Athens, PA

Mary Ellen

I received your seeds today. Thank you.

Susie - you have had a rough couple of days. I hope you are feeling better soon.


Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Hope you feel better soon, Susie! Back ache is a terrible thing for a gardner to have. Cam

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Mellen, received the seeds from you today. Thanks for sending. Cam

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

^_^ Susie, glad you're feeling better. I am sure you're a little anxious to see that robin. I think you will be quite busy after it arrives.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Good grief, Susie, you mailed them on your way to the hospital?! Your plate is full enough as it is on a daily basis and being in so much pain you could certainly have waited on my account. Really glad you're feeling better and you will be able to have your Cuppa Joe in the AM with breakfast :) I just received a new seed order Saturday, lots of surprises. As soon as I pick up more little baggies, I'll put packs together and mail them to you for "free-for-all's" for this round. My way of paying it forward since I didn't have many to share with everyone last time. Sure do appreciate the ones I received and continue to receive.

Athens, PA

I am still ordering seeds too. What is wrong with me? ^^_^^

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

SUSIE, heads up to you.

I am leaving this Friday, the 18th, on a 2 week trip to TX. I will not return until Mar. 4. Depending on when the 2nd robin gets going, you may want to detour around me. I will leave that to you.

Glad to hear that seeds I sent are arriving. If there was not enough postage, PLEASE let me know!!! I did not go through the PO.

Evelyn, sent you a d-mail. :D You, too, MerryM

Susie, did the Doc end up doing anything for you?

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

LOL Carolyn...I think you must've meant "what is wrong with us?" I'm still ordering seeds as well ^_^

On my top racks - by the time I put the flats out I have been busy buying things like crazy (mostly annuals) to put in baskets and for color along with some new plants I never need but just can't resist. These plants are usually fine to put out in the greenhouse/intense sun while they wait for me to get things planted. Plus, there are certain weekends in May that are huge garage sale days for the town next to mine and one is my neighborhood. These bring in huge amounts of people and me and SIL sell plants at them so I have lots of those waiting on the top racks.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

susie ...... no, I don't get mail on Sunday. lol DH and I left for our 'romantic weekend' before the mail came Saturday, so I got them when we got home on Sunday.

What problem did you have with your back and what did you have done? I have L4, L5 and S1 fused, but still have an ongoing pain from the weight on the others. My pain management Dr. gives me back injections which help for a few months. I messed up my SI joint from twisting my ankle real bad, and the brace they put me in made me walk awkward and affect the joint and my knee. Go in for an injection there on the 22nd. Girlfriend of mine uses an accupuncturiest and talked me into trying that. I go there on the 17th. Had that done years ago for another problem and it did help some.

Athens, PA

Di -

yes, that is exactly what I mean! I need to stop. I have more than I will ever be able to plant.

Crit - I have back problems too and went in for the cocktail they inject into your back. The trouble with that was I was afraid they were putting cortizone into that cocktail and truthfully, that scares me more than anything. My DH is on disability because of massive injections of deximethizone - which is stronger than cortizone, however it is a cortizone. I manage my pain mostly with concentrated tart cherry juice (which, by the way, does work), glucosime/chondroitin tablets and occasionally when I have overdone it, I take my anti-inflammatories. Another thing that scared me is my neighbor is a dyalisis (sp?) nurse and I asked her what percentage of her patients were in there because of medicine related problems. She told me at least 10%. My father is a doctor and I asked him about it and he said to me he thinks that figure is higher than 10%. So, just be careful!

This message was edited Feb 15, 2011 9:16 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Findly wide awake no pain I Had 3 Stones Crushed yesterday After a LOOOOONNNNG Weekend of up & down
Missery , & It went well went fast , & I hope to be back to normal soon.
I go thought this usually once every couple years but i have had a Bout with them twice in the pass yr .

ok onto whats going on here . Looks as if I should get the Robin Back By This next week & So I will Look
see what is there for me & Then we will get it Back out to you all so you will have time to go though it.

if you are the 1st 4-5 on the mailing List you can add seeds to ones AFTER you .

MELLEN I Will Put you at the end of the robin No Problem Have a safe trip let us know when your back .

well i have many notes to reply to so you all have a great day .

Athens, PA


I am so glad you are finally pain free. I have to believe it will take a couple of days for you to get back to where you were before the incident with the stones.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Susie, glad you are feeling better.

Susan/Fruit, received your seeds in yesterday's mail that hubs brought in this morning. thanks!

Suppose TX nurseries would be open this early in the year? Anybody know?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty should be if you find any Sempervivum, UNIQUE ONE :) send them to me :) I will pay you for them :)))
I'd even wire you the money :))))

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, Mellen, our nurseries are open. We've set records for cold temps in Feb so there may be a lot of damage. I have not heard anything yet.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Ours won't open until April 1st and they will have signs in prominent locations warning customers about the last frost date. Around here that's usually mid-April, then we have a warm up but usually get snapped again and scramble to cover up plants or bring them in. Even knowing that, it's always so tempting to want to pick up a few plants, especially those blooming. This year thanks to the seed Robins and so many of you, I've resolved to do a better job growing my own flowers, veggies and herbs. To me it's really more exciting and rewarding in the end to do so, both for my mind and in my pocketbook.

Thought I'd show the link to the handy frost / freeze calculator DG offers in case some of you may not be aware of it.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I try to not get any flowers until after May1st. Too many April snowstorms. I feel pretty safe after May 1. I usually fail that miserably, but with having so many new plants and seeds to sow ..... I told DH I wouldn't be buying flowers like I usually do.

Carolyn, I asked my Pain Management Dr. if it was cortizone he was putting in my back and he said no. He told me what it was but I don't remember. He did tell me it wouldn't make me gain weight like cortizone will. I really trust him, he looks out for his patients. I do take pain pills daily (several a day) but sometimes even that doesn't help.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Our last freeze date here is Mar 1st so our nurseries have already been busy. Mellen, I guess it depends upon which part of our state you visit but I think nurseries will be open everywhere except perhaps the panhandle where Amarillo is.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Texas folks, am headed to Rockdale--NE of Austin, SE of Temple. I will at least take a "peek" at what is there. Just can't help it.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Mellen, you might Dmail txaggiegal here on DG if you want some good info before you go. She lives in Austin and knows the business pretty well. Tell her Steadycam in Houston suggested it. Cam

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

After having a sunny January and the first half of February we now have snow.

Outside my window this morning....

Thumbnail by evelyn_inthegarden

we just have rain. looks as if you got lots of snow

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Received seed envies today from evelyn_inthegarden and steadycam3. Thank you so much you two.

Lovely Winter scene there, Evelyn.
We're in a heat wave, 60's today and mid-70's expected Friday.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Well, Evelyn...after having s*** in December, January and the beginning of February today was sunny and 66 degrees - I'm in heaven here, it's beautiful outside. lol Just had to say it!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

FOTV ~ I think that our heat wave is over....LOL!

It seems as though someone is wishing to get into the veggie garden...

Thumbnail by evelyn_inthegarden
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

And looking so innocent too.

I know what you mean, Di! These warm days are helping a lot of us in the East with bad cases of Spring Fever, but just know Old Man Winter isn't finished with us yet. I'm soaking up the rays as long as I can.

With all the seeds we're exchanging, Susie, what do you think about having a new page later on so we can show off the "fruits of our labors"?

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
With all the seeds we're exchanging, Susie, what do you think about having a new page later on so we can show off the "fruits of our labors"?

Great idea!

Evelyn, your seeds arrived today. Thanks!

Carolyn, received your envy today. Thanks!

Recd one last order of seeds have the following to share before i finish the envelopes and mail them. all are commercial seeds from burpee. let me know if anyone wants any

bush morning glory-convolvulus blue enchantment-2
canterbury bells-cup and saucer mix-1
columbine- harlequin mix-2
celosia-red velvet-all taken
portulaca-magic carpet mix-taken
viola-jphnny jump up-2
naught marietta-1
happy days mix-1
burpees best mix-2
sunset giants-1
american giants-2
cut and come again mix-6
giant flowered mix-6
lilliput mix-1
thumbelina mix-1
rose pin wheel-taken
petunia-royality mix-taken
bachelor buttons tall double mix-1

This message was edited Feb 17, 2011 9:52 AM

This message was edited Feb 19, 2011 9:21 AM

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Karen

Could I have a few of the Columbine Harlequin mix? Thanks!


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

How generous and what a nice selection. Would you please reserve a pinch of these for me?

Bush Morning Glory - Convolvulus "Blue Enchantment"
Columbine -- Harlequin mix
Celosia - Red Velvet
Marigold -- Sunset Giant

Thanks so much.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Nice selection what is rose pin wheel ?? sounds interesting :)
In this robin I will not send special TY Cards as I Did In the last & That will help lessen the postage.
Also as I Said or think I said If you have seeds for someone & They are down the line from you then you have the choice to send private mail or in the robin.
But please have theirs is a sealed envy . with to & From on the outside. & To the ones Who Have not recieved their Promised seeds you Need to contact the ones who do not share .
if you do not get a responce , I hope you will let me know , or leave a NEG Feed Back.

Sorry Don't mean to sound Rude in any way but it is only right that everyone gets what they ask for from other when they get theirs. I Just want to run a fair Robin.
Not saying this has happened Just saying please check to be sure your SEEDS were recieved for who they were intended for .

well i have a busy day planed so you all have a great day .

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Karen, may I have some

celosia-red velvet
portulaca-magic carpet mix
marigold: happy days mix


Athens, PA


I would love to have Marigold Naughty Marietta and Zinnia Rose Pinwheel, please

this is what I was able to pull for Zinnia Pinwheels - I am imagining a nice rose color.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

What is "rose pin wheel"??
inquiring minds wish to know?


Read shermans list, please explain what is liliput mix?
Or do I have the wrong heading for it?

This message was edited Feb 17, 2011 9:27 AM

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Sherman, I am not in the 2nd go round, but could I please have you send me the following seeds and I will remit postage to you?

1-canterbury bells mix
2-liliput mix
3-petunia royalty mix
4-canterbury bells mix

Thanks ever so much.


Athens, PA


both the rose pinwheel and the lilliput mix are zinnias. I love zinnias - they attract the butterflies.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I just completed my 100th winter sown container.

Thumbnail by merrymath
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow, what an awesome array!

Don't those cardboard boxes soak up rain and turn to mush?


maxine did you want 2 canterbury bells or did you list it twice and want something else? lmk

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I wish I'd known you were interested, before I sent your tomatoes! I have a good bit of Hazzards' Lilliput mix left.

"Lilliput" is a Zinnia elegans variety with relatively small, dense blooms like small pom-poms. Cheerful colors, one source called them "crayon colors". "Mix" probably means mixed colors. Mine lasted forever as cut flowers, and bloomed all summer and fall..

I thought NOT big, straggly or dramatic as some Zinnias are, but I see in DG and some seed vendors' sites that some Lilliput strains have fancier blooms than I thought, not just plain "golf balls":

Hazzards says this about their Lilliput mix:
- Zinnia Lilliput Choice Mix (mix of all colors)
- Double, 1½" beehive shaped flowers,
- pink, red, white, yellow, orange & coral

I found another source that said 'semi-dwarfed' and 'bushy' which sounds right to me.

BTW: I read that powdery mildew on Zinnias may be prevented by spraying them down - maybe that is why I havent had problems with it while wtaering from above:

National Gardening Association "Powdery Mildew on Zinnias" they say, and I quote:

Powdery mildew is unique among common plant diseases in that it doesn't require a wet leaf surface to spread. It can thus thrive during hot, dry weather, which is why you see it appearing in August. ... In the case of powdery mildew, you can actually inhibit infection with frequent sprays of water. "


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