Merino, Australia

Tanzen, those roses would stop you in your tracks if you saw them on a bush. They are quite pretty. Imagine if they could really get them to grow that way.
Thats the thing with gardens Dianne. Something can become a triffid, while other things struggle to grow.
I havent pulled out my alyssum yet. I love the perfume of a carpet of it on a warm day. It makes a great groundcover and summer protection for bulbs. I must admit I only pull out the really grotty plants as most just seem to keep flowering even when large.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Tanzen...perhaps with all the crossing of roses maybe one day we will be able to grow them just like that.

I have had a lot of suggestions for the Hoya name and they are all different.

Going to a funeral tomorrow. Ruth was 51 and had cancer. She was Treasurer of the local Orchid Society for 15 years so I think it will be a big funeral.
All are asked to bring flowering orchids in pots to decorate the church so it will be like a big orchid show. Poor Ruth she tried so hard to survive the cancer.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

my sympathy marleanne,take it with you on your shoulder tomorrow.,.i have just been corresponding with a very knowledgable and reputable lilium grower in Claxton,USA,and we have both come to the conclusion that the australian government is an ass,.,.thats just our opinion,.,.-anthony

Bendigo, Australia

Hello all. its been quite a while since i dropped in .
great to get some more gardening done again today. mainly tidy up before the rain came and all the leaves were wet again.
blower vacced them away from the polyhouse, potted up some plants that needed it after such a long drought, got a bit carried away and forgot to finish hanging out the washing, lol its raining now anyway. love to get my potting up done before expected rain, saves dragging the hose around behind me. still heaps to do and the weeds are still getting the better of me. amazing how high they grew when we finally got rain. now the new grass seedlings are coming along where Ive already weeded so I ll be a while getting it back under control.
have been working and working and not enough time to drop in and catch up with all the postings.
anyway, better get off to have a cuppa with hubby before its time for bed. cheers everyone.

Gosh been a busy day and I am into the Tea House late tonight.
So much to do now the ground is finally starting to dry up.
Oh boy those weeds are laughing at me,
But then so are the tons of triffid growth on everything.
Oh and the Munchers! you can practically hear them as you walk past the grass hoppers jumping before you.
No snakes yet thank goodness, hundreds of Spider webs, they get so busy in Autumn.
Lots of friendly faces ...lovely to see,

So awful to lose a friend to the monster that is cancer commiserations and best wishes Marleneanne.
Wow I think I saw Crepe Roses like that back in the 70's Tanxen. Very psychedelic lol.

Dianne my Magnolia was a gift from someone and is about 8ft tall. I am very pleased it is recovering and will plant it out into the garden shortly.

So sorry you still have the shakes over in NZ keep your chin up.
Have to go chat later.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good Morning Ladies and Anthony. In some respects Anthony all governments have their "ass-inine" moments.

Good thoughts to you all as you meet the days challenges.

Marleneanne, Condolences on the loss of your friend at such a young age by today's standards.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Spring is springing.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Still raining here. Not really heavy and its not too cold either. The sun did come out for a while yesterday and may later today.
Chrissy, we bought a large container of roundup 2 years ago and I think I have used more of it this year . I usually only have to go around once then just use a hand spray on the few stragglers, but with all the extra Spring/Summer rain, I have already done the darn things twice and looks like another go before winter sets in. One of the "joys" of gardening.
Anthony, I know exaxctly what you mean, re the powers that be, but we won't go into all the whys and wherefores here, as its a bit futile anyway.
Marlene, condolences on the death of your friend. Always sad , but sometimes a blessing for the one in pain.
Jean/moon, beautiful orchid. I am hoping for lots of flowers on mine this year.
Hello Charleen. I love the elephant.
I was a collector of elephants for many years and ended up with ones from all over the world, but sadly, due to circumstances at the time, I had to sell them all. I have a couple left but couldnt bring myself to start with them again. I now collect frog ornaments that live down in the shadehouse.
Hello Lois, lovely to see you in here. Pop back in when you can.
Teresa, Are you getting this rain too ? I think our gardens are all going to be lovely by the time Spring rolls around after all the growth put on . How did your wall end up ? Did you have it knocked down or is it still standing ?
Hello Karen, Colleen and Pam.
Louise , moving time is getting closer. I hope your weather turns on lots of sun for you.
I am going to get a few clivias planted out in the garden today and a few agapanthus out along the road edge of our place. It always looks a bit bare at the end, so the aggies will fill the space nicely and I dont have to water them at all.
Going to go and finish my cuppa now. .
I'll put something yummy out for nibbles. Have some of this Braided Fruit Loaf.
Enjoy your day whatever weather you have.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. Looks like another hot one here. Wearing a bith thin, this hot stuff.

Marlene, sorry to hear about your friend losing her battle with cancer. Hearing of too many lately. My niece has just come through her second bout with it, and we are so hoping and praying she will now fully recover this time. It has knocked her around very badly.

Lovely to see bulbs in flower. I used to grow tulips when I lived in Sydney. No soil here and bulbs try, but give up.

Anthony, I am no expert, but it seems to me the Aust. gov't wants to kill anything that grows. Unless there's money in it for them, of course. I understand not wanting to import diseases but it seems someone has just gotten hysterical and is out to stop everything.

Teresa, it must be becoming second nature to walk on shaky ground these days. The earth seems very unsettled these days, and I hope she goes back to sleep for a long time after all this. My daughter will be home tomorrow from Asia, and very glad to have her back I will be, I tell you.

Have a great day everyone.

The weather is finally starting to cool a bit.
Another lost Sunless Summer here though ...it's been rare to see the Sun even in the heat.
Lots to do so I am just slurping some coffee and then I am off.
So I will see everyone later,
Enjoy your morning everyone.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Jean - we are still waiting for assessment by the Earthquake Commission for the house & our insurance company about the block fence.
It is still partly standing, I have been back there to try blocking the gap with some of the fallen trellis that was on top of the wall, We also have our biggest wheelie bin in the gap between side fence & garage to prevent Copper getting back where the gap is.
As long as we don't get another big shake it should hold until we are seen to...
and we will be way down the list as so many people have houses that are totally munted.
I am hoping that the insurance company will pay to have the back fence re done with coloursteel - cheaper than re building block & very dog proof.

Clifton Springs, Australia

It's cold here now and overcast.
My sympathies, Marleneann..It's hard to lose a friend.
Tanzen, it's a Colchicum....always first thing thru in Autumn for me.

Charleen, what a pretty little spot...the tulips are lovely...
I hope the insurance company comes to the party for you, Teresa.
Anthony, I forgot to add congrats on the sale to the Botanical Gardens.....Molly will be able to brag about those...

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you dear, That is a beautiful plant...

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Its wet and cold here. Looks like winter is creeping in. Yesterday it rained all day. With a bit of a cold wind, nothing was done outside. I have to get out and start on some of the weeds before they take over. The thistles are off and running. Its surprising how quickly they can grow in a day or two while you are stuck inside out of the rain.
I will get my chipper out and go around rain or not. Its a home made one , sort of like hoe but sharper and has one end narrower than the other so you can really get under the thistles.
I see my Jasmine has also been wandering. She has wandered all over the cottage garden and out along the fence. I see those tendrils peeping out along the garden edge. She is very sneaky , looking to see if its clear then moving across a space to run up the fence or a tree. Mostly I leave her be because I love the flowers and perfume. I just nip off the ends of the runners when I see them. I will have to get into the back of the cottage garden and see what she is doing there though. I may find a few self rooted pieces to move elsewhere.
Teresa, I hope all turns out well for you with the insurance company.
Karen, I will gladly exchange some of your hot for our cold . I think you all up there had our summer as well as your own.
Hello Dianne, Colleen, Sue, Chrissy, Pam and Anthony.
Charleen, you must show us more of your garden. and Charley of course.
Louise, pats for the girls and I hope your garden is looking lovely in its Spring dress.
Going out to the kitchen to see what I can give you all for nibbles
Here we are...Cream Cheese Brownies. .
Have a great day and enjoy your gardens over the weekend.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Bank's Rose growing in a Persimmon tree. Look down in the back, Purple Wisteria hanging in the trees in bloom. I would love to show you my flowers.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Brisbane, Australia

Charleen, I do love that overgrown look. Manicured lawns are wonderful to look at, but not as interesting as they don't have the hidden "treasures" you find in less formal settings.

Does anyone know if Liddle Hoyas are still open? I know they were operating last year. Has anyone ever purchased hoyas from them?


This message was edited Mar 24, 2011 5:43 PM

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Quote from ridesredmule :
Bank's Rose growing in a Persimmon tree. Look down in the back, Purple Wisteria hanging in the trees in bloom. I would love to show you my flowers.

WOW! ...that is one big rose plant.

Brisbane, Australia

yes Liddles nursery is still open...one of my fav places to shop!

Clifton Springs, Australia

Charleen, I have to ask ..Is that a Banksia rose or a climbing rose gone rampant?
Looks pretty anyway..

Brisbane, Australia

oops forgot to add this.....
Paradise Distributors have Macgillivrayi too!

Thumbnail by Tanzen
Brisbane, Australia

Tanzen, how do you know what you want to order? They don't seem to have pictures.


rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i had 12,'black hearts white' trumpet aurelien seeds left,so i planted 6 of them,.,.took them around to the seed vortex put them on the top shelf and they fell over backwards,..,needless to say ,ive now planted another 6 and have 0 left[thems the breaks],.,.dianne,did you see the [woefully lucky] win by carlton last night?''THE FOOTYS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cold nights,wood heaters,rain,.,.and a cool beer!!!

Brisbane, Australia

tried to show Liddles catalogue but it's not a jpeg silly me!

Thumbnail by Tanzen
Brisbane, Australia

I can email the catalogue for Liddles hoyas if anyone is interested. It will make you drool!

Try this
I googled Liddles is this right ?

This message was edited Mar 25, 2011 8:03 PM

No there must be one in Hawaii too sorry about that.
Charleen the Banksia Rose is Australian did you know that?

It grows to big fountain like growth ...I love it and grew the Double White one that had a violette fragrance,
it became a victim to my hubby's shed building, love yours.

Well it's Friday night and the weekend is here again.
Goodnight everyone ^_^

Brisbane, Australia

Tanzen, would love the catalogue please. Will send you email address via D-mail.


This message was edited Mar 25, 2011 4:34 AM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is what it is. A Banksia, how wonderful! I got me an Aussie creation growing. No, I am so glad you all like it. I got some more pic this morning. Do you like Camellias?? I love the shape of this one. It is loaded with blooms. Sorry I don't know what it's name is. I have a terrible time with labels. Thank you all.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Lovely to see the pretty flowers you are bringing in to the Tea Room. Brightens the place up.
Charleen, I used to grow Banksia roses years ago when I lived elsewhere. I tried one here but it just disappeared. Some plants don't seem to like it here . May be the soil or the water.
Yours is beautiful. Love the camellia too. Something else that wont do well here on my hill, yet grows beautifully a few miles away. .
Anthony, bad luck with your seeds. I won't mention the other thing. I hate sports, especially when the TV is taken up with something they presume everyone likes.
Thats why I love my Austar.
I am off to get a start on the washing etc before it decides to rain again. Hopefully a few fine days will appear so I can also attack the weeds.
Hello Colleen, Chrissy, Sue, Karen, Teresa, Pam , Elaine and everyone else.
Hello Louise. Hope all is well in your pretty corner of the world.
Try these Chocolate Crinkles when you have acuppa.
Happy gardening,

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Off to vote back later ...enjoy your morning everyone.

se qld, Australia

Morning all. We're just back from a few days at O'Reilly's in the Lamington Mountains. Found some accomodation there on one of the daily deals sites a while ago at a dirt-cheap price, around a third of their regular rates, and figured we'd take advantage of the opportunity to spend a few days there. It's a truly beautiful part or the world, with scenery to die for, although the narrow winding road to get there was a bit hairy. I'm a bit of a woos when it comes to heights, much to hubby's disappointment. After much deliberation I agreed to go with hubby on a tree-top walk, which is a series of suspension bridges high up in the canopy of the rainforest - scary stuff for someone who is afraid of heights, but the scariest thing of all was finding the creaky board! lol. I nearly jumped out of my skin. Lots of lovely scenery and birds, will upload a few pics later.

Paradise distributors has some fantastic plants, and really I don't think their prices on some things are too bad. I've seen plants on their online catalogue that I haven't seen anywhere else.

And Liddle's nursery is not far from where my Mum and Aunt live in northern Queensland. A few years back my Aunt and I organised a visit with David to check out his collection, and my gosh, he had some absolutely GORGEOUS hoyas, orchids and various other exotic tropical plants. There are probably some pics, somewhere, will see if I can track them down. I have far too many pics, poorly categorised and almost entirely unnamed, on my system, so will have to get in one day and do some serious organisation.

I have a single seed pod on my black bat plant, so if anyone would like to have a go at growing a few seeds, let me know and I'll get some off when it ripens. They take a few months to germinate, so be prepared for a wait. And they need a shady draft-free position. If you can provide that, and some protection from cold during winter, they're worth a try. The biggest problem I think people down south have with them is overwatering in Winter. Even in our climate they would be lucky to need watering 2 or 3 times over the cooler months, so too much water at that time is almost guaranteed death to them.

Well with election day in NSW something tells me there's not much doubt that there will be a new government there soon. We're fortunate enough to live just far enough out of town that we can do postal votes and avoid the line-ups that always seem to be in the sun. A good chance to do a bit of nursery-hopping for any that do need to vote ... let us know what you get. :)

Colleen, I must admit to having skimmed the posts a bit (there are so many) but don't recall seeing how Cameren went with his last visit to the dentist. Hopefully all went well and he's now pain free?

Some beautiful roses, bulbs and hoyas there people. I do love seeing other people's gardens and plants.

Have a great day all


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

This is view out my back door. Kerria, Dogwood, Red Maple quice shrub that is about finished blooming.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Beautiful Charleen. I love your yard.
Look what hubby got for me yesterday. The men were trimming all the town trees when he went down to the shop so he asked could I have the mulch they made. It usually goes to anyone who asks or is dumped at the tip. I always miss out but DH thought of me . Isn't he lovely ? Only a mad gardener like me, would get all excited over a pile of mulch.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Pam here is a link for the winners of the contest you were asking about :)

I love your Spring babies Charlene :)
Love mulch Jean and cow /chook/ sheep/horse poo too.

This message was edited Mar 26, 2011 10:30 AM

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Good evening everyone.

Turned out to be quite a nice day here on the Sunshine Coast.

I have been busy in the garden and I have potted up quite a lot of new plants.

I am sure someone on this thread was looking for black Bat flowers. I just potted up two new plants after repotting my big black Bat.

The AFL round one has started so hubby will be glued to the telle for any and every game that is on T.V.

I am going to have an easy day tomorrow. It would be perfect if I had an "Open Garden" to go to.

se qld, Australia

Chrissy, thanks for the links for the comp. I'm not sure how crested pigeons or praying mantis found their way into a category for invasive species, but they're great pics nonetheless.

Brisbane, Australia

Charleen, I love camellias. I have only one and it has been terribly cut up and knocked around by a bulldozer, but it still soldiers on. I am going to have to prune it to get some sort of shape back into it, but will wait until it flowers again first. Yours is a beautiful shape. I love the view from your back door.

Jean, well done on the pile of mulch. I'd be the same. My daughter once asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I asked for a pile of dirt. She never got over it.

Chrissy, thank you for the contest link. I'd given up hoping to see the entries. Now I can go and browse to my heart's content.

Pam, look forward to seeing more of your photos. Lucky you getting to see Liddles. Obviously they are continuing with the business after his death. There was some fear it would close down. Glad to see his legacy lives on.

Marlene, the open garden we saw today wasn't very big, but well and truly packed. Worth the visit. Very tropical and would be lovely to live in that setting. The house is gorgeous too, Old Qld'er style with lovely big verandahs.

Hello Anthony, and everyone else.


From Dallas Kampe's Tropical Garden today...

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Brisbane, Australia

These huge seeds were on a large tree at the open garden property. Amazing....


This message was edited Mar 26, 2011 2:52 AM

Thumbnail by DawnSong

The sausage tree
I have seen it in the Botanical gardens here in Sydney.
Lovely pics ^_^

This message was edited Mar 26, 2011 8:20 PM

Brisbane, Australia

Thanks Chrissy. I saw that name listed on the pamphlet, but didn't relate it to the seed pods.


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