Brugs, before I dug them up

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Happy New Year to everyone! I too need to water my brugs and the plants in the game room. I'm exhausted. Glad I have some time to rest now.

Reminder of the sign up thread until Jan. 15 for the Sock, Sniff and Sip thread.
Mail out Jan, 31st.

Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon Everyone
well Miss B. Havin finally opened in the Basement, now I am waiting for the 3rd Skirt to drop, I haven't noticed any Scent yet, here she is

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

Here's my Gardening Helper, watching me do my watering, she keeps me company where ever I am at

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful!!! Elizabeth, so beautiful...

Hamilton, OH

Thank you, How have you been? Winter has set in here, it's nice to have anything Blooming, it has been snowing off & on for the last 2 days, I am glad it's not much
I'll be glad, when February is over, that's when I give my Brugs a diluted MG, also my Back porch is about ready to put the plants out there, I just got a new heater, the infared
kind, it will work just fine out there, well have a great night


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Just fine. Cold here today, got ice in my fountains. Brrrrrr.
Robert and his brother went to get some hay for longears, they just pulled in and the critters are hollaring. They are ready for their hay.
I want to take pictures.
Hugs and mule nuzzles.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi all,
Got my puter back yesterday and hAve sure missed you


Hamilton, OH

that's good to hear, Glad you're Back, How's your weather there? it's cold here & looks like rain is on it's way


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hi all. I really dislike this time of year. All my plants and brugs look so pitifull. This is when I wonder if
I have killed them all. lol I limit the watering when they are inside, but I know when I put them back out in the spring, they will bounce back. At least most of them. ^_^ My poor little stick brugs look so bad. There are so many leaves on the floor from them and my hibiscus, I need to clean them up. I would LOVE to have a greenhouse to keep them in during the winter instead of schleping them all in during the winter and out in the spring. It's on my "wish list".

Was in the 60's here Saturday and Sunday and the low 70's yesterday. The wind was blowing 30 mph but it was from the south. I went out and lifted canna and ee's that I had in pots on the deck. The ones in the ground do fine, but I didn't want to chance the ones in the pots. We haven't had any prolonged really cold weather yet, but I'm sure we will. 27* now and only going to be 40* today! UGH! Slowly warming back to the high 60's next weekend. If you don't like the weather in Oklahoma, just stick around a day and it will change. ^_^

Char .... give Charlie and the other longears an extra snuggle for me in your cold weather.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Sure will, mud and all....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

My small Brugs look like dried dead sticks mostly. But the double pink one that finand down the main 5' stalk and lly bloomed last fall is near my LR window. It has many new little leaves growing up aall 7 arms. There is one off shoot about midway up and then the top looks sort of like umbrella spines, LOL I just wanted to be sure this girl does not die over the winte. I k eep my heat set pretty low, m668 day & about 55*@ night. Am barly watering it and am afraid to cut anything.

Watcha think? Any suggestions?


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I noticed mine are starting to put out little leaves as well

Hamilton, OH

I would only cut any of them, if I wanted new starts, under the lights in the Basement, mine have lots of small leaves also, I use the daylight bulbs, they are so much brighter, sounds like
you have the right amount of heat
Crit, I like this time of year, gives me time to get all the house cleaned, so I can play in the yard, when the time comes, I also draw a print of where I want to put the Brugs, our weather is very
cold right now
Charlene, Charley is a Handsome Fellow, Hugs to you & the Mules


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, he got watered down today. We had a heavy rain go thru with hail. Glad it wasn't summertime. Leaves would have looked like theyed been hit by shotgun pellets. It sounded awful. Robert was driving home in it, said he was glad to get home, it was a heavy rain and hail...

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hope Charlie didn't get bopped on the head by a hailstone! ^_^

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I had this awful little building that stand in my way of seeing the carport where their hay is, I'm sure they went under it or into the cedar trees.... They were hollaring for breakfast so they made it, Their mouths did anyhow!!!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wish we had rain, or snow, or freezing ice , or anything wet..... such a dry winter I am watering with laundry water outside..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Those plants there look quite healthy. I beieve this is wettest winter we have had in a while....

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I am sure you would NOT want our ICE we were under Orange alert yesterday, my gararge door froze shut, and NO ONE could drive anywhere ice was covering everything, I hope it at least warms up and melts today I need to get prescriptions filled.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Sounds like you guys got hit hard. Anyone order brugs from Plants Delight? $22 what will I get?
I was curious how large they might be and if the would bloom this summer.

Teresa in KY

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I've ordered a few Brugs from Plants Delight. A bit pricy, but they were in excellent condition and healthy. I would wait until any danger of frost is over since they could freeze along the way unless you are willing to pay for heat packs if they are available. The only thing I ever have shipped this time of the year are hardy bare root trees and shrubs which have to go into the ground this month.

I honestly can't remember how big the rooted cuttings were, but they were much bigger and better looking than the Brugs I got from Park Seed. Whether they bloom for you this summer depends on the cutting's origin — from below or above the "Y" — and how often you water and fertilize.

The forecast for our winter was for a drier and warmer than normal winter. So far, unfortunately, that has been true. We've had maybe a dozen freezing nights. The rest of the time has been relatively mild (We nearly hit 80ºF this past week.). I'm willing to withstand colder weather if it meant an end to this drought. We had 130 acres seeded and fertilized. We've had enough rye grass grow that the cows we have left have been off the hay for about 3 weeks which is good because we are down to our last 3 bales, but if we don't get rain soon, the rye will die and I'll have to sell my girls.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

What a perfect winter plant room you have!!


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi, bettydee
Thanks for replying. I was not going to order until later in the Spring so no need to worry about freezing. We have about 25 head of cattle and they can go thru a lot of hay.

Teresa in KY

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh Betty ..... will pray for rain for you all. I'd hate for you to have to sell your girls! Aren't cows great? They all definately have their own personalities. What kind do you have?

I had to sell 2 of my horses and donkey because the hay we had stored in a trailer got wet and I was afraid to feed it to them. We have NO grass and I feed a bale (small square) a day. We don't want to have to buy anymore because the price is so HIGH. We were able to sell the hay that got wet as cattle hay, but at a loss. We got it this summer when prices weren't so high.

I see the weather is predicting rain for us down through eastern Texas. Is that going to include where you live????

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

where is Plants Delight ?

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


Twelve years ago, we started with motley mix of cows. Then eight years ago we added a registered bull and I began asking for bred registered Angus heifers for Christmas and birthdays. Until last January we had commercial Angus as well as registered Angus, but because of the exceptional drought we've had since October 2010, I sold the larger group, the commercial end of our herd. Now we only have registered Angus.

Beside having their own personalities,they are really quite smart as well. We have to keep them away from faucets because they will turn them on to get fresh water. We also had to put a lock on the gate to the hay pen because they found ways to open the hasp and then they learned to remove the chain from a "C" hook when we replaced the hasp.

We lucked out on the price of hay, which right now sells for $100 - $120.00 per round bale, this year. My DH is working in Mississippi. We bought the Coastal/clover bales from a friend of his who decided to get out of the cattle business and who is now growing hay instead. On trips home, my DH brought home 14 bales at a time. We're down to our last 3 bales, but have some grass coming up so they girls don't seem interested in the hay.

It's been drizzling since 11:30 this morning and the forecast is for 1" - 3" of rain. Oh, I hope for the 3", but will settle for 1". If we are lucky, the rain will come down slow enough to soak into the ground.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Doris, It's in North Carolina, but here is the link to their online site:

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you bettydee

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Purple Hyachin vine growing well Coral vine Just popping out of the soil & To The Right is Purple Cotton I Just had to try :)
just had to share :) OH & I have a Tomato Plant popping up :) Not sure witch one yet . planted three type :)
gotta go chat soon

Thumbnail by deejay9
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm looking for some purple Hyacinth vine seeds if anyone has any extras.

Sheri/ BirdieBlue

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

if i get any in my seed robin that will be home in a few weeks i will let you know & share with you. just remind me .

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

OK, thanks!


Hamilton, OH

Good Evening, Finally got out of the Hospital, I had an infection in one Lung, I just had my follow up with my Doctor, everything looks good
my cats were well taken care of while I was in there, my DH is so sweet, he even did the Laundry for me, my poor plants needed water, so
now I got that taken care of, have a nice Evening


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I wondered why things were quiet on the thread. I'm glad that everything turned out fine and that you survived your hospital stay. I hope you continue to feel better.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GOOD to have you back i have been busy with daddy for the pass 2 mo'swill try to get on more just can't promise : to alway post but i do read :)

Hamilton, OH

Good Evening
it's so hard not to over do it, but I am trying my Best, to just take it easy, but it's not in my nature, most of my Brugs, look really good, changing the Lights to the day light Bulbs really make
it Bright in the Basement, it's not much more expensive to have the day light Bulbs, but it makes all the difference in the way, they grow better, the weather is crazy
it's in the high 40s today, I keep thinking we'll get slammed with cold weather, it's winter after all
Veronica, Thank you for the well wishes
Susie, it's good to see you post


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My brugs are putting out new little leaves after loosing them all this winter. I brought in a couple I wasn't sure were alive, but wanted to give them a chance, and I think they are dead. I did water the last time with a weak Miracle Grow water. Yes, VERY hard NOT to overwater during the winter. UGH!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, Please take it easy, we all want you to be healthy.

Can't wait to see some of your brug bloom pics.
Maya is pretty happy for me tonight..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Hamilton, OH

that is one Healthy Maya, Girl, I have been taking it easy, I had no choice, but I am almost 100 %
i am ready for Spring, the First of April, mine will be in the ground Yippee, I have 2 helpers, this year
I started a new Thread, I also have a couple Blooming in the Basement, not like yours, only 1 Bloom
Thank you for thinking of me.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have a terrible time with Maya but that is a pretty plant and the blooms are smelling great I'm sure.
Elizabeth, you take care of yourself...
Hi, Debra!!!

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