Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

The blooms of the Kigelia are breathtaking.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

those blooms are Magnificent, Love them. I bet it would be beautiful on a bright Moonlight night. Such as interesting tree. My baby's were posin and I couldn't "not get" that shot. I was taking pictures. Thank you Chrissy and everyone. I'd love that mulch too, I love to have a pallet of potting soil too. then when I was ready to pot of something I'd have dirt. We usually get potting soil every year. Where does all that mulch and dirt go?????☺

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Seems odd getting up in the dark, but daylight saving is still going here. Stupid pollies that extended it so long.
I loved that sausage tree when I was travelling in the northwest of WA. There were some in one of the caravan parks in full bloom. Such a beautiful long hanging branch of flowers. I cant find my old pics and the internet doesnt seem to have pics of the full flowering branch. They are certainly very striking. .
Hello Karen, how lovely to see the tree in that garden.
Hello Charleen, I love your mules on the other thread. So cute.
Hello Chrissy, I'm still watching my brug pods. I think Frosty is going to keep his too. I thought it may fall off . ( crossed with Butterbomb.)
Hello Jean/moon, Pam and Marlene. I was wondering about the pigeon and the praying mantis too. Never heard of them being a pest anywhere. As far as I know, the pigeon is a native and I would suppose the mantis is too.
Hello Anthony, I am planning my area for the liliums. I will move some I already have and end up with (hopefully) a gorgeous show of flowers among the grasses.
Hello Teresa, I hope things are slowly starting to settle down there. It must be very disconcerting to be forever walking on shaky ground.
Hello to everyone else around. I am off to do a bit of the domestic stuff. You know,,,,,,, dusting etc. ugh.
I may even wash all the ornaments . Hmmmmmm now I'm getting carried away.
Better go out in the garden later so I can get back to normal. I hope you all had a great weekend, its back to Monday tomorrow.
The days seem to just fly past ..
Heres a lovely Chocolate Sponge Roll.
Enjoy it with your cuppa.
Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good Morning to you all.

Jean, I think folks were capitalizing on the NON NATIVE part of the contest...each category allowed one to choose an invasive or non native specimen to post a picture for judging. The common pigeon seen in cities, rooftops, under bridges and underfoot (nasty critters) were introduced to No. America in the 1600's....they are truly invasive as they compete with native species for food, nesting space, etc.

There are 3 praying mantis species common to NA, European, Chinese and Carolinian...only the Carolinian is native.

Merino, Australia

Sorry, Jean/moon. I sometimes forget we are in different countries when looking at the pics on DG. Non native species are a real problem in a lot of countries. Makes you wonder what some people were thinking of when importing the darn things. I know some get in accidently but here we have the rabbits, sparrows and starlings and foxes all brought in because someone wanted a little slice of "home". We also have the infamous Cane Toad along with other creatures imported to control pests . They took such a liking to the place they are taking it over and didnt do anything to control the original pests.
Easy to see the people that did all this were not gardeners as we would be a lot more careful about what we let into our gardens.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I am familiar with both of those...(Rabbit proof fence that stretches for miles) and the huge cane toad...we have it here in Hawai'i under the same circumstances as you do there, and it was accidentally released on the mainland in Florida

In Louisiana, we have the Coypu (nutria rat) that escaped into the wild in the 1930's. They can be quite damaging as they are quite large. (5to 9 kilos....70 to 105 cm including the tail) worst thing is they have 2 very long orange teeth that are excellent for gnawing....and their burrowing undermines riverbanks.

Ah, one man's wine is another's vinegar....grin


Oh not rats ...I hate them!
Have to do some stuff but back later ...enjoy your morning everyone.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

'government rats'-they sink their teeth in and undermine human sanity,.,.and when they see a depleted,lifeless body,they move to the next victim!!!!!!![couldnt help myself] sorry!!!!!!hope everyones having a great weekend-beaut weather,watchin the 'footy'planting seedlings and seeds and replenishing with chilled refreshments!!!! mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!-anthony

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Hello to you all! Jean - I'd sure love to come upon a nice pile of mulch like that!! We are heating up quickly here in South Florida, and so we are taking advantage of the early morning to pare down all the garden pots and baskets. I find it very difficult to dump perfectly lovely annuals, but it's time! I always forget how much has to be emptied, cleaned and put away here before we can leave because of the hurricanes that can arrive while we are away. We've gotten two good mornings of work behind us so far. Mulching comes after the daisies are gone. sniff.

Charleen - I love the camellias and wish I had better luck here with them. I think we get too hot here in the summer. Those gorgeous trees in your yard are amazing!

The sausage tree is also amazing! Yuk as to the Cane Toads and big rats!

Happy Weekend to everyone! Don't overdo with that mulch spreading, Jean!

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Glad you are enjoying life, Anthony!!! :)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I don't care for rats either. Thanks, I enjoy showing the pictures. I've tried to take cutting of Camellias but, no luck; so far....

Merino, Australia

Hubbys friend sent him some pics with the title 'Men Without Supervision'. Just had to show you a couple. Ladies , you will all identify with the pics. Fellas, sorry but most of you are like this.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Only in mans house. I would have plants in them myself.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Not sure if this pic will reproduce right, but what a spoiled pet !!

Thumbnail by 77sunset
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

thats not a bad idea!!!!!! [the mower]!-i drive cocky around in the ute like that,but i didnt cut the roof off!!!

This message was edited Mar 27, 2011 7:36 AM

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Since it is so early in the season Charleen, Look for a low, long branch, one that can remain attached to the tree and will still reach the soil. rough up the soil a bit and lay the branch onto the soil, cover with good rich soil, mulch and weigh the area down with a brick or small stone or garden peg. Whatever is handy for keeping the surface of the branch in contact with the ground.

Water gently with a bit of root starter mix and come back in a couple months. Don't let the ground get completely dry in the meantime and when you remove the stone, make sure to hold onto the branch. Gently ease back the mulch and you should see a few rootlets starting. Unless it is vigorously putting out roots, gently recover and replace the brick.

As soon as it has sufficient roots to sustain itself, separate the new plant by snipping off the stem a couple inches back from the new roots and pot up your new plant for planting out at the right time in your zone. That is how I got this one.

Boys will be boys and they like their toys....funny pics, Jean

Thumbnail by themoonhowl

I know it sounds weird but you take Camelia cuttings in the middle of Summer.
Nice to know you are enjoying your weekend Anthony,
we have grey cool drizzle here.
Anything better than heat though (for me any way.)
Funny pictures Jean except when you are married to one who does that kind of thing.
It gets very hot here but the Camelias thrive in the South of the home under dappled shade.

barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. Have been really busy tidying up in the SH and the yard. It seems to take me ages to get anything done around the garden as I get side tracked looking at brugs or broms or Hippy seedlings. Pulling a few weeds out here and straightening something else. The weather hasn't been the kindest either. Very cool and then the wind starts and it's so lazy. Cameren is going ahead in leaps and bounds now, thanks everyone who sent best wishes for him. Poor little fellow must have been in a lot of pain. Anthony so pleased that puss is on the mend. It's so traumatic for the animals when they get sick, because they can't tell us where they hurt. Glad to hear Cocky is still up to his old tricks in the garden. Must go as I'm halfway through the washing. The clouds are coming over again, might snuggle up on the lounge this afternoon and watch some TV. Colleen

se qld, Australia

I had one of those sausages just brush the back of me once when I was visiting the botanic garden in Cairns - would have been one heck of a headache if I'd just been a second later.

Hysterical pics Jean. I showed hubby. He want's to know how they'd do the side of the hedge.


Merino, Australia

Pam, he probably got his wife to do that bit. All I can say is if he does have a wife , she must be nearly a saint.
I have had a pet sheep and a goat in the car many, many years ago. Well, they thought they were dogs.
One of the best ways to get good rooted cuttings from camellias is air layering with the plastic bag and spaghnum moss method on a branch.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. I'm running in quickly this morning to just put out some nibbles. My granddaughter and her partner are arriving this morning. I get to see my gorgeous gt. granddaughter for the first time. .
see you all later. Have a great day.
enjoy these Meringue Hearts .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Do you call that technique "mossing off" a plant, Jean? My Mom used to call it that when she did it when I was a young'un. If you walked around our yard, you'd see the plastic wrapped lumps all over the various shrubs' branches. When I read your post, it brought back some nice memories of my Mom.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Dog gone, I gotta try that air layering. Love the cowboy in the car with his daity liitle pet. Beautiful animal. Can I try the airlayering now before it gets real warm and do I scratch the stem a little wrapped it in rooting hormone spagnum???I've never done air layering. Thank you ...

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to every one in the corner is my String Family it sure is growing the Elves are waiting for me to go so they can be the first to make music.--------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Brisbane, Australia

Jean, I so enjoyed those pics.

Elaine, looking good. I was going to decoupage a toy guitar once, but ended up dumping the project. Decoupage takes too long. I like the creativity of the tiles you've done.

A bit overcast here but I doubt it will rain. Typical dry, windy Autumn.
Have a nice day, everyone.


Merino, Australia

Hope this link works Charleen, but if you Google air layering anyway, you will find lots of info. I have done it before and its a good easy way to get hard to root plants going.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

By George, I think I can do that. Thank you, Jean; it did load. I'll give it a try and let you know. O.K.?
Love the Banjo...

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Charleen and Jean - that's exactly the technique my Mom would use. It was quite exciting to walk around with her and see the new roots showing through the plastic wrap.

Elaine - love your string family! Very clever!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I got to try it. I'll let you all see it when I do..

Clifton Springs, Australia

I just heard on the radio ( yes I'm up late) that in Queensland they had "Cane Toad day".

They caught upwards of 14,000 of them......You take your Cane Toad to a collection point where they euthanize it and sell the skin for who knows what and the rest for fertilizer..
Sounds like a lot of Toads until they tell you that they are in the billions now...

Evidently Toads love to congregate under street lights.....now I'm imagining Mr Toad of Wind in the Willows fame, hooning around in his car running over all the other Toads...Messy.

Anthony, some of the best footy ever on the weekend...great games, all close...Carlton must have given you palpitations..

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Sorry I'm a bit late opening the doors. It was so dark here I got lost.
I had a lovely day yesterday with my gt granddaughter. She is a real little cutie at nearly 2 years old. She has never seen me before so I was s o pleased when she held out her arms straight from the car. She is not shy at all. Such a joy to see her.
Her poor Mum is not well, being pregnant again and suffering the dreaded morning sickness all day.
One thing I never had to contend with in any of babies, thank goodness.
They are off today to fly to Brisbane for a holiday with my grandson. I hope the weather cools down for them as Perth has been so very hot for a long time. No fun going to a hot place form a hot place. Yesterday was one of the nicest days we have had for a while here which was really lovely as we could enjoy the day outside.
Would you believe that I, who walks around taking pics of everything, didnt get the camera out. I was kicking myself when they had gone and I remembered . Never mind, I get lots of pics from Mum and Nana.
Hello Charleen, you will have some fun with that air layering. If it is very warm you can wrap a bit of foil around the whole thing to keep the sun off the tender root parcel.
Dianne, I love the picture in my mind of Mr Toad running all the old toads over . People may think its cruel but have they ever seen a dog dying after eating or chewing on a cane toad ? Not nice I can tell you.
My son has them in Darwin now and he sticks them all in plastic bags in the freezer to kill them. They are worse than the rabbit plagues because one can at least eat the bunnies.
Hello Elaine, I love your "strings". Where is the violin ? Next you will need drums.
Hello Louise. I have never heard the term 'mossing off' . Sounds like it could mean the same thing though.
How are those darling girls ? You are busy there by the sound of things. It will be the same when you get back to NH. Un packing and checking on all your garden.
Hello everyone else. Dianne, Colleen, Anthony, Chrissy, Pam, Karen and Teresa .
I am off out in the sun now it has arrived. Looks like a good day to move some of that mulch around.
I am feeling a little stiff though, as yesterday morning, we had to fix a leaking water pipe. Had to dig a large hole in the middle of our road . Lucky its a gravel road and no cars use it but us. Hubby and I are getting past digging great holes, but as its a private line, we have to fix it ourselves. Usually there is a bit of help with four houses on it but everyone was away.
I may just sit out and enjoy the sun .
Have great day everyone and take time to sit in the sun too if you have it.
Have a taste of this Chocolate Marble Bread.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Elaine did you enjoy your Birthday?
I hope it was wonderful !
Sorry I was having puter trouble and did not notice ...did you do anything special ?
Another grey wet day here ...hope everyone has a pot of soup on the stove.
Can hardly wait until day light saving is over this weekend.
Getting up in the dark isn't great.
Too wet to walk around out there ...perhaps later.
We are picking the persimmons because they fill up with water and drop from the tree if you don't.
Hubby loves them (too sweet for me) but even he can't keep up with the crop.
Not much luck with anything else although the Quinces are reasonable.
The plums were pretty good but the apples were small (Pink Lady).
No chokos :( yet.
Plenty of bananas.
Better get on with things ...hope everyone enjoys their day grey or sunny.
Have fun playing in the mulch Jean.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Have to say thanks for the birthday wishes but Colleen jumped the gun its to morrow day before yours Colleen - - But its a 2day bash being taken to Merrylands Bowling club for lunch to day dont know whate is happening after thate to morrow seems its a secret wonder who will crack first and give me a hint. received my first gift from a dear friend some nice tiles .
Thanks for for nice comments on the string family Jean you are so right Iam on the look out for a cheap drum kit .
Chrissy watch the sky it is blue sky and sun out here hope your grey sky clears to blue thate is here.
Better go near time for me to be picked up . A big wave to all + Every one have a great day ------elaine.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday, Elaine and Colleen! Hope you both have a lovely day!

Ewww, Dianne....Cane Toad day! I wish they had never shown up here in Florida! I agree with Jean.......too sad to risk the lives of precious pets!

Jean - I'm loving the image of your GGD holding her arms out to you without ever having met you before. How sweet! I can just imagine how that made you feel. Although, I still am having trouble thinking that you have a GGD! Child Brides must be a tradition in your family! lol And yes, Jean, I think "mossing off" was my Mom's own term for air layering. :)

Sorry Elaine could have sworn it said 28th before ???? my computer is just weird because now it's the 29th on your name.
Well that isn't right either if it's the 30 th it still says 29 th ??? and I am sure that Colleen says 31st ??? America different times?
Well whichever whatever HAPPY BIRTHDAYS girls !!!!
Hope it's a beaut day for both of you.
Every day is a bonus.

This message was edited Mar 29, 2011 10:08 AM

Sydney NSW, Australia

Hi Everyone,

Am back online after a void of over 4 weeks...changing ISP...dangerous, costly and frustrating to say the least! not to mention that we had no telephone line either..then...the lifts in this building decided to stop...no communication whatsoever.
So, hope that everyone is well, happy and voted appropriately........somehow the word 'green' has taken on a different meaning, at least in NSW.
Our apartment/unit/flat is on the market and hope that a buyer appears stat!
Our travels for a new abode led us to a brand new, sweet-smelling townhouse, (very small but adequate), and has a ...........garden! whoooopeeee. However, as I our hand in life has always been askew, the building & pest inspections are proving troublesome and this 'new'home is probably not going to work out the way we had dreamed. Sigh*
Reminder to all
****Colleen's 60th on the 31st March!!(hope that she does not mind that I have told all of her DG friends).

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Clematis blooming in the rain.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Still dark so I havent a clue as to what it looks like outside yet. Yesterday was lovely but hubby says its going to get cold again. . Lots of bulbs popping up and the first of the Haemanthus flowers is up.
I am so pleased to find that my large orphan variegated oleander is getting new leaves. I thought I had lost it for a while after we had a really hot day during summer. My grasses are starting to fill out along with the dwarf kniphofias
I planted some seeds from Germany of new epis and they are all coming up in the mini greenhouses on top of the fridge.
I dont know what I am going to do with so many but I couldnt resist trying them.
I will probably have a lawn of epis under the benches where I put all the extras from my own seeds.
I see all the poplar trees down in town are getting yellow and there are patches of lovely red on the pin oaks.
I found another iris blooming. I do hope they all remeber to flower again in spring.
Lots of berries out in the orchard too . I must geta frame up for them. Poor hubby doesnt see them much as I walk along and eat thema s they ripen. Maybe next year there will be lots more so one can pick a bowlful at a time.
I am fixing up the wading pool today so I can put my Pacific Coast iris and cannas in it . I will have them in large pots so I can move them around or lift them out . The pool will be by the back gate where it will get lots of sun and be seen when I walk out.
Hello to everyone. Louise, Charleen, Teresa, Elaine, Pam, Karen, Dianne, Chrissy , Anthony and Anna.
I have a lovely birthday cake for Elaine and Colleen to share. Maybe if we ask nicely they will save a piece for us all.
Have a happy birthday ladies.
Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Charleen, thanks for sharing the clematis with us. They are quite stunning.

Jean, it must be wonderful to wander around and sample some of nature's bounty fresh off the vine, or bush, or tree. I used to have wild strawberries growing here, but they were lost to the bulldozers.

It is raining here, and I have to say, we needed it as it has been hot, dry, and windy lately. It isn't heavy rain but I think the ground will soak it up well. I hear there is more floods up north Qld. Those poor people must be breathing water now.

Hope everyone has a lovely day.


My one and only geranium.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday, Dear Girls, Have oodles and lots more. We love you.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

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