Thanksgiving Swap Chat and Reveal

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh I'm so glad you like everything, Patti. Always scarey mailing breakables. And your history with wheat.....who knew?! LOL I cracked up in the shop when I found that turkey sign. The clerk knew exactly why I was rolling. We were the only two in the store at the time and let loose big cackles. Actually found the two signs first and they were inspiration for the rest of your goodies.

Thanksgiving is my fav holiday! I am blessed to have each one of you Friends in my life.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Jaye thank you for the Good Luck it worked I Won the Big Michigan Progressive JP Tonight & I plan to have a very nice Xmas :)))for some lucky person :)) LOVE Sharing :) My heart is still beating just as hard as it was when I was waiting for that B 11 to come out .HEHE Not sure if I will be able to sleep tonight or not . I Woke daddy up when I Got home & Told him of my winnings & Then told him to sleep t & Not wait in the night & That I Will treat him to a capachino tomorrow :))
I Plan to go buy him also a Watch that will chime the Hour On the hour so he will not be waking us every 2 Hours to ask if its time to get up yet . My Toddy did not work for him .
well off to play a bit wide awake right now :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Congrats on the big win Susie!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

whoo hoo Susie! you go girl!

Patti, that is a wonderful box from Fruity.. Love the peacock feathers and wheat it is awsome!

Ocean Springs, MS

Susie, that is wonderful! You surely deserved it! Make sure you treat yourself to something special!

I did get a little shopping done this week, but still not ready to ship out my box. Looking for something special for my buddy! Also, making something for her and still need to find one more thing to finish it.

I have been so busy with the kids and plants for the business that all I seem to have time to do afterward is get a bath, dinner, and bed. And my dogs broke into my greenhouse! I was furious! Thank goodness they only ruined one plant, but I had to repot some and replace the soil in some they knocked over. whew! Like I don't have enough to do without their "help." LOL

Colt and Liam are coming home for the entire week of Thanksgiving, so I will be blessed with all my children here, as well as my precious Liam. Colt called me Monday night so Liam could "Trick or Treat" me. Liam got on the phone and said, "Trick or Treat! Smell my feet!" I had to laugh. I told him that if I had him in my arms that I would smell his feet! It was so funny!

Well, off to take something for this cold I have. Ugh! You girls have a blessed day. Love to all, julieannne

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh goodness deejay, what a great thing, glad we all sent you good vibes to win the big nice to have unplanned money ;) Usually it works the other way....LOL What a nice present for your Dad. Guess you could do the opposite of an alarm clock, set it to play music when it is time to get up....instead of like mine that goes off to get me up....LOL

Hey end of daylight savings everyone, I am soooo sad! Last day I will see sunshine at home in the morning or night except on the weekends.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Wonderful boxes are being received! I'm working on getting a filled box for my buddy......might be a bit late but I'll try to make it worth the wait! We finally close on my mom's house this Friday and we are spending all available time there to get everything cleared out. I still have shopping to do to get my buddy's box like I want it and I hope to have it filled and mailed out later this week.

This house sale has been such a roller coaster ride! I'll be so relieved when we close and all is done! I definitely will try to have all of my stuff downsized so my kids don't have to go through this!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I am still working on my box. Did somemore shopping while I was in Tulsa Friday. Wonder if I have enough stuff on hand to do some baking???? Hmmmmmm

Ocean Springs, MS

Baking? Sounds yummy! I still have to get to the craft store to get one more thing for my box. Having a bad day here, but God promises me that it will pass!

I love you all, julie

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That's wonderful news, Debbie!

Got my cornbread baked and in the freezer in anticipation of making Thanksgiving dressing.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OH Fruity send me your cornbread dressing recipe We have a restrant called 'OLD COUNTRY BUFFET " & They sure make the best dressing but will not give up the recipe , I want to make it for our turkey . this Saturday the KIDS Will all be home here with daddy . Now do you make cornbread from scratch or a mix ????
been a long day , & I'm so ready just to go get my feet up :) so will check back in tomorrow . GN All .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Cornbread Dressing

I use a box of Teay’s Valley cornbread mix cooked in a 9” x 9” x 2” glass baking dish, either sprayed with Pam or buttered, and use the same dish to bake the dressing.


1 pone of cooked crumbled cornbread
1 beaten egg
1 can of Water Chestnuts, drained and chopped
1 cup of chopped celery
1 cup of chopped onion
1 to 2 cups of chicken stock
2 - 3 T of ground sage
Salt and Pepper to taste

Set aside 1 cup of chopped Pecans and several butter pats.

Saute the celery and onion. Cool before mixing in with all the other ingredients, except for the chopped pecans and butter pats. Add more chicken stock to the mix if it appears dry.

Place in a preheated 425 degree oven for 30 minutes. Garnish with chopped pecans and pats of butter for an additional 5 minutes. **Water Chestnuts are for crunch and chopped Pecans work just as well in the mix. ***

I forgot to mention servings from a 9" square dish will yield six large portions or nine small ones.

This message was edited Nov 8, 2011 10:09 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

got it printed off ty ever so much

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

(((((((((((((Julie)))))))))))))) whatever you're going through, remember you're NOT alone.
God makes earthly angels in the form of friends. I thank God for DG sistahs.

^_^ Susie, congratulations!! This won't be the only win, I know there will be more! Good things come to good people!

I'm smelling cornbread! Susan, that's a good idea to have water chestnuts in cornbread. I'll have to try that.
Sometimes I add bits of water chestnuts in my green bean casserole for that extra texture.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Had to stop in and check out everyone's goodies!!! Great swap guys! :) i can't wait till turkey day!!!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I have the cornbread dressing in the oven, I'll let you know how it is.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey ya'll.

You're welcome, Susie. Forgot to mention the recipe uses a 12 oz box of cornbread mix. If you like a little sweetness in your dressing, you can add diced apple, Golden raisins, chopped dried cranberries, etc. Whatever you like or happen to have on hand is good.

Excellent, Mittsy!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Fruity, what is a pone?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

My Southern upbringing is showing. A pone = a pan of cornbread.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

our thanksgiving is this saturday I'm also going to make up the OLD FASHIONSan FRANCISCO SOURDOUGH Bread That Liz sent to me in our NEXT OF THE WOODS SWAP :) Will let ya all know HOW GREAT THEY ARE :)))
well just got home from BINGO No Jackpot but I Did win My Money back PLUS :))) So I'm Good .
good night all

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Here's my review of the cornbread stuffing. DH won't eat cornbread, so I didn't tell him it was cornbread. He thought it was ok. Sister came home from work stopped in for a minute before checking in with mom, she loved it, ate a dish full right then. I thought it was good and I think my DIL will like it. I used the smaller box of Jiffy mix, and just cut back on the chicken broth. Will add the apple and cranberries for the Thanksgiving dish. I used walnuts but think that pecans would be better. I really liked the crunch of the water chestnuts. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susie, why are you having your Thanksgiving early?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Fruity....LOL, I love the regional differences (pone) and so hope we never lose them. I really worry sometimes when I travel especially for business and end up in a Office Depot, Walmart, etc, we will become too homogenized.

I love cornbread as cornbread, but don't like the texture in dressing, I am just an old bread dressing person...rofl.
Do you all eat yellow or white cornmeal? My X didn't know there was yellow cornbread until I made it for him, he had only had white.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I like my yellow cornmeal whole grain, not that fake food degerminated, tasteless stuff. I grew up on cornmeal mush served with browned butter, it's the first thing my kids ask me to fix when ever they visit.
Take one cup of corn meal with the germ, and put one cup of milk with it and stir. Let it sit while you bring 2 cups of water and one half teaspoon of salt to a boil. Slowly add the cornmeal milk mixture stiring all the time, bring it back to a boil and then turn heat down and simmer until cooked. While you are waiting for it to cook, stir occasionally. Take half a stick (2 oz) of butter and heat until melted, turn heat down and continue to cook until it starts to foam and turns golden brown, but don't let it burn. Take the largest plate you half and put several large spoonfulls of the mixture on the plate. Spread evenly over the plate in a very thin layer. Pour the brownwd butter over the top and spread it with the back of a spoon. Serve. Any leftover can be packed into a tiny bread tin, chilled, sliced and fried in a pan until a golden crust forms. Serve with jelly or maple syrup.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I love cream of wheat so I would probably like that. Never heard of it before tho.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Also Grew up on a
In A medium bowl MIX

In MEDIUM SKILLET MELT 3 TBS Crisco till Hot ADD MIXTURE Brown on Both sides
Hard to flip at times but do your best :) When done cut like a PIE Serve with

time to lay back GN All .

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Susie are you one of the northerners that eat fish in milk? Can't think what my friend use to call it now.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

NO FISH IN MILK Here Never heard of that .

LK we are having our THANKSGIVING This weekend because all the kids have their thanksgiving with their ENLARGED FAMILY :)
this one is just for brothers sisters & a few of the Older GKs that Grew up with grandpa.
& this was the only weekend they all had for the get together . well time to get to baking ya all have a great day .

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Fish in milk?

Susie, don't work too hard baking today, and enjoy your Thanksgiving with the family.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I love cream of wheat too. Have never used white cornmeal, just yellow. I also LOVE sweetened cornbread (I add a little sugar to my mix) but don't care for cornbread dressing. I'm the good ole bread dressing type of gal too. My DH calls me the 'cornbread eatin' gal' because I love sweetened cornbread and real butter. Mmmmmmmmm

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LK Fish in milk? i never !!!!!!!
always fun for visit & eats but also nice when it is over :) Good thing I can go to my house just steps away to get away :)

Gotta tell a My sitter Lorraine game over to see daddy TUES Night . this was the 1st she had been into my place since i Moved in
the 1st thing she said was it smells like dirt course i was playing in my dirt with my Mini Garden.
anyway I said yes dosen't it smell better then shitty diapers ???? she has 11 GK's there much of the time . Don't know if she will talk to me tomorrow or not :) .

well i have a Oatmeal pie in the oven, cherry pie also, still have to do my peanut butter sheet cake yet . figure whats for super'
& make time for my self to play :) have a great day back soon .

Ocean Springs, MS

So sorry I've been missing. Kids have me going in all directions! Love the recipes! I'll have to share mine for cornered dressing.

FOTV, here's a pic for you. My little man Chase devouring the peanuts you sent me!

Thumbnail by froggies_girl
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

hey all will what a day & It is finally QUIET Around here :) we had 37 here for DINNER out of a 18lb turkey ,12 lb ham , there is only soup bones left . out of 3 Pumpkin Pies , a Blueberry pie, cherry pie, & 1 oatmeal pie , Not one piece left .
here is the oatmeal pie before :) everyone turned up there nose till they took a bite ,then it was a fight as to who got a piece :)
well at lease now I Do not have to go through this for another year :) I'm bushed back tomorrow .
GN All

Thumbnail by deejay9
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, Susie, that's a lot of friends and kin! I don't like Oatmeal but you might change my mind with your pie recipe.

Thank you for the dressing report, Mittsy. We like it a tad on the sweet side with raisins and / or apples. And Julie, what can I say? Chase looks like he's enjoying the roasted peanuts more than a

Most of the cornbread around here is white, but I have fixed yellow. It's a bit more grainy and guess we like ours more on the soggy side.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Chase is looking really happy with his nuts.
Susie, that pie looks delish, and I can't believe you had that many people for Dinner, *whew*!
I LOVE cream of wheat, and I am going to try that cornbread stuffing recipe...

My buddies box going out Tuesday, ,hope everything arrives in one piece...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Morning all

ALL Family & Was so busy I Could not even get Pictures of everyone . . I can hardly move this morning so very stiff & Sore every bone in my body hurts Not sure why .
Guess I Need A NICE HOT SHOWER" ya all have a great day back later .

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My buddies box is packed, taped, labeled and ready to go! It will either go out today or tomorrow, depending upon if I have a prescription ready I need to go get. I know I have eto go to town tomorrow (Tuesday) so it will be tomorrow at the latest.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Now that the house has sold and we have closed, I will get out and finish my shopping for my buddy's box. Too much happening over the weekend to shop but nothing in my way now! I plan to shop for two swaps this week and a partial one to's going to be a good week!

Ocean Springs, MS

I'm sorry to say that I am way behind in finishing my things for this swap. Have some things ready, but still need to finish a little shopping and "digging." Oops, that's a surprise!

Having trouble with my 13-year-old failing 3 classes at school. He lives with his dad and there is not much structure in the home. So, I am spending a lot of time trying to keep on top of him. Also, my mom was admitted to the hospital today- atrial fib and very high blood pressure 190/130. They kept her and her blood pressure was dropping and her heart rate had stabilized when I came home earlier.

Thank you all for a great swap love, julie

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

congrats on the completion of the closing of your house!

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