Brugs, before I dug them up

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

OOOH, oooh...does it need a new home???!!! Do you have a red one, or would you like some cuttings of mine?

Hamilton, OH

Good Evening Everyone
I went to Lowes this evening, they had a great sale on Hens & Chickens, I bought all of them, Girl I cleaned them out, the Best thing about
that, they can stay outside all year, Yesterday they had these great Pots for $1.00 each. so my DD & I bought all of those, I just got a clipping
of the Yellow Christmas Catcus from my BFF, she always takes care of me, well have a great night
Hi Charlene, good to see Ya


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hello, Elizabeth. You doing great. I love Lowes too....

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I will most happily give home, light. water, loving words and any necessary food to any flowering cactus (thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter--or any other non-attacking tiny thornie ones.

Hugs all around,

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Wow, great buys Elizabeth! I love end of season bargain shopping.
Sheri, if our weather holds out, I'll send you a few cuttings of of my red one, after it gets done blooming.I think it would be ok to mail them in a padded envelope, don't you all....maybe wrap them in dry paper towels since they need to scar over for a couple days anyway????

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

red one ????? oh please if you have any extra safe one for me :) Pleaseeeeeeee or put me on your list i just got 4 in a padded envie one was frozen so it is getting to cold to mail that way in some places.

Hamilton, OH

I went back to Lowes, to buy the rest of the Hens & chicks, My DD, said Mom, you got the Rest of them, I said of course, Yes I love the end of the season sales, Girl over the last few days, I have learned a lesson, I mailed out Free clipping, just for Postage, then I had to remind
someone, they had forgot to send the postage. I will not repeat that again, it takes all the fun out of trading or sending Brugs for postage
live & learn, everyone have a great evening


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Quote from plantlover49 :
I went back to Lowes, to buy the rest of the Hens & chicks, My DD, said Mom, you got the Rest of them, I said of course, Yes I love the end of the season sales, Girl over the last few days, I have learned a lesson, I mailed out Free clipping, just for Postage, then I had to remind
someone, they had forgot to send the postage. I will not repeat that again, it takes all the fun out of trading or sending Brugs for postage
live & learn, everyone have a great evening


I hear ya on that.. that is why I try to stick to trading.. then I cave.. espcially to someone who has not ever grown a brug before.. *sigh*

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Just opened a paypal this year for the last couple years i was doing Plants for postage & there was two I thought were trusted DG Member so i sent out the boxes but soon found out that was not the case so now I wait to see if the money arrives before i ship to anyone . sorry you had a bad experience . sure do hope you wrote a neg feed back so others do not get taken in by that person,
i check feed back allot these days .

well daddy slept in this morning so he is starting to stir so you all have a great day thoughts with ya ,

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Susie and Sheri, since it is getting cold, do you want me to just start you some cuttings and wait til spring to ship. Susie, I could just put them in with the brugs.Also, I want to make sure that you ladies know that it is a red Thanksgiving cactus and not a red Epi. I am trying to get my hands on more epi's myself....The only ones of those that I have are new cuttings(Thanks Debra!!!), and a Queen of the Night that has just started putting out new finally
Well, of course you bought them all, Elizabeth, like any good plant addict/ bargain shopper would I would have done the same thing!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

dee that will be fine with me I can wait till spring I do better with rooted plants then with cuttings so yes please just wait with mine .

Hamilton, OH

Good Morning Everyone
I put some clippings in a Red vase, they rooted so well, I had to pot them up. I also put some in a clear glass container, they didn't root as
fast, so now I will be looking for more Red glass containers.
Debra, from now on I will get the Postage first, it's the time of year when I have to save $ for my DD's & the grands, so they have a nice Christmas, it's right around the corner
Susie, that's a great idea, I'll give her a few more days to see if she comes through
Dee do you still a member of BGI? they are having a great new contest for seeds, have a great afternoon


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, I am not a member of BGI, now, darn! I have some cuttings to pot up, today, too.I just put them in water til they get lots of the little nubbies on them, then pot them up.
DH has his first appointment with the vascular surgeon tomorrow.He will reveiw the tests that were done in the hospital, and say yep, he needs surgery, then he will see the heart specialist on 11/28 who will say his heart is or isn't in shape to take the surgery, then the nuerologist on 12/1, then hopefully the surgery will be scheduled ASAP...hope it gets done before Christmas.
Most of the time we stay in good spirits, and just do what the drs. told us to do, while waiting,but I must admit sometimes, I get a little down in the dumps.We had decided before he got sick, that I was going to look for a part time job.I don't have the grandkids after school anymore, since their mom and dad are going thru a divorce, and I was getting bored silly, and we definately could use the extra money( like most everyone these days). But when the dr released him from the hospital,he said that jerry needed someone with him for 24/7, for needless to say...I'm not looking to go back to work right now.Jerry gets frustrated because he knows how to do some things one minute and forgets the next( remote;etc). I just keep telling him how lucky we are and reminding him that it could be a whole lot worse, Try to get him to laugh and tell him that we don't sweat the small stuff, and, if he doesn't get that part back, that I am thankful that he is in as good a shape as he is. and he does say "yeah, it could be a whole lot worse. "

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Dee, you may certainly send me a rooted one in the spring. It will have a much better chance that way!

thanks so much,

Hamilton, OH

I am hoping for you, that everything goes alright, I wouldn't know how to act if my DH had the same problem, Girl you hang in there
right now I am dealing with a different problem, I sent someone clippings, they said they would send postage, now it's 2 weeks later
they sent me an email saying, omg I forgot to send a check, well I'll tell you postage isn't cheap, so I'll mark it up to experience
unless it's someone I know, they'll send postage first or no clippings, I hate to think people can be so untrust worthy, I have learned
a valuable lesson, sorry for rambling, have a great night


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

THIS IS WHEN you need to leave feed back let them know also that you will be leaving a neg feed back.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Dee, how did the dr appt go? Prayers for you, girl..

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes, Elizabeth, do leave feedback for the person that isn't sending you the money for postage. I have never been cheated out of postage, but I have had trades where I received nothing in return, so I know how you're feeling.
Thanks ladies for thinking of us during this time. We found out nothing... zero, zilch... yesterday at the vascular surgeons. The hospital made all 3 follow-up appts., but neglected to send his records, so he didn't even know why we were there, til we told him. He said that he would get the records faxed over today, and contact us after he looks at them. This Dr. is out of St. Vincents heart center in Indianapolis and is only here a couple days a month, as all of our specialists are. The local hospital is very small, only 2 1/2 stories and not very spread out....not sure how many rooms, but not that many, at all. But, I think I'm glad that this is such a small town place, because of all the specialists coming right to town. One thing for sure, if the specialists didn't come here, we would be making lots of trips to Indy, because all the local drs. that we have dealt with...lets just say they haven't been the brightest and if he has the surgery, they will do it in Indy.
I stopped at HD on the way home from the Dr.s yesterday...told DH that I needed a pick me up.I got the cutest little cactus( well, it is really a Euphorbia), but it's a neat little thing.I'll try to figure out how to tranfer pics later and post a pic of it.(DH always did that)
DH has wanted a plasma tv for a while now, and we are on the hunt for a good deal on one.I think if he wants one, that he should have one, if we can swing it. With Christmas coming, I'm sure we will be able to find a deal, at the sales.
Gosh, I sure am glad that I have you ladies to talk to! Thanks, everyone.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Ok, got pics my new plant.This a pic of the whole plant. Its the one in the middle.

Thumbnail by DeeS
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Here's a close up of the top, which is grafted on.Isn't it cool? I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I love variegated plants.

Thumbnail by DeeS
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You know if that graft dies, the bottom will continue to grow. I had a "redheaded" one tne red part died but the bottom looks like it is send out a shoot.
Hello to you, Girlfriends....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

me also dee I Just ordered a few House Plants , I think it was yesterday that there was a chat on the 10 ten house plants or unusual plants & I Didn't get a chance to go check them out did any of you ??? could you send me the link if you did . ty
not feeling well right now feel cold tummy upset so going to go lay down started to put up my tree but guess that will wait . you all have a super day .

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi Charleen. That's good to least I will have something left if the pretty part kicks the I couldn't find much info about this plant, but it did say the #1 cause of death is over watering. I read on one site not to water at all, in winter, and another said to water once...Think I will not water all...just neglect
Susie, hope you get to feeling better soon.I hate getting sick, don't you? I am not a nice sick
I didn't see the list of the top 10 plants. If you find the link, please post it.

Hamilton, OH

Dee, Charlene & Susie
Good afternoon
Susie, I hope you are feeling better
Dee, we will always be here for you
Charlene, How are you doing?
here are a couple photo's not Brugs but Cats, the first one is of Sepi relaxing, I love this Cat


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This one is of Princess hiding under the heavy piece of plastic, that I have at the Front door, she's so cute
hiding there


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, she looks like she's hiding. So pretty. Septi is such a beautiful girl.
Getting colder everyday Elizabeth and we haD our first real freeze this week.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, Princess is sooo cute under that plastic, but Sepi looks like she's the queen, laying there on that black fur rug.She is sooooo pretty!
Thank you Elizabeth. It does help to come here and talk, and just relax and talk plants. We didn't hear a thing from the Dr.'s office today. I told DH, if we haven't heard anything by noon tomorrow, that I will call them.
Hi Charleen! Where ya been girl? Try to stay warm.

Edited because I forgot to tell you that I got a couple succulent cuttings in the mail today, and you couldn't even tell that they had traveled thru the cold nights. He wrapped each one individually in bubble wrap and taped them up real good. I was worried about them, but they got here just fine.Guess the bubble wrap and the box insulated them well.

This message was edited Nov 17, 2011 7:10 PM

Hamilton, OH

Good evening evryone
Charlene, Sepi is the queen of the house, I still can't believe such a Beauty found me, that Girl keeps my legs warm, I know it's getting Cold,
the sun was shinning so pretty today, here I go to put the garbage out, without a jacket today, then that cold wind hit me, I guess it's that time of year
Dee, Please keep us posted, about DH's condition, you have to stay on top of the Doctors, when my DH, had a bad disc, I went with him to the ER, I told them, we didn't need an exray because it doesn't show soft tissue, that he had sciatica, to scheldue him for a CT scan with enhancement, so that's what they did, he had to have a complete laminectomy to remove the distroyed Disc, then he had to have Major surgery on his back, then he had physical therapy, well ladies have a great night


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Frost on the ground this morning. But cold and beautiful. Dress in layers.
I remember Sept coming to know you. She knew she had it made when she met you, Elizabeth.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Morning ladies! Well, still no word from the Dr.,so I called them yesterday.She said that they haven't received his records yet, and would call as soon as they do, but that it may be next week, which it will be , since they didn't call back yesterday.
The grandkids are here for 5 days and nights, with their mom (they agreed to 50/50 custody), and I sure am enjoying, the hussle bussle. I am used to seeing them after school everyday, and I sure do miss them on the days that they aren't around.....toooo quiet for me. well, the 1st day of quiet after they leave is wonderful(lol), but after that I go stir
Elizabeth, I am going to be getting a kitty, in a couple weeks, as soon as they are weaned. You know a lot of people have barn cats. Well, we don't have a barn, but we have a garage that the mice love coming into, once cold weather hits, so he(I think its a he, anyway), is going to be a garage/sunroom cat, since I can shut the dogs out of the sunroom. The garage isn't heated so I have him a bed with a heating pad, waiting, and I am going to put a plank inside and out side of the back window so he can venture out when he wants.I love critters, but with our dogs, it can't be a house cat. If I decide that I can't give him a good safe home, then I will find him one. I need a cat, like I need a hole in the head, but it was love at first And I have already named him.He is Sammy, just incase, he turns out to be a she...sammy will work either


Hamilton, OH

Good Morning everyone
Charlene, I am so glad, I had her & Princess & Max fixed, she doesn't try to get out like she did before
Dee, you'll love having a kitten, Hey great news, finally I got the postage, it only took 2 weeks, from now on unless it's someone
I know really well, Postage first, it takes the stress of of it, Dee if you put some hay in the Garage the kitten should stay warm
Princess is my mouser, we have a crawl space under the Kitchen, she goes in there, then she'll bring me the dead mouse
well have a great afternoon


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Isn't that special??? She is helping you, mom and there is the prize!!!!

Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon Everyone
I forgot to add photo's of my Haul from Lowes well here are the photo's, all these great Hens & Chicks, I bought this plant ladder at a Garage Sale
it's in my GH


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This are on the Front Porch, I still have to pot them up


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

more on the Front Porch


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

the last one, more of the Hens & Chicks, I bought so many because I Love them


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Wow, Elizabeth you did good girl! You got a great variety! I love them, too. My mother always had hens and chicks growing.
That is sooo cute that princess brings you the mice.I have always heard, they do that because they want you to see what a great hunter they are..."here mommy, look what I caught !" I never thought about straw to keep him warm, but that's a great idea.I have a couple weeks to get ready for him....might have to build him a kitty climbing I just love watching kittens play..they are soooo cute.
Glad that you finally got your postage!

Hamilton, OH

I took a fallen dried out Cedar tree, I really liked the looks of the roots, so I cut it in 3 parts, my SIL talked me out of the root section to
put in my DD's flower bed, the other part I put in a bucket of Cement to stand it upright, that's what Princess uses for a scratching post,
I wish you could have seen her, the top maybe 3 inches in diameter, I was looking for her, here she was on top of it, Kittens are so adorable
have a great afternoon


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Abigail and Kaitlin. I know you will enjoy the kitty. all I got is a fuzzy lound little chicken...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen, that pic is sooooooo cute. Love chickens.
Elizabeth, I bet princess loves that tree to play in.

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