What's Happening in your neck of the woods? Come chat....


In my neck of the woods

6f, going to -2c brrrrrrr at least it's not going to -6c it was supposed to!

On the plus side - made a huge amount of turkey soup - now to find where to put it! I went grocery shopping and filled fridge, and freezer (as well as the chest freezer in our porch!)
I'm making Morning Cheer Marmalade (has scotch whisky in it, so very cheering lol).
Tastes good, actually, but it's still on the stove and I just have to let it cook another 20 min and add the scotch!

Next weekend is the church sale - I have 4 large rum fruitcakes to pre-sell. Hope the orders go well.....

Victoria Harbour, ON

Hope the sale works out for you Susan, you said you would takenorders, now that you are working will you still do so?

Wind is still up, good day to stay in jammies and just relax..

What are you all up to today, anything exciting?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Wind has died down a little here .. and .. the "S" word is in the forecast :-(
Mind you, mixed with rain, but, still and all .. the "S" word !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taking the puppers for a car ride to town .. maybe take them to Tims for a TimBit .. altho Lilly turns her nose up at them .. but .. Piper will eat her share LoL

Made chicken tetrazinni last night, made enough there'll be leftovers tonight .. YAY !!!

Susan, you've given me a SHOVE :-)
My Mom always made fruit cakes for Xmas, started around now doing it .. I think I'd like to try. I always remember it being a HUGE deal .. she had to mix the ingredients in a big roast pan, and she had several sizes of pans she put the cakes in (she made'em for weddings too) she would buy the Almond paste and ice them .. I;m just wondering .. since i am almost 90% positive I will NOT find her pans, what do you cook yours in ? Now I really want to try and make one.
Bulk Barn be on the look out for me LoL

So .. off to make brkfst ..



PS sharing a pic of the dogs from yesterday .. they were watching Gorillas on the television LoL

Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg how cute! Furries do enjoy watching tv especially when involving wildlife! See mine come to attention...think Sharon bought movies geared to interest out pets..imagine.

Wind was down but I can see it's getting stronger, soon won't be able to tell by leaves blowing because there will be no leaves left to blow...

Yikes, as you say, even a mix of rain/snow is not good..I have seen snow come mid October and stay till late spring..made for one longggg winter.

My grandfather owned a bakery wheni was but a little girl, do remember going there with friends after school to get a treat. Think Aunt Muriel has his pans, doubtful anyone else in the family would be interestedin them, should ask for them..don't think it would be too bold of me as she has already given me 2 of my great grandmothers Christmas balls, paper like now and also gave me my grandmother whom I'm named after, her watch which is engraved with our name so she would be open to me asking

Hmmm tumbles sure sound lime a plan, someone yesterday mentioned pumpkin pie so I took one out of the freezer so best I finish that before going for more sweets which I don't need.

Been sewing for 1/2 hour or so, took a painkiller but arm is giving me the what for. So might be a day of just sitting..should go look for arm sling, might help..it seems worse than the feet, the knees ect maybe because I continue to use it..isn't old age fun? NOT

When will Carol be back?
Enjoy your day..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty .. sounds as though you might have 'tendonitis' .. is the pain running from your elbow down to your wrist? An anti inflammatory and ice is best for it .. like Advil or Aleve, Motrin .. Ibuprophen .. and, of course, NOT USING the affected limb LoL (like that is going to happen) !!

Threw a load of laundry in .. won't leave the house til it's done .. have known a couple of acquaintenances over my lifetime who have gone out with the washer running and come home to basements full of water .. it may only have been 2 people, but that visual sticks with me as we live in a ranch style home .. one level .. so .. if there was a flood .. wellllllllllllll .. BIG mess !!
Also won't go out and leave the dryer on in an empty home .. Gord attended more than a few fires where the home owners were out, the dryer over heated and they came home to trouble ..
Going to try and hang this stuff on the line .. guess I'm trying to disbelieve the forecast ^_^



This message was edited Oct 16, 2011 10:31 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Dr said lots of inflamed areas so thinks it's an internal infection causing the problem..

Tv/phone/Internet just came on, been down all day..thank goodness hydro was on

Yikes chilled to the bones..sun was out for awhile and now it feels like the wind is coming through the walls.

I've a bad habit of leaving dishwasher and washer running as I leave for work, know I'm asking for trouble!


Betty - Yes, I'll still take orders for the rum fruit cakes!
Marilynne - I use bundt cake or angel food cake pans (no I don't make angel food cake in them afterwards....... I know you can't, due to the butter/oil etc).
If I get requests for small ones, I'll make some in bread pans, too. This will dictate the $$ I'm asking for them.
My coleus has Not rebounded sufficiently for me to sell them. Ah well, it just means I'll have less to haul there and back (if they don't sell.......).

Well, need to create signs for my tables.......
I'm having trouble finding the tiny labels for the library books. Maybe I'll find them next week......

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I have one of each of those types of pans .. so .. it's all good ^_^
Now I just need to get the SHOVE to go and puchase the fruit and nuts etc .. Was in the Bulk Barn today, but buying stuff for pickled beets .. finally have THAT monkey off my back !!

Plumber is coming Thursday evening .. my dang kitchen sink is driving me BUGGY .. it won't drain properly .. Gord is NOT by any means 'plumbing inclined' .. and I am becoming VERY testy about the whole situation .. so .. I'll see what he says about a fix and the COST of same.

Have the first woodstove fire of the season going, the wind finally brought us to our knees .. the cat is ecstatic !!! The dogs are so so .. Lilly is a 'semi heat sponge', Piper is a COOL DUDE .. I'm just happy I can open a window or 2 if need be ..

Off to rattle some pots and pans




My 1st day at my new job went very welll!! Sent there on contract, but they want to hire a mature person who will stay there. I am a Project assistant - will be getting a corporate credit card. My boss wants me to go with him when he travels for meetings. My family is in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and he said he'd be asking me to go there and also to Montreal, and Staford England!
Wow, eh?

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Looks like everyone is getting into the hibernation state and Baking! That will be my next big thing so the freezer will have some back up.
Susan sounds like the job is super enjoy!
Carol are you still down east? Our weather out west is ok, had a killing frost the other night so will have to get out the Begonia corms and the Cana's to put away. Now it's going to be nice for a while so that is good.
Back to crazy work and DD has school things going on so just busy busy for me.
I do lurk here though.
Alberta Ann


Hi Ann! Yeah, we had a killer frost the other night, too - don't think my coleus is going to survive......... think it's done for!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well Susan .. you'll be a Globe Trotter .. Hope the new boss will be nice to travel with ^_^

Alberta Ann .. our killing frostS were in late Sept. Mind you, I still had roses blooming following .. not now though ..
Have a friend in Kingston whose DD is involved (heavily) in CheerLeading .. her other DD does figure skating and swimming, and my bud hardly find time to work (she's a nurse) .. Good luck organizing your time .. have meant to ask before .. How is your knee?

Another breezy day, but, not quite as bad as the last 3.

Have a banana loaf on the agenda, and, cleaning my china cabinet .. OYE !!

Have beeen wondering how Viola Ann is .. miss her posts ..

Take care all


Victoria Harbour, ON

Alberta Ann, amazing how after school activities take up all free time! My having boys (now grandsons) just isn't the same, usually it's the dad's that do the running, must say though DIL is always at hockey..

Glad you are having the better weather, yikes been raining here since last week, calling for heavy rains the next few days..not liking it at all..hoping you'll enjoy a bit more of those outside pretties.

"M" you are baking up a storm, just think if you freeze a lot you'll not have much to do in the line of baking come the holidays..my problem is I bake, set it in the freezer than out it comes within days..should put a lock on it and give a friend to key to keep it safe from my munching...love sweets.

Let's hope Susan today will be as exciting for you as yesterday was..nice getting settled in a new office and meeting new co-workers..

Yesterday the sky on my way in was a bright red..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Today, still amazing

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yes I am still here. Weather has not been very nice, yesterday and today it did not rain but supposed to start again tonight!
I fly home on Thursday.


Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip in Toronto, Carol.
Have a good flight back!

Today, my 2nd day at this job, I got invited to the Dec 16th Christmas Party, and also to bowling this Friday with people from Stratford England! The company is making a "team building" bowling team :-)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Weather certainly did not co operate for you Carol..some of the nastiest this season just sorry it had to be on your visit. Have you been well though..oops ann just arrived, tv bingo

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty .. what beautiful pics !!! Makes the drive to work so much nicer ^_^

Susan .. sounds as though you are working for a PRO AcTIVE employer .. a good thing ..

Carol .. what can i say .. I have watched the weather down east, as well, Lorna's folks call daily from King city (north of Toronto) and they tell us what it's like ..
Hope you have a nice flight back tomorrow ..

Off to physio in a bit .. only 4 times left .. and.. between it and the drugs I have healed !!! Well .. it seems so .. i know i am going to HAVE to be careful .. with snow shoveling season on the horizon .. that'll be a tuffy ..
I am not going to have the MRI .. feel foolish going when my shoulder in now a NON issue.

Best go put some make up on

Have a good one



Helloooooooo Everyone & Good Morning!
Getting ready for work (geeze I love the sound of that!) and thought I'd pop in a few words....
I my new boss about how I was let go from one job because I was over 50 and he looked very concerned that this would happen in this day and age. My physician admin boss was my age and he was great. My HR boss was at least 20 years younger than me and she was totally unsympathetic to both of us being unemployed in our 50's/60's! Also, Neil wanted a mature person simply for the ability to say "no" to extra duties when necessary lol

To all - have a terrific day! Sorry I can't keep up with you during the day anymore, but paycheques are important lol

This message was edited Oct 19, 2011 6:15 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" glad you are feeling better..ohh don't mention that word
Poor Carol, won't be the greatest of days in Toronto, moving in is torrential rains and high winds

Must check to make sure my drains are all cleared so no more flooding tonight

Victoria Harbour, ON

you have a good day settling in Susan, love hearing you sound so chipper!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Have read a few articles, the best was in a summer Chatelaine, with regards to the increased hiring of MATURE staff to work along side MATURE administrators/bosses. The mature employees are found to be more self directed and reliable and more apt to be able to keep up with the flow of the business.
Sounds as though you have gotten a good position .. all the best !

Fall has finally fallen on us .. temps are cool, air is damp .. gloves are the order of the day, AND, I so HATE to say this .. there are XMAS COMMERCIALS on the radio !!!!!!!!! Almost drove off the road when one came on the other day !!!

Plumber is coming this evening to diagnose my kitchen sink problem. I really am looking forward to being able to rinse things with the water running and not have the sink fill up because it isn't draining properly .. I had the sinks installed less than 3 years ago .. apparently the fellow who did it was NOT a plumber with certification . Course it's anyones best guess where HE is now .. sigh !!!!!!! I am way too trusting of people.

Off to physio in a bit ..

Have a good one


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, raining to beat the dickens with winds this morning...hoping to find everything
'dry' when I get home..might call a friend to go check and if flooding then off I go..more rain tomorrow so good excuse to stay home..

Will be a busy weekend, Saturday taking an early morning ride to Buffalo, pick up materials at Joann's..the sale ends Saturday so its the only opportunity I have..then Sunday morning I'm at a quilt shop taking a lesson how to put these 3 quilts I'm doing together in new fashion..

Looking at my calendar, drats, before you know it it will be Christmas Eve (that's ok, almost done) lol

This weekend is spoken for, Oct. 29th..trip to Toronto re big sale at GANZ, November 4 and November 11 - shopping trip with girls to USA, Nov. 17th free weekend for now..last weekend in annual family/friends craft day and on and on...

"M" already you can see all the stores stocked up for Christmas..would think that Nov. 1st the Christmas music will start.

Heard the weather report for you all in the west, best get out your winter garb ..brrrr

Made arrangement with my plowman, that's always nice to know should we have a snowfall yard will be cleaned!

Now "M" could it be DH who did the plumbing, only a guess..could I be right??

Not many more PT appointments, you'll be glad as you wouldn't want to be driving in bad weather!

Carol comes home today right?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Seems as though the trees down Toronto way have gotten a HUGE pre Xmas drink !!!
We have basked in the sun all day, but will be living with lows of -5C overnight .. the woodstove will be lit that is for sure.

Betty, a 'so called' professional installer put the kitchen sinks in when we renovated the kitchen .. one of the sinks started to act up within 6 months, but, seemed to rectify itself .. now both sinks become slow to drain and it makes me BUGS !!!
Gord does not touch electrical or plumbing .. seems if he does we inevitably end up having to call someone in to repair the original repair and then what he kinda goofed up on top of it.

Only 3 physio appts left .. I am ecstatic .. and happy with the results ^_^

Best keep a look out for the fella .. luckily he knows we have 2 kinda yappy dogs ...



Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Good news re the plumber ^_^
Very nice fella, lives in our little Township so travelling to us is a NON issue. Seems the sinks were installed improperly re some 'gasket in the drain' .. he removed them, and, voila .. perfect draining !!!
He will come back on Tuesday to repalce the piping under the sink, and, I have asked him to replace the taps in the ensuite bathroom.

Chilly day on the agenda, but, sunny .. am thinking all the people who have invested and erected the solar panels here abouts are quite happy with their power storage. The huge towers with the 2 large articulating panels, seem to be popping up on several properties .. quite pricey .. have heard $120,000, but, once they start working and capturing the energy you're basically set free from your hydro electric charges .. in these changin times I can see them becoming more popular, especially if there are incentives ...

Off to get gas for the vehicle today as well as a set of taps .. AND, well, there just happens to be a DOLLAR STORE in close proximity to the plumbers store, can NEVER not go in LoL



Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Oh wow! I thought things were pretty quiet. You started a new thread on the day we went to Germany and I didn't have enough computer time to notice it and "watch" it. Have found you now. We had two weeks in Germany - first in Berlin and then Dresden and then in Würzburg for an International Viola Congress. Got back Monday afternoon and am finally getting back in the swing of things. Have been working on pictures and have quite a few uploaded, but only the Berlin ones with complete captions. If you want to look at it now, it's at http://violaann.smugmug.com/Travel/Germany-2011/19643233_pL2nst/1 The picture titles do show in lieu of of captions and in many cases they will tell you what you are looking at, but without any background or impressions.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Oooh I'm going to Germany, well not quite but through your travels ViolaAnn!

Love the rose carol, you are back home now right?? Now we get sunshine.

Glad "M" you are all fixed up, pays to bring in the big guns. Lol. Now you can do dishes without worry.

Won't be long and I'm going to call it a night, why I said I'd go to Buffalo tomorrow for the day is beyond me..leaving here at 5am..hoping to be back late afternoon..now customs might have another idea!!

Susan, good luck at the church sale and enjoy tonight's movie.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I'll get busy and add some more caption.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Beautiful...bet if you did research, somewhere you would/could be related.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol, cool link I love to see the close ups.
VAnn , Europe is very cool and you are so organized!
Betty I too travel on the tails of others.

If any one wants to look I have put a couple more photo's on my Kauai trip thread and will add a couple more when it lets me, I finally got my memory stick from my sister.

DD is in a volleyball tourney this weekend and I am off to get snacks ready for the team for tomorrow.
Alberta Ann

Victoria Harbour, ON

I'll have to find the link Ann..so enjoy looking at all the photo's.

Know my sister said come early so we can be in Buffalo by 8am but this is ridiculous..been up for hours and it's 3:15.. Guess I'll pack up be be at her door extra early!

Enjoy your day everyone

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Ann - I through away so many unlabelled pics from my mother's house. Want to get mine so I know what they are in a few years. I got more captions done - partially into Dresden. The photos are posted through Würzburg.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I had wondered where you were ViAnn .. welcome back, and the pics are wonderful !!
Have been the route of having to throw out literally hundreds of unmarked photos from both my parents estates and Gordon's parents. We did the pre requisite visiting of the surviving siblings to try and discern dates and faces, but, in the end, several albums and boxes of photos were incinerated .. kinda made us feel horrible, but, what can you do. We did give many photos to the Armouries for their archives as several albums were put together during the second world war.

Betty .. I sure hope you can enjoy your day and not fall asleep .. long as you enjoy yourselves that's the most important part ..

Laundry on the menu for the first part of the day .. then I guess MORE yardwork ..

My son and granddaughter are involved in a HAUNTED HOUSE tour over the next few days/weeks .. her pic was in the paper yesterday, I scanned it and will post it, hope it isn't too big.

Off I go


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all, finally, just got home from my sewing class today, had bath and while pork chops are cooking I'm visiting opener you all, just know once I eat it will be night, night for me.

Yesterday was tons of fun, great day with my only sister, we don't get together often enough..cross into USA at 8:30 am, less than a 10 minut wait..was at Joann's fabrics before it even opened. Lol, nothing like being in a hurray! You know is amazes me what we pay for fabric here compared to the USA...on Thursday night I stopped and picked up a meter of Xmas cotton, paid $14.99 a meter..at Joann's same print after discounts $4.75 yard...buy enough to do 2 or
three quilts and you get 3 for price of one here...

Got enough yardage to make Caleb's jester costume and a queen size rag quilt for mom for Xmas. Would have bought more but just being over for the day you are not suppose to come back with anything...border agent looked atmthe receipts we gave her so we could pay duty, but she handed it back to us and said, have a nice day! I'll be back in USA. On 4th and the 11th so I'll know what I'm missing and can get it then.

Had to be in Craighurst for 10:30..arrived dead on, good thing didn't leave for home until after 4pm..

I've been excited about doingbthis project..kept thinking it was more a wallhanging/throw, but put the 12 strips together and the first thing I said was, yikes, that is big so now i must rethink the project.still have edging to add which will almost make it a double bed size.. Is nice though!!

Falling asleep here as I type..waving will be back in a bit.

This message was edited Oct 23, 2011 5:45 PM


Betty - we MUST have you post pics of your project! How lovely of the customs agent to just let you swan though!!
I want to see Caleb's jester costume too!

Looks like Bob & I will be dressing up for Hallowe'en after all! We're going to a party at the Community Hall Pub and they want people to dress up - he'll be the grim reaper and I'll be Vampira.
We're going to a fellow choir member's party the next night, but it's not dress up. We've gone other years, and dressed up. They have a band who play and we really have a great time. They have an old fashioned 2 storey house and have really done period decorating in high style - so beautifully done, too!
Bob & I don't often get asked out, but these 2 parties will be fun (and the 1st costs very little, while the 2nd costs nothing LOL)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Susan, If I remember correctly you and Bob had quite the time last year going out at Halloween. How can anyone ask you out, you've always got a full schedule of activities going on. Lol. Fun dressing up, always find most adults won't though!

Will take a photo up to where I am on the pieces I'm doing but just not sure I have enough energy right now..took some photo's of the sunset I took coming home last night and still haven't downloaded..

Laughing to myself, only reason I'm awake right now is smelling pork chops sizzling..know I'm going to burn to. the house down one day

ViolaAnn, must go back and see the photo's along with The Maui photo's

What a sunshine day, sorry I spent it all indoors.

"m" love the photo..they'll have so much fun with this project

Oops got to run


Betty - I know that we went to the house party last year and got costumed up - I helped our friend Bob sew panels into his jeans for his look as a hippy, and gave him some big jewellry to wear too lol We were to dress as 60's (or was it 50's?) people (remember that 60's office tv show and everyone was dressing like that?) and Bob wore a 60's suit while I went as a secretary (with my hat, etc).
No costume this yearr at the house party on Saturday, but Bob & I were just at Shopper's Drug Mart and bought some wigs, I got long eyelashes (beaded), teeth and fake blood for our costuming at the Pub party on Friday!

We're done for the busy time of year until Christmas comes! We always have Christmas Eve service and because Christmas is on Sunday, we'll have another service then - how lovely, eh? So, it's gotten a little quieter now - thank goodness! Now I'll have time to sew all the quilting stuff, etc for DG & Cubits' charities. I think I'll take some to work to work on over lunchtime! There is going to be some handwork - embroidery.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Good to see everyone is so busy !! Keeps us all out of trouble I guess ^_^

My 'busytude' seems to be baking .. bread mostly .. although i did make a rhubarb coffeecake simply because it seemed that each time I opened my freezer door, a 2 cup package of frozen rhubarb 'teetered' on the shelf and almost fell out .. best use it as lose it.
Also rendered another pie pumpkin .. a bigger one this time as I scooped 6 cups of pulp from the shell, I usually get just over 4 cups.

Lorna has a 'TEAM' meeting today with the Amputee Rehab program. I am MORE than a bit 'miffed' with them. Seems to me they put the clients through the program, and, once it's done and they feel you won't fall down flat on your face, they let you go and the only follow up is with the prosthetist who is very quickly becoming burned out!! In fact, and I find this quite distressing, the prosthetist was injured about a month ago. He has 3 compression fractures of his spine and is STILL working wearing a brace !!! I want, and need, to know what would happen to the HUNDREDS of amputees in this area were Kerry (the prosthetist) to be injured, or develop an illness which would cause him to be hospitalized and unable to do his job. Yes, he has assistants, but, over the 18 months we have dealt with him, these assistants have done very little 'hands on' stuff. They seem to basically cast the prosthetic devices, or tweak them .. Kerry is the main attraction in so far as fitting the appliances. Kerry is an amputee, so, he has a better understanding of what is involved.
Truth be told, I sure would like a chance to attend at Sunnybrook in Toronto and have Lorna assessed by that rehab facility. BUT .. we certainly do not want to rock too many boats and become known as 'trouble makers' .. sad really when all you're trying to do is advocate for the best care you can get for something that is life altering.

Sun is up, cool day. Hope everyone has a super week :-)


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well it has happened :-(
Team mtg cancelled as Kerry, the prosthetist is in the hospital.
So .. I have called and written our 2 MPPs with regards to the LACK of this profession here in the north, and, the fact that there are hundreds+ amputees now without care.
Gosh, feel so lost .. next option is the Sunnybrook option .. but I think we'll wait for that. Happily Lorna HAS her prosthesis, and is not waiting for it.

Otherwise it has been, so far, a totally mixed up day!! Have had to call the MNR as there is a Doe inside the neighbours enclosure and she can't get OUT .. they gave us permission to cut the back gate lock as the home owner is not living at home at the present time .. Loooooooooong story on that .. the front gates are opened, but the Doe won't go towards the traffic. The lock is now cut, and the back gates opened .. so .. will have to check and see if she has figured it out .. her 2 fawns are on OUR side of the fence ...

To console my soul I made a pumpkin pie LoL .. took my mind off things for 15 minutes !!!

Off for a walk



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