Brugs, before I dug them up

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

What a beautiful picture. They look so sweet. Love them, Dee
The faces are so cute...

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Charleen...they are soo sweet and playful! Well, after sleeping on it, my grandson decided that we are changing patrick's name to goodness.That was my original choice.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Dee, they are adorable.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, veronica,. I am really enjoying them. I love to watch them play with each other.Just like onery younguns'

Hamilton, OH

just Beautiful, I don't blame you for getting both of them, I am so glad, I kept Princess, her & momma Septi were play fighting yesterday, it was so funny to watch them, is your weather raining & dreary? I am so Happy for you, that Jerry is allowed to drive again.
Girl, I have to spend about an hour in the Basement just to water the plants, also I have to rearrange some of them, that will wait until this
evening, have a great afternoon


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes, Elizabeth, it has rained off and on for the past two days...very dreary.But one things for sure, it's better than ice, right?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

aww gosh, looks like Christmas at your house Elizabeth!

Patch is quite fetching, I think I like him, a lot! LOL Sammie is cute, too!
cold here now.. in the 20's quite ususual, I guess.. just not used to it.. yet.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra, you are having some cold weather! It was in the 40's here today.We had a beautiful snow last week tho...nothing major, but it was very pretty and melted off quickly tho. What is that cool plant Debra? I don't have anything blooming right now.
Sammy is the bigger of the two kittens and very laid back, but Patch has spunk, and he vibrates when he I haven't had the heart to put the little things out in the garage yet.
I know that they will have to end up out there eventually, because of the dogs. But for now, they are quite at home in the sun/plant

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

that bloom pic is of a very wild and crazy mother of thousands in the same pot the first baby grew in, it is now a monster with a thousand babies in same pot.. here it was October first

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

a different view

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

here it is november 21st.. and now all the other branches are blooming.. it is such a weird plant..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Hamilton, OH

I have the same plant, it is trying to Bloom, you know the saying, if you snooze you lose, well it's true, I went to Lowes the other day, the had a
5gal bucket of paint, for $25.00 I should have bought it, well I went back today to do that, it's gone, I need to paint a couple rooms, but the did
have a Elephant foot plant for $3.00 so I bought that & a big bag of Bird food for my outside Birds, they stay in my Honeysuckle Bush all year
Dee, good afternoon


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wow too bad you missed that paint, I coulda used that paint too! what is an elephant foot plant? pictures?

Hamilton, OH

yes it is Elephants foot, I will take photo's they are also called pony tail palm, I have been busy today fighting city hall, it's a lot of fun but it
takes time, since I do vote, it helps, I called the attorney generals office, a few of the city's offices, mainly the city managers office, ofcourse
they tried to give me the run around, it didn't work, I am on a mission. I'll get you the photo's tommorrow, have a great evening


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

You've peaked my curiosity. Is your fight with city hall something you can share. It's an honor I haven't had. I've fought with builders, insurance companies and credit card companies, but never city hall.

Back when we lived in San Jose, CA, I had a pony tail palm, Beaucarnea recurvata. It broke through it last pot — a 24" pot — so I had to plant it in the ground. When we moved to Texas and sold the house, the palm's base measured over 3'. The new owners probably cut it down too. They cut down all the fruit trees I had planted because they wanted a worry free yard.

Hamilton, OH

I had to fight city hall, over a few issues, the house next door to me, I think is in foreclosure, anyway the finance company sent someone out
to put the cheap plastic tarp over a leaking roof, well we had some high winds, that tore it to shreads, it landed on my yard, plus 3 other yards
so I gathered up some of it, took to the city counsel meeting in a big plastic flower pot, they were having their annual budget meeting, so the Mayor came over to me introduced himself, & ask me to step outside to see what the problem was, I explained it to him, with a bunch of photo's of what an eyesore it was, he gave me his card with his home phone number, cell phone number & his office number
the next day they promptly removed the eyesore
if you have a problem, you have to camp outside of the city managers office & not move until you get to speak with the city manager
I would have loved to see a photo of your Elephant foot plant, I just know you hated to leave it

Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon
well ladies here is what's Blooming in my Basement Garden, also a photo of the Elephant foot Palm


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

I think this is one of the neatest plants, I own


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

I almost waited to long to take a photo of my Catus


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, you are my hero! I know that you aren't afraid to go up against any of city officials, as I have read about you doing it over other matters...Go get 'em girl!
I have two ponytail palms now, and I do love them. I think they are the coolest plant. I love the way the leaves curl under. I'll try to post a pic tomorrow. Elizabeth you sent me a start of the plant with the white blooms, and it has grown like crazy! I like the way, if it drops a leaf, it just takes root. Doesn't get much easier than that.
Well, do you ladies remember that Jerry was going to Indy, for more tests.Well, during one of the tests he had a mild heart attack, so he was admitted to St. Frances Hospital.He had a triple by pass 22 years ago.They said they can't do a heart catheraztion(misp??),which he needs, because there was a good chance that it could bring on another stroke, and they can't clean out the veins in his neck, because his heart is in no shape for the surgery, so they put him on another med(a beta blocker) and sent him home this afternoon. So the news is not good. To look at him, you would never know how sick he is or has been.Not a whole lot more to say about that right now.
Think I am gonna hit the sack early tonight. I am pooped.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Dee, things may not be as black as they first appear. Given time, the blood vessels in the brain may send out new connections or enlarge to take over the task the carotid has. About 5 years ago, I underwent a contrast MRI to determine whether the sudden flash of light I experienced was a small stroke or not. It turned out to be a temporary blockage in the eye, but an anomaly showed up that sent my GP scurrying to get me to a neurologist. By the time things settled down, I had seen 3 and a surgeon. The carotid artery splits in two after it goes past the neck. One of those branches is completely blocked and is located where nothing can be done to clear it. All the neurologists I saw were surprised I was still walking and showed no apparent effects of the blockage. One speculated that I may have been born with the anomaly. One wasn't sure what may have happened and one thought that the blockage had occurred at such a slow rate that other blood vessels had a chance to compensate. I'm on beta blockers, have lost weight and on a heart healthy diet. So far, I haven't had any other episodes. I realize that adding heart problems to the mix complicates matters. I pray that God gives you and Jerry the strength to carry on. You and Jerry will be in my prayers.


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Veronica, I didn't know that , and it does make us feel better about things. I'm glad that everything turned out the way they did , for you. I know that had to be very scarey! We have had a very good day.Jerry is getting caught up on all of his recorded shows..He is a tv/ gadget I went shopping for completely different types of food than I usually cook.One of the first things I did last night when picking up the kitchen was to pitch my stash of bacon grease. We really didn't buy bacon when it was just us, but when the grandkids are here, I always make it for them because they love it. And I never ever threw out bacon grease, because I think my favorite food in the world is potatoes fried in bacon grease. As my youngest daughter always says...poison, but it is the kind of food that I was raised on...mmmmm Jerry is a very picky eater.He doesn't like any kind of seafood or fish, and there are only 3 or 4 veggies that he likes.I told him that he is gonna have to learn to eat other things or starve, because he is on the healthy heart diet,combined with a diabetic diet.You know we both are gonna be wasting away to Just kidding of course. My dr. will be pleased as punch, if I shed some of this blubbler.
I'm gonna get off here for a few minutes and go get a pic of the ponytail palms.
Thanks, again, Veronica!


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Here is a pic of my ponytail palms.

Thumbnail by DeeS
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

And here is a pic of my new little tri-colored jade.You can't see it in the pic, but the tips of some of the leaves are pink. I had never seen one, until I ran onto this one at Walmart.

Thumbnail by DeeS
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is beautiful. I have a ponytail plant they do get good sized...

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

You're welcome, Dee. I hope things go well for Jerry. I am diabetic as well. Sometimes, I think that it's more difficult for men to make changes in their lives.

I once saw what may be a different cultivar of pony tail palm in a nursery in San Diego. Instead of growing long and straight, the strappy leaves grew in a loose corkscrew manner as if the leaves had been rolled up in curlers. I was on vacation and driving a small sports car. There was not way the plant would have fit in the car and made the 400 mile trip home. I have never seen another one like it again.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Veronica : Did you have or get floaties in the eyes before the light flashes ? I went to get my eyes checked for i have this floaty I cannot get rid of but as of Yet no Flashes But I sure get the head throbs .

well i woke to frozen up doors & My brother just came to thaw them out so guess i have to go to work now you all have a great day .

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Floaties are usually the result of small blood vessel leaks in the eyeball. Fortunately, I don't have that problem. My mother has had them especially after her back surgeries when she had to be on blood thinners. It takes a long, long while for the body to re-absorb the bits of blood.

The flash I experienced was just a sudden blindingly brilliant flash followed by a dimming of everything seen through that eye as if I had draped a black veil over that side of my face. The cause was a sizable blood clot in the eyeball itself. It shrank or dissolved in about a week. It didn't leave any traces of floaties. I did get a massive headache for a few days, after the flash, not before. I was just glad it wasn't a mini stroke. As to why it happened. I am diabetic and on blood thinners because I had a mini stroke years ago.

I hope the roads were passable. We lived out in the country when we lived in Ohio. Sometimes it took a day or two for the snowplow and salt truck to show up. I was the one stuck with shoveling the driveway. My DH rammed his way out leaving two skinny trails in his wake.Texans don't know how to drive on ice. We had a big ice storm a few years ago. Accidents every where.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

veronica . i have been on coumadine since my blood clot in the lung back in 2005 I've been trying to find what causes these head throbs &
pressure under my rib cage & Mid back when I stand or sit but I Feel fine when laying down I don't have the pressure or pain.
I feel it is just a side affect to the coumadine doc says no .

well its time to go get super on ya all have a great evening

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

gosh, love the pony tail palm, I have one , didn't know it was an elephant foot LOL
so sorry to hear of everyone's health problems, praying for all of you. Joe goes in for his heart thing the 28th, to look at him you would never know he has a problem.

been sick myself but getting over it I think. is that ahoya, Elizabeth>? the one with the cute flowers?

Thumbnail by joeswife
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have my FIRST BRUG BLOOM!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. I just started growing brugs last winter. This one started out cream colored with pink tinges around the skirt, and gets more pink as the days go by to where it is nearly all pink. It is a NOID pink. Has a light scent, almost have to stick your nose in it. lol How long do the blooms last? Anyone have an idea what it might be? I thought I had the tag hidden from the sun, but the tag faded out. I'm not sure who I got it from but I am thinking it was a K.Harris NOID pink.

Thumbnail by Crit
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Crit
Hamilton, OH

Good evening Everyone
I am sorry to hear all the health problems, I have been busy, got a chance to spend some time with my GD, I took her to the new GH
well let me tell you, it sure isn't the same as their other store, you could fit the new one in one small room of the other one, they didn't have
one brug, it was nice that they had a few Christmas trees
Debra, that isn't a hoya, I am not exactly what it is, I heard it was a Jade, but I am not sure, I do like the way it Blooms though
Dee, Pretty ponytail palm
Crit, Pretty Bloom
Everyone have a great night take care

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hey all...Here is the link to a new swap I am hosting for January. (I'm having some help from some of the best hostess' in it!) It is the Sock, Sniff and Sip swap. Please check it out and share it with other threads you visit if you want to. Thanks!


Hamilton, OH

Good Morning everyone
Dee, you remember how small my yard is? well the other morning, I was getting a cup of coffee, looked out the window, there was this young
Hawk, sitting on my Honeysuckle bush, I had to yell to DH come & look, he didn't believe me, but sure enough there it sit, I think it was after the sparrows, they are there year round, I just wish I had my carera in the Kitchen so I could share, I hopefully will be able to share a photo
of Miss B. Havin, it has one Bud on it


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

That's awesome Elizabeth.Aren't they a beautiful bird?If it has good luck hunting in that spot it will be back. Hope you can snap a pic to share with us!

Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon
yesterday, I couldn't get on the compuier at all, my DD had to spend all day fixing the problem
Dee Yes, they are Beautiful Birds, I now know to leave one Camera in the Kitchen
Just in case, I don't get a chance to get back on for awhile, I wish Everyone, a very Merry Christmas & a very Happy New Years


Hamilton, OH

Good Morning Everyone
I hope Everyone, had a very Merry Cristmas, I am so looking forward to the New Year, I hope all a very Happy Safe New Year
my Miss B. Havin's Bloom will be open in the next few days, I will post it when it does, all my Christmas Trees, are all put up
now it's time for Spring Cleaning, also time to water a little, I haven't given my Brugs, hardly any water for the last couple
months, Have a great afternoon


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone.Hope you all had a a great Christmas and New years. I'm sooo glad it's all has been snowing and blowing here all day, but we don't have much accumulation.
Anyone get any great plants, at the after Christmas sales? I bought 10 nice big Christmas cactus, for 1.70 each. They have all finished blooming, so I won't know what colors I have till next year. I'm hoping that I get at least one of the peach ones.I did see them when they were in bloom, and they had every color but yellow.
Debra, one of the epi cuttings that you sent me is sending up a stalk from the root base.Seems like it takes them forever to root, so I was really happy to see that.
Stay warm everyone!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I dug my Red bananas up and haven't watered them either, wonder if I should. they are in unused back bedroom....????
Good Morning and Happy New Year everyone.
cold front moved in and Brrrrrr I don't like it.
Have a great day, it is a beautiful day tho.
Hugs and mule nuzzles to all
Charleen and Charley.....

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