Have everyones seeds, will wait a day or so to see if anyone else would like any, then will send.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

The cardboard boxes are ones used to ship chicken parts .... very heavy carboard with reinforced ends .... so they will last until its time to transplant container contents.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> used to ship chicken parts ... very heavy carboard with reinforced ends



Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Corey, thank you for the info. I wanted to know if I could put them in my hanging baskets as some thing different other than petunia's.
I will pay you postage if you wish to send the seed?

Trying to get some WS seeds sown today, but feel like a 4 wheeler ran over and then backed up.
Not going too fast.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Maxine, no need for postage, but it will take me a few days to get them out. I've added them to my list of tardy trades.

In my garden, they stood upright, at least if I planted them fairly close together.

Have you tried Lobellia erinus for trailing color? They come in blue and red, and Botanical Interests has a multi-color Lobellia, "Cascade of Color". I can send you a small qty (dust-like seeds).
Annual Full sun
6"-8" long, 6" spread. A cascade of small jewel-toned flowers.
Perfect for hanging baskets, window boxes, or large containers.
pinch tips for bushy growth, and trim lightly after first flowers fade
Bblue, blue with a white eye, lilac, red, ruby, and white on graceful trailing foliage.

Under ideal conditions, it will reseed and return the following year.
Germination is slow (15-20 days).
Requires light to germinate - press lightly into soil surface

recommended to SOW INSIDE 8-10 weeks before last frost date.
Sow 4-6 seeds in each cell. Plant the whole cell outside - do not break apart
- - OR - -
Sow outside after average last day of frost. Plant 4-6 seeds in a clump the size of your small fingernail.
Clumps should be 4"-6" apart.


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Only wish 1 of the Canterbury bells. Geez, don't know where my brains went today, but they sure aren't in my head!

Corey, if you wish to send them, I would like to try them.


maxine you are more than wecome to 2, just thought maybe you wanted something else and wrote that instead.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Lots of work there with your Winter Sowing project, merrymath. Your gardens are going to be awe-inspiring.

Thanks so much, sherman :)

Patti, did you receive your envy yet? I substituted another Japanese Morning Glory for "Chocolate", sorry I ran out and didn't realize it. Hope that's OK with you.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Corey, recd. the tomato seeds today. Thank you so much.


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from merrymath :
I just completed my 100th winter sown container.

Mary ~ You do realize that all of these will need to be planted come springtime, right? Wow! that's a lot of planting! Are your beds all prepared?

Oh, oh...we just lost power, as I expected. We have had snow all day, and last night as well. I think it stopped temporarily, so I had better finish this post before my battery gives out.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Maxine, you're welcome!

I think I have Liliput Zinnias and Lobelia "Cascade of Color" on my list to go out one of these days.

I forget if I mentioned that a buy from ULINE is about to occur. If anyone wants 1.5x1.5" ziplocks or 2x3.5" glassine envelopes at around 1 cent each plus postage, let me know by Dmail.

Also probable - 2x3 ziplocks at Wal-Mart prices, some kinds of organza bags or unpadded poly mailers. I think the only real good buy is the glassines, but we'll get large-case discounts on evertyhing (that may defray SOME of the postage as we split and sned.)


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from RickCorey_WA :

I forget if I mentioned that a buy from ULINE is about to occur. If anyone wants 1.5x1.5" ziplocks or 2x3.5" glassine envelopes at around 1 cent each plus postage, let me know by Dmail.

Also probable - 2x3 ziplocks at Wal-Mart prices, some kinds of organza bags or unpadded poly mailers. I think the only real good buy is the glassines, but we'll get large-case discounts on evertyhing (that may defray SOME of the postage as we split and send.)


Thanks Corey ~ Count me in for glassines, 2X3" ziplocks and small organzas. (WM was out last time I went to town.) I'll let you know if I get any then I want the second 2 for sure.

~ Evelyn

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Evelyn

First: what color organzas? White, black? "Hunter"? There's 20 colors. S-10647
You know the "usable size" is only 2 3/4 x 2 3/4"?
with the big discount, those would only be $18, and the next size up $26.

So far it looks like :

2,000 glassines (one case)
2,000 2x3 ziplocks (two cases)
2,000 1.5x1.5 ziplocks

The glassines are all spoken for, but I listed you for 200.
If more people want glassine 2x3.5" envelopes at 1 to 1.1 cents each, (plus postage)
we could split another case of 2,000. I think that is around 1/3rd or 1/4 of other prices I have seen.

I also picked "200" as a number for your 2x3 ziplocks, but if two other people wnat fewer than they are currently listed for, maybe that could go up. Its about the same prioce as wal-mart, with postage added on top. (And I still have a bunch at home to send you when I find time to sort all the pending trades and seeds that need to be started indoors!)

Individual orders:
- 100 big organza bags 6.5" x 15" white $67-79 + postage S-12429
- 100 small (3x4) organza bags $18-22 + postage S-10647 .(what color?) Evelyn
- 30 gussetted organza bags 3.5x5x1.5" $9-$11 + postage S-14172 (what color?)
- 100 9x12" poly mailers $16-20 + 4 pounds postage S-3353 Corey


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Corey, what do you use the glassine for?

FOTV, No, I haven't received the seed packet yet. :-(

Karen, May I get some portulaca?

crit-have you down for the portulaca.
personally i prefer the glassine envelopes for seeds but have never been able to find them at a price and quantity i could afford. thank you rick/corey !!!
the little seeds dont stick to them like they do the plastic baggies. they also dont have a moisture issue like plastic.

Athens, PA


I would also like some portulaca too if you can spare some. Is it is mix of color?

the portulaca is a mix, have you down for the last packet

Athens, PA


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Corey, what do you use the glassine for?

You had to ask!

Mostly for when I trade small seeds, because I know that many people don't like the "static levitation" effect. Rarely for when I store small seeds, because I'm pretty happy with plastic down to the size of Petunia seeds. I like the clarity of plastic, so I can put the label inside the bag and still read fine print, and see how many seeds are left.

(I hope to have some Lobelia, Salvia and Penstemon seed to offer one of these years, and glassine is probably better for those than plastic.)

I dry for a long time before storing seed, and store in jars with dessicant, so I prefer that a baggie slow down migration of humidity as much as possible. The vendor of one dessicant (Drierite) published results of a test that shows water vapor will migrate right through plastic (slowly).

And the "zipper" part of a Ziplock bag is bound to let water molecules through: they aren't even totally waterproof, let alone vapor-proof. So I don't worry about plastic keeping humidity IN ... in the Pacific NorthWet, I hope it will keep humidity swings OUT.

(I've heard that you can kill the "static float" by wiping the OUTSIDE of a baggie with a drier anti-cling cloth.)

So why do I need more glassine bags?

I bought a bunch a year or so ago, and have used or given away almost half. They cost 3-4 times as much as a 2x3 zippie, and I'll wnat to replace them one of these years, so when they show up at ONE CENT each, I just have to have more.

I figure that, years from now, people will be running out and I'll be sending them some to tide them over. There are many generous people giving me seeds, for whom I have little or nothing of interest to give back. OK, baggies!

So I supose the answer comes down to: "I just have to have them".

If anyone ever tries to commit me for insanity, I hope they don't think to check my online posts.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Just cut up Pieces of Paper & Flod them over & Put the Static Cling Type seeds in the paper then into the ziplock . Only Because I Knew not where to buy the glassine papers. Nor DID I Know what they were called
till Now Thank you Cory . did i order any ?? guess I Better go check .
well we have stormy weather moving in today so guess you all will see alot of me today :)

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

In some of my zip baggies I inserted a small piece of a dryer sheet to discourage static cling of seeds.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

While doing some winter sowning today, I had a few 2x3 zip baggies containing seeds clinging to the plastic ... I added some vermiculite to these baggies and gently rubbed to mix the enclosed seeds with the vermiculite ... then I sprinkled the mixture on top of my planting medium.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Good idea MM

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

That is a good idea. Mary. I know I have some of the baggies that seeds are stuck in adn I wondered about the easiest, safest way to ge tthe seeds out.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I've heard that you can kill the "static float" by wiping the OUTSIDE of a baggie with a drier anti-cling cloth.

Just wondering: if you were trying to get the LAST FEW seeds out , and exhaled slowly into the baggie, wouldn't the humidity in your breath kill the static? I haven't tried.

And, of course, too much humidity, or any condensing humidity, would make them cling just from the water!

I would never exhale ito a baggie that I planned to re-seal with seed still in it, and then store the seeds, becuase they age much faster (or sprout, or rot) with any humidity present.

Soemtimes I wonder if, by storing seeds in jars with dessicant, I may be drying them out TOO MUCH, and killing them. My little humidity indicator cards say around 10% relative humidity, so hopefully not. And the way i double-bag them means that the seeds are not exposed to the full "dryness" unless the jar sits sealed for months in a row. And that won't happen as long as I trade!


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> did i order any ??

Susie, if you asked for any of the glassines, I either forgot, lost it, or deleted it by mistake. You are not curently down for any glassine envelopes or ziplocks.

As of Monday 6 pm, there were 400 "extra" glassine envelopes that either Terese or I would have taken if no one else spoke for them. Do you want any of those?

400 would be $4.24 plus postage . (The 24 cents is 6% sales tax.)


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Was informed that the robin will be in flight today & ON THE WAY HOME So i will finish up my address labels
& when the robin arrives home by this weekend I Hope to have it back out by mid week .
will keep you all informed .

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Susie, did you take all of the glassine evnvies from Corey?
May we split the 400?
Let me know, please.
Thanks Corey for letting me know what people use the glassine envies for. After battling with those itty bitty seeds I was almost ready to quit WS seeds!! Dang things wouldn't come out so had to cut plastic baggies. Have you ever tried to open a plastic baggie and help hold the other one open so one can put seeds in? Not for the faint hearted, let me tell you.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I was going to but them I Know I could not use that many but if you want to split them maybe corey would put us down on the 400 :)
corey let us know . :)
back later

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Will be happy to split with you.
Later, just have time to eat a bite and then off to the chiro.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> corey let us know . :)

Susie, you and Maxine have to let me know! It sounds like one or both of of you would like the 400 reminaing glassine enbvelopes.

>> Have you ever tried to open a plastic baggie and help hold the other one open so one can put seeds in?

Yeah, once. That worked about as well for me as using a springy plastic measuring spoon and catching it on the lip of the bag ... SPROING from the seed catapult, "#$%^@#*&^%!" from Corey.

So I put a bunch of pennies into the bottom of a big pill bottle, so it won't tip over. Then put an open 2x3" ziplock into the bottle to hold it upright. The baggie is a little tight in that pill bottle, so it is squeezed open a little. Then I put a narrow conical paper funnel down into the ziplock, all held steady by the weighted pill bottle.

Now I open the othe baggie and hold it with one hand while I dig out seeds with a tiny METAL measuring spoon. No "SPROING"! Dump the seeds into the paper funnel, no missing. Oddly, tiny seeds don't cling to glossy paper (like from a magazine cover.)

And I try to have something lying on the table that I can lean an open ziplock against, so the seeds don't pour out when I set it down. And usually I do all this over a big clean piece of paper or dry white dinner plate.

By the way - being clumsy I also have a ham-handed way of sowing seeds into pots or cells. I use a stiff piece of white paper, folded into a Vee (or even a "W" so it will stand upright even with seeds in the central Vee). Then I'll use a 1/32 tsp spoon, or a normal seed dispenser to shake out 1-5 seeds at a time into the Vee. Then I pick up the paper and nudge one seed at a time into the pot or cell, getting the number I wnat WHERE I want, without any coordination at all. Even shakey hands can sow small seeds this way.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

OK, I'll order the 400 and you guys can decide how to split later. Thanks!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

we can do that thank you corey

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Corey, I use the folded V paper to insert my seeds into baggies and envys. I will start my indoor seeds tomorrow and will use a method similar to your above description .... just hate to see even one seed go astray ... unfortunately, some do.


Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi, guys. How are y'all today? Just lurking. About lost seeds... Ive been sorting zinnia seeds from chaff, using the old, "white bowl-strong light-tweezer method" and near the end, Im wishing some seeds would just wander off and not come back. chuckle. Cam

Eaton Rapids, MI

I Dip a pencil in water and touch the seed to pick it up and then touch the soil to plant the seed.

steady-you have way more patience than i do, probably also hands that dont shake !!lLOL

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

"SPROING from the seed catapult, "#$%^@#*&^%!" You never cease to amaze us with your sense of humor and quick wit, Corey.

You've all given great tips for planting small seeds and those that stick to the baggies. Love your idea of using a pencil, Craig. That sounds like a winner.

Wouldn't it be great if seeds were like panty hose and you could get rid of static cling by rubbing them with a handful of lotion? No comments please from the Peanut

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Im retired now so I retired from panty hose as well, along with high heel shoes, pin striped suits, pearl earrings and make up. Im freeeeeeeee. Cam

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Cam! That is how I feel on the weekends. My DH complains that I never do my makeup 'just for him'! Whenever I don't have to go to work, I go BARE.

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