Brugs, before I dug them up

Hamilton, OH

that's just to to Cute, Love it, I wish we were allowed to have Chicks here, but not inside the city limits, I would love to have Chickens, Chicks
& Duck but no, there's an ordinance against it
Dee, she does love it, I thought about making them for sale, there's so many over at the Lake, I might have to go back there to get more, Girl
I tell you I have had one tough day, I had a drs, appointment today, changing drs, well my appointment was at 11:15, I finally got to see the dr.
then it was 1:09 when I got out of there, then I had to go shopping for Thanksgiving dinner, I did that, then I got home at 3:15, but I got a good deal on the Turkey, 57 cents a pound if you spent $25.00, so I got the Turkey, a Ham & cornish hens for those that don't like Turkey, so that's
what I am having, I got all of the things I needed for a total of $41.00 so I am all set, I am having my Dinner at 11: AM
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Just two of us, plus dogs. We are having chicken....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All just haven POT ROAST Here we had our big dinner with the families last saturday sorry bee MIA but daddy is not doing well
got to call his dr today . can't stay just wanted to let you all know i try to get in & read to what your all doing.
have a great thanksgiving .

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen wish we lived closer we could have gotten together, I will be with Bandit, , it's what my kids call INLAWS day. I don't mind realy.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I would visit you Doris.
Doris, I'm rooting you some brugs dear, don't give up on me. Harvest Treasure and Double peach.....

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Sounds great Charlene.
I was hoping to see posts from William, guess he got busy again.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

He is so busy. He will be in sometime. We got to be Patient and you know we aren't ☺

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes I know, I did get email from him so I know he is OK.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

It's just going to be me and DH this year.Everyone else is going to my daughters about 100 miles away.We just decided that we didn't want to travel, or have everyone in this year. :o(. Gonna make a turkey breast and trimmins' for DH.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)


The very names of thos Brugs rooting makes them sound beautiful 1


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, they are. The First one Doris gave me a start. The second was so pretty....Love the color.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is Double Peach.
This is Harvest Treasure.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

O.K. Ladies here is most Peoples idea of Thanksgiving Turkey
but I have a better idea, Second photos is my idea, of Thanksgiving Turkey, it's Cornish hens on a bed of Lettuce


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This is one of my Favorite meals anytime of the year Cornish Hens on a Bed of Lettuce with Peas & onions with soy sauce
I love it, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving day, my 3 DD's enjoyed it


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I've never taisted Cornish hens

ve never taisted cornish hens

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I love cornish hens!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

mmmmm me too!

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I finally got around to completing a list of the Brugs I lost this year. It has been a hard year both health wise and weather wise. All these were Brugs I bought. There 68 names on this list which doesn't include all the noids that lost their tags or whose tags faded. Additionally, I have about 10 empty pots whose roots are still alive and may return. It's getting too late to ship anything now, but I would gladly pay postage and for your time and effort in the spring. If I could have some of them replaced, I would be eternally grateful.

My back surgery will keep me from picking up heavy pots, but I'll be able to water and fertilize by myself so assuming the cuttings survive, I'll be able to give the cuttings a good home. I will have help when the pots need moving.

Thumbnail by bettydee
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Betty, what's the little red lines under some of the names? I have a couple of those....

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Charleen, The squiggly red line comes from Microsoft Word and means that Word doesn't recognize it as a real word or it isn't in the built-in dictionary. I could have gotten rid of the red lines by doing a spell check and instructed the application to ignore the spelling, but it was hard to do with a needy cat in my arms. So I ignored the lines. I checked the spelling visually.

I've gotten into the habit of writing my responses on Word. Then pasting them to the forum because quite often I lose everything I've typed when my internet service has a hissy fit which happens often since we have been in this drought.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

The reason I asked is, some of the ones with the red lines, I do have. So Let me know and I maybe can start you some.

Hamilton, OH

some of the ones you listed, I also have, it will be Spring before I can ship, today is the last day of our warm weather, starting Tuesday we will be getting cold, cold weather, to cold to ship anyway, but I'll be glad to help you out later, I am sorry that you lost so many


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Here too. Been cutting and weed eating like a mad woman.
We'll help you girl. You help us with information that is very much appreciated....

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Veronica, I would be honoured to share a Maya and a Kaitlyn with you.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Charleen, Debra and Elizabeth,

I would love to get cuttings from you in the spring. Just let me know how much the postage is. Thank you!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You got it,girlfriend.....
I sent you a c-mail listing what I have that you had listed.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen I thought the name of that brug you are rooting didn't sound right so I checked my records, that is Autum Treasure not Harvest Treasure *LOL* also sent you Golen Lady and Star Dancer.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, My gosh!!! Doris I am so forgetful. I sure didn't forget I got it from you and that is main thing. Love ya, dear friend....
I know I will love them

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


When your Star Dancer is large enough to take more cuttings from, would you send me a cutting? I lost my Star Dancer in January when we had a power outage and the greenhouse went below freezing for 6 hours. I didn't mention it because it is a rare to find Brug.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Bettydee if i had it I sure would share but when I had heart attack last year my daughter convinced me to get rid of all my plants. I have regreted it ever since, now I am trying to get some back.

Hamilton, OH

Good Evening Ladies
I had the best day ever, it was my MIL's Bday, so I took her, her favorite meal, that she taught me how to make, hmmm let me think, like 20+ years ago, anyway, she really enjoyed it, then I gave her, her Bday card & a nice throw, I love it when a plan comes together, I still can't believe that this year is almost over


Brownstown, IN

Bettydee, I also have some that are on your list and I will be happy to share with you this Spring.


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Karen, thank you for your offer. I will be happy to pay for postage and your time.

Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon Ladies
is everyone getting ready for Christmas? I am, I got all 3 of my trees decorated this afternoon, I hope they show up as nice in the photo's
here they are, this one is in the living room


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This one is in the T.V, room, by the electric fireplace


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This one is on the other side of the Living room, I like it the best


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Brownstown, IN

Elizabeth, your Christmas trees look beautiful!
You sure have been busy.
I have two that will be put up the big one that I let DH decorate and I have one with all angels on it.

Hamilton, OH

I bet your one with the angels on it is Beautiful, I bet Ray knows how to decorate, I couldn't imagine what mine looked like it if Roger decorated
it, but you know how it is, they know everything, I am so glad that the 8th of December, all my Christmas giving is done, oh BTW I have an angel for you, I have been keeping it just for you

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, your trees are beautiful! We will be putting ours up sometime this weekend.
Just to bring you all up to date on what's going on with Jerry.We finally heard back from the first dr., and he has also seen the neurologist. Both dr.s agree that they want further testing done, so we are heading to Indy, on Tuesday for that. We really like the neurologist.He is a get 'er done, kinda fella! He was missing one of the test results that was done while jerry was in the hospital, so he called and had it faxed over while we were there.Then, even tho the first dr. said that he would call us as soon as the appt. for Indy was set, the neurologist said I'll set it up now, and did. He also gave jerry the ok to start driving again..yippee!
Now, for more good news( even tho jerry won't even look at, here are the newest members of our family/ Look at those little faces. Aren't they adorable?!

Thumbnail by DeeS
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I couldn't just take one., I didn't want Sammie to be cold and lonely out in the garage. Sammie is on the left and Patrick (my GS named him), is on the right. And here is another cute baby

Thumbnail by DeeS

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