and know you are in my prayers.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Susie, Sorry to hear you're so ill. Please take care of yourself.
Plenty of fluids along with the meds and bed rest so your lungs
don't have to work so hard. Hope you have a couple of good
books you can get lost in.

my prayers are with you,

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

AFTERNOON EVERYONE :) well my brother has me hooked up with all types of DVD's So I Don't get bored HAHA I Hate laying in Bed Doc wanted me to stay in the hospital but no can do ,so i will try to behave when there are things to be done But I Trust Jim Can take care of it &He has threadened me & is MUCH Bigger then I So
I Will stay in bed & Watch movies he is do ok caring for daddy Plus me He cooks & Brings me My Soup's :)
we don't want daddy getting sick so I will stay out here.

it hurts allot to sit up But I See you all Are wishing me well & I Hope it works soon.

Winnetka, CA

Susie, it's nice to hear that your brother is taking care of you.... I echo what the others said... rest, rest and rest... you don't want to push it and end up back in the hospital. Enjoy some time to heal and get strong for spring! Nancy

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

get better soon Susie!

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Oh Susie I'm so sorry to hear you are sick. It sounds like your brother has everything under control...Please take care of yourself and get better soon!

Wind emailed me, I should have the robin any day now. I'll let you know as soon as it arrives. I'm very excited!


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Susie: GET WELL SOON! Hope you feel OK even sooner.

>> I've been frustrated with static cling and my giant gallon bag of symphotrichium pilosum/downy white aster. Wonder if I had some of that static guard spray . .

I read that you can reduce the static clin g inside a plastic by wiping the OUTSIDE with an anti-static dryer sheet. I never had one of those sheets to test with, but also never had seeds actually levitate enough to get OUT of a Ziploc. It's OK with me if they want to fly around inside it.


I agree with you that, picking out the seeds one by one always works. I have some plastic-tipped tweezers that make it go faster. Like you, I try to get seeds partly free from chaff first, to make them easdier to find. I was pulling tiny Salvia seeds out of a TON of chaff once, and found that shaking it around sharply on a shallow tray or dish, like panning for gold, would sometimes encourage more seeds to come out of hiding. I would go after the visible ones with my tweezer, like a hen pecking at bugs. Then do some more panning until some more seeds 'appeared".

By the way: having some tiny low-sided cup like the paper that goesaround a muffin (or a shallow small bowl) right in the big tray where I'm pecking for seeds makes it go much faster. As soon as I get mky tweezers on a seed, I can flip it into the cup and move to the next visible seed in a second or two. Surprisingly, that's much faster than lifting the tweezer up from the tray and moving it aside to some other container, to drop each seed.

Sometimes I use a business card or credit card as a shovel or scraper to move the chaff around and expose tiny seeds.

And if no one's watching, I blow chaff from one part of the tray to another with a puff of breath - and I just don't care if a cloud of chaff winds up on the kitchen floor or even on a rug. I have to vacuum before visitors anyway, why not make it worthwhile?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

corey wish i had the air to blow Since my Blood clot can't do that . Wonder if a fan or hair blower would work :)

hey everyone well Drs Office called early this morning & I Have Spent the WHOLE Day Up in the Hospital for Test Just got home to find Now they have to run another Ct scan only On My Pancreas tomorrow. I Feel & Look like well don't want to make you all sick Just Keep the T&P's Coming so i can get over this what ever it may be . ty all .

will try to get back when i can .

(Zone 7a)

Susie, glad to hear that you're prioritizing your health, with Big Brother to ply you with DVDs and threats as the situation may call for them. Hope you get lots of rest and recover soon.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Diana - Wind,
The package will be on its way to you tomorrow.
Would have liked to hand deliver it so had an excuse to go to
Christmas Tree shops lol


Athens, PA

Susie -

blood clot? Did you throw a pulmonary embolis? What are they doing about the clot? I know when I had pneumonia, I felt lousy enough as it was - but I didn't have the other problems, so you must really be feeling badly. I am sorry - I hope you feel better soon..

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

~ Get Well Wishes Susie ~ Make sure you get to know your dietitian. He or she will take good care of your nutrition needs under the circumstances.

Praying for you,

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Cris come on down anytime! The only Christmas Tree Shops I've been in was on Cape Cod MA. I can't believe we have them here.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Amanda - I found a worse seed to clean - Globe Thistle...YUK!! Gotta find a good way...

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I got the robin yesterday-- wow!!! I can't believe how stuffed it is! I only hope I can fit everything back in! Meanwhile, I sit with my iPad next to me looking up the ones I'm not sure of. Mostly I'm taking a few seeds of this and a few of that, just to be adventurous, but there are also special finds that I've been craving for ages. What riches!

Minne- I agree, globe thistle is a bear. I read about the paper bag method too late, where you put the stalks in upside down and the seeds just fall out- does that actually work?! I had already broken up all the seed heads and sat in front of the tv several nights in a row picking seeds out of the chaff, spreading the thistle bits all of the house no matter how hard I tried to be neat. Ugh!

I'll be ready to send the bird flying by this afternoon...


brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

no - the bag method hasnt worked for me with the thistle. I am using a spoon, pressing out (shooting out) the seed. lol..they are everywhere!

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I have noticed that Globe Thistle, Monarda, Tithonia, Echinacea, and other rounded seed heads release their seeds more freely, no matter the method you use to extract them, if you roll the well dried heads briskly between thumb and forefinger first, sort of the way you massage an orange on the counter to release the juices.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Thats how I started with the GT - but got tired of the pricklies in my just cuz, I lined them all up and started "smooshing" them with a spoon - rolling the back side of the spoon from the base of the "pod" toward the tip and POP - out the come. I will get more talented and use a rolling pin later :)

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