Brugs, before I dug them up

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Debra, a Brangus is 5/8 Angus and 3/8 Brahman. It doesn't have the meat quality that Angus has, but it is hardier in heat and drought. They are not as gentle as Angus. I had Herrenhauser Garten for several years. It is rare that anyone sees her bloom. The older branches always developed a corky bark which made it look diseased. It never bloomed for me. I finally tossed it. When she does bloom she has the most magnificent orange blooms.

ShepMike, Lady Kathryn looks great. Jerodsmom, has some beautiful looking hybrids.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, your brugs are beautiful. Love everyone's kitty pics. Bettydee that was an interesting story about Winston. He really found a good mama in you. I had not heard of that disease before either.


Hamilton, OH

GM everyone
ShepMike, Lady Kathryn is Beautiful, I also have Hazelnut Buttercup, Patrcia, does some wonderful crosses
Karen, Thank you, my MissB.Havin is Blooming right now in the Basement, I will post a photo later this evening
Veronica, I would love to live on my acres & raise cattle, but my DH's Mom lives here, he has to take care of her
so I just pay the taxes on it, I hope everyone had a great weekend


Hamilton, OH

Good Evening
here are some photo's of some Brugs Blooming in the Basement, also a photo of the fish my DH caught, it is now cleaned & in the fridge
have a great evening, here is Hazelnut Buttercup


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This is MissB.Havin looking good, this Brug Preforms so well


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This is the Fish, can guess what kind of Fish it is?


Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

blooms are gorgeous... is that a bass?
b suavleons white is blooming and so is chrissy

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Beautiful blooms, Elizabeth. I agree with Debra, looks like a bass.
I haven't been on lately, because DH was in the hospital.He had a stroke, but compared to what could have been, he is in pretty good shape.No weakness on either side, no drooping of facial muscles...just some memory loss.He is home now, and knows who everyone is and how many kids they have, but is having trouble with names.The first day he knew I was his wife, but couldn't remember my name, but it is slowly coming back. I keep telling him to remember that he hates the Fox news channel,because he always drove me nuts watching it most of the said that he knows better than He will be seeing 4 specialists in the next three weeks to make sure that he is in good enough shape to have the veins in his neck roto-rooted out. He has 70% blockage on one side, 40 % on the other. He knows that I won't let him do anything much, so he is sitting there coming up with jobs for me to We are just thankful that it wasn't worse than it was! Keep us in your prayers,please.


Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon
No Debra it's not a Bass, I will tell you, that Fish, has a mouth full of teeth
Dee, I am so glad for your sake, that he seems to be doing better, you will be in our prayers, that he's good as new soon

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Elizabeth.
Is the fish a muskie?

This message was edited Nov 8, 2011 4:49 PM

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Teeth? LOL ugh!
oh Dee, I am so glad you have him home and well.. on the road to recovery, I will pray for his speedy recovery minus the memory of watching the news..
they do wonderful things with those roto rooter things.. i have a g/f who was 90 percent blocked and she is great now..
oh great, it is now snowing outside, after 3 inches of rain.. go figure..

This message was edited Nov 8, 2011 10:34 PM

Brownstown, IN

Dee, your in my thoughts and prayers for your DH. Im so glad to hear he is back home and doing better.

Elizabeth, that is a big fish! Tell your DH. he did good! :)


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Dee, you and your DH are in my prayers. I'm glad he is home. I know of several people of have had that procedure with great success.

Elizabeth, are you gong to tell us what that toothed wonder is?

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, everyone. We are doing our best to look at the bright side and keep our sense of humor thru all the waiting..He will see the last specialist on Dec. 1st, and hopefully get the go ahead to schedule the surgery. We'll sure be glad when it's all over, and we are able breath a little easier(hopefully)!
Yeah, Elizabeth..tell us what that bruiser is.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Went over to see my Friend. George. Came home with a bunch of cuttings. He says he is cutting back.
got this one from Doris.
Autumn Treasure I believe is it's name.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen, it's beautiful..whoever it is.!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Dainty, isn't it????

Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon Everyone
Veronica, that Fish is a saugeye, it's a cross between a Sauger & a Walleye, Yes they have a mouth full of Teeth, but boy are they Yummy
they taste better than a Bass, esp. if you soak them in Beer before you fry them
Dee, fingers crossed for you & Jerry that everything turns out for the Best
Charlene, just Beauiful, keep the photo's coming
Karen, I have told him what a great job, he did, he didn't have his stringer with him so he brought it home in a plastic bag, so I put his stringer
on the front door knob, so he would have it with him next time, that's a small one usually he does catch a Muskey, it's 38 & 1/4 inches long, also 14lbs, have a great evening everyone


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Autumn Treasure
Callinf for a freeze tonight.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

So far, so good Elizabeth.Thanks!
Mmmmmm...thats a lot of good eatin'.I love all kinds of fish...well, except salmon...yuck.
Charleen, yes it is a dainty little beauty.
Anyone got any houseplants blooming? I have a couple very pretty red holiday cactus blooming. I'll try to get a picture of them in a little while.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Dee, I will pray for you and your hubby. Thankfully it wasn't bad, but I hope it will not happen again. What exactly to they do when they roto rooter veins? Do they scrape out the plague that builds up?


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Karen. Yes, we are praying that he doesn't have another, before he can get the surgery done. It is the neck arteries, and yes, they scrape away the plaque.
Here is a pic of my Thanksgiving cactus blooming. I got them both, last year at a after Christmas sale for 50 cents each.

Thumbnail by DeeS
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

here's a closer

Thumbnail by DeeS
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

beautiful, Dee. mine are all budded out and about to ..

so glad I got the elder and purple smoke tree out in the ground, it rained alot and they all seem all settled in, and it is warming up for a few days..
I lost all my wegelias this summer... am not willing to try them again..
this is isabella re-visited from last summer..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra, your Isabella is sooooo pretty Debra. We got our first snow accumulation, but it sure was snowing and blowing for a little while.
Sorry to hear about your weigelias.Let me know if you ever do want to try again. I have several different em!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

My Cactus doing nothing what am i doing wrong do they need to be in a certain type of light ? or maybe warmer climate ?

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Susie, I neglected mine, all summer.It sat on the table on the closed in front porch, until the nights got so cool, that I figured that I better bring everything in.As soon as I brought it inside, it started putting out flower buds.I read that the blooms are triggered by the short days..less hours of sunlight. I did the same thing with my huge jade plant last fall, and it bloomed like crazy. I'm sorry to say, I lost the jade as soon as I took cuttings. It just started collapsing...not sure if it got a disease, or rot, or what it was ;o(...made me sick.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Dee, do you smoke?? Jades don't like tobacco, they catch some kind of viris and die sometime.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh no...I sure do smoke. Never heard that before.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

google it and see if I'm right.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Dee, thanks for answering my question. Pretty cactus. I have a white one just starting to bloom. A friend gave it to me a couple weeks ago.They sure are pretty. I have a friend who has an enormous one. I'm in envy. Sorry to hear about your Jade. I just got one from another friend, a really pretty one. Good size, too. I just love it.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, and sorry about your weigelias, too. Did you have an intensely hot summer or something, or do they not do well in your area?


Hamilton, OH

Good Morning Everyone
Dee, Beautiful Catcus, what is this you don't have a Jade? I can fix that. my catcus has Buds on it, I will post photo's as soon as it
Blooms, have a great afternoon, I'll be back on later, I have an afternoon with my GD, we are going to get Lotus seed pods, so the Grands
can paint them for their Christmas trees


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, for the offer Elizabeth, but I do have a small one now. I took a few cuttings before the big one went to plant Can't wait to see your cactus blooms.
Hope you had a great day with your GD!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

So many beautiful Brugs. Also, lovely thanksgiving cactus. I had only heard of Christmas cactus's & for whatever reason have never had one to bloom. I think that some of you must have not just green thumbs, but green hands!!


Hamilton, OH

you would have laughed yourself silly, I went to collect the Lotus seed pods, well let me tell you, I was sunk up to my pant legs in Mud, my GD
was smarter than me & my DD, she got out before she got Mud on her shoes, me & DD lost our shoes in the Mud, so needless to say, we got the seed Pods, but our shoes & socks have to be washed, but we had a Blast, I love to have my GD spend the night, we go shopping, have Potato chips & hot chocolate for a snack.
Sherri, not green hands, we just leave them outside for the summer, then we bring them in, they Bloom, I got the best deal at Lowes this evening, the pots of hens & chickens that didn't sell for $15.00 this Summer went for $1.25, so we bought all they had left, my DD was so glad
I had to go to Lowes for 10 10 10 fertilizer, have a great night


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, sounds like you had a blast!The things we do for our Wish I could have been there.
Girl, you get the best buys at your Lowes. That would have been right up my alley. My newest addiction is succulents and cactus. I have you and Debra to thank for that, because last year you both sent me some starts of I'm hooked.I've been thinking about turning my 55 gallon fish tank into a succulent terrarium, but I need to gather a few more small plant starts, first. Walmart and Home depot sell those Exotic angel brand starter plants in tiny pots, and they are perfect, for what I want to do.Wish I could get to Lowes.Lasy year, I bought some great plants for a buck a piece (at Lowes), and they have done great..staghorn fern, ponytail palm, and creeping fig...thats all I can think of right now, but I know I got more. I love ponytail palm...the way the foliage curls around. I have a big pot and a small pot of them...almost as bad as brugs...can never have too

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Look at the blooms!!!

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen, beautiful plant! I love the color!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have a piece that fell off!!!

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