(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Wow, that's fantastic! Mine has gravel on each side under the tables and pavers down the middle to walk/work on. It works really well and I can just sweep dirt to each side where the gravel is and water it down. Also, I don't have to worry about run-off from my sink or misters ruining the floor.

You'll love it the longer you have it. The only problem I have is in July/August when it just gets too darn hot to use it for much. I don't paint or cover mine. I may get some shadecloth this year though and try it out.

Eaton Rapids, MI

Yea, I dont want to spend the money to heat my greenhouse, I am going to start my seedlings inside under lights and move them out to the greenhouse in march/april. I think broccili,cabbage , onions in march, everything else in april

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Craig, looks like a nice set-up. Your petunias look great. Do you put the soil in then cut those lines between seedlings? Sorry if it's a dumb question.

Di, that was fast! You didn't need to pay extra postage, did you? I just wasn't sure. I was told by someone that's how many stamps it took, but I didn't go through the PO.

Warm here today. Lower 40's.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Nope, mellen, no extra did fine :)

Eaton Rapids, MI

I used a tool called a soil blocker. it makes commpresed soil blocks. I have a smaller block maker I start the seeds in and the larger blocks have a small square opening that the small blocks fit transplant shock. I like it alot.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Craig, your petunia seedlings are a nice size .... when did you plant them?

I have hanging widow style boxes on my back deck ..... last year the two end ones that contained petunias the year before were filled with petunia seedlings from self sowing .... the seelings are so tiny (just specks) at first. My daughter kept telling me they were weeds ... said to her ... I don't think so ... boy did I ever have a lot of petunias.

FOTV, your seeds arrived today! thanks


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Love the GH My Brother build me one this last spring & I Spent many hours out there Mine also is not heated
and like graig I will plant indoor till spring .
Petunias look great & you will have many great blooms .

I also would like to know how you make your squares >

Mellen : I also got my seeds today thank you all

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Mary, that happened to me too. I've never had that happen before. I planted wave petunias in two planters and they must've loved it because I had the prettiest two planters full of petunias the next spring. I thought they were weeds at first. We had a family emergency and I ended up being out for a few weeks and when I looked again I thought they might be petunias but just wasn't sure and decided to wait and see -what a nice surprise.

Athens, PA

Craig - I have never worked with the soil blocks before - I would be interested in your opinion of them. Are they easy to work with? I think your petunia seedlings look great.

Craig/Di - my DH bought me a large plastic greenhouse this past year for Christmas and a couple of cold frames. He has told me in the past that he did not like all the little pots/jugs with the wintersowing. Truthfully, I don't know why he even cares, but go figure. Anyway, I am at a bit of a loss now because I am not sure of what I am doing. I was thinking that I would start some of the seeds that take longer to go from seed to flowering in the coldframes and start my other seeds in the GH about April or so. Is this how it should work? I would love input from both of you on this, as I really don't know what I am doing yet. I have annuals, perennials and herbs that I want to start. I would really appreciate input from both of you on this.

Susie - how do you feel? Are you still dealing with that horrible stone?

I have petunias that continually seed themselves in the large planter in this picture. Each year, I start looking for them in early spring. Last year, I planted my lavendar callas with them. I will probably do that again this next year - I really liked the callas with the petunias. The petunias have been coming back for the past 4 or 5 years -if some year the don't come back, I'll definitely put more petunias in that same container.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Eaton Rapids, MI

So Far I think the soil blocks are great - The ones in the pictures are the first ones I have made so time will tell. I planted the petunias about a month or so ago, I planted them as an experiament to see how everything works before I start a large amount of seedlings far as the greenhouse goes I am still trying to learn how that operation will work myself.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Carolyn, pretty pic. of tunias and callas.

Craig, just spent the last hour reading about block makers. Quite interesting! Thanks for the pics.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Mellen, recd. your package of seeds yesterday. Will be thinking of you when we eat them this summer, if summer ever comes.
Thanks again.


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Carolyn..I really like that pic of the petunias and calla lillies together -just what I need right now in fact.

Beause of no heat in the greenhouse I have usually started indoors end of Feb/beg of March and then when it was consistently warm enough in the gh around the beg of April I have taken flats out there to finish grow until I plant - beg of May. Thie year I bought heated mats and plan on starting seeds in the gh in the beginning of March. This will provide some bottom heat for them and since they will be so small the heat should be enough for them until it's warm enough in the gh for them to stay. On a sunny day I get plenty of warmth (even now) but at night and cloudy/rainy days it worries me with no heat. With Feb, March, and April here there are more cloudy/rainy days here by far.

Athens, PA

Di -

Is there any kind of hardening off for your seedlings when they go from your house to the green house? I typically have problems with hardening plants off when they go from the house to the outside, but I will be honest and tell you that I want it to happen quickly. Work usually gets in the way of this part of the process for me and I try to hurry things up.

I am wondering if perhaps starting seeds in the coldframes and then putting them into the greenhouse will work. I was reading that if you paint your pots black before using them in the coldframe that that will draw the heat. I was thinking perhaps around March, although my understanding with the coldframes is that I won't need to harden things off. If I put them into the greenhouse, will I need to harden off the new plants before putting them into the garden? I have been gardening for a great number of years, but I am totally clueless about this.... I appreciate your help on this.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Some of you may want to take advantage of this offer

500 CLEAR Reclosable Zipper Bag. 2'' x 3'' - 2 mil thick for $3.88

You can receive three months of FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime free shipping if you sign up for Amazon Mom …. You do not have to be a mom or parent to take advantage of the offer ….

i went to that link and there was someone else selling 500 for 99cents plus 2.99 shipping. that is even cheaper than wallyworld

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

but 3.88 with 2 days free shipping is less than 0.99 + 2.99 shipping

it is 10 cents less if you take advantage of the free three months of prime

not much on joining things like that. dont use amazon much.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

It cost nothing to join amazon mom .... and after 3 months if you like the prime service you can decide to pay for the service.

that just does not make sense to me. do not want to pay for something, even after 3 free months, if i am not going to use it. most things i see on amazon are cheaper on ebay.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Unlike many others that offers a 3 month trial ... Amazon does not automatically sign you up for an extension ... you have to request it.

I like Amazon because it is a back-up if merchandise is not delivered. In my experience ... for what I may purchase ... e-bay is a last resort.

After my free three month of prime from Amazon, I will not renew ... their usually delivery is fairly quick.

Just finished my 40th winter sow jug ...many more to go.

Athens, PA

I never paid for my membership with Amazon - is it because it isn't their prime service? I love amazon myself..... I can get things new and they are cheaper than if I went into a store for them. I use amazon over ebay too...

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

FOTV ~ May I please have the following seeds if you still have enough...

Bloody Dock (Red Sorrel) -- 1
Basil -- Fine Verde -- 1

Thank you so much. Your Candytuft seeds will be sent on Monday.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Carolyn, there is a fee to receive Amazon Prime free delivery (which is a 2 day delivery) on any purchase no matter how small .... I usually get free delivery from Amazon by order $25 or more .. but it is not a 2 day delivery time.

Considering the cost of gas ... and time involved ... if I can't find it very close by (less than 5 miles), I order from Amazon.

I am presently receiving 2 day prime free shipping from Amazon because I signed up for Amazon Mom a short time ago .... when my 3 months is up ...I am not going to opt for the annual fee for free prime shipping.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Evening everyone I Have ordered from Amazon Many times never had to sign up for anything or any where i ordered from is this something need they have started ???
well still have not passed the stones so will call Doc Office in morning & try to get back with you all when i can .
good Nite all

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie, you do not have to sign up to purchase from Amazon .... but if you want to receive 2 day diilvery for free ... you can take advantage of their Amazon Mom program ... everyone is eligible to receive a 3 month trial program ... with no roll over involve.


So if anyone is planning on ordering from Amazon ...they should consider taking advantage of the Amazon Mom program.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

ME, received the seeds today. Thank you very much!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


crit MAIL on SUNDAY :) Wow

Mary I Understand Now thank you .

Well I'm waiting to calll my doc's office to see how i will be spening my day so no food or drink this morning til I know.
this is going to be another long day..

I'm sure you all can chat & Have a great day without me :)))) so have a great day & will be back when i can.
Oh & The Robin SHOULD Land Today at MAXINES :)

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Happy valentines Day all! Susie, I'm not going to eat any chocolates until I hear from you. I'm working 7a-7p at the front desk. Flower deliveries will be left here for employees to pick up. I'm thinking about changing my name today. LoL If there's a bouquet that I like, I'm changing my name and taking it home. LoL Just joking! I am excited to see al the different arrangements that will come in. Does anyone have anything special planned for today?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks anita Please have a coffee for me ok I hope to get the call this morning so i know what or how to plan my day .

have a great day all

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Carolyn..what I do with my flats once I'm done inside is take them out to the gh and set them on the bottom racks of my shelves so they will not get that superstrong sun right away. After a week I open the doors a bit (little bit more every other day) and let them start to get some weather on them. After a few weeks of that I'll move them outside the greenhouse on the protected side for a week and then finally plant them where I want them. Does that make sense? I just try to gradually harden them off and it's easy to move them right back in if we're going to have a frost night. Sometimes we get frost here right up until Mother's Day so I usually don't plant until then.

Athens, PA

Di -

that makes perfect sense and I really do appreciate your input. Thank you so much! I hope you don't mind if I cut and paste your instructions into my garden journal.


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I don't mind at all, I'm glad it helped you. Just wanted to clarify - I never put the flats on the top of the benches/racks because the sun is so intense there and I've had plants die within a day's time by doing that. There's so much light still in the gh even on the bottom racks that they do just fine. My top racks are filled with other plants anyway so the flats are fairly protected from the intense sun coming through the panels.

Athens, PA

Di -

what do you put on your top racks?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sent envies today to Carolyn22, Crit, evelyn_inthegarden, and steadycam3, and received yours Mary and ME. Thank you ladies.

♥ Happy Valentine's Day, Dear Friends! ♥

Athens, PA

Susan - Happy Valentine's Day to you too and everyone else as well...... It has been a nice valentines day. DH bought me 3 orchids last week for VD.

Cam, Crit - I believe you are both before me on the robin - please send me your addys' so I can mail your seeds.

Susan - I mailed your seeds today. I also found on your list that you were looking for some columbine seeds, so I put some of those in there too.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I read a sugegstion, once, for growing lettuce all winter in Maine, in unheated enclosures. He used several layers of hoop house, plus floating row covers, maybe plus cloches.

Consider doubling or tripling the layers of protection: your greenhouse is the first layer.

Start something earlier in the greenhouse by draping a floating row cover over it (non-woven cloth). That would also reduce the chilling effect of drafts.

Start things even earlier than that by propping a plastic film tent or hoop tunnel over the floating row cover, insdie the greenhouse.
Tuck the edges under the trays, and tuck in the ends. The more air-tight the plastic tent is, the more warmth it will hold overnight, but also it will increase the humidity.

I would think that a small warming mat, plus floating row cover, plus tent, plus greenhouse, would give much of the benefit of a heated greenhouse, for only the electricity of a 60 watt bulb.

If the benches in your GH are thin, or not solid wood, try laying a sheet of drywall (plasterboard or gypsum board) under your plants. It's a great insulator.


This message was edited Feb 14, 2011 1:06 PM

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

OH my gosh, Corey. I am just going to continue to plant my lettuce out in the garden. Some yrs. I can get stuff that tolerates cold better than others in early. My normal planting time here is May 15th, last frost date, but mother nature has pulled a fast one on me and I have recd. frost the first week in June. Disgusting!!

I have spent all day looking at seeds until my eyes are crossed! Only had to look up a few to see if they were for my zone.

Evelyn, I recd. your generous offering of seeds. Oh my, what a selection. Some I had never heard of before. Forgot to say, they came together along with the box. Mail hauler was so glad to see me this morning cause then she didn't have to deliver up to the house in the afternoon.

thanks also to Corey for the name tags. Appreciate them so much. Must learn how to do that one of these days, unhuh!!


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Mellen, your seeds arrived. Thanks

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Evening everyone well i made it though still very groggy but no more back ache What a relief . daddy says i don't make much since today so I'm going to just rest up for the evening . just had some super & Feel a little better.

Just wanted to let susan Know that I rec'e My seeds today & I Mailed yours this morning on the way to the hospital so you should have them soon.
ty a bunch .

Well i hope you have have a great evening good nite all .
back for coffee in the A>M :)

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